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Balancing cries strangely quiet atm.

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8 minutes ago, Luclinraider.2317 said:

For the most part everyone has just given up and just plays GW2 casually at this point.

It has become a well known casual MMO where people save their competitive side for other MMO's like WoW Arena, or even outside the MMO genre all together.

Their PvP from GW1 is so far gone it just doesn't seem like this GW2 team will ever get it, so why bother anymore.

The Damage Is Done...They Will Never Get It


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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Top most annoying for me


Soulbeast - Purely for its jump+kill time, way to fast.

Bladesworn - Absurd amount tank for the dmg output, and not hard to play.

Necro - The class in general has a lot of easy damage and sustain mechanics

Chrono - Way too much damage output which is actually not that hard. I really thought it was more complicated, but it just isnt (aside from resets, but the damage is massive even withought that). Its too easy to just sit back, use your team as a meat shield and spew out rediculous bursts. Its range for that kind of damage should be way lower, and the fact it has some limitations is no excuse, the damge more than makes up for it. Clearly it has a high skill ceiling, but the skill floor was way lower than I expected.

Spellbreaker - Stun chains are simply not a fun mechanic to play against, and they are not hard to do.. regardless of ''how often they land''

DD thief - A Decent+ DD thief becomes almost unkillable, they actively avoid pvp to just back cap all game, and only ever show their face to +1 you. Thats the fault of the developers, in pushing DD thief into that playstyle.. but still, its never fun to play against a DD thief, ever.

Druid+some ranger builds - Immob spam is also not fun to fight, regardless of the overall effectiveness of such specs

DH - trap spam+target drops

Specter - Im not sure about this, its not annoying per say, but its the target drops I think. In general, target drops/stealth in this game are very cheap, have no downsides.. and are not fun to play against due to the shear lack of counters or free disrutpiotn to casts+having to retarget. I think that is becuase while you are having to retarget, they don't, and use that time to spew damage at you.. in a game with such quick kill times that really matters.



Edited by Flowki.7194
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On 8/17/2023 at 6:33 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Can't have balance complaints when no one plays to have a complaint.


On 8/17/2023 at 6:35 AM, doozer.7063 said:

When the goal was to make PvP a meaningless, casual, no skill needed spam clown fiesta most skilled ppl with competitive mindset lose respect and interest in? Than yes. 


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14 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

DD thief - A Decent+ DD thief becomes almost unkillable, they actively avoid pvp to just back cap all game, and only ever show their face to +1 you. Thats the fault of the developers, in pushing DD thief into that playstyle.. but still, its never fun to play against a DD thief, ever.

I'm just gonna pop in with my bias and say that bolded part was not the developer's fault. It was the fault of players that simmer every time a thief is on the same screen as their character.

Players actively advocated for stripping thief's ability to contest or duel solo, got their wish (through butchery of the acro line, smoke field, traps, sword, etc) then remained unhappy. They helped make that by claiming for years that thief had too many tools to be anything beyond +1, so +1 it is. 

18 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

No one is left.

How do we un-vanish the people, do you think?


When the goal was to make PvP a meaningless, casual, no skill needed spam clown fiesta most skilled ppl with competitive mindset lose respect and interest in? Than yes. 

To be fair, it's been like this forever, at least based on player complaint. When we just had core, we had hambow and auto-endure pain carries, and thieves were permanently invisible, burnguard was popular, mesmers would thanos you from stealth, turret engie etc etc. The game has perpetually been some derivative of spam, and that stems from people devising kits that work. A lot of the complaints against that have survived to this day. Good/skilled players stood out in the spamfest based on how adaptable they were, and this is still the case now, Imo.

I think the loss of interest is due to a couple other things. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I'm just gonna pop in with my bias and say that bolded part was not the developer's fault. It was the fault of players that simmer every time a thief is on the same screen as their character.

Players actively advocated for stripping thief's ability to contest or duel solo, got their wish (through butchery of the acro line, smoke field, traps, sword, etc) then remained unhappy. They helped make that by claiming for years that thief had too many tools to be anything beyond +1, so +1 it is. 

How do we un-vanish the people, do you think?

To be fair, it's been like this forever, at least based on player complaint. When we just had core, we had hambow and auto-endure pain carries, and thieves were permanently invisible, burnguard was popular, mesmers would thanos you from stealth, turret engie etc etc. The game has perpetually been some derivative of spam, and that stems from people devising kits that work. A lot of the complaints against that have survived to this day. Good/skilled players stood out in the spamfest based on how adaptable they were, and this is still the case now, Imo.

I think the loss of interest is due to a couple other things. 

I was not here for that, but to me, the game developers get the final say, its their game. They ultimately made, and keep DD thief what it is. I don't slate DD thief mains skill wise, I know its a good spec in terms of mechanical skill.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Guild Wars 2 PvP should cry to its grave and return the crown to its Respectful Rightful owner - Guild Wars

Anet, once and for all; Please put Guild Wars 2 PvP tears to rest by deleting its 12 years of Failed, Disgraceful, Shameful and Toxic attempts to pretend of being a healthy, competitive skillful  learning  fun game mode... which it will never be. No Instant kills, no one shot, no Toxic mechanics/skills, no Toxic stealth mechanic, no Toxic aoe area effects, no Toxic control effects, No Toxic Profession design, no exploit mechanic/skill design, no Toxic environment design...absolutely no spamming skills, no lack of Profession Roles, no lack of Profession Identity...absolutely none whatsoever. None of that absolutely has no place in a healthy, fun-learning skillful competitive game.


"I miss Gw1. None of this Op Imbalance Class Mode design with a -Toxic- ideology of Gw2 lol."

"If only Anet had listened to the players, GW could be the biggest eSport today. Instead we get garbage like League and Hearthstone."

"GW2 player here, always disappointed with how underwhelming the pvp scene in this game is...... seeing the previous iteration of this IP having something like this is really cool."

"GW will always prevail even until today.. well thought game and still is one of the most beautiful game ever created. Anet should work more on the original GW the mass base is still awesome and the community is still alive and active."

"God Speed Guild Wars.... you will never be replaced."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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