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Transmutation charges exchange

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I don't know about a lot of players but once you start to get a lot of legendary gear and truly become fully legendary. Transmutation charges lose all value to you as a player. I have thousands of them just sitting there being un used as they are gained from bl chest, reward tracks, achievement point stages and just keep pilling up. I would like to suggest maybe letting us exchange them for something more useful. could be total makeover kits/hairstyle kits, dye sets, general mats. just something we can actually use. I think a lot of end game players would actually appreciate this.

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Players would generally like the ability to swap all sorts of things they have in excess (how many revive orbs, teleport to a friend, etc do I need also).

The problem is that if you are able to exchange transmutation charges (or other items) for something else you want, then you don't need to spend money on those items, so this cost Anet some amount of money.  So there really isn't much incentive for Anet to add an exchange that might reduce their income my some amount.

I suspect Anet also knows that reward tracks, login chests, etc, give items that some people find useless, and use this fact to keep the average worth of those things at some target.  If they removed those items from those tracks/chests, they would likely be replaced by something equally worthless just to keep the general value the same

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hmm, actually, exchanging like for like could be useful.  We just need a proper exchange rate.  I could go for transmute/banker/merchant/reinforce canisters for revive orbs..  Anet can go ahead and make the exchange rate unreasonably large.  Once I spend what I have it will take forever to get enough to exchange again.  I can live with that. 
I am led to believe that these things are suppose to have value.  I don't like discarding value, destroying it, or hoarding it and never using it.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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40 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

As long as no legendary aqua breather exits, will transmute charges have value. 

Almost 0 value but not 0.

Thats probably why Anet refused to give us the aqua breather for years now. 

🧠Huge brain move from Anet

There are also infinite gathering tools.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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15 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

hmm, actually, exchanging like for like could be useful.  We just need a proper exchange rate.  I could go for transmute/banker/merchant/reinforce canisters for revive orbs..  Anet can go ahead and make the exchange rate unreasonably large.  Once I spend what I have it will take forever to get enough to exchange again.  I can live with that. 
I am led to believe that these things are suppose to have value.  I don't like discarding value, destroying it, or hoarding it and never using it.

There will never be proper exchange rate.  We've already seen what happened with Ectos and Research notes, along with more secondary currencies then I can remember off the top of my head.  You're always either "nigh unattainable" or "as to be practically worthless" depending on which end of the demand spectrum things are at. 


The ONLY reason most of these discussions go nowhere, is that when someone just wants an easy path forward, rather then put in the already minimal effort the vast majority of collections, they end up talking in circles when someone immediately calls them out for it.  If an item is basically worthless on the market, then it doesn't matter how much you have at any given time.  The only exception would be if they occupy inventory space, as that forces you to do the 2 extra steps to delete it.... which is honestly barely an inconvenience.  But Caveat to that; I'm willing to bet that the people who do actively complain about it are prone to procrastination, willing to let it pile up first, then get mad because now all that backlog of effort they put off hits them all at once.   Then they'll play it up like they have to do this week's worth cleaning "everyday".  I have little sympathy aside from some items having delete protection (type name to delete); but many of items pre-dating legendary collections that had that flag were typically something you'd have to consider the first time around. 


There SHOULD be a pass done to clean up collections and byproducts, since after pre-cursor crafting (especially with Gen2) they've been wildly inconsistent with how they handled it. 

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17 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

so this cost Anet some amount of money.

Having the game feel unrewarding in part due to some, or many, rewards being useless to a portion of the player base can cost the company money too.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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