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Respect in WvW -- No-Fight Zones & Signs of Peace?


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Personally I don't really like to attack people going for the vet dailies. I have "shared" kills with enemy players before and we went our separate ways when it was dead. But that's just me and I don't expect other people to all do the same (it is a pvp mode, afterall). I think the safest bet is to not let your guard down and always be prepared for a fight at all times (head on a swivel).

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Mine are:

  • Vet dailies
  • Tonic transforms (provided they don't follow forever to troll) and people visiting that shrine thing in N camp (this includes balloon processions)
  • Duel spot(s) (mostly just south alpine, but S plateau thing on DBL gets used too)
  • Anyone viewing a vista (I know it isn't req. anymore but seen new ppl do this a lot)
  • Clearly new people without mounts (i.e. non-smurf accounts / sPvP mains going wanna be MLG on invader rank)
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On 8/11/2023 at 12:39 PM, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

Placing siege on the enemy EWP spawn to distract them and slow them down. Seen once. If you can only win with this, you are bad imo.

This kinda falls under tactics--usually not seen because ppl are too busy k-training.  It's under same category as disabling siege build sites or omegas that are contesting camp circles. 

Guess depends on context too--if you are running with 50 ppl probably not a reason to do it, but a 5-man keep sneak you definitley want to siege and/or distract the EWP.   

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No one should expect anyone else to not try to get loot and xp. Those places and parameters people are listing as where or when they won't attack were designed to draw people into combat. 

People can flex about dueling or pretend they roam alone all of the time but if they want a secure a place on an open pvp map, they need to put together a group and secure it or influence the chat to move on it. 


Edited by kash.9213
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On 8/11/2023 at 2:06 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:
On 8/11/2023 at 11:46 AM, schloumou.3982 said:

/bow actually means the opposite. It's an invitation for a duel.

Only in a dual spot. It is also a sign of respect for the other player. Location and context matter.

I think it's both. I understand /bow in WvW as a sign that you respect each other, stick to the unwritten rules and then duel with respect.

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7 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Clearly new people without mounts (i.e. non-smurf accounts / sPvP mains going wanna be MLG on invader rank)

On my new account everyone and everything tried to kill me even tho I was jogging without a mount with 10 rank. As if seeing low ranks makes them want to kill you even more.

Same with vet spot, no one ever let ppl from another server to wait for vet.

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12 hours ago, semak.7481 said:

On my new account everyone and everything tried to kill me even tho I was jogging without a mount with 10 rank. As if seeing low ranks makes them want to kill you even more.

Same with vet spot, no one ever let ppl from another server to wait for vet.

I don't know if you are new to WvW or not, but rank is an afterthought, merely guidance. A lot of veterans have Smurf accounts.

Your server matters as well, T1/T2 matchups tend to be more heated. Some servers/guilds are not liked at all, so "peace" signs are irrelevant.

Location matters a lot. Casually strolling near enemy SMC it's a death wish. Near a battle, in the path between spawn and a battle are dangerous places as well. 


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I think it's more the no mount icon that shows up; people know you can't easily get away,. but regardless people will often seek out easy targets.

On my alt account which is still only double dights and no mount  it certainly seems like a thing, but the more observant people will notice you are not new and will back off. It is true that higher tier servers are much less chill, especially ones that have recently fallen down from  a higher tier. Must be desperate for a victory anywhere. 😝

From impressions on NA. it seems like most saltine content comes from DB, NSP, and whoever was Mag's previous link. I imagine the later must be the bandwagoners that don't have the gold to leech anymore. Incidentally, you can actually spot the bandwagoners even when linked with Mag because they are always the ones that die 5x more because they can't sync with the cloud.

Also, like I said before, just die on the warg to get tag credit.  Actually doing some damage helps.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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The fact WvW is a competitive game mode, and one of the weeklies is to kill 50 enemy players also encourages this.  I could imagine there could be cases where players are looking for other players to kill to finish of that achievement (especially later in the cycle when they may be more desperate), and will consider anyone a valid target.

I have to admit that for myself, I'm often not observant enough to notice the ranks of other players, at least not before combat starts.  Also, if the enemy players looks aggressive in any way, given some of the high DPS and other mechanics, waiting for them to attack you (giving them the first shot) might be enough for them to win the fight.


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On 8/11/2023 at 5:21 AM, Solvar.7953 said:

Poaching players going for those dailies adds ammunition to their side that they should be able to get the gift of battle without wvw (or have some alternative).  The usual response to those complaints is you can just do PvE type activities in WvW (kill the veteran, cap monuments, camps, etc). but if players are poaching players trying to follow that advice, I could understand why they might be annoyed.


as long as pve is needed to do legendaries its fair game for them to suffer a bit as well. Just my pov from a WvW/PvP only perspective with 0 100% map completions because i tend to find ow pve incredibly boring 😄

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