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Please make sure to give a proper intro to the story!

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"the Wizards are hungry for knowledge of the world they’ve dedicated themselves to protecting" - https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/new-rewards-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/ 

Protecting how???

What I mean by this is you can not start calling a faction protectors, guardians of the world etc. when they did nothing in the war against the dragons. The world was going to end if not for the true protectors and guardians aka the player character and their companions. These guys have to either prove themselves before being called anything among those lines or you have to give them a huge story bit explaining what deed they accomplished before and what epic drama took place that did not allow them to interfere while we were doing everything in our power to keep the world from being consumed by the void. They better have a good explanation. 


Should you fail to deliver a proper intro to these guys its gonna be just like the resurrections of the Bleach anime.  New chapter invalidating the previous entire anime aka the hundreds of episodes of trying to stop Aizen when he could have simply go to the soul king as a Shinigami instead of that stupid plot... I digress but you get the point.


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An understandable concern, especially since ANet's storytelling hasn't always been top notch. I do have a side note, though.

The fact that we haven't seen or heard the Wizards do something to protect Tyria doesn't mean they didn't. Tyrians haven't been aware of them at all, so anything they do the people are also not aware of, or won't recognize as such. There might have been other threats that needed to be held at bay, at the risk of making the Elder Dragon problem even worse.

In the end it's simple, though. The story hasn't been released yet. We have no idea what the background will be, what reasons they have for not directly interfering/assisting with the Elder Dragon problem. All of that will logically have to wait until it's released.

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4 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

An understandable concern, especially since ANet's storytelling hasn't always been top notch. I do have a side note, though.

The fact that we haven't seen or heard the Wizards do something to protect Tyria doesn't mean they didn't. Tyrians haven't been aware of them at all, so anything they do the people are also not aware of, or won't recognize as such. There might have been other threats that needed to be held at bay, at the risk of making the Elder Dragon problem even worse.

In the end it's simple, though. The story hasn't been released yet. We have no idea what the background will be, what reasons they have for not directly interfering/assisting with the Elder Dragon problem. All of that will logically have to wait until it's released.

Agreed, but as presented the Wizards both are protecting the world and are unaware of what's happening in the world.  So maybe they've been protecting the world from one specific thing (the baddies named in one of the blog posts and in the name of the new Skyscale skin) and had no way of viewing world events (they couldn't even send someone in disguise into Garrenhoff to get the news now and then?).  I'm still seeing it as a contradiction, however, and hope it'll be cleared up by the actual story when that arrives.

As to the OP request, hopefully they have already put it in.  If they're only a couple of months from release it's highly likely a lot of things like voice acting (and thus the script) are already locked in.  They probably can't add anything now even if they read this post, slap their foreheads, and say "that is so right, we need that."

Edited by Donari.5237
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Ooor the Tower is giant portal HUB between worlds and they were protecting our world from something based and living on a different world.


As long as dragons were eating magic here, Wizards couldnt get back, but hey, now drogons are gone and portal can be opened again. Wizards can come home. Alas, something is going to follow them..


/tinfoil hat off 🙂

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8 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

Agreed, but as presented the Wizards both are protecting the world and are unaware of what's happening in the world.  So maybe they've been protecting the world from one specific thing (the baddies named in one of the blog posts and in the name of the new Skyscale skin) and had no way of viewing world events (they couldn't even send someone in disguise into Garrenhoff to get the news now and then?).  I'm still seeing it as a contradiction, however, and hope it'll be cleared up by the actual story when that arrives.

As to the OP request, hopefully they have already put it in.  If they're only a couple of months from release it's highly likely a lot of things like voice acting (and thus the script) are already locked in.  They probably can't add anything now even if they read this post, slap their foreheads, and say "that is so right, we need that."

The Kryptis mentioned in the expansion info are described as a new threat coming through rifts in Tyria, so I don't think they have kept the Wizards preoccupied during all those centuries. One option could be that they were very aware of the Elder Dragons. Being magic users it wouldn't be surprising they knew of the ebb and flow of magic in Tyria and how Elder Dragons played a vital role in that process and didn't feel like risking the entire world by disrupting that cycle. By the time we started killing them there was no stopping the effects of our actions anymore.

Another thing we have to take into account is that the Wizards have been living in the skies for about a millennium. The last time the Elder Dragons arose was 11,000 years ago. Most of what we know about Elder Dragons we find out while playing through the story, piecing together the remnants of lore we find in various regions of Tyria. All the knowledge we now have wasn't readily available in a convenient single tome. It might very well be possible the Wizards don't know much about the Elder Dragons to begin with. And it's not as if we gave them the time to consider what to do once we started killing them.

We also don't know why they went into seclusion and distanced themselves from all sentient life on Tyria. And this new information also raises a lot more questions about Isgarren, the wizard who supposedly resides in the Wizard's Tower in Kessex Hills. The people of Garenhoff know about him, he helps protect them and has also invited people to his tower who have never been seen again. Is he at odds with his fellow Wizards for living so close to humans and helping them out? Or does living up in the skies mean they are too far away to see what's going on in Tyria (and were as such unaware of the latest dragonrise)?

There are many options to introduce them without creating plotholes or retconning lore. I just found it odd that OP immediately saw story and lore issues looking on the horizon. As it is, all we can do is wait for the story to be released. So far, though, there's no reason to believe the writers have messed up the story compared to what has already been told.

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I'm sure they have a plan for it, and in particular it looks like Zojja returning as a member of their order (you don't accidentally make a character with the same face, headgear, skin color, eye color, and ears), might be the mechanism by which we are introduced.  So I suspect they have that aspect of this well thought out.


What I don't know if they've thought about very much is the Dragons ate magic.  And a big-ol powerful group of wizards sitting around in the sky would have been a gigantic unignorable beacon for the dragons.  It was the same problem the Mursaat, Seers, and other members of the alliance encountered.   Any magic powerful enough to defeat the dragons inexorably drew them and fed them.  If the Mursaat, Seers, Jotun (back when they were mighty), dwarves, and Forgotten couldn't outmagic dragons and had to hide their magic in the bloodstones to escape them... how'd the wizards dodge the dragons?


It'll probably be "oh, it was in another plane and now it's been pooped out in Tyria" or something.  But it is curious, particularly as the Wizard's Tower was very much in Tyria, how much of the rest of the order was?

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