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Best Guardian specc for Spvp right now.


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Hello. I’ve been trying to get back into Arenas after big brake from the game. I’ve been playing willbender for some time but with no big luck. 

I know it’a often L2P play issue, but i dont have much time to play, and i want to invest some time to the build and learn it. 

which build should i go for in the current PVP state ?

I’ve had some more luck with trapper, but it feels more of a meme build, and i think i liked willbender more altough i’ve had worse expierence with it. 

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I tried support guard but u depend so much on ur team mates not avoiding u

wb meh

DH i made it platinum last season. but u also have extremely high and low games

hammer guard hmmm it feels u can help more but also no carry ability.

all in all Guard feels quite balanced and has no extreme outliner build.

burn guard sadly easy to shut down bcs only one condi.

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   In Automated Tournaments the best Guardian build is core support, specially in a conformed team with voip and coordination. Is also good in duo at 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 mini seasons.

   In ranked is not as strong, even in a coordinated duo, since oftenly the players disperse and lacks mobility to help when is needed. For that reason DH is probably the best there, because at least can do very strong AoE burst to slant teamfights, snipe/cc targets from stealth and cause intense disruption in teamfights thanks to long bow #5. DH is frail, but has good defensive tools and the means to hit and run.

   Power Willbender has very good mobility and high AoE burst, but is a mele spec and since the nerf from 2 to 1 stacks of Flowing Resolve (F2) in PvP struggles to deal with condition (you can have plenty of condi cleanses in your utilities, but then your ofensive abilities will suffer). Is not strong enough to be meta, but could be if the top dogs get nerfs or some of the last nerfs get reverted.

   Firebrand is auguably the weakest spec at PvP (all professions), but still can work sometimes (I can't reach further than gold iii, tho). My fav build with FB isn't support (is worse there than core); instead I run a carrion dps build:


   I use Valiant Bulkward to reflec projectiles in control points to avoid enemy pressure, abuse my cc in teamfights (Heated Rebuke, Shield of Absoption, Blazing Edge, Binding Blade, Symbol of Vengeance) taking advantage of chill on cc to land my burst (Scorched Aftermath, Ashes of the Just, Purging Flames, Whirling Blade) and deploy Shield of Judgement, Advance!, Stand your Ground!, Unbroken Lines, Azure Sun  and Eternal Oasis as defensive/support skills when needed. Your self sustain is low and you lack range damage but you can easily wreck teamfights if you use well your tomes and utilities and when the things go well I oftenly stack 15-20 kills in a match.  


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I'm a SoloQ G3/Plat1 exclusively Willbender player. You'll be sitting quite comfortably in G3 if you play the class really well.... but That Said... if  you're good on any class you'll be sitting in G3 comfortably (and honestly with less effort). WB lacks more in AT compared to soloQ/duoQ and I've already shared my frustrations on that aspect. WB is not unbearably bad. You just need a few thousand hours on the class to carry your team and farm other WB's lol. Or farm tempests, thieves, chrono, non-toughness necros... there will be at least 1 class in every other soloQ game you can farm.

This is basically the Zerker power burst WB build on Metabattle.

This is the build that I use (almost the same amount of burst damage but at 20k health)

The build that I use is very different than what's on Metabattle and I have been using it a couple seasons before Signet heals was buffed.
The biggest difference between the two builds:

  • Pros:
    There's a noticeable difference on survivability when using Valks.
    The chances of getting 1-shot memed by a stealthed Scrapper or Soulbeast is lower but never 0. An Extra 7k or 9k health is a big overhead.
    Cleanses are better thanks to Signet of Mercy (1 condi every 5 seconds, 2 on activation).
    The elite "Feel My Wrath" can be used four times for every single usage of Renewed Focus. You will almost never be without an elite when you engage some one.
    Rotations around the map will feel better with FMW.
    Does not burst as consistently as Zerks & you don't have that fail-safe Renewed Focus button (which can honestly win 1v1's better than FMW sometimes).
    Not everyone will like losing their RF, nor will everyone be able to quickly chain F3/Sword#5, F1 etc. when quickness is activated.

I'm in the process of making a video for how Valks FMW plays but i'll try to post something this weekend if I get the free time. If anyone have questions on the build or weapon-set choices let me know :)!

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My build got buffed lol... Relic of the Defender will give you 1k health every 5 seconds, reducing down to 1% if you block an attack if it's within that 5s cd. The heal is noticeable when using F3.

Actually Antitoxin works with Signet of Resolve.... rofl 2 condi cleansed every 5 seconds is strong af. This may be best in slot.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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22 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

My build got buffed lol... Relic of the Defender will give you 1k health every 5 seconds, reducing down to 1% if you block an attack if it's within that 5s cd. The heal is noticeable when using F3.

Actually Antitoxin works with Signet of Resolve.... rofl 2 condi cleansed every 5 seconds is strong af. This may be best in slot.

Thank You for your time and effort to share this build! Will definetely try it!

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I want to share another build to get some opinions.

Assasin's amulet Valor/Radiance/WB.

Damage Reduction is 43%, you cleanse 2 conditions every 5 seconds, 2 conditions on every weapon swap... so you don't really need F3 cleanses. 1 SYG on the bar to cover for F3 stab.

One of my questions is whether to go Zerks with power & prec runes to get over 60% base crit for a perma 100% crit, or stick with assasins runes for 240% crit damage. I'm pretty sure Zerk amulet would be the way to go (haven't done the numbers yet) but was curious what yall think. It's a fun build though to say the least... hope they don't nerf Antitoxins lol.

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On 8/29/2023 at 10:08 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

I want to share another build to get some opinions.

Assasin's amulet Valor/Radiance/WB.

Damage Reduction is 43%, you cleanse 2 conditions every 5 seconds, 2 conditions on every weapon swap... so you don't really need F3 cleanses. 1 SYG on the bar to cover for F3 stab.

One of my questions is whether to go Zerks with power & prec runes to get over 60% base crit for a perma 100% crit, or stick with assasins runes for 240% crit damage. I'm pretty sure Zerk amulet would be the way to go (haven't done the numbers yet) but was curious what yall think. It's a fun build though to say the least... hope they don't nerf Antitoxins lol.

I think power is a better stat than ferocity, but I don't have the math to back it up. 

Antitoxin runes slap on a lot of dps specs. Makes my core condi engi build practically immune to condi dmg, or any engi spec running antitoxin and tools for that matter. I actually feel viable in high gold/Plat 1 queues with it. Will probably get nerfed with an ICD soon.

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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On 8/31/2023 at 6:10 PM, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

I think power is a better stat than ferocity, but I don't have the math to back it up. 

Antitoxin runes slap on a lot of dps specs. Makes my core condi engi build practically immune to condi dmg, or any engi spec running antitoxin and tools for that matter. I actually feel viable in high gold/Plat 1 queues with it. Will probably get nerfed with an ICD soon.

Appreciate the input. I've been oddly successful running this spec.

I mixed my old Valk burst build with Valor AH and it's what I've been playing for the last 20 games or so. It survives when it needs to survive and has Zerker level bursts when it needs to burst. Cleanse and Purging on sword/focus feels like a free F2 every 10 seconds lol... on top of 2 cleanses every 5 seconds with Resolve signet. Yeah, it will certainly get nerfed.
One thing I will say about the build is it takes a lot of boon awareness. You sometimes (most times) have to use "SY" to keep your fury/resolution up to burst some one, even though you would want to save it as a stunbreak. But always try to burst when in scepter/sword for max damage thanks to Compounding and Enhancement sigils.

I can't really say I would recommend the build because it really is hard to play compared to the usual WB meta everyone is running but I'm not having issues with Rangers in Ranked, no issues with condi war (i run circles around wars as long as I still have sword#5 and virtues to run away lol)

Edit: fixed bold text
Edit#2: Upated Build - fixed traits, 9/11/2023

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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On 9/9/2023 at 7:21 AM, Morvran.8265 said:

Core support is amazing, I don't get all the doom and gloom. Maybe people don't want to play support so they dismiss it?

I never carry when I'm support.. but I am probably just trash at supp guard lol.

Yeah I don't get the doom and gloom either. If I am able to reach top25 as WB (likely wont stay at that rating I'm sure) then WB can't be in the worse spot ever. But I've always been content with WB just being "OK" in rank pvp. If I AT competitively then that would be a different story.

Changed away from AH and went Monk's Focus. AH is sooo trashhhh without Staff multiplying the boon heal. Doing the number crunching AH is just bad on WB...
Using Smite Condition for Fury + Heal + Condi cleanse... idk why i didn't pick it from the start...

Using Judge instead of Smite lol... (cowards away knowing other wb mains are cringing at me rn)
Updated my build


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On 9/9/2023 at 8:21 PM, Morvran.8265 said:

Core support is amazing, I don't get all the doom and gloom. Maybe people don't want to play support so they dismiss it?

Supp guard is not good in random, everyone runs around u are to slow u cant keep up, for some reason u always forced to finish capping, because all dps want go far because they dont realize the reason they barely won mid was bcs supp fired all he had to keep ppl alive.

now u mid ur team deada far and u get a 1v5 

I say Guardian now has not even one good build spec anymore its Gold 3 Plat 1 highest if u not duo.

Ofc some outliner here say now they are plat 3 solo but thats people who are half gods

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On 9/9/2023 at 11:00 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

I never carry when I'm support.. but I am probably just trash at supp guard lol.

Yeah I don't get the doom and gloom either. If I am able to reach top25 as WB (likely wont stay at that rating I'm sure) then WB can't be in the worse spot ever. But I've always been content with WB just being "OK" in rank pvp. If I AT competitively then that would be a different story.

Changed away from AH and went Monk's Focus. AH is sooo trashhhh without Staff multiplying the boon heal. Doing the number crunching AH is just bad on WB...
Using Smite Condition for Fury + Heal + Condi cleanse... idk why i didn't pick it from the start...

Using Judge instead of Smite lol... (cowards away knowing other wb mains are cringing at me rn)
Updated my build


We have a similar build and it was fun to play my build is not that bursty like the usual builds but it has good sustain not just a one trick pony.

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