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Make Legendary SotO Armor Sellable! [Merged]


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7 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So you understand you're wrong here and hope maybe you won't be wrong in a few years? Got it, thanks.

I mean people who cashed in their hard earned money on a expansion (half-baked and 1/4 delivered one mind you) will of course do be playing the content they paid for for the time being, however bad that content is (while whining which is happening in minutely fashion). You are twisting the meaning of my sentence and overall my thoughts on the topic in general. Employ your mind gymnastics and rhetorics all you like man. At best you are a showman at worst you are delusional. You dont even believe your own thoughts, you shouldnt...

Go ahead and put up a show, ridicule the opposition. You are not contributing in any way towards the better future for GW2. You are simply working for status quo and stale game is what you will get. Im off this ship. Ill be playing other games dont worry, enjoy.

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25 minutes ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

You are twisting the meaning of my sentence and overall my thoughts on the topic in general.

How did I twist anything when the only response you wrote to my post was "Ill see you in a few years man. Not that it matters then or now anyway. But I've always liked myself a small competition." ? What did I somehow misunderstand or twist? What's with the "always liked small competition" bit?  🙄

25 minutes ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

Go ahead and put up a show, ridicule the opposition.

How am I somehow ridiculing you or putting up any show? You simply didn't write anything other than "but we'll see in few years!", what could I possibly misunderstand about that? What else was there to respond to that?


21 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It won't take few years. It's already starting to visibly slow down.

Not really, but from the start you were on the bandwagon claiming it's some impossible task (when some people could already get enough essense for a set within 2-3 weeks), so... For now what you're saying is what you want to be happening, not really what is currenty happening.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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13 hours ago, Jedrik.3109 said:

As someone who has a full-time, above average paying job - no.


And I don't understand how others want this.

You don't understand? I mean, it's pretty obvious... Why do we hire cleaners if we can clean, why take Uber if you can take the bus...

Ok I'll tell you. So we can get it easy. 

There, straight to the point, unfiltered. lol

"Play the game" - yes. Doubt people who bought this with real-money will just suddenly stop playing. Ofc they (ok we) will play to show it off.

"But there's no real hard work to it" - to people who grind in work iRL there is. 


Ok enough sarcasm.

Alot of "huh" reacts on my post. I don't advocate ANet to do it. If they do it, I will buy it. If they don't - which they probably won't - I don't care.

I thought this is obvious, but people just read the first sentence apparently. lol

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32 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:


There isn't even ascended armor on the tp.

We have basically free ascended gear to choose from in the wizards vault ????

the first legendarys atleast 9 or 10 years ago were sellable from the begining  ????


No one thats against my suggestion seems to have any relatable reason to say NO to this improvement other than beeing worried for some odd reason?

what a nice forum Community we have surely this will lay a healty foundation for the future sucess of Gw2 from now on 🙂

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28 minutes ago, knives.6345 said:

You don't understand? I mean, it's pretty obvious... Why do we hire cleaners if we can clean, why take Uber if you can take the bus...

Ok I'll tell you. So we can get it easy. 

There, straight to the point, unfiltered. lol

"Play the game" - yes. Doubt people who bought this with real-money will just suddenly stop playing. Ofc they (ok we) will play to show it off.

"But there's no real hard work to it" - to people who grind in work iRL there is. 


Ok enough sarcasm.

Alot of "huh" reacts on my post. I don't advocate ANet to do it. If they do it, I will buy it. If they don't - which they probably won't - I don't care.

I thought this is obvious, but people just read the first sentence apparently. lol

You shouldnt be scared of other peoples reactions in this forum im pretty sure 70% of the people writing or reacting here have a bias towards some kind of egoistic improvement for them selves not caring about the majority of the playerbase and would not be able to influence something in their personal favor  here If there in any kind of way was an opportunity for them to get exposed while doing so.

Keep in mind that this is a just another forum where people can vent off their frustration by complaining instead of pointing out PROS AND CONS after that implementation wich will allways be the case if you want to CHANGE something….

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41 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

We have basically free ascended gear to choose from in the wizards vault ????

Sounds like you don't need to go for legendaries if you don't want to then?
...not like you had to at any point before btw, you literally wrote this yourself:

20 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

There is something called ascended gear in this game and it lets you skip the legendary crafting while beeing the cheapest option 🙂


Now you're somehow trying to claim that existence of ascended gear is a reason to make legendary gear easier? How does that make any sense?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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39 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Sounds like you don't need to go for legendaries if you don't want to then?
...not like you had to at any point before btw, you literally wrote this yourself:


Now you're somehow trying to claim that existence of ascended gear is a reason to make legendary gear easier? How does that make any sense?

These are different replies to 2 different posts from people here.

non the less what i was trying to point out at the first part of your intended misrepresentation of me was that:  

Just because there are no ascended weapons to buy in the game it doesent mean that it makes sense to apply this to EVERY legendary armor too. this literally makes no sense when they just recently added ascended armor to the wizard’s vault wich should already tell you in wich way things are going right now…..


To the second part of your intended misrepresentation of my replies:


some big brain heroes here use the sentence „you shouldnt be skiping content in order to get something“ as an excuse for lack of their own arguments on literally every possible topic regardless of context.

to wich i replied with pointing out that you can skip legendary crafting by simply using ascended gear and most new players will keep skiping legendary crafting just because they have ascended gear already. 


you shouldnt use quote from me in a way that favors your opinion totally ignoring and misrepresenting the inital point to these replys from me.

Go seek some attention somwhere else please.

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22 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

These are different replies to 2 different posts from people here.

And nothing about that changes the meaning of what you said nor what ascended/legendary items are in this game. The assesment (which was your assesment as well) boiling down to ~"if you don't want to work for legendaries, you can get ascended gear with the same stat values easier" was and still is correct. Nothing about that changed, regardless of context it was attempted to be used at.

22 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

Just because there are no ascended weapons to buy in the game it doesent mean that it makes sense to apply this to EVERY legendary armor too.

Why? Because you want it the other way, strictly to skip ascended acquisition through gameplay? That's not a reason to make that change either.

22 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

this literally makes no sense when they just recently added ascended armor to the wizard’s vault wich should already tell you in wich way things are going right now…..

Ascended acquired through gameplay isn't new to this game. VW isn't the first one by a long shot and it is probably the most limited -quantity and quiality wise- instance of asc items acquisition. I don't understand how this is supposed to be an argument for anything here?


22 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

to wich i replied with pointing out that you can skip legendary crafting by simply using ascended gear and most new players will keep skiping legendary crafting just because they have ascended gear already. 

And that's exactly why acquiring that optional upgrade from ascended gear through gameplay can remain to be acquirable through gameplay. Because if you don't want to do it, you can keep playing with ascended gear just fine. If there's any attempt to "skip" anything here, it's what you're proposing: skipping ascended by just purchasing the legendaries off tp. I don't see a reason to do that at all.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ascended acquired through gameplay isn't new to this game. VW isn't the first one by a long shot and it is probably the most limited -quantity and quiality wise- instance of asc items acquisition. I don't understand how this is supposed to be an argument for anything here?

Well if it wasnt for that anet to would release a legendary starter kit along with it you would be right, BUT they did and they said that there will be different versions of these starter kits over time!!!!

8 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And that's exactly why acquiring that optional upgrade from ascended gear through gameplay can remain to be acquirable through gameplay. Because if you don't want to do it, you can keep playing with ascended gear just fine. If there's any attempt to "skip" anything here, it's what you're proposing: skipping ascended by easier purchasing the legendaries off tp. I don't see a reason to do that at all.

things that discredit your claim instantly:

legendary weapons were buyable from the tp since introduction wich by it self proves that there was no problem with having legendarys on the tp begin with and will remain not to be in future 🙂 

 that's exactly why acquiring that optional upgrade from ascended gear through gameplay can remain to be acquirable through gameplay and just buying it from the tp.

because alot of people clearx seem to be captured in their limited ability to think out side of the box, i want to make something clear here:

if somone skips the legendary craft by buying multiple of them from the TP this doesent mean the CRAFTING PART WAS NEVER DONE its just that SOMONE ELSE WAS WILLING TO DO IT FOR THEM AGAIN IN ORDER TO SELL IT!

Sobx.1758 i wont reply to you any more have i think theres no value in arguing with you any more with your very limited open midset and i hope somone ele can provide some relatable explanation as to why we wouldnt want sellabe legendary armor id be more then happy to get something other than just a NO from you guys 🙂 

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7 hours ago, knives.6345 said:

You don't understand? I mean, it's pretty obvious... Why do we hire cleaners if we can clean, why take Uber if you can take the bus...

Ok I'll tell you. So we can get it easy. 

There, straight to the point, unfiltered. lol

"Play the game" - yes. Doubt people who bought this with real-money will just suddenly stop playing. Ofc they (ok we) will play to show it off.

"But there's no real hard work to it" - to people who grind in work iRL there is. 


Ok enough sarcasm.

Alot of "huh" reacts on my post. I don't advocate ANet to do it. If they do it, I will buy it. If they don't - which they probably won't - I don't care.

I thought this is obvious, but people just read the first sentence apparently. lol

I understand perfectly.  I just don't agree. Why pay for things I can do. I don't pay for a babysitter I just watch my kids. I don't pay for a maid I just clean my house. I dont buy books and pay someone to read it for me. I don't spend money so a game can it can hand me shinies. If you don't want to play the game to get what you want then what truly is the point of the game. 

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41 minutes ago, illuminati.8453 said:

What they should do, is put a very tiny chance of a legendary piece in BL chests.  /ka-ching

I'm not in favor of this, it is just what I would suggest to the higher ups to monetize the game further.  

What if half the revenue from that gets to the creation of wing 8 or  Sab 5?  :P

(the choice is also rng)

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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9 hours ago, knives.6345 said:

You don't understand? I mean, it's pretty obvious... Why do we hire cleaners if we can clean, why take Uber if you can take the bus...

Ok I'll tell you. So we can get it easy. 

There, straight to the point, unfiltered. lol


1 hour ago, Jedrik.3109 said:

I understand perfectly.  I just don't agree. Why pay for things I can do. I don't pay for a babysitter I just watch my kids. I don't pay for a maid I just clean my house. I dont buy books and pay someone to read it for me. I don't spend money so a game can it can hand me shinies. If you don't want to play the game to get what you want then what truly is the point of the game. 


and im sitting here asking to my self why cant both sides keep doing what they think fits their „playstyle“  the most while not affecting each other at all!

This can be applied here as well just let us have the same options to choose what fits us the most at that point in time.

we already have legendary weapons on tp coexisting whit the gen2s that are not available to buy and legendary armor getting the same kind of treatment now would be the next logical step.

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54 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

Why limit it to SotO armour? Let's make all legendary armour sellable. At least that will give me something to do with my skirmish tickets.


The more legendaries in the TP,  the more the prices will drop 

I like your thinking :P

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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14 hours ago, kenzil.5983 said:

You shouldnt be scared of other peoples reactions in this forum im pretty sure 70% of the people writing or reacting here have a bias towards some kind of egoistic improvement for them selves not caring about the majority of the playerbase and would not be able to influence something in their personal favor  here If there in any kind of way was an opportunity for them to get exposed while doing so.

Keep in mind that this is a just another forum where people can vent off their frustration by complaining instead of pointing out PROS AND CONS after that implementation wich will allways be the case if you want to CHANGE something….

I'm not scared lmao.

I'm slightly annoyed. Forums are yes, for discussion. 

Forums are for reading too. If I post something and someone reacts/qoutes it, I expect they have read and consider the full thing, not just the selected sentence. lol

This is not like Tiktok for people with short attention span.

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Just now, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

The Tiktok Generation and their " I don't want to play the game just let me swipe" attitude. 

Why even play games at this point? 

Why can i buy gold if i can play the game and farm it instead? Why would anet offer us something like that ?

because you save time that way its just another QoL basically, you support the games financial future its a win win situation for both sides and maybe even another win for those that never have to spend a single buck to be able to keep playing gw2 because there are people like me that pay the servers for them 🙂

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34 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

The Tiktok Generation and their " I don't want to play the game just let me swipe" attitude. 

Its the exact opposite and you just proved to be very narrow minded by just accusing people of beeing something they likeley are not, they are the exact opposite of what you would like to believe in fact.

People like me have had enough grind in their real lifes growing up!

We dont have the urge (un like you) to prove our capabilities of achieving something IN A VIDEO GAME in order to compensate for what we couldnt but still would like to achieve in the real world.

you clearly didnt achieve any thing in the real world and seek that satisfaction in gw2 well im fine with that as long as you dont keep rubbing your in game achievements in to our faces while forcing it up on us aswell.

we want to have fun in this fantasy environment and take a break from reality after grinding for our whole lifes.

money is not of importance to me any more and i hope you will reach that point in your life too so you can relate to people like me.

and anet and their devs clearly built a structure in this game thats capable of providing satisfaction to both sides whithout affecting each other there are the ones that swipe and the ones that grind.

BUT not when it comes to the legendary armor ???

Yeah time to change that please!

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2 minutes ago, kenzil.5983 said:

Its the exact opposite and you just proved to be very narrow minded by just accusing people of beeing something they likeley are not, they are the exact opposite of what you would like to believe in fact.

People like me have had enough grind in their real lifes growing up!

We dont have the urge (un like you) to prove our capabilities of achieving something IN A VIDEO GAME in order to compensate for what we couldnt but still would like to achieve in the real world.

you clearly didnt achieve any thing in the real world and seek that satisfaction in gw2 well im fine with that as long as you dont keep rubbing your in game achievements in to our faces while forcing it up on us aswell.

we want to have fun in this fantasy environment and take a break from reality after grinding for our whole lifes.

money is not of importance to me any more and i hope you will reach that point in your life too so you can relate to people like me.

and anet and their devs clearly built a structure in this game thats capable of providing satisfaction to both sides whithout affecting each other there are the ones that swipe and the ones that grind.

BUT not when it comes to the legendary armor ???

Yeah time to change that please!

and you cant have fun without buying the new legendary armor?

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