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Secrets of the Obscure * Rise and Shine Achievment, #32, j

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Why on earth would you make this jumping from minecarts so hard to do, some players who have disabilities, it makes impossible to achieve and it is needed for Mastery Points. Why all the cart wire details so a Skyscale has a hard time landing on the cart, I can't believe the trouble times doing this for alot of players which cause stress and frustration, where is the fun in this game gone to?

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On 9/4/2023 at 3:38 AM, September Fawn.7980 said:

Why on earth would you make this jumping from minecarts so hard to do, some players who have disabilities, it makes impossible to achieve and it is needed for Mastery Points. Why all the cart wire details so a Skyscale has a hard time landing on the cart, I can't believe the trouble times doing this for alot of players which cause stress and frustration, where is the fun in this game gone to?

Though not a solution I found this video to be helpful. Of the first ones posted about the boxes - he goes through the Mine Cart Jumps slow enough to see what he's doing. Part Gliding part Skyscale. I don't understand German, I just watched him do the jumps. His video is indexed.


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2 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

You can use timestamps when you link YouTube videos so they start at the at the respective portion of the video.

If you go to YouTube where video have been uploaded (just click on YouTube that is in video to go there) and open grey field by click in that field where can see date for video (it will work same way as a spoiler tag), you will find timestamps for each step in Achievement in German. It shouldn't be too hard to see what number that is in English version and find out what step is in the German version and look for time stamp to get to that step.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive been playing GW from GW to GW2... and Im up in age too, and NEVER EVER had such a problem with this #32 Jumping into Carts in the air, it is so unbelievebly  HARD and very, very frustrating.  I am unable to do this one which means I will never get the achievement point for grinding the other ones in the set.  Ive tried this puzzle about 50 times, a few times a day, unless it is changed in some way, I wont do it again. I could see if you let us touch the cart, but no, you have to land IN it perfectly to go onto the next, within seconds!!  Nope, never been so upset with this game than this.  My fingers just wont do the job they use to.  Give us oldies that have been faithful to this game a break.  

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This one was indeed a bit difficult.  With Skyscale you really need to face the direction you'll need to go and not try to approach from any of the sides.  The other key is don't bother trying to hit the middle of the cart in between all the wires.  I stayed to the left or the right of the center.

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I try support ticket, and, of course the solution thats they give-me is come here expose my self and fisical limitations, to some fanboy start attack me. Ok lets rok!!

32 and 35 simple impossivel conclude, per ping latency, lag and time to gone from one place to other. and and now my rant!!

It's not the first time that a game mechanic or a jump puzzle has hindered my progress or enjoyment of the game in these 11 years. Brazil's high ping for the game is something I'm already used to, but really the notion of fun should take into account, people like me, who have problems with their hands and arms, that some movements or sequence of movements, cause a lot of pain, making it impossible to do something. For example, I would love to have a mechanical, sports car, but I can only drive my automatic car, because the movement of changing gears causes me pain, a lot of pain, followed by irritation.
A long time ago I stopped playing because some genius put a JP at a festival that caused me a lot of physical pain, frustration and was impossible to complete, even because the time for movement x high ping in Brazil, it was impossible and on the 3rd or 4th attempt the pain was immense.

Now in SOTO, something has become impossible to achieve, either due to the short time or even the movement, either because the glider booster throws upwards when jumping with the glider from one place to another, or because the mount gets stuck from one cart to another , or even at 35 for not reaching the second pillar in time, due to ping lag. However, this impacts the evolution of my ACC archives and also causes physical pain and frustration when trying to do so. It's not easy to come out publicly and say, I have physical limitations, I feel pain when trying to have fun, but support thinks this is the way to go, exposing people, instead of dealing with this internally with efficiency and good customer service.

Honestly, in 11 years, I'm seriously thinkings top plau for the second time to definitely stop play it, despite everything I love this game, I've already been punished on the forum for complaining, they've already banned me for 6 months from the game for supposed use of bots, and I don't even have a map it was complete, no expensive items or anything, it just had a wow addon manager which unfortunately has a similar name to the bot that at the time was used by those who wanted to cheat GW2, and even presenting the prints, I was punished for 6 months for something which I never did.
But I went there and bought another license for the game, all the expansions at the time, and started from scratch again, until my main account came back. They never gave me an SORRY, we made a mistake, you really never did anything wrong, and I follow the sweaty and poor life of a wvw player, who is poorly rewarded for his effort, barely able to stay in the game, support his family who lives in the favelas of lions arch. Legendary Weapon? In 11 years I have 3, which I practically got from friends.
But back to the subject, look at some people JP must be extremely fun, being angry can also be a sign of fun, but remember THERE ARE PEOPLE, CONSUMER CUSTOMERS OF THE COMPANY, who have limitations and want to have fun too, make progress in the game, have items, so when putting in the kitten JP or some mechanics, remember us, those with high ping, the color blind, those with physical limitations. etc. Or assume that you don't care, put a warning on the website, that when purchasing the game you will be limited to not completing progress, files, items because we don't care about consumers.

NOTE for ADM:  if I have to expose myself publicly, I also have the right to expose the company publicly on the forum, since support read all of this and concluded that the best place to deal with the matter was here. I said, i prefer talk about this in ticket!

Edited by vonhellsing.2819
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They make it so hard because they can. My main complaint is the work involved for the overall ach for 1  mastery point is ludicrous. They equate difficulty with enjoyment. Many studios employ or enlist those with behavioral psychology backgrounds/degrees to identify emotional triggers and no doubt advised them to play to their "completionist" tendencies. Clearly the older gamers here are not of any value. Well, works both ways. Next expansion, we'll pass and not waste our money.   I miss the days when Jeff Strain was part of Anet. His vision was true to gaming culture.

They should take that part and make the mining cars it's own standalone jumping puzzle. That would make more sense. Josh would be proud of it. lol  Oh for the record, I lead and have led a guild of all mesmers, I know a thing or two about jumping puzzles. So cracks about not knowing, will be a waste of your time. 🙂

Good luck everyone, and God Bless.


Edited by Evon Skyfyre.9673
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16 minutes ago, Evon Skyfyre.9673 said:

Eles tornam isso tão difícil porque podem. Minha principal reclamação é que o trabalho envolvido para a dor geral de 1 ponto de domínio é ridículo. Eles equiparam dificuldade com prazer. Muitos estúdios empregam ou recrutam pessoas com formação/graduação em psicologia comportamental para identificar gatilhos emocionais e, sem dúvida, os aconselham a seguir suas tendências "complecionistas". É evidente que os jogadores mais velhos aqui não têm valor algum. Bem, funciona nos dois sentidos. Próxima expansão, passaremos e não desperdiçaremos nosso dinheiro. Sinto falta kitten época em que Jeff Strain fazia parte kitten Anet. Sua visão era fiel à cultura dos jogos.

Eles deveriam pegar essa parte e fazer dos carros de mineração seu próprio quebra-cabeça de salto independente. Isso faria mais sentido. Josh ficaria orgulhoso disso. haha Ah, para que conste, eu lidero e liderei uma guilda de todos os mesmers, sei uma ou duas coisas sobre quebra-cabeças de salto. Portanto, piadas sobre não saber serão uma perda de tempo. 🙂

Boa sorte a todos e que Deus abençoe.


I'm not against JP, as long as it is not mandatory to complete any other archive that is not exclusive to JP. But when including, an alternative must be included, for those who need the point to conclude something, just as has been done in some others.
Everyone seeks the fun they like, some like to be angry, others like to have fun, life is already difficult, I prefer to have fun, without feeling pain. but I'm really thinking about stopping playing permanently, and with that my monthly gem purchases will also stop.

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