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[Feedback] Antique Summoning Stones & Legendary Material & Supply

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*Kicks Soap Box out from under the coffee table and dusting it off, proceeding to stand on top*

I know supply and demand are factor within any economy. Amalgamated Gemstone for one has a healthy supply and the price is very stable right now, even though it has reached over 1g in the past. An example of something gone wrong is Sigil of Nullification around the Elegy (Requiem) Armor.

There is a new problem now, a lack of supply and hoarding with Antique Summoning Stones, I say that last point because it's not like people have much of a choice with the scraps ArenaNet gives us. For example, Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone's, are 3x or 4x more than Antique Summoning Stones mostly because of the ridiculous x10 Lodestone recipes -even though the price is horrendous you don't need a lot of them and the supply isn't lacking.
There's no way to craft Antique Summoning Stones and you can maybe achieve getting 5 + 7 a week if you can manage to do Soo-Won everyday. 5-12 a week per account is not a lot... I think this material is subject to what happened with Sigil of Nullification and Mystic Coins: Trade Post Barrens. Aka, people with so much gold and account wealth that they leverage the BLTP Market.

I was content with Antique Summoning Stones being at 3g ea, it made sense to me. I'm apart of the big rush for Legendary Crafting (Aurene's) and the market being in flux because of SotO, and I contribute by selling a lot of Ambergris, 'cause I love fishing. I have the mentality to work on something as quickly as possible because that is within my ability to play this game, put in work and get rewarded. Antique Summoning Stones does not fit my mentality and is a pain in my kitten...

ArenaNet, we really need crafting recipes for Antique Summoning Stones and throw in the Memory of Aurene, Jade Runestone, etc, even have them be a part of more Metas. HECK! Please for the love of kittens -can we give Core Tyria World Bosses Hero Chests(?) just like the Expansion Metas (HoT, PoF, EoD). This would help massively with populating older Metas and a lot more people would go on Boss Trains. I'd love to get Antique Summoning Stones from Teq.

We need to make 2g + Hero Chest as a standard reward for World Bosses and Metas and standardize the selections with Legendary Crafting materials from the expansions.

Thanks for reading. ❤️

Edited by Tearthy Flame.1463
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  • Tearthy Flame.1463 changed the title to [Feedback] Antique Summoning Stones & Legendary Material & Supply

Notice, that while other sources for Antique Summoning Stones would be nice, you can't overdo that. Otherwise all we'd do is elevate the prices of Jade Runestones and Ambergris. All that stuff that is only good for legendary crafting is so interconnected, that a change to one element creates a wave impacting all the others. It could already be seen when Anet ninja-nerfed the kaineng JP to be limited per account - it caused Jade Runestones to increase in price, but also resulted in an opposite reaction for Summoning Stones (as different material has suddenly become a chokepoint).

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice, that while other sources for Antique Summoning Stones would be nice, you can't overdo that. Otherwise all we'd do is elevate the prices of Jade Runestones and Ambergris. All that stuff that is only good for legendary crafting is so interconnected, that a change to one element creates a wave impacting all the others. It could already be seen when Anet ninja-nerfed the kaineng JP to be limited per account - it caused Jade Runestones to increase in price, but also resulted in an opposite reaction for Summoning Stones (as different material has suddenly become a chokepoint).

I did mention the possibility of creating crafting recipes for these other materials and placing them into more loot pools and rewards, more specifically for World Boss Event content, thus a more steady supply for all players and the TP. Yet your point is still correct in the scenario where ArenaNet creates more ways to obtain Antique's; but only for that material, while ignoring other materials.

Ambergris is an odd outlier, you can obtain it through some events in EoD -yet practically have a unlimited supply of it if you're willing to do Fishing for many hours. I don't know what to think of this material in particular... Hmm. If it should be adjusted or not.

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They don't "need" to be cheaper tho. They're only used for legendaries, not tied in to any other content. And legendaries should be expensive, plus you have other generations of legendaries to consider if this generation gets priced out of your comfort zone. Thanks to the armory you don't actually need to craft anything from this generation at all . . .

That aside, I suspect the current spike is a result of ppls hedging against the requirements of the new expac armors and will drop back down quickly after release. I don't think a one week spike is any cause for alarm, certainly not a cause to introduce new avenues of acquisition . . .

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Already dropped in Price in since you posted. You have 5 easy ones you can buy. Another potential 5 from Strikes CM. On top of the potential 7 from meta. That is a potential supply of 17 per account per week. Challenge mode are challenging, but hideout and Anka are "easy" enough to learn if you care about extra stones. Meta is quite long, but you probably can squeeze 2 in, during  the weekend. So the "reasonable" potential self supply is 5-9 in a week. So around 3 Months for a leggy, seems okay.
Oversupply means no more free money I get from talking to a vendor-,-. I actually skip the Imperial favor trade often, because I'm short on them and 3g isn't that much. Oversupply could also tank the price too much, where they become useless inventory filler like prismatic crystal.

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Just like HoT Amalgamated Gemstone that drop from other expanions,  Aurene most likely will drop form the other expanions  too  .So dont rush to get them.

Hopefully in a redesigned PoF meta , that can be done by few people (because of afkers) , but has mechanics like HoT , or even progressive get harder near the Sunday(satisfy 2 groups...but the prices stay normal)


(ofc if people are doing  soon won meta ..thats why the drop rising after the nerf of the Jumping 100% chance per character....hmmm)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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The price is rather stable, I don't think what you're proposing is needed at all. 1 gold increase in price for 3 days is a bit early to panic about supply and demand, both still look fine for now.

Request to "standardize selections" between the world bosses and metas with varying time and effort they require make no sense to me either, regardless of the price of anything you mentioned in this thread.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The price is rather stable, I don't think what you're proposing is needed at all. 1 gold increase in price for 3 days is a bit early to panic about supply and demand, both still look fine for now.

I can see how the Antique Mat does have a reasonable supply, every week and a handful of other methods. I think it's my perspective of things and how I struggled with this material when it was 5-6g and I still feel like I struggle with it at 3g. Yet it's more manageable now. I'd like to play a broader scope of GW2's content while working for the rewards I want -though that's not impossible even right now just more limited. I think it also hurts players that Group Metas have ballooned to this 1-2 hour length but that's a totally different topic.
And yes I'm aware of all the new SotO reward systems, I wonder what that'll be about.

It's just in my mind I'd like to get more Hero Chests from older Metas and have a standard list of legendary materials to pick from.

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2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

easiest way would be buy another eod account double ur kitten or even tripple with a third account.

Okay. I'll pull out 30$ USD bucks out of my empty wallet, that's the least expensive standard option if I don't need to spend 50$ USD for HoT + PoF + EoD, after I have negative -30$ plus tax... I'd have to spend all day working on story and masteries (Antique Summoning Stones require: Arborstone Revitalization > Globalization), have no mounts because I wouldn't own PoF, ain't that funny. Now I'll mention how I'd feel terrible doubling my hours playing GW2 with barely any benefits and so many other terrible reasons I can list.
Having multiple accounts is a chore to maintain and not worth it when you cannot conjure up more time to live (hours of someone's life wasted), but I'll acknowledge that people do play multiple accounts and I have nothing against how they enjoy GW2.

I'm sorry -I am being blunt and crude. But . . . you're giving a solution that only creates problems for a player and does not address a underlining issue with GW2's Rewards for individual Players. This is terrible advice.

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