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Advice on Character slot and level 80 boost

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I'm coming back to the game before the new expansion to refamiliarize myself with the game play.  I still have a character slot and a level 80 boost not being used and I plan on getting the deluxe of the new expansion which gives me another character slot as well another level 80 boost.  I see no need for either since I already have all 9 professions and all of them at level 80.  I've heard people using characters for putting them in certain spots to get chest/loot/rare mats or for keys I'm not that hardcore.   I've looked up what other people are using their 10th or whatever # character slot they're on, I've heard of fashion wars?! I don't really want to know what that is but I'm fine with the outfits I bought for my characters from the gem store, also heard which is normal for mmos is bank alts I tried that just doesn't seem that great of an idea to me I'd need a few bank alts which I don't want to do I'd rather spend gems and open up more tabs in the account wide bank vault.

If anything I wish there was new race(s) or profession(s) or have the 80 boost saleable, to me it's a waste to use and a waste having it sit in my inventory.  To me it's why use it when I have at least a character of the 5 races and I have all 9 professions with each one at level 80.  What is the sale point in making another character and using the level 80 boost?


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You make a very good point of why you do not need it. I see no reason to change your view on this.

Given what you describe, the biggest advantage of using your boost is to free up a shared inventory slot. I bought a extra character slot to do just that with my EoD boost and she's now a parked alt, something your already admitted not being into. For my SotO one, I'll probably waste it on my key farmer character. First world problem.

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1 hour ago, Cirth.1543 said:

I'm coming back to the game before the new expansion to refamiliarize myself with the game play.  I still have a character slot and a level 80 boost not being used and I plan on getting the deluxe of the new expansion which gives me another character slot as well another level 80 boost.  I see no need for either since I already have all 9 professions and all of them at level 80.  I've heard people using characters for putting them in certain spots to get chest/loot/rare mats or for keys I'm not that hardcore.   I've looked up what other people are using their 10th or whatever # character slot they're on, I've heard of fashion wars?! I don't really want to know what that is but I'm fine with the outfits I bought for my characters from the gem store, also heard which is normal for mmos is bank alts I tried that just doesn't seem that great of an idea to me I'd need a few bank alts which I don't want to do I'd rather spend gems and open up more tabs in the account wide bank vault.

If anything I wish there was new race(s) or profession(s) or have the 80 boost saleable, to me it's a waste to use and a waste having it sit in my inventory.  To me it's why use it when I have at least a character of the 5 races and I have all 9 professions with each one at level 80.  What is the sale point in making another character and using the level 80 boost?


If you didn't need a character slot, then why did you purchase Deluxe version? You could as well just have bought standard version of SoTO which doesn't add character slot and you would still have got a Shared Inventory slot with level 80 booster. The only difference would be a skin and emote that you only can get from Deluxe.

Anyway with one more character slot, you can use it for creating one character to farm keys (reset each week), but be very careful to not spend any upgrade on Bag slots as those will be lost when you delete character and start all over. (Also make sure any permanent Gem Store item like Infinite gathering tools, salvage tools etc that you might have moved to that character for farming keys will be in bank or sitting in Shared Inventory slot before you delete your key farm character.)

There are different use for extra characters like yourself have described. You could put one character to fast farm your Home Instance (only have to log in and when finished log out or to your other character for doing stuff) or Guild Hall, or have it sitting on important places in maps for daily rewards from chest (JP) or anything else where you might find it would take more time move your character to that map and then back to where you where for doing other things every day to slowly gain what every goals you might have.

If you play other game modes (WvW, Raids etc) then having more character can also be cheaper then buying templates to have the correct gear equipped and traits on that character instead of spending time to manually set up or adjust builds for doing things in those game modes.

There are nine profession, every profession have four possible combination which make it a total of 36 profession in total (see wiki link for table over profession: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Profession)


Level 80 booster is the base line for anything that is called an Expansion in GW2 as it is delivered with Shared Inventory slot as a package for expansion sales. As there are many new players that play this game for the first time (with purchase of an expansion) level 80 booster give those players a way to fast get into that content with a new character (as those maps are level 80 maps and you need a level 80 character to work on Mastery tracks).

For player that already have played this game for some time and have at least one level 80 character, then this booster is more a free try out build and/or profession booster (you can try out a new character in Silverwastes and reset that character/profession as long you don't leave SW or confirm that will want to use that booster for making that character permanent).

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Best uses for extra character slots:

- additional builds on a class you play a lot

- dedicated WvW/pvp characters. Let's you use boosters/buffs without having them expire in lame pve. Dedicated builds for the modes too

- additional yearly rewards. Seems minor initially, once you pass 20-30 characters I dare you to actually use up those birthday boosters.

- 1 dedicated weekly keyfarmer

- extra storage space aka bank characters

- daily loging characters foe jumping puzzles and chests

and more. 

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'Fashion Wars' is probably less of a big deal than you're imagining. In this case it's literally just having extra characters so you can make them look completely different and use more skins and outfits.

For example I have two light armoured female sylvari, who are very different. One is turquoise and green with purple accents (loosely based on the Maguuma Jungle from GW1) and wears clothing styles which can best be described as 'minimal' or 'practical'. The other is white with black and pale green accents (based on a silver birch tree) and wears very elegant, often elaborate clothing. I also have two engineers - one is a norn scrapper who learned engineering from the charr so her whole aesthetic is solid, practical machinery. The other is an asuran holosmith so everything he uses glows and sparks and does unpredictable things. (I actually made the second one because I like playing holosmith but it seemed totally wrong for my existing engineer.)

Calling it Fashion Wars is just a way of implying that's what the whole game is about. I think it started with World of Warcraft where it would be 'World of [Whatever]' but every game seems to have a version. The first one I remember for GW2 was Build Wars - because of the horizontal progression meaning that having a good build and knowing how to use it was more important than your level and equipment rarity.

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On 7/20/2023 at 1:56 AM, Cirth.1543 said:

I'm coming back to the game before the new expansion to refamiliarize myself with the game play.  I still have a character slot and a level 80 boost not being used and I plan on getting the deluxe of the new expansion which gives me another character slot as well another level 80 boost.  I see no need for either since I already have all 9 professions and all of them at level 80.  I've heard people using characters for putting them in certain spots to get chest/loot/rare mats or for keys I'm not that hardcore.   I've looked up what other people are using their 10th or whatever # character slot they're on, I've heard of fashion wars?! I don't really want to know what that is but I'm fine with the outfits I bought for my characters from the gem store, also heard which is normal for mmos is bank alts I tried that just doesn't seem that great of an idea to me I'd need a few bank alts which I don't want to do I'd rather spend gems and open up more tabs in the account wide bank vault.

If anything I wish there was new race(s) or profession(s) or have the 80 boost saleable, to me it's a waste to use and a waste having it sit in my inventory.  To me it's why use it when I have at least a character of the 5 races and I have all 9 professions with each one at level 80.  What is the sale point in making another character and using the level 80 boost?


If you really don't want a new character for anything, you can just consume it with an already leveled character. I know it's a waste but it's better than having it take up a shared slot. 

Regardless of being hardcore or not, I recommend you do park a few alts for chests, it's the simplest thing you can do to make gold so that's the best thing you can do with it, but if you really don't feel like it, you don't have to do it. 

And fashion wars you don't really need to worry about, I mean you only engage in it if you want to, can't argue that having your characters look good isn't nice, but it's all up to you. 

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I'd use empty slots just for the birthday ticking.

You'll find a use for the new chars later. When you're returning you don't know yet where you'll want to camp later for daily pick ups. Not necessary for fancy loot, sometimes just for time gated resources or achievements or collecting for legendary equipment etc.

Also a class like guard is so versatile that youll reach the limit of equipments set slots and build slots and then either have to pay gems to buy more or you have another guard 😉

Also some maps and modes have so many drops, that it is a good idea to have a dedicated character for that that keeps all the stuff. Like a wvw char that keeps all the siege prints and tricks and traps. A fishing char that keeps all the fishes (don't waste any fish of rarity rare or higher, you may need them later), baits and stuff. And you can never have enough bank chars in general. I even have a silverwastes char that has the sand stuff, the shovels and keys and key pieces and mordrem parts drops etc

Edited by Lucy.3728
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So, my plan for this topic is basically this.  I wanted  (And have 9 chaarcter slots. One for each profession.) I would also like a few more.  One for Opening Unidentified gear, or maybe I could part alts on specific maps incase I need a material from a specific map.  Say, Iron, platinum, Linen, Rugged leather, or maybe like Bloods, venom sacks, fangs, scales, claws, or dust, ect.

That way, I can save gold on Waypointing toward specific locations like Bloodtide Coast, Lornar's pass, Harathi Hinterlands.  In the high level areas like Maguma and Crystal Desert, I am going to be spending large quantities of my playtime there any way.  And the Lower level mats like Copper, Soft Wood, Wool, Tiny bloods,fangs,claws,totems, venom sacks, ect I could get to quickly through the PvP lobby>lions Arch>Major City of choice>Low-Level leveling zone.

I have also noticed that Mid-Tier mats are really expensive.  Linen Scrap is 1 Silver 25 Copper EACH.  Rugged Leather Section is 3 silver 40 Copper EACH.  Iron Ore is 1 silver 30 Copper each.  This is a Literal Gold Mine only hindered by some low drop rates, Particularly on Linen and Rugged Leather.   Still, Every one needs these resources for their Ascended crafting.  And no one really wants to go out and farm Linen, Iron, and Rugged leather.  Rugged Leather Sections is more expensive then Thick Leather Sections.

I would find a location that has all of these resources park and alt there, and whenever I am bored or like whenever I am waiting for an Event, just go and hit those nodes.  When the even starts, I just character swap, and do the event on my main.  Do all of my crafting free of charge, and sell anything extra on the TP.

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