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On 8/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you need a keep capture" Or " I am tagged up doing the weeklies"

Yes, but only 20% of the callouts are in correct format. 😍

Other times in Team chat is someone shouting "Behind" or "Lord" or just your regular "inc" 🤪

On 8/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they prioritize using Iron Guards, Watchtower and Presence of the Keep?

Yes, but when alts are on and want to troll or take the objective repeatedly they install "Auto Turrets" 🤪

On 8/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

Well they PPT hard and when they face Mag, half the server go to do PVE. There are some of us that love fighting Mag. 😌

On 8/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they protect EBG AND Home borderland ?

50/50. Some guilds like Desert on our server. Some just don't want to fight EBG. Some just want to stand on the wall and chat all day and one that will be on a mount jumping at one spot all day. 😒

I have so many times asked ppl to come help but everyone recently is in the mindset of "oh they can have it, we'll back cap." The freaking server is king of freaking back cap. Like if our T3 Jerri is getting hit, about 5 ppl will be at Klovan trying to back cap that while we lose Jerri. Guess no defending since no reward, thanks Anet. 💀

On 8/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they take objectives legitimately, not using exploits etc?

Not sure. We have trolls that will go on for days pulling all tactics or siege capping us but building 50+ golems or rams with shield generators that look like "PP" 🥰

On 8/30/2023 at 10:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

If you answered yes to all of these questions would you share what server you are on?  thank you

TC. Friendly ppl but hard time getting ppl to fight recently. 😐


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On 8/30/2023 at 8:02 PM, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you

I used to make call outs, best scout 😛  at first I was very bad, I would go like "garrison is under attack",  then I learn to ping the objectives, still not good enough, later I ping objectives, and pull EWP, NOPE still wrong, then would sieged up objectives, lay down supply/painter  traps, and ping objectives, with number, color of enemy and which gate/wall they are attacking, at what percentage, still no one came , then I call out BEFORE the enemy attack the objective, it would be like, enemy + numbers + direction + what objective, until the objective was flipped, still no one respond. most of the time I can see tag on map and if not on map I know they on other maps. 


that was when I moved to another server, because one "server mate" told me to my face  WE WILL NEVER RESPOND TO YOUR CALL OUTS.  Yeah, that hurt... that was a wake up call,. I don't call out anymore on team, I am now exclusive to my squad only. 

best scout 😄 if I start my day fresh and watch the movement of the enemy, I can pretty much predict where they will attack next. suck to not have me 😄 

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11 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Lmao, you mean those server meetings?  It was the meme before SBI having 12 server discords depending on who wanted to play leader that month.

🙂 No my friend, it wasn't on SBI. Never been part of those. I admit I don't join voice since I am usually on one or two already since my guild multi-games and I learned I can't do three and two is often a challenge.  It was on my prior server. While in T1 all guilds were requested to be in reset meetings regardless of size. The drama lama was high in regards. And larger guilds looked down on havocs. By now, I hope you know, not a fan of that since disagree that zerg means win. So there was a lot of back and fourth. That lead to a lot of internal strife as larger guilds blamed smaller ones of losing fights since they couldn't get enough on map to fight. 

Edit: And most of them weren't into snarky.

Addendum: Kitty: If you are still out there and lurking and might be on the forums and still in game, SBI has a lot of fun peeps and awesome guilds. Would be a grand fight to be had! 😉 Grimm sends a /wave. 

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10 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

🙂 No my friend, it wasn't on SBI. Never been part of those. I admit I don't join voice since I am usually on one or two already since my guild multi-games and I learned I can't do three and two is often a challenge.  It was on my prior server. While in T1 all guilds were requested to be in reset meetings regardless of size. The drama lama was high in regards. And larger guilds looked down on havocs. By now, I hope you know, not a fan of that since disagree that zerg means win. So there was a lot of back and fourth. That lead to a lot of internal strife as larger guilds blamed smaller ones of losing fights since they couldn't get enough on map to fight. 

Edit: And most of them weren't into snarky.

Addendum: Kitty: If you are still out there and lurking and might be on the forums and still in game, SBI has a lot of fun peeps and awesome guilds. Would be a grand fight to be had! 😉 Grimm sends a /wave. 

Oh, I guess different place same crap.

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Is SBI really good? I have been contemplating for the longest time to move to either SoS or JQ (SEA zone). But, because of this stupid Alliance "akan datang" lie, I have been holding back the transfer for more than two years. Not going to wait anymore 😕 I am in GoM now. Not that they are bad, just that although GoM has a strong NA presence, they are pretty lacking in OCX and SEA gameplay.

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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5 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

Is SBI really good? I have been contemplating for the longest time to move to either SoS or JQ (SEA zone). But, because of this stupid Alliance "akan datang" lie, I have been holding back the transfer for more than two years. Not going to wait anymore 😕 I am in GoM now. Not that they are bad, just that although GoM has a strong NA presence, they are pretty lacking in OCX and SEA gameplay.

SBI is full of a lot of stubborn people and in T4. So Good? We have fun, we laugh, we moan, we are a herd of kittens. So if you are looking for structured play versus knowing what you should do, no it will not go well. Doesn't mean it's not fun, in my marble loosened book. You just need to be ready for snark, laughs and things going bad and then flashmobs that will be suddenly rolling the other side without rhyme or reason. We have a lot of private tags and our public ones can draw some serious hungry peeps. But we are a herd of cats so...mileage will vary. I moved to SBI something like a decade a go, they still make me smile even when I make terribad calls and jump in when someone gets caught up. Sometimes the fight does just require a spark to ignite. 

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7 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Did your server recently get alot of transfers or they went to KN?

Not a lot, but periodically we get some guilds transfer here because it was cheap.


6 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

Is SBI really good? I have been contemplating for the longest time to move to either SoS or JQ (SEA zone). But, because of this stupid Alliance "akan datang" lie, I have been holding back the transfer for more than two years. Not going to wait anymore 😕 I am in GoM now. Not that they are bad, just that although GoM has a strong NA presence, they are pretty lacking in OCX and SEA gameplay.

SEA is a bit better because we have a sizable Korean presence and they are pretty good, though personally I can only play with them on the weekends.

But they tend to do a lot of EB zerging so depends on your playstyle too. Like I would not come here to roam, lol.

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18 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

 Like I would not come here to roam, lol.

Lol, I disagree here me friend. I have seen you all harvest the targets. Oh the bags and the fun when they run when they outnumber you and run all the same lol. You see, this is why I leave my havoc tag as hidden. I warned guildmates of the intention of bad ideas, as well. 

That said after 16 years fiber is coming so....Vendetta?

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Oh wow SBI sounds like a fun place 😃 I don't play meta classes so it's kinda hard for me to get invited into organized squads or guilds. Usually I just tag alongside running squads. Now SBI is high pop so it costs just 1k gem to transfer and SoS costs 1.8k gems, while JQ is full. Think I better get in before any changes 😛. Thank you guys 🙂 

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8 minutes ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

Oh wow SBI sounds like a fun place 😃 I don't play meta classes so it's kinda hard for me to get invited into organized squads or guilds. Usually I just tag alongside running squads. Now SBI is high pop so it costs just 1k gem to transfer and SoS costs 1.8k gems, while JQ is full. Think I better get in before any changes 😛. Thank you guys 🙂 

I like it as a home for a number of reasons. Archon is more founded and I have less marbles, so ask Xen as a more recent inmate. I will say I find SBI as quite pug friendly. Just be warned, mileage varies skirm by skirm.

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7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

I like it as a home for a number of reasons. Archon is more founded and I have less marbles, so ask Xen as a more recent inmate. I will say I find SBI as quite pug friendly. Just be warned, mileage varies skirm by skirm.

Eh I'm having fun(but you know my type of fun is not the norm), but really not that different from other servers roamers. NA we have a couple small/mid sized guilds, Void, Sin, but not really any big zerg/fight guilds, that's the link Indo, FTL.

Sugar Min is looking for Sea though and I have no clue about our ocx/sea times.


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2 hours ago, Bern.9613 said:

OMG I'm so switching servers and going to hunt you down. Might bring the other one with me.

K buying target painters.

Also it'd be nice for an acutal threat for once. The last people that said they'd hunt us down never even showed for the rest of the matchup

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I am in SBI now 🤗 But I guess for a week or so I will be missing some pips and rewards because of the transfer cool off period.

The moment I got into EBG I ran towards SMC and halfway there, I stopped to change some traits and there was this player that ran pass me and he sort of like turned around and waited for me when he was near the castle gates. My guess was that he saw two enemies loitering near there and waited for me to get nearer then he ran in together with me. Nice community 🙂

And, finally I am able to run with a zerg during SEA time. Like it so far 🙂

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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6 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

I am in SBI now 🤗 But I guess for a week or so I will be missing some pips and rewards because of the transfer cool off period.

The moment I got into EBG I ran towards SMC and halfway there, I stopped to change some traits and there was this player that ran pass me and he sort of like turned around and waited for me when he was near the castle gates. My guess was that he saw two enemies loitering near there and waited for me to get nearer then he ran in together with me. Nice community 🙂

And, finally I am able to run with a zerg during SEA time. Like it so far 🙂

🙂 Welcome! I am NA Est, but if we get to cross time zones, will send a /wave. Welcome to the pack of maniacs. 🙂

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15 hours ago, Sugar Min.5834 said:

I am in SBI now 🤗 But I guess for a week or so I will be missing some pips and rewards because of the transfer cool off period.

The moment I got into EBG I ran towards SMC and halfway there, I stopped to change some traits and there was this player that ran pass me and he sort of like turned around and waited for me when he was near the castle gates. My guess was that he saw two enemies loitering near there and waited for me to get nearer then he ran in together with me. Nice community 🙂

And, finally I am able to run with a zerg during SEA time. Like it so far 🙂

Welcome to the jungle. Glad you found people in your time zone to run with. 🙂

Um just to note, if you moved on Sat after this past reset.... you're going to have to wait almost 2 weeks for the skirmish rewards to kick in, as it doesn't consider you a citizen of a server until you've been on there from the start of a reset to the end of the matchup. Fridays before reset are the best day to move to bring that penalty down to a week. You still get all the other rewards though. 🍦


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On 9/2/2023 at 4:57 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

mileage varies skirm by skirm.

lol just called for defense of QL from 4 enemies, ended up being like 6 of them, and like 3 people showed up after 2 mins, time to recap it like 10 people showed up. Then someone said it's a small server... when it took me 10 mins to get through a queue to get on ebg. Typical of every server at this point tbh. 😏

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10 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

lol just called for defense of QL from 4 enemies, ended up being like 6 of them, and like 3 people showed up after 2 mins, time to recap it like 10 people showed up. Then someone said it's a small server... when it took me 10 mins to get through a queue to get on ebg. Typical of every server at this point tbh. 😏

Hey you lol, hence the mileage varies. Don't worry my zerg pulling friend, we will find trouble. lol, I have a number of guildies from War,  a number were WEs.  Have a habit of creating, how does the statement go?, of creating interesting times 🙂 in various games and modes. Bad calls will be made by all, but as the story goes....'There was a party at mothers and a good time was had by all!'. But I admit to being mental. 🙂 Was a festive weekend lol. Fights, on all scales from solo to havoc to Warband to Zerg were a lot of fun. Do I have concerns on issues yes, do I want to go into them here, no since I need to best figure out how they apply to Alliances and the WR project. That said, as a fan of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and considering your pulls lol, 'Thanks for all the Fish!'. 🙂 Good hunting my friend!

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On 9/2/2023 at 11:49 AM, Bern.9613 said:

OMG I'm so switching servers and going to hunt you down. Might bring the other one with me.


On 9/3/2023 at 9:18 AM, Haretic.2047 said:

As part of T4's favorite server, this made me chuckle. 🙂

lol, how many maniacs do we have out here? 🧐 I fear I will have to give up my cave troll membership club card. Nope....... wait, as a roamer & havoc that comes free with purchase. Plus as a TS3 member I think I get to retain my status. Vent for the win! Gogogo flashmob!

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