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Warrior Has Earned My Respect


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Welcome to the club. 

The pool of Tears is to the left. 

The memorial to Arc Divider is down the hall, second door to the right. 

Hammer swing practice is every Monday at 10am.

Joga lessons Thursday and Saturday at 1pm.


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Please be aware that half your hammer skills in wvw (I dont know about pvp, probably that too) don't do any damage. So skills like Back Breaker is actually a Back Massager. Don't be like me expecting do a lot of damage and then finding you probably healed the enemy instead. A year has passed and I'm still disappointed about it.

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3 hours ago, SirDoNKeY.4578 said:

Please be aware that half your hammer skills in wvw (I dont know about pvp, probably that too) don't do any damage. So skills like Back Breaker is actually a Back Massager. Don't be like me expecting do a lot of damage and then finding you probably healed the enemy instead. A year has passed and I'm still disappointed about it.

Don't worry we'll be able to swap these out for pure damage unleashed version once xpac hits.
Oh wait...wrong profession.

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8 hours ago, SirDoNKeY.4578 said:

Please be aware that half your hammer skills in wvw (I dont know about pvp, probably that too) don't do any damage. So skills like Back Breaker is actually a Back Massager. Don't be like me expecting do a lot of damage and then finding you probably healed the enemy instead. A year has passed and I'm still disappointed about it.

i could use one of those bring your hammer to back massage me please

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Had a look at that build. I suspect that only works because it depends on others for survivability.

Most other professions get easy access to several damaging conditions without compromising on survivability.

You want to build a decent, uncomplicated, solo-capable warrior with access to more than one damaging condition? Yeah, good luck with that.

I'd be happy to be proved wrong however. I'm interested in speccing up my second warrior for condi.

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I'm still a relative newbie to GW2 and Warrior is my only profession/class at this time so my 2¢ ain't worth a plug nickel. That said, from what I've seen in YouTube videos and read on the forums, Warrior is simpler to operate than the other professions.

"Simple" doesn't always mean easy though.

Having fewer fancy functions has forced me to study and learn what the Warrior's armor, weapons, skills, runes, sigils, and food and utility boons do and how they work in concert. (Plate of Spicy Moa Wings add the very "elite" skills of belching and farting. 🤣) I'm still learning and getting better at my keyboard-fu. (I use left-hand mouse/right-hand keyboard so the custom key binds make things even more... um,... "interesting".)

As for condition damage, the longbow does burning and the sword does bleeding. The aquatic weapons do some bleeding but they (and underwater combat, as a whole, for that matter) seem more like an afterthought that the developers tacked on and then forgot about. Runes and sigils can either enhance the weapons' condition damage or if the weapon doesn't have condition damage, sigils can add it (eg: Sigil of Earth = bleeding).

I feel like I'm in over my head with all the things that a player can do in GW2 so I'll stick with the simple Warrior and master that to the best of my ability.

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11 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Had a look at that build. I suspect that only works because it depends on others for survivability.

Most other professions get easy access to several damaging conditions without compromising on survivability.

You want to build a decent, uncomplicated, solo-capable warrior with access to more than one damaging condition? Yeah, good luck with that.

I'd be happy to be proved wrong however. I'm interested in speccing up my second warrior for condi.

Challenge accepted.


Here's an open world condi zerker for you.
It's equipped with solid defenses (anti cc, anti condi, anti burst,  self healing) as well as solid offense (might, quicknes, fury).
The key to success is to understand how it works and customizing it to your needs.


Self buffing:
Offense-wise remember to buff yourself up. Cast "Might is right!" off cooldown for basically perma 12 might with spikes to 18 plus some Fury.
Missing fury will be padded by using bursts, while missing might by using your cc thanks to rune of aristocracy and body blow trait synergy.
Since might heals you due to Might makes Right don't be afraid to overdo it with your other might sources (sword 4 follow-up up skill "Rip", longbow blasting it's own fire fields - burst + skill 3).
Quickness will come from both entering and leaving berserk mode plus doing any hard cc thanks to sigil of celerity. It won't be 100% uptime in this variant of the build, but it'll be good enough when used right.

Speaking of cc - your easiest source of it is the longbow and it's Smoldering arrow - 3 charges for your proccing needs.
Then there's the headbutt for both stunbreaking and a big single target stun, as well as Fear Me! to deal with whole packs of enemies, while giving them nasty 14s weakness.

Defense-wise you're also not left to fend for yourself.
Enemy cc will not stick as you got tons of counter mesures. Entering or leaving berserk mode will break any cc on you and give you 2 stacks of stab.
Movement skills (headbutt, sword leap) give you one stack of stab.
Headbutt and "shake it off!" are both stunbreaks.
"Fear me!" has 0 cast time and will aoe fear enemies even when you're cc'd yourself.

For condies you got Mending which is a short cooldown 5 condi removal and shake it off which removes 3 condies and has 2 charges.

Anti burst comes from entering and leaving berserk mode -  2 secs of strike damage immunity each time you do it.
Also both Might makes Right and Eternal Champion traits provide some solid endurance generation for your extra dodging needs.

As for healing - getting might heals you and mending is a pretty solid, low cooldown heal.

Ofc there are situations where you might want to go harder on either offense or defense.
Going Aggressive Onslaught instead of Might Makes Right is the first easy step to more damage, allowing you to ditch sigil of celerity in favour of sigil of malice, giving you full 100% bleed and burn durations. But it's a risky play since Might Makes right is a pretty solid defensive pick without going into defense line.

If you're facing something big and ugly where normal mesures are not enough, swap strength line to defense. As long as you go Cull the weak you will keep the ability to stack might from Rune of Aristocracy only this time it'll be via bursting and not cc'ing. From there you got tons of options, depending on your needs. The defense passives are already amazing giving you tons of extra sustain. Adrenal Health, prot when you heal and resolution when you block (sword 5) or eat a crit. From there it's up to your needs if you go for more offense or some iron-clad defense.

Defy pain + Land Stand is the latter option. Now headbutt gives you 5s strike damage immunity on a 20s cd. That's a very large window of damage immunity.
You can also opt to replace Mending with Defiant Stance. If it's a champ that hits super hard, this heal will provide much more value and grant you another fat 5s window of damage immunity, this time to both condies and strike damage. Not to mention passive prot is triggered after the heal ran it's course, providing another window of anti-burst. Combine the two with smart usage or berserk mode for it's strike damage immunity and small healing from passive Blood Reckoning and you got yourself a build that will not go down easy.

For big ol 1v1 with champs replace Fear Me! and it's long cooldown with Wild blow for a much more bearable 20s cd for a 3s knockdown. Or bull's charge if you need to chase your target.
Desperate times may call for desperate mesures and a shield instead of offhand sword. Keep in mind though offhand sword is a better block for ranged attacks as it's 70% of shield stance's duration for slightly less than half the cooldown. If it's a pure melee fight however shield might prove more valuable.

There is a lot more of mix-and-matching that can be done here depending on your needs. But basically you should get the gist of it.
You don't need raid damage in open world, you need surviability for all sorts of occasions and this build provides it.

Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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My brother, welcome to the path of war! Cover thine ears from the moans of those long since stuck on the boulders that stand in thy way. I know they may look intimidating at times. Monstrous, even. But in time you shall come to love thine struggle and embrace thine suffering. The moans of those about you are but being tempted by Broki, who comes to take the gains with which Brodin hath blessed us for our noble struggle. Devote thine self, I say, to the path of pain and struggle, and before long your legs shall be like great oaks rooting deep into the earth and thine back so wide it blocks the light of Sol so that when thine enemies come before you to be slain, they shall die in darkness. But you shall never be consumed by the darkness, for your head shall be head high, always pointing up towards the unreachable peak of the mountain that is Warrior. For that is what it means to be a warrior, to push past the end, to seek out struggle when all struggles hath been conquered, to seek what lies past the back of beyond! Now come, my brother in war, it is time for you to climb with us!

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he crouches there waiting, moist dew trickling down his brow, charr do not sweat, but in these parts of the mists, it has always been damp and foggy, the smell of damp wet fur reminds him of being sprayed by that detested human named Lan. his finger twitches, squeezing ever so slightly on the trigger of his gunsaber, tail wagging with anticipation, he needs to calm his nerves, he breathes deeply, taking in the tranquility of the flow, as he hears the heavy hoofsteps of the dolyak and the banter of haplesss guards, his patience has been rewarded, *lunch he thought to himself, as he lunged out of his hiding place, propelled by the explosive force of his gunsaber. the escorts yelped in surprise, they were green, not expecting the supply caravan to be besieged, he knew, he was once much like them, but he is not like them now, he survived and now he hunts.

the scout was the first to gather herself, and shot a round in his direction, he spun with his gunsabber as he dashed forward, deflecting the shot back at her, the round exploded just in front of her face, black powder blinding her, while launching a round from his gunsaber at the other guard, who was frantically lunging at him from the distance, eyes wide with fear, the projectile landed with a loud thud, and the blow left the guard dazed. the charr crouched, sheathing his gunsaber, channeling into his excitement, his unbridled fury, concentrating, letting it flow, course throughout his body, his muscles tensed, his fur standing on end, and then suddenly, he vanished.

the scout looked up still in shock, she squinted, tears welling up from her eyes, she choked, a puff of black smoke coming out of her mouth, she glimpsed her fellow guard still dazed and the dolyak a good distance away, but no sign of their assailant, she offered a prayer to the six as she tried to wipe the soot from her eyes, it was gone, the charr that besieged them was gone, just as quickly as it appeared, and she was alive, they were all alive, and unhurt for the most part. she walked towards her comrade, who was still dazed and dumbfounded, as she wondered to herself what could have happened, but she was alive, and this was the mists, there was no reason to ponder for long, all that mattered was that she was still alive, that they were alive.

@oscuro.9720  Since we're writing, I title this short, "Error Code=42:0:9001:4457:101"😑

Edited by eXruina.4956
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@ZeftheWicked.3076, thanks for that.

That a good build; I've changed it around more to suit my style of play by replacing "Fear Me!" with Shattering Blow, and swapped out off-hand sword for torch for easier access to burning, but otherwise a good build.

If I had full legendary, I'd maybe try a Trailblazer variant, but I always like builds that utilise celestial thanks to it having a higher total stat bonus than any other prefix.

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Just now, Napo.1230 said:

Also there's a mandatory clause in the contract that atleast one warrior must be norn.


BOOO my warr is a charr it fits perfectly.Char warr is epic because of aggressive nature.

Edited by Axl.8924
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11 minutes ago, Axl.8924 said:

Is axe/axe underpowered? as of now i mean with the changes also is core warr considered underpowered?

Personally I love core warrior and use it mainly for roaming it's really the perfect core class for me.

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1 hour ago, Axl.8924 said:

Is axe/axe underpowered? as of now i mean with the changes also is core warr considered underpowered?

Core is definitely still competitive.  I chalk it up to excellent synergy between the traitlines; synergy I don't often feel in other professions.

My PvE hybrid damage build is a core build similar to what ZeftheWicket posted, and I regularly fight champs with it.   

I'm also working on a core WvW build based on suggestions I've been getting over the last few weeks (ty everyone who've given me advice and sent/linked builds), but also from a recent thread Mace/Shield and Hammer train = Destroy Ele Easily which has an interesting and effective core WvW build and elite alternatives.

As far as your first question about axe/axe and the recent balance patch, I don't recall it touching the axe.  Axe continues to be a solid choice in all modes, afaik.  There was a thread in June Bladesworn - Shield Master trait, and on pg 3 Dahkeus links a vid to a WvW axe/pistol bladesworn build by Vallun... it's an excellent example of leveraging mh-axe in WvW.


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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2 hours ago, Axl.8924 said:

Is axe/axe underpowered? as of now i mean with the changes also is core warr considered underpowered?

I mean, now that Tactics is mosty support, what third traitline do you want to play on a core Power build?

Strenght + Disc + What?

Arms is useless.

Defense is uselss outside of Hammer.

Tactics doesnt offer anything you want.



Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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