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[PVE] Let Loose should make Ambush available directly, not reset it's internal cooldown.


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Right now it doesn't feel good to play

You Unleash Pet, Unleash Ranger, Ambush - You Swap Weapon, You Unleash Pet, Unleash Ranger, Ambush. Then you basically can do your rotation before after ~10 seconds the shenanigans of constant leashing back and forth around the weapon swap starts again.

1) Leash/Unleash has an internal Cooldown which makes fast and constant swapping back and forth feel really clunky and annoying for the sake of spamming Ambushes.

2) Since you lack a whopping 25% Damage Modifier when not Unleashed it's unwise to use any ability as a filler in the ~1 Second Window Pet is unleashed.

Thus my first bandaid idea is basically in the title. You swap weapon while having Let Loose equipped will instantly grant you access to the specific Ambush skill. In my book that sounds like a start, especially since you can Sync Unleash Pet F1 with a one time Leash/Unleash every ~10 seconds to have a filler.

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I agree on this.

It feels even worse now especially since if you wonna go like Unleash Pet -> Unleash Ranger -> Ambush + F1-2-3 Pet skills, after you swap your weapon you can do the whole thing again just to get another Ambush, but pet abilities are not recharged and switching stances to get an ambush feels very forced and out of rotation.

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Lmao it was so confusing ! I mean it's ''fine'', but the constant F5ing is annoying AF. Technically, you won't need 100% boon duration.


It should be ambush right after weapon swap with higher quickness duration. I don't know why they went with that back and forth thing.

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I had created a Ranger so I could have a Healer and I didn't like Mechanist or Firebrand who were the other meta options.

I didn't enjoy the Celestial Avatar aspect to boost healing but whatever.

I was actually looking forward to this patch for Ranger because the description with weapon swapping regarding the ambushes made it like that was all that was needed. Why the KITTEN does Weapon Swap reset the cooldown if you still have to press F5 twice each time you want to provide Quick? 

It just makes it so much clunkier and provides no benefit to the player.

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Just terrible design, through and through.  Like, the mechanic behind it makes no sense at all... why would a ranger ever want to unleash pet AND unleash self just to get access to a measly ambush skill???  It's like they went out of their way to think of the most convoluted way to replace Fervent Force.

Edited by Mazinger.1084
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4 hours ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

Can we simply get classic Fervent Force back? 

It has been cast to purgatory with Ancient Seeds for being so OP that no one can actually explain why.

I still don't get why ambush just doesn't reset on weapon swap baseline.  Also, why it isn't just a skill you use like steal instead of being timed and tied to your auto-attack for extra annoyance points.  

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51 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It has been cast to purgatory with Ancient Seeds for being so OP that no one can actually explain why.

I still don't get why ambush just doesn't reset on weapon swap baseline.  Also, why it isn't just a skill you use like steal instead of being timed and tied to your auto-attack for extra annoyance points.  

The problem with Fervent Force and Ancient Seeds I think are two separate issues.

Ancient Seeds was taken out of the game I am betting because CMC himself got kited and killed by a Druid and so has a vendetta against that skill.

The problem with Fervent Force is more of a balancing issue.

Along with Continuum Shift with the Chronomancer Fervent Force creates a MASSIVE gap between the skill floor and skill ceiling. The gap for these two classes are much bigger than any other class in the game.

It makes things a pain for balancing because if you try to balance the numbers so the average player can enjoy the content then the high end players will blow through everything without any challenge. But if you set the numbers for the high end players to be balanced then the average player is too far below the curve. That's one reason the Untamed was so unpopular. To be adequate was above the skill ability of the majority of players and it just wasn't worthwhile.

This also makes it more difficult when introducing new abilities. They are now coming out with the Daggers and maces that the Untamed will have access to. The question is how will those work out when put in a situation where the high end players can effectively eliminate cooldowns while other people can't maintain those rotations?

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21 minutes ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

The problem with Fervent Force and Ancient Seeds I think are two separate issues.

Ancient Seeds was taken out of the game I am betting because CMC himself got kited and killed by a Druid and so has a vendetta against that skill.

The problem with Fervent Force is more of a balancing issue.

Along with Continuum Shift with the Chronomancer Fervent Force creates a MASSIVE gap between the skill floor and skill ceiling. The gap for these two classes are much bigger than any other class in the game.

It makes things a pain for balancing because if you try to balance the numbers so the average player can enjoy the content then the high end players will blow through everything without any challenge. But if you set the numbers for the high end players to be balanced then the average player is too far below the curve. That's one reason the Untamed was so unpopular. To be adequate was above the skill ability of the majority of players and it just wasn't worthwhile.

This also makes it more difficult when introducing new abilities. They are now coming out with the Daggers and maces that the Untamed will have access to. The question is how will those work out when put in a situation where the high end players can effectively eliminate cooldowns while other people can't maintain those rotations?

I agree, but in terms of universal CD reduction they have stuff like alacrity in the game with wildly different ways to access it.  Through that lens they don't seem particularly concerned about how hard something is to play.  They just seem to add that boon randomly to things and go from there.

To me, it made more sense to modify FF to make it only affect cantrips and then improve the cantrips.  Essentially what they did on Bladesworn for Tactical Reload only affecting bladesworn abilities so you can't faeroll using shouts (as much).

Really though I believe the consensus is that they have a serious problem with balancing mechanical complexity.  Since for a while there we had Untamed and Mechanist, one with mega-high APM for mediocre gain and the other just hitting one button to 1-shot everything. 

Sure, they've smoothed that out a little, but the core problem remains here, they have little idea how to balance risk vs. reward and just cover the gaps with boon spam.  

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Since weapon swap has 10sec cooldown and Let Loose is tied to it, does it mean that I need to have high concentration to have 100% quickness uptime?  The base quickness from Let Loose is 4sec.  Is there any skill to help with that...I only know Lingering Magic from Nature tree. 

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For me no. While it sounds like a good idea you have to remember that any use of skills that are not the auto has a very high chance of disabling / removing the ambush. I would much rather keep the inconvenience and the control than seeing my skill disappear.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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