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I was just wondering how other people got the expansion.

sorry if this is a dupe)I accidentally closed my tab while typing


I pre-bought the ultimate edition  but haven't received an email about it or an in-game mail. Just the credit card bill.  My support ticket is unchanged after a month.

August 22 is coming up fast and I'm starting to freak out that I won't be able to play


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24 minutes ago, onemanmmo.1384 said:

I was just wondering how other people got the expansion.

sorry if this is a dupe)I accidentally closed my tab while typing


I pre-bought the ultimate edition  but haven't received an email about it or an in-game mail. Just the credit card bill.  My support ticket is unchanged after a month.

August 22 is coming up fast and I'm starting to freak out that I won't be able to play


You can update your ticket by adding more information in the Support site's 'My Tickets'.  You should see a near-immediate response there.  If you did not use the Support Site to create your ticket, you can send an email to 'support@arena.net'. 

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When I bought mine, I also bought a 2nd copy of the game, and their codes were sent right away to my accounts e-mails.

All I can say to you is to check if the purchase actually happened, if it's in your credit card bill... and if it is, don't cancel the payment or something, because ANet can assume it's a scam.. It happened before with a friend that bought gems in his mom's credit card and when she received the bill, she didn't know what that purchase was so she canceled that payment and he got banned like if he tried to scam.

If you have already checked your bill, try contacting support again, it's very unnusual of them to take so long to answer.. ANet's support is really good and they try to help you with whatever they can.

Edited by leila.7962
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I got an email on my account email, with the code provided in that email.  Check your spam folder for the day you bought it, maybe?

As to Leila's point, yes, contact Support again if you can't find the email and the money was charged to your card.  But do it *on the same email thread* -- opening a new ticket sets you back to the back of the line, whereas replying to the existing one can boot you up to higher tier Support people.  And obviously, stay polite no matter how frantic you are.  They like polite customers who understand they have heavy workloads, those Support folk do.

Edited by Donari.5237
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I can't remember if I got an email but I could tell it had gone through because I got the Ultimate Edition and I got an in-game mail with the pre-order items. Also if I log into my account on the main GW2 website it lists Secrets of the Obscure as one of the 'game accounts' I have active.

I agree with the people saying to update your support ticket with as much info as you can provide. Tell them that you never received an email or the pre-order items, give them the date you purchased it and tell them it shows up on your credit card bill.

Also keep checking for replies. You should get an email response but it might go into your spam folder (or if you've got especially enthusiastic email filtering it might be blocked entirely) but if you log into the support site, click on the arrow next to your name on the top right of the window and click 'my tickets' you can see all the tickets you've submitted and clicking into them will show you any responses you've had.

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Usually automatically sends you the key if you buy with instant payment methods. (Afaik all stuff they offer is instant.) Only the gems for ultimate edition can take up to 72 hours. I'd have contacted the support after 24 hours. Then waiting for up to 72 more hours for an reply. And not a month.

Then (but of course there is the risk that they might ban you then ... though the purchase is not really tied to an ingame account yet when no code is applied and you could buy from another account) I'd try to get the money back. Don't know if this works with a credit card though. The usual payment option I use in my country would require the other party to manually send the money back. (And me sueing them.)

Trying to escalate this to another team in the ArenaNet company ... would be the best option. Not sure if this is possible. Does the payment related stuff not go separately from other issues?

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Some official information via the Knowledge Base:

If you're not receiving automatic responses from Support after submitting a ticket...

Try submitting a new ticket using an alternate email account. The alternate email should use a different email provider than the one causing you trouble. For example, if the email address you used previously was a @yahoo.com address, try creating a @gmail.com or @hotmail.com mailbox through which to contact support.

When you submit a ticket, be sure to let us know which email address you’re having trouble with and which address we should use to contact you in the future. In addition to this, please include the number of your original ticket (if available) in the subject line of your new ticket, as well as any other information you previously provided.


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I got an email saying they received my order. Shortly after, say an hour I got confirmation that it was all done. Got my items about an hour later, and the gems within 9 hours (not sure how long as I went to bed, but they were available when I woke up).


Hope this helps.

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20 hours ago, onemanmmo.1384 said:

I was just wondering how other people got the expansion.

sorry if this is a dupe)I accidentally closed my tab while typing


I pre-bought the ultimate edition  but haven't received an email about it or an in-game mail. Just the credit card bill.  My support ticket is unchanged after a month.

August 22 is coming up fast and I'm starting to freak out that I won't be able to play


Did you buy it in-game or via their website (your main account)? You can check in your main account whether or not the expansion has been added or not, afaik.

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