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Crazy Builds that no one except you would play - Engineer Version


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Yo, my delightful phd holders, steampunk researchers, cyberpunk mechatechs and overall leather armor enjoyers, how's it hangin'?

So, there is this beautiful, magnificent thread in the Warrior forums that had some very cool builds. Since Engineer was my main before rerolling to War, and i'm considering going back for that sweet core engi Hammer action ( i just can't get enough of explosive goodness ), i decided to make a thread for our technomancer class. Sadly, i don't have builds to share because i haven't played engineer in ages ( i will reroll after SoTO launches ).

So, what are the builds you guys play? What do you use for solo? WvW? PvP? LI? Full blown chopin on the keyboard? Anything goes! Share away! Creative builds get a cookie.


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I've been playing with this build for a long time, excellent damage and good mobility. The only thing he lacks is protection


If there is at least 1 support, then I take it


Edited by Limbo.4087
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Well, you asked for it. 


Boonslave Holo, mainly for PvE, works on WvW as well although not as well, PvP is about the same, just with Berserker instead. 

These are PvE:

25 might stacks, 100% Fury, Regen, Vigor, Swiftness, Quickness and close to 100% on Protection,with some Resistance and Resolution. Massive condi cleanse capacity and heavy focus on hard CC. 

I call it "Exceed Holo" because it exclusively uses exceed skills. 

Has been affected by nerfs through the years, mainly lost stability from Crystal Configuration: Eclipse and 10 sustainable might stacks from Corona Burst but it's still decent, leans extremely heavily on heat (obviously) so the high risk-high reward hits hard. 

Edited by jason.1083
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FT/EG Might-Stacker AKA the Come-back King: Been playing this since near enough the launch of GW2 and I think there's a dev that likes me because they keep buffing the build all the time. Wins 2v1s when played right. Are you losing? Go invisible with F4, press F5 and reset the fight. Oh you're losing again? Pop your heal, run into their AOE and heal to nearly full health whilst also summoning a shocking aura for extra saltiness from your enemies.


THE BOB-BOMBER: You won't know how to play it by looking at it.


MOBILE TREBUCHET: Be an extremely annoying bee in every PvP match. Put yourself at a safe distance or on a hard to reach ledge and spam away on to the team fight whilst spamming dodges to get explosive entrance. You can literally single handedly win every team fight. Just make sure to be ready with your hammer when they pop their projectile block. Eles are so annoying...


Mechanist Edition:






Mace/Pistol Mechanist


I may or may not be able to go on.

Edited by Dirame.8521
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This is my core condi engi PvP build.

i wanted to make a build that utilizes my favorite kit, Tool Kit! So this is what I came up with. It functions decently well  and has a ton of utility in the form of party heals, cleanse, and peel. there are some things i swap around depending  on what im feeling. for instance, Flame turret over flamethrower and healing turret with experimental turrets. the main draw of turrets is smoke field  and water fields. another version would be to take Gadgeteer with AED  and slick shoes > elixer gun. 

it's a pretty versatile build  that functions best in small skirmishes and teamfights. has plenty  of survivability as all condi engi specs typically do, thanks to like 80% of engi traits being defensive and utility based. 

Edited by WhoWantsAHug.3186
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The 5 o'clock I just got home from work and want to rest and relax engineer build . Been using this since HoT, with some nice buffs from Anet over the years.

  • Camp FT and never die or get CC'd.
  • Guaranteed mob tagging for maximum loot.
  • Perma quickness for faster mob tagging.
  • Fastest running speed as well as speeding up slow moving quest NPCs.
  • Lots of AoE, heals, combo fields, and range safety.
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Viable FT Camper
(mech skills on auto-cast)

This was a player-request from someone on this forum. As the name says, the challenge was to create an old-fashioned FT camp build that performs acceptable DPS:
~ 9k unbuffed
~ 11k under raid-conditions (= full buffs) only holding auto-attack
~ 14k under raid-conditions (= full buffs), while mashing all FT skills, Heal inside the enemy hit-box + Superconducting Signet - all off cooldown
~ 16k if you are willing to also swap to p/p and use those skills of cooldown, while FT stuff is on cooldown

In the discussions I had with raiders, it often turned out that performing ~ 14k is acceptable for most groups. Even if your class benchmark is 60k+, most people cannot maintain it in the heat of the combat. Some drop far below 10k or even lower when the enemy does something else than just holding still. That means you can actually bring this thing to group-content and just camp FT with it.

As it utilizes the Juggernaut trait, you can maintain 1-2 stability stacks in PvE and are almost immune to crowd-control. This beast allowed me to easily, almost effortlessly, climb the Queen's Gauntlet up to the top. I use it in WvW although it is drastically weaker there, compared to PvE. It is still very powerful, because WvW players are very bad in countering condition-damage. 

I keep advertising it, because it is really easy to use and does (imo) good damage, given you only camp FT like in the old days.

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“Jack of all trades” hybrid holo for solo/group in wvw.


The build is played as a condi build since you want to regularly apply burning, but you also have a good amount of extra damage. It works as a short attrition playstyle (depending on your opponent’s level) without the ability to face tank damage. This is where your mobility shine.

Engaging is almost about the same = Incendiary Ammo + Static Shot + Poison Dart Volley + Napalm + Flame Blast + Foton Forge / Move, heal, clean, temporize and repeat.

 Pros :

-        It’s fun

-        Huge mobility (Holo Leap, Rocket Boots, perma Swiftness and Superspeed), but at this point you’ll trigger a lot of chases so you’ll have to be careful with mounted players since you want to stay in combat to be effective. Be also careful to not overcap Superspeed duration (it’s easy).

-        Max Might generation, mostly passive.

-        A lot of Blind, Combo, easy access to Blast finishers, very good amount of sustain cleans.

-        Good for both solo and group roaming

Cons :

-        It’s a piano build

-        You have absolutely no use of any of your auto attacks which is potentially confusing

-        You have no real big burst, you’ll loose your first rotation most of the time to exhaust doges and cleans of your opponent and generate Might (the second one is deadly tho)

-        1 vs x might be difficult

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I've been enjoying the changes to Scrapper that allow combos to give Quickness, so I made a QCondi Scrapper build. It's got hybrid damage and with the upkeep from barrier and rapid regeneration it can take some punishment.

This is definitely a piano build, always laying fields and blasting combo finishers to keep up quickness, but it keeps up poison, bleeding, and burning.


Edited by Kilre.5401
Putting hyperlink
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  • 3 weeks later...

Adding one more build to this list.

I call it: The True Engineer. because it uses gadgets, turrets and a kit (Though you can swap the kit out for Crate for condi cleanse and additional heal). Elixirs are for magicians!!

It really works. Don't let anyone tell you different! 😛 


Literally went from Bronze to Gold in one sitting with this build. (I was in bronze because I only usually play when I have a new build to mess around with)

Edited by Dirame.8521
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Well well I guess I will link my Open World Scrapper build here.


Thats the build i run around in open world with.
Deals around 18-20k dps.

Offers perma quickness, perma 25 might, (almost) perma fury, good protection uptime, some stability, (almost) perma swiftness and perma superspeed.
And high cc:
3 sec stun on Blast Gyro.
Immobilize and cripple on pistol 5.
Blindness on pistol 3, flamethrower 5 and mortar kit 4.
Knockback on flamethrower 3.
Chilled on mortar kit 3.
(Possible weakness if you combo on poison field of mortar kit)

Combining the nondamaging conditions will make the breakbar go down pretty fast.

Your heals are basically:
Superspeed (437 hp each sec).
Swiftness (127 hp each sec).
You heal skill (4957 instantly and 5x 843 hp over 5 sec).
Then also some barrier via utility skill and a trait.
And each boon you receive heals you by 52 (and each boon reduces incoming dmg by 2%).
Your mortar kit skill 5 (5x 498 hp).
(possible healing if you combo on water field of mortar kit)

No heropoint in HoT is a problem to solo with this, including Champion_Avatar_of_Balthazar, Tarnished_Traitor (which is no heropoint but whatever) and every heropoint you gotta start manually. This build is pretty tanky and fun imo. And i love having perma quickness.

Edited by SeTect.5918
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