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Do you think SotO will add any challenging solo content?

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Another thread here theorized that the Wizard's Tower could be something equivalent to FFXIV's Deep Dungeons, and it got me thinking that one of the things that GW2 lacks compared to other MMOs like FFXIV and Runescape is satisfying endgame solo content. FFXIV has Deep Dungeons, randomly generated 200-flour rouglelike dungeons that can be done with anywhere between 1 and 4 players, and rewards an exclusive title for those that manage to clear the final floor solo, as well as the Masked Carnivale, a series of exclusively solo instanced encounters centered around the Blue Mage class, ranging from more puzzle-like encounters to bosses that are as mechanically complex a those found in raids. And on Runescape's side, nearly the entire game is designed with solo play in mind, and takes it further with special Ironman modes that cut off access to things like the bank and trading post to force the player to be completely self-reliant. GW2 doesn't have anything like that. Everything that isn't the story, whether it be open-world metas, instanced PvE, or competitive modes, is designed to be done in groups. And sometimes I want a challenge where clearing it means for certain it was because of my own skill, not because players better than me carried me through it. Also because I find buildcraft for solo play far more interesting than for group content.


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Sounds interesting. Ive been thinking about giving FFXIV another shot. Thank you for the information.

That said, I doubt it. The emphasis for ANet these days seems to be on large zerg oriented meta events and instanced 5 to 10 player content. Solo play seems to center around story and some OW exploration. Too bad, what you describe sound like something fun to do while my guild group is off-line. Right now I solo roam WvW and would enjoy a similarly challenging PvE option.

It might be worth noting that some dungeons, fractals, and strikes can be soloed. No rewards for the extra effort though.

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Dunno. I won't mind it if they add it, but generally I am logging into gw2 to play and hang out with other ppls. When I want a challanging solo expirience I just play some souls game. So as much as I wouldn't complain about devs adding it, I would rather prefere the resources to be spend elswhere.

Edited by Biziut.3594
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