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Of Rifts and Lisa

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Hi everyone.

First, I want to thank everyone for all your help over the years and not jeering at me when I go to bat for soloing.

I am a 24 hour caretaker for my mom who has dementia and is a heartbreaking handful.  This game takes me away from reality for a bit.

I also have truly rotten to the core hand/eye coordination, and, for some unknown reason, my Skyscale appears to fly slower than others, even when I use Dash.

I have recently been playing SOTO....Gads, I am crying as I type this...don't hate me.

I have come across a roadblock that I cannot push through.


I can use The Heart to summon rifts, I can follow the path of twinkles, but, but, they disappear and I am left with no guidance as to where the rift is.!!!!

I managed to get the first part done, where the hunter sends you out to track and close rifts.  I finished it only by stumbling on other people's rifts and helping.

I celebrated.  Thinking tracking on my own was done.

But now, a bit ago, this same hunter has told me to go track again. 

Once again I tried. And tried again.

And failed.  failed.

I know you can continue to hit the Heart, and can activate it while mounted, but what happens when you are in the middle of space when it vanishes, and all land masses are unreachable?

I can waypoint, but waypoint where?  The rifts don't show up until you are close to them.

And, from reading both Reddit, and this forum, I am the only one with this problem.

It seems everyone and their granny can track, find, and close rifts with the greatest of ease.

And, it is only going to get harder.

Wilted, watery sigh.

I have truly and sincerely tried with this expansion.  Before I got the new Skyscale wall thingy, I found and got to all the insights on both maps. I have flown about looking for, and participating in, events.  I have completely mastered the first Mastery , the one where you can open Large chests, and I am about three steps into the next Mastery.

I think I even did the Meta on the second map, not completely sure though.

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas of what I might be doing wrong, or not doing, with rift tracking let me know.

Lisa-leaving the thread deep in thought...hmmm...I wonder if a video has been made on Rifts...if it is as easy as people say, probably not, but I can check 🙂




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There is an important thing to remember about rifts. I assume this is a bug that will be fixed but for now you will have to play around it. When you use your magic thingamabob to search for a rift but one is already in progress and you don't reach that one in time to get credit it bugs out the map display for subsequent rifts and you end up not seeing the big red circles on your map until you switch maps or relog.

What I do right now is look around the map first and usually there is at least one person with a commander tag running rifts. I don't use my rift finder yet but just fly over to their location and only use my rift finder *AFTER* the active rift has been sealed and is gone. Then the big red circle will show on my map and I know where to go without having to follow the commander tag or the silly glitter effect in the air. The rifts are usually close to a waypoint you can use to quickly jump there.

Once the red circle shows it gets easy and you get into a rhythm of killing the boss, closing the rift, using your finder, looking at the map, teleporting, rinse and repeat. If you ever lose track and arrive too late to get credit (and thus the red circle no longer appears on your map) just relog and try again.

Edited by sewenewes.4176
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Griffon helps immensely with getting to things fast. And having experience with brand stone farming in Domain of Istan is also helpful.

Make sure you start at the highest waypoint on the map. The most frustrating thing is being stuck at the bottom of the map with no way to get back up in a timely fashion. It isn't just you; I do agree that navigating the map is not fun.

As a last resort you can get in a squad with a commander and simply TP to friend until you get the required rifts for the story.

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Thank you all for responding.  I feel silly now for writing this, but at the time the tears were flowing because I was feeling like a failure for not being able to something that others find easy to do.  I swear..I have tried so darn hard.  Maybe I was trying too hard.

Anyways.  I now have another question.

I was looking over what I had accomplished in Soto, and I think I have been doing ok because in all the achievements that have Mastery Points attached, I only have a couple of requirements left in each achievement.

In my Masteries, I have finished Enhanced Updrafts and have just started Combat launch.  If I work very hard, and somehow am able to finish this Mastery line, why do I need to train a new Skyscale?  Is it because of the new skin?

And the idea of getting on a squad and using TP to friend when I get lost as I don't fly fast, don't know why, is very attractive.  Very attractive indeed.  I would pay a commander, or someone experienced, 100 gold for such help.

I am not lazy, just clutzy.

Anyways, thank you all.

I am feeling a lot more positive 🙂

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For the rifts. Do you have the Griffon? On Amnytas map, waypoint to the middle waypoint and start from there. Most if not all rifts will be on lower ground so you can zip to there with Griffon. Skyscale should be fine but Griffon is faster. You can do similarly on Archipelago map. Go to a high part of the map and start from there. 

Also use a keybind for the Hearth so you can easily use it any time with a press of a button. The UI shortcut is very small and annoying. Once used to you will have easier time if you have bad hand-eye coordination.

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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

For the rifts. Do you have the Griffon? On Amnytas map, waypoint to the middle waypoint and start from there. Most if not all rifts will be on lower ground so you can zip to there with Griffon. Skyscale should be fine but Griffon is faster. You can do similarly on Archipelago map. Go to a high part of the map and start from there. 

Also use a keybind for the Hearth so you can easily use it any time with a press of a button. The UI shortcut is very small and annoying. Once used to you will have easier time if you have bad hand-eye coordination.

I do indeed have a Griffon.  I need to try this.  Thank you.

And keybinding.  That sounds a lot faster than what I have been doing.  Thank you again.


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16 hours ago, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

In my Masteries, I have finished Enhanced Updrafts and have just started Combat launch.  If I work very hard, and somehow am able to finish this Mastery line, why do I need to train a new Skyscale?  Is it because of the new skin?

From how this is phrase i'm assuming you've already unlocked the skyscale from LS4.
the 'New Friend' achievement is totally Optional for you, but you will get a couple of things by completing it(and compared to the previous collection, it's really not that bad if you have some Charged Quartz saved up from either the Festival of the Four Winds, or any farming you might have done over the last X-Years).

  • Firstly is the 'New Look' acheivement that will get you a non-gemstore skin for your skyscale, this is fairly expensive in its own right, and will require a lot more Rift farming, and daily crafting for ascended materials.
  • Second, at least for this season, is a nice chunk of Astral Acclaim from one of the objectives in the 'Special' catagory
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Hi,  update here.

 I managed to find enough people doing rifts that I again got credit and satisfied the Hunter...Yay!!!!

Because the hunter was happy with me, I was able to work on the story again.

I am now on the last story step.  I also have Combat Launch 🙂

All was going great!  The characters captivated me both with how well they were written, and, with how they were voiced.  The story and lore were equally as good.

I was a happy camper! 

Yes, past tense.  I am no longer happy.  Three guesses why.

That pancaked hunter followed me to Amnytas 😞

He again wants me to track rifts !!!!!!

So, this is where I am.

Wish me luck.  I am truly going to need it.


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On 9/5/2023 at 5:53 AM, Parasite.5389 said:

From how this is phrase i'm assuming you've already unlocked the skyscale from LS4.
the 'New Friend' achievement is totally Optional for you, but you will get a couple of things by completing it(and compared to the previous collection, it's really not that bad if you have some Charged Quartz saved up from either the Festival of the Four Winds, or any farming you might have done over the last X-Years).

  • Firstly is the 'New Look' acheivement that will get you a non-gemstore skin for your skyscale, this is fairly expensive in its own right, and will require a lot more Rift farming, and daily crafting for ascended materials.
  • Second, at least for this season, is a nice chunk of Astral Acclaim from one of the objectives in the 'Special' catagory

Astral Acclaim is the carrot on the stick which will drive me onwards.

That is, if I can get past the Hunter 🙂

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is some maps, even in a great distance, theyre marked with red event circle instead of orange circle, but for some reason on some maps its marked as orange, leading to mistaken as normal event.

a easy fix, is the rifts events on map be always dark reddish color.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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Another update. But first a respond to comments.  I have tried everything. When the path of sparkles disappears, I do use the heart again...even mounted.

I have indeed gone to the tallest place I can find to start the tracking via the heart.

I have never seen a red circle or anything to indicate where the Rift is.  So very, very. frustrating for me because Rift tracking is the meat and potatoes of this expansion.

This inability to track leaves me with no choice but to butt into other people's rifts...and even then, I only find them by seeing commander and apple tags on the maps as well as a graphic of a red, horned critter surrounded by a red circle.

So, I apologize for my little, loud- mouthed, Asura shout Reaper charging into your groups🙂

I also apologize for my thinking I was on the last story step.  I have a couple to go.

This morning, I managed to satisfy The Hunter's requirements for Tracking Rifts thus being allowed to continue on with the story ....I need to go where he hangs out, and shake my tiny asura fist at him 🙂

So, I will be continuing the story soon...Yay!!!!

Seriously, I have not been lazy. 

I have currently, 833 pinches of stardust, 2,086 static charges, and, 310 essences of despair which come from rifts and of which I need 500 😞

I know these totals are not great for you guys, but for me, they are 🙂


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In all honesty, the number of rifts they expect you to do is a bit ridiculous. It works out to twelve or so, potentially more if you get to some of them in progress, half of which have to be in Amnytas.

On that note, be very careful with the step that requires a tier 2 rift. When you first get that step, it looks like you can go and find a tier 2 rift on another map, but after you scan for a rift using the motivation, THEN it updates to specify that you need to close a tier 2 rift in Amnytas specifically. It's easy to miss that update, consume your motivation on another map, and get stalled until you get a replacement tier 2 motivation the 'normal' way.

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On 9/4/2023 at 1:49 PM, Julischka Bean.7491 said:

Anyway, if anyone has any ideas of what I might be doing wrong, or not doing, with rift tracking let me know.

First alternative - doing it solo:

First I would traverse the whole map so you unlocked all the waypoints.

Then, when you use the Heart of the Obscure, you will see which direction it's guiding you. Waypoint to the closest waypoint in that direction, so you get to a higher altitude.

Then use the Heart again and you should be much closer now, and it should be easier to use your Skyscale (or other mount) to move downwards.

Second alternative - using the LFG and join rift hunting group (which will also update your progress):

* join a rift hunting squad for your current map - choose a T2/T3 group if there is one, because then the event stays for longer

* notice where the commander and all the blue dots are going, waypoint to the closest spot then make your way there and join the fight

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