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Best way to gain experience?

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   Experience is usually %, so getting a waypoint is like ~5% of a level, a vista ~7%, and so on... Discovering new areas in a map gives s lot of XP and is efficient since with mounts can de done in very little time.  Completing a dungeon was 70% of a level. Some consummable give you really strong XP buffs.

   Outside that, usually which delivers more XP x time is completing local events, specially in maps with tons of small quest chained, like Dragonfall or Drizzlewood. Farming events like Palwadan or Dragonstorm are also powerfull providers of XP in very small amounts of time. Remember than in GW2 lamost every action delivers some XP (gathering, reviving, crafting...).

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my advice: use celebration boosters if you have them. Guild boosters help too.
Core: Run Silverwastes/RIBA. Tag into as many events as possible.  
HoT: join the metas. Run some adventures if you can get them done quickly.
PoF: Dragonfall. (running it 2 or 3 times is all I needed to max out my Skyscale). If you're good at Griffon races, they're also pretty good XP.
IBS: Drizzlewood.
EoD: Metas again.

Right now the Festival of the Four Winds is going on. You can do Skimmer and Griffon races there for quick XP. And there's the event Treasure Hunt which can be consumed for XP. Pinata even in Crystal Oasis is similar. Oh...and Skyscale Rifts are good for some quick XP if you don't have to go too far out of your way for them. 

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It depends on which mastery track you're trying to level up. An easy way is to gather those exp orbs that give you 2500 exp each and can be gathered again when you change shard. For PoF there is the south of Thunderhead Peaks for example, with the skimmer (it's half a track in few seconds), while in core Tyria there are those "adventures" that start when you wait with the skyscale close to a purple rift (forgot the name of those things, I remember there is even an achievement, so you can complete them several each day).

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