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The 3 big reasons WvW Players left the game. (Personal experience)


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3 hours ago, Sviel.7493 said:

I think the core issue is that Anet does not seem to have learned from the problems that led to the tournament burnout.  They never addressed it publicly and the changes to the game have been all over the place.

It's simply not possible to play WvW seriously for any length of time without realizing the gap between your efforts and your results.  You can play a part of it like in a raiding guild, but if you actually try to engage with the scoring system then you will inevitably understand that nothing you do matters if your opponents have a bigger zerg.  You can't really outmaneuver that.  Thus, to win, you must stay online as long as possible to ensure your server has the edge in numbers all for...nothing.  Just a weekly reset and another pointless match.  The game is not fun in the moment and not fun in the big picture.

The people that stick around tend to find something fun in the moment, like raiding or dueling, and try to stick to that content exclusively.  This exacerbates the scoring issues but who can blame them?

Anet has failed to learn their lessons for many years and still continue in doing so. The biggest injury Anet did to us, the Community... from the beginning, was  advertising Guild Wars 2 as "Play Your Way"


Yes, the Lie and Deceptive advertisement is still there...on Guild War 2 website.

I saw the lie and deception long time when, Anet decided to give Stealth Mechanic to the other Professions. That was a Big Red Flag. 'The writing on the wall' was big enough for everyone to see. 

 https://www.tentonhammer.com/articles/guild-wars-2-are-thieves-and-mesmer-s-the-cause-of-the-meta#:~:text=A Mesmer’s burst comes from Shattering Clones and,attrition over raw burst power when using Sword%2FDagger.

You are Absolutely correct..I agree with everything you said. 

Anet has increased the size of the 'the writing on the wall' so large, for every one (new players, potential players, present players) can see The Big Picture of exactly their intentions are. 

The Lies, Deceptions, Empty Words, Repetitive Patterns, Un-Learned Lessons, are no longer hidden, a secret...'shoved under the carpet'

It is right there in front us, in the Biggest Writing-

"We Will Manipulate Some Numbers Here And There. We Will Get Our Way And You Will Find A Way To Be Ok With That"



Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1) The stab change. It was all downhill from there. 

2) Turning what was basically a digital equivalent of a fun and popular Sunday softball game into a hate-filled wanna-be eSport. ArenaNet doesn't deserve all the blame for this, as a lot of it was driven by a segment of the player base, but ArenaNet was fully complicit in it.

3) The boon ball metas, which have made the wanna-be eSport into eBand consisting solely of standing in a clump pushing buttons in pre-planned sequence or marching around in a clump pushing buttons in a pre-planned sequence. 

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1 hour ago, Thelgar.7214 said:

2) Turning what was basically a digital equivalent of a fun and popular Sunday softball game into a hate-filled wanna-be eSport. ArenaNet doesn't deserve all the blame for this, as a lot of it was driven by a segment of the player base, but ArenaNet was fully complicit in it.

People on the forum are still demanding more rewards for winning or changing the scoring so that only kills decide whether you win 🤷‍♂️

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One big reason why people leave WvW imo: GANKING


I mean, its not just ganking, but a lot of people in WvW are massively obsessed to create gank scenarios on all levels:

- in roaming, jumping into fair and even fights

- create small gank squads aka guild raids

- create large gank squads aka Meta-only Zergs

- create whole gank servers by transfering after re-link

- alliances coming soon 🤡


WvW players have developed ganking to an art of many colors. Ganking alone would not be a problem, but this obsession to gank, it massively kills most of the content. So, what is content in a large scale MMORPG PvP team game:


(1) to create your personal builds

map: do you want to roam, or defend outnumbered with a cloud build, or attack big structures in a squad? etc.

fight: if you decide for a scenario, you can create whatever you want, lots of choices


(2) positioning and movement

map: do I help defending bay or flipping camps around hills, cause it is close to Tier 2

fight: dodge enemy burst etc.


(3) skill usage

map: how to attack and defend, how to place siege

fight: lets say 30+ skills in your build and opponents bring theirs as well



(4) tactics

map: what are your teammates doing, what are your opponents doing → respond accordingly

fight: same as map, you can kite, push, stack, spread etc.


Its a great game mode right? Now take a gank squad, aka Meta Zerg, and check which of the above listed content is still available to you and which of this content is now occupied and carried out by your commander instead:


(1) 2 predefined roles: damage or support, 12 predefined „meta“ builds to choose from, you are not allowed to create and bring your own build

(2) completely predefined, stack-on-tag-stack-on-tag, move-to-the-choke-in-3-2-1-go!

(3) mostly predefined (you are still allowed to use your unimportant skills at will lol)

(4) completely predefined



- if you decide to roam as open-field scout and to upgrade own structures and delay the upgrading of opponent structures, you are still dependend on the will of guilds and zergs that may just decide to gank bags in SMC instead of responding calls

- if you decide to follow a moderate commander (or tag up yourself), they get told by Meta-only players that the casuals have to get kicked or otherwise the Meta-only players will leave, which inevitably comes down to either create a Meta-only gank squad or get ganked by the enemy Meta-only gank squad


I mean I have whitnessed community meetings (!) 👀 where those Meta-only gankers openly discussed tactics for half an hour, how to „cleanse“ squad / map / communuity / server from non-Meta casuals. From harmless „we have to train and educate them“ to „post false calls and waypoints in team chat, to get them off the map“.


This game mode has sadly developed into a „gank or get ganked“ Meta-only blablub fest. I for my part have learned the lesson, so I restrict myself to only kill one core ranger per day (its hard I know 😙). So, jump on the "save our WvW" train today and kill the gank "Meta" 💪😎👍

Edited by enkidu.5937
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