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Does Gw2 Feel More Toxic Lately?

Gw2 Player Toxicity?  

355 members have voted

  1. 1. Has the majority of the Gw2 community seemed more toxic to you lately?

    • Yes
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    • Can't Say

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On 8/10/2023 at 2:09 AM, Anvar.5673 said:

As I saw it everywhere, for me the moderation team already do a very good work with the moderation outside of some emojis' considerations.

However, I am convinced that removing tendencious emojis would fit more with the openness philosophy of the studio.

That's why only the conduct of real tests for some months could bring the evidence of the efficacity of that action.

I got confused emoji in 5 seconds after posting a negative comment with around 9+ lines...how the hek he/she read that godlike speed fast dunno but he/she sent that reaction on it's way...I was looking to that post for several minutes for a quote to see what is he/she confused about but ofc nothing happened.

Now the idea is that especially on these forums the toxicity is quite high if you dont appraise the game and it's aspects,if you are conformist then you are go to go.

Sad but give the man a mask and he shows his true face and the internet is the greatest mask.

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I have no idea if the majority of the community is more toxic, but I did make the mistake of going to the PvP zone last night to test out a build. I've been away for a while, and whoooooo buddy map chat was a train wreck transporting a dumpster fire. I quietly just disabled it and pretended like I was all alone in there lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

About 1,5 years ago, when i played my thief through the personal story and had to do a lot of open world pve inbetween, I noticed GW map chat going downhill.

But this year, nope, all better. Just played another new char though the story and took part in events and meta inbetween and all was friendly.

WvW however is a drama in its own, has always been, and most of the time amusing, sometimes a bit too much and toxic only when linked with Fissure. A bit ranting and blaming and flaming and offending or mocking just belong to a pvp environment. And I'd find it inhuman if that was forbidden. It's a stress relief.

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Please dont vote if your doing your content alone or with people you already know i have toxic encounters on a daily basis since i ve been doing everything on my daily routine with randomes and i know that the majority isnt toxic but sadly there is atleast that 1-5% that can ruin the player experience for alot of people in certain game modes wich is more then it ever was and this is something that can be fixed rather easy.

anet should look up some of the nonsense i have to witness every day by checking my chat logs and im also planning on creating a post in near future with screenshots that clearly show how much the community changed over time and how bad it is for the future and growth of Gw2 and its game modes.


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This is something I always say to people.

GW2's community as a general whole is fine.

But the true colours do show at end game- like raids, strikes and anything that invokes a challenge. Oh boy, I don't have a pleasant time with people in there, but that's not a GW2 specific issue. I'd argue WoW is infinitely worse.

I feel the forums are probably the most poisonous place of the community but honestly that's a given with every game as well. Not even FFXIV is impervious to it.

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1 hour ago, KindredPhoenyx.8976 said:

I feel the forums are probably the most poisonous place of the community


I even blocked the confusion emoticon with uBlock because I think that thing alone is very rude.
Don't see it anymore at all 😄

Edited by Lucy.3728
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  • 1 month later...

You can't even get away from the toxicity in the forum comments. The game is quickly becoming a cesspit. PVE: People are just in general nasty and pathetic trolls who are in MAIN CHARACTER mode and couldn't give a toss how long others have been waiting for an event (usually to fail and with multiple personal messages sent begging them to stop killing said event, with a full explanation as to why to let the event fail) I understand that once or twice this happens due to language barriers etc but there is now a dedicated community who RUIN these events. There has been many times over the last year or so where I've felt it's time to stop playing GW2. I see the most horrendous things said about Christianity in LA. I refuse to play PVP due to toxicity and wvw is actually the only safe haven if you have a decent guild to run with but that might only be 1-2 hours of the day... the rest is very grating and the devs couldn't care one bit. Won't be spending any more money with them for Gems etc. 

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So this has been an interesting thread to read, even if I only skimmed most of it (seven pages is kinda a lot, sue me). Oddly enough, I'm going to disagree.

I'm not gonna say there's not assholes in GW2. Sure there are. Welcome to the internet. But as far as communities go GW2 has one of the best I think I've ever seen. GW1 had it too, and it's carried over into GW2. People by and large are friendly, helpful, cheerful. Now to be fair I don't PvP or WvW(much) but in PvE people are usually a treat. Just last night I was at the Shadow Behemoth and as people poured in for the weekly achievement it started off as a skyscale party, and then turned into a skiff party once people learned they could scoot their boats through the swamp, and once the fight actually started we ALL had a laugh as the game lagged so much even the Behemoth couldn't animate properly.

And this isn't a one-off either. Any time I see enough people get together usually something kicks off. I myself like to start the Raptor Bounce (just get your raptor, or any mount out, and start jumping. People will join in and then you'll have twenty-thirty bouncey mounts). I've seen whole meta events devolve into a costume party while people burn off all the tonics they have from festivals, The Ramen District (A whole line of the Noodle Bar chairs). All of it friendly, all of it spontaneous, all of it great fun)

I've played a LOT of MMOs. I played GW1, obviously, but I've also done Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter Online, The Old Republic, D&D Online, lots of them, and if you wanna see toxic I can give some great examples. But this community? Nah, this place is good.

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2 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I was at the Shadow Behemoth and as people poured in for the weekly achievement it started off as a skyscale party, and then turned into a skiff party once people learned they could scoot their boats through the swamp, and once the fight actually started we ALL had a laugh as the game lagged so much even the Behemoth couldn't animate properly.

Saw something similar at SB with everyone turning on mentor tags. 

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2 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

So this has been an interesting thread to read, even if I only skimmed most of it (seven pages is kinda a lot, sue me). Oddly enough, I'm going to disagree.

I'm not gonna say there's not assholes in GW2. Sure there are. Welcome to the internet. But as far as communities go GW2 has one of the best I think I've ever seen. GW1 had it too, and it's carried over into GW2. People by and large are friendly, helpful, cheerful. Now to be fair I don't PvP or WvW(much) but in PvE people are usually a treat. Just last night I was at the Shadow Behemoth and as people poured in for the weekly achievement it started off as a skyscale party, and then turned into a skiff party once people learned they could scoot their boats through the swamp, and once the fight actually started we ALL had a laugh as the game lagged so much even the Behemoth couldn't animate properly.

And this isn't a one-off either. Any time I see enough people get together usually something kicks off. I myself like to start the Raptor Bounce (just get your raptor, or any mount out, and start jumping. People will join in and then you'll have twenty-thirty bouncey mounts). I've seen whole meta events devolve into a costume party while people burn off all the tonics they have from festivals, The Ramen District (A whole line of the Noodle Bar chairs). All of it friendly, all of it spontaneous, all of it great fun)

I've played a LOT of MMOs. I played GW1, obviously, but I've also done Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Neverwinter Online, The Old Republic, D&D Online, lots of them, and if you wanna see toxic I can give some great examples. But this community? Nah, this place is good.

PvE is usually chill but from my stints into PvP and WvW people are a lot more ornery there for sure. 

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  • 1 month later...

The two most toxic portions of this community are: (1) the casuals, who have played for thousands of hours, never learned a rotation and then cry on reddit/here about not getting into fictional groups; and (2) the casuals, who have played for thousands of hours, never learned a rotation and then cry on reddit/here about how hard endgame is when they refuse to learn.

These two groups have forever tainted development/advancement of difficult content in the game, triggering a mass exodus of experienced good players.

I have been with the franchise since Beta GW1 days and I'm about to call it quits: MMOs require exclusive, limiting, difficult content to be successful. Guild Wars 2 hasn't had a new difficult encounter in 2+ years. 

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Ask a question with a question: 

  • Who: "98 or 99 percent of the community" "towards me and others" that's a generalization if I saw one; remember you're not everyone
  • What: "toxic" "hostile" "childish" "behavior" examples would be nice, also remember there are thick and thin skinned people out there (also sarcasm)
  • When: 2x "lately" this reminds me of companies when they say 'coming soon'  
  • Where: PVE? PVP? WvW? I'll assume PVE since the other 2 teach you better (still, PVE is split into many sections too)
  • Why: You let your emotions take you to the forums,  the six gods would be disappointed. Go into the world of GW2 and make friends, find happiness. . 
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15 hours ago, Asmodeus.3647 said:

The two most toxic portions of this community are: (1) the casuals, who have played for thousands of hours, never learned a rotation and then cry on reddit/here about not getting into fictional groups; and (2) the casuals, who have played for thousands of hours, never learned a rotation and then cry on reddit/here about how hard endgame is when they refuse to learn.

These two groups have forever tainted development/advancement of difficult content in the game, triggering a mass exodus of experienced good players.

I have been with the franchise since Beta GW1 days and I'm about to call it quits: MMOs require exclusive, limiting, difficult content to be successful. Guild Wars 2 hasn't had a new difficult encounter in 2+ years. 

This is interesting. You claim casuals are the toxic ones, yet claiming so in a toxic way while seemingly being more of a hardcore player yourself. (Those filthy casuals 😤) Quite ironic don’t you think? 

Being toxic has nothing to do with being casual, hardcore, new or old player, Pve or PvP/WvW. It’s the individual behind the screen and toxic players exists in all game modes. However, if you were to brand one kind more toxic than others, it would have to be PvP/WvW since that is a more competitive game mode. And it is only natural that they are more likely to get into heated discussions. 

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