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I dont like the high energy cost on Ventari, especially the Energy Expulsion for Empowered


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I dont like the high energy cost on Ventari, especially the Energy Expulsion for Empowered. Going through a rotation with Ventari and seriously hamper you energy-wise, locking out the elite expulsion for a good length of time when in pvp combat.  The high energy cost of ventari forces legend swap when camping would have been better. Dont feel like an option, more like forced play style once more.          


My solution is to make the elite more analog with its output, adjusting based on different stages of energy. This allow us to still destroy the tablet without legend swap when energy is low. 

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The devs seem to be trying to force legend swap more frequently with build set ups lately. The Herald changes were an obvious attempt at this, which of course forced legend swaps means no control of when or where to use your key abilities at the right moment. The energy costs of a lot of skills need to be addressed, so we will see what happens.

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ventari has a balanced cost which can be used more then fine. If you go spam everything at once then you get energy issues yes. The elite cost, 35 energy, is more then fine and can be used regurarly, you have to use it smart though. If you would lower more then 35 energy, it will do less in effect which isn't worth it. 

Try to give it time to learn the energy management of centaur stance and rotation same time. And again don't spam a rotation or energy bye bye

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7 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

ventari has a balanced cost which can be used more then fine. If you go spam everything at once then you get energy issues yes. The elite cost, 35 energy, is more then fine and can be used regurarly, you have to use it smart though. If you would lower more then 35 energy, it will do less in effect which isn't worth it. 

Try to give it time to learn the energy management of centaur stance and rotation same time. And again don't spam a rotation or energy bye bye

While you do make a point, I am just going to say I don't think it's so much a learning issue. ANet is pushing more and more for a constant stance dance now on the revenant, and regardless of what people say some things are exceptionally prohibitive for the cost implied, never mind how many vectors the Revenant is paying for the supposed benefit they get. Whether intended or not, it seems ANet is pushing that revenants need to keep legend swap on CD more and more these days, and given that nature that is slowly removing control from a lot of our utility. Jade Winds is another example of this problem along with Rite of the Great Dwarf or Call Anguish. There isn't really an excuse these days again when the revenant is paying multiple taxes. Honestly, I have to call it bad form to to say it's a learning issue.

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6 minutes ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

While you do make a point, I am just going to say I don't think it's so much a learning issue. ANet is pushing more and more for a constant stance dance now on the revenant, and regardless of what people say some things are exceptionally prohibitive for the cost implied, never mind how many vectors the Revenant is paying for the supposed benefit they get. Whether intended or not, it seems ANet is pushing that revenants need to keep legend swap on CD more and more these days, and given that nature that is slowly removing control from a lot of our utility. Jade Winds is another example of this problem along with Rite of the Great Dwarf or Call Anguish. There isn't really an excuse these days again when the revenant is paying multiple taxes. Honestly, I have to call it bad form to to say it's a learning issue.

Well I can sometimes be in a stance for 15-20 depending on situation or 10 seconds if I need something from the other stance that is important. I agree on rite of the dwarf and Jade winds, imo 30-35 energy would be fine with some lower cast time. Just saying, the feeling to swap instant after 10 seconds, is not needed always and is some false instinct. (I am not including power quickness Herald in pve)

If centaur elite stance would get a reduced cost, make it 30 energy but not any lower tyyy

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On 9/30/2023 at 7:33 PM, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

The devs seem to be trying to force legend swap more frequently with build set ups lately. The Herald changes were an obvious attempt at this, which of course forced legend swaps means no control of when or where to use your key abilities at the right moment. The energy costs of a lot of skills need to be addressed, so we will see what happens.

This is how the class has always been since its inception, it’s not new. You have never been meant to camp a legend 

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I've been a Ventari simp since I started playing Rev (shortly after HoT release) and tbh it's hard to find complaints about the legend now. They have made massive improvements to it over the years and I think the energy costs are totally in-line with the value they provide. Perhaps it may feel like the energy costs are too spendy, but I'd argue that's moreso a symptom of feeling like your healing is more hard-locked to Ventari on certain builds. If you play something like heal Vindi, it feels fantastic to be able to swap between legends and maintain high healing and cleanse. On something like Herald, maybe not so much, but you have ways around that, such as trying to pool your weapon healing skills for when in Glint, Additionally I would not be shocked in the slightest if the upcoming scepter has healing capabilities tied to it. 

At this point the only thing I'd like to see is one or two more ways for the class to access empower mechanic. 

Edited by Za Shaloc.3908
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The only thing I would like on centaur tablet added => 2-3 sec passively pulsing regen boon, each time it pulses passively the 3 sec heal.

Renegade Heroic command also giving empowerment.

Vindicator Energy Meld also giving empowerment.

Idk about giving more empowerment, For me personal that part is fine.

If they would do it, it's best if they press their F-skill cd to regain empowerment and it would give 2 stacks instead of 1. Then you would have atleast controll over it. But idk if that needs to be added. Rather give on all elite spec acces to make it regain empowerment on F-skill

Edited by arazoth.7290
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  • 2 weeks later...

ventari energy costs are honestly fine. the only thing id like to see is making the empower mechanic available on other legends. idk kalla seems like a great rework prospect with potentially fitting playstyles. as well as mallyx maybe (mallyx could f.e. be based around stacking empowerment and spending it on legend swap, while kalla could make its utilities stronger depending on f ability used...and ofc make kalla skills well like pls lmao) 

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