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Balance suggestions (numbers)


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7 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Worldly impact doesnt let you move during the casttime...., thus.... it immobilizes you.     Is that concept so hard to understand?  its pretty obvious what he meant...  

Brain is key.

But ill give you that... in the wiki it doesnt say anything about the fact you cant move during the cast....... so you had no chance to know that.

Immobilize is a condition, is it hard for you to understand? Apologies if English isn't either of your first langauges, but here immobilize means something very specific--in that you can't move.  

You can move during worldly impact, it will just cancel it--same with whirling defense (OH axe #5).  You are not immobilized, they are self-canceling skills.  

Fun fact, you could move during Worldly Impact during the PoF beta tests, but a certain section of the community complained about that being OP, so we now have the animation lock / self-canceling version. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 11:03 AM, verysaltysnackk.3916 said:

Nerf striders strength from +120 +120 to +100 +100 power

Nerf dmg for the pet maul with 15%


Soulbeast and ranger sword has been bad for years, would be kinda lame to make it unviable again but i understand people that dont play ranger might disagree

No, they should rework it or completely remove the bonus 240 power. That's why warhorn 4 + OWP is hitting so hard

Inb4 Trevor Boyer defends SLBs balance state. 

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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On 8/21/2023 at 7:41 AM, semak.7481 said:

Why I have to explain your own class to you ... ? When you cast world impact you cant move or it will be canceled, soooooo, you cant move if you actually want to use it... so you are....immobile...self-rooted...?

sorry i miss read, my bad

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On 8/17/2023 at 8:10 AM, Avatar.3568 said:

heyyo, ranger sword is pretty busted rn, the dmg combined with the mobility is super crazy.

heyyoo - Nah its fine. 

On 8/17/2023 at 8:13 AM, Downstate.4697 said:

Sword would be garbage without its damage if you ask me. Outside of modifiers it has pretty average dps


On 8/21/2023 at 1:57 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Weren't you the one confusing people by saying Worldy Impact immobilizes you?

On 8/21/2023 at 1:57 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Think it more likely people forgot where the dodge key is cause all the boon spam carry.  


The forums in two sentences.

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On 8/21/2023 at 10:36 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Immobilize is a condition

This is a fact - and you got a confused react. This is exactly why nothing on this forum matters. People dont know the game they are playing. The dont know the functions, they dont know what they are reading, and they dont know the category things belong in when they are discussing it. 

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55 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

all the confused reacts are from people with brains that realize you two are defending broken crap.

Nah. Its just people who get bodied and come here and cry. This forum is almost entirely populated by complete bots. You see how your post is just some low brain agnry attack? You and every other bot on here lol. Just a bunch of angry bots reeing over getting farmed. It will never matter what the meta is. The confused crowd will always get rocked and not try to adjust - but cry. Its why the crys for nerfs never stop. 

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or maybe.... your just completly delusional to the current state of ranger?

it might also be that..... but idk....    I guess all professions just use damage values straight out of pve...... oh wait.... they dont.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Just now, Sahne.6950 said:

or maybe.... your just completly delusional to the current state of ranger?

Its the forum thats delusional my guy you included. You posted a question got an answer different from your echo chamber and instead of talking about it you get angry, and result to mud slingining. This forum isnt interested in discussing the game. Just hearing other people echo their frustration so they can all nod around at each other and not feel like they are the problem, but the game. But you see the delusion here is that - thats all the forum has ever done and its never stopped. Not once has anyone looked around and gone "huh, weve asked for nerfs so often for so many different things we've bled the game mode we claim to love completely dry. Maybe its us." That being the case is just impossible to you huh? 

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I am interested in discussing this game tho... thats what i am doing here.

if youd read this thread, you may discover that i explained what is out of balance, and you will discover that i also suggested fixes to this.

Right now the boar is using pve damagemodifiers.  The F skills are not split between PvE and PvP. That is a clear oversight on anets part.

All they have to do, is split the damage coeffs between pve and pvp.  a x(2.2) damagemodifier is quite alot even for PvE standards.

Thats all we are saying.  That is all we are asking for.


Yes! the forum wants to nerf everything.   Yes! the forum cries everytime. Yes! 50% of people here lack any form of understanding for the game... You are totally right with what your saying.

But this time.... its a simple oversight from Anet that the community is pointing out...... There is no denying this. 

A skill that is not split between PvE and PvP is CLEARLY NOT RIGHT. Its a oversight.

and here you are.... defending it...  

Edited by Sahne.6950
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16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

if youd read this thread, you may discover that i explained what is out of balance, and you will discover that i also suggested fixes to this.


I did my brother the opening line on this post is - "heyyo, ranger sword is pretty busted rn, the dmg combined with the mobility is super crazy." This is about as text book as it gets for an example of the kinds of nerf posts that are useless and unhelpful. Its just yo this is busted because i think so nerf please k thanks bye. Like what? Cool thanks for posting. 

16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Right now the boar is using pve damagemodifiers.  The F skills are not split between PvE and PvP. That is a clear oversight on anets part.


16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

All they have to do, is split the damage coeffs between pve and pvp.  a x(2.2) damagemodifier is quite alot even for PvE standards.


Make a separate topic in the forums with this info right at the top - youll see im the first to support your post. His post is about sword yours is about pig pet PvE Damage modifiers. His I completely disagree with, yours I completely agree with. 

16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Yes! the forum wants to nerf everything.   Yes! the forum cries everytime. Yes! 50% of people here lack any form of understanding for the game... You are totally right with what your saying.


Yes they do thank you for being able to say this openly. 

16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

But this time.... its a simple oversight from Anet that the community is pointing out...... There is no denying this. 



16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

and here you are.... defending it...  

Anet has a habit of taking these kinds of posts - either not reading long enough until they find the post with information that is actually useable, verifiable, and adjustable (like in your post that I quoted) and on a whim nuking the class into actual oblivion. Then no one wins - especially us - the PvPers that are left in this game mode. Im not trying to take a weird stance, however I would happily take 2 out of 3 elite specs being playable for all professions with lopsided balance and some bugs, over there being next to no options to choose form. Which has definitely happened and happened alot because of nonsensical nerf approaches. I am sure you can understand why after not really having a history of posting much - playing and seeing the game turn itself inside out over the years a bunch of times over... I hesitate to support any changes because they are handled usually very, very poorly. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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2 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

I am interested in discussing this game tho... thats what i am doing here.

if youd read this thread, you may discover that i explained what is out of balance, and you will discover that i also suggested fixes to this.

Right now the boar is using pve damagemodifiers.  The F skills are not split between PvE and PvP. That is a clear oversight on anets part.

All they have to do, is split the damage coeffs between pve and pvp.  a x(2.2) damagemodifier is quite alot even for PvE standards.

Thats all we are saying.  That is all we are asking for.


Yes! the forum wants to nerf everything.   Yes! the forum cries everytime. Yes! 50% of people here lack any form of understanding for the game... You are totally right with what your saying.

But this time.... its a simple oversight from Anet that the community is pointing out...... There is no denying this. 

A skill that is not split between PvE and PvP is CLEARLY NOT RIGHT. Its a oversight.

and here you are.... defending it...  

You make good points but...the community well know of specs using the same gameplay as this one-shot SB, and my question is: why are those other builds allowed to exist while Ranger should be removed?.

I would have no issues removing this sort of gameplay but the main issue is that "balance" gets applied based on selective memory. We still have builds like:

  1. Grenade engineer
  2. Chrono Shatter

And I have only mentioned builds with equal if no more access to stealth burst than ranger, could have mentioned other obnoxious oneshot builds equally as cheese. Also the big giveaway here is that both those builds are AoE burst.

Grenade engineer is truly kitten to face, especially when there are 2 x of them in the enemy team, something already showed by winning MAT team, then distortion into shield block into stealth into teleport into 1200 range burst mesmer is far from being equally kitten

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Builds like this are fine.  They come with the tradeoff of having low survivability (atleast they should have that tradeoff)

But Skills that arent split between Pve and PvP are not fine.

I just want them to balance the boar maul.   Thats all im saying.



Even without the boar maul Soulbeast will still be able to 100-0 people with the ol´reliable OWP+WH4+smokeassault combo.

Its just the fact, that the boarmaul has more than double the damagecoeff than any other skill in spvp xD


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57 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Builds like this are fine.  They come with the tradeoff of having low survivability (atleast they should have that tradeoff)

But Skills that arent split between Pve and PvP are not fine.

I just want them to balance the boar maul.   Thats all im saying.



Even without the boar maul Soulbeast will still be able to 100-0 people with the ol´reliable OWP+WH4+smokeassault combo.

Its just the fact, that the boarmaul has more than double the damagecoeff than any other skill in spvp xD


I struggle to see how somebody on ele can die easily to a ranger and do fine vs engy grenades or chrono shatter. The latter compared to the first don't even need to face you, they can run ahead and pull bursts on you from 1200 range and way more frequently than a ranger waiting for 60s CD elite plus 2x utilities, both can do that from stealth and have 3x more block uptime than any ranger build, while even WH4 needs the ranger to be facing you and it's a channel skill, doing the first or even the second tick would nullify the rest. It's so so much easier to negate a ranger burst than an engi one. I mean if a tournament team won with double engi that must be a reason and double chrono bunker was not too long ago..

Ranger burst seems more a one trick pony build that requires full team support at high level to accomplish anything and may work well at low levels, while engi grenade only requires a single utility to do all the burst..the rest all slotted in sustain. Any ranger build technically has way less sustain than engi/mesmer variants, and reason why a vet player may seem unkillable on ranger, it's because he's well versed in avoiding dmg with kiting...where an engi can simply start to run ahead with supespeed throwing grenades behind him...or use the hammer aoe CC or elite CC...all without even facing you and you can't do any of that on ranger, you need to be facing the enemy, that's why it's much easier to deal with rangers than engis...on ele it's not hard to catch up average rangers while it takes less than 0 skill to slot the superspeed trait , run and start throwing grenades behind you from 1200 range.

Again, I am not against any nerf to one shot bursts...it's just the principle, nobody in good conscience can tell me that an engi grenades or chrono bunker shatter are more healthy than a ranger burst.


You just can't tell me that this is any harder to play

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