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ArenaNet's Approach: Analyzing GW2's Feature Lifecycle - What Lies Ahead????

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On 10/6/2023 at 5:36 PM, illuminati.8453 said:

I've never seen a company abandon features as much as Anet.   The core game was pretty solid, the combat was different enough to keep players attention all this time, but their recent development effort is so awful that they are going to just fail from neglect (as you are experiencing).   

This company make no sense.  For instance, why have they not come up with new utility things to sell us in the gem shop?  I would buy them all, but they don't even try.

I really wish the IP would transfer to another studio, that might give us some hope for the future of GW2.  If it stays with ANet then one day we are going to wake up to a shutdown notice. 

Eh blizzard does it all the time in wow, the only things they keep up on is dungeons, raids, and sometimes arena and battlegrounds maps. Warfronts, artifact weapons, class order halls, covenants, torghast, garrison, island expeditions, adding and removing stats, mission table, tournament grounds, caverns of time, and a half dozen other things they abandon after one expansion usually. Such a waste of content.

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58 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Eh blizzard does it all the time in wow, the only things they keep up on is dungeons, raids, and sometimes arena and battlegrounds maps. Warfronts, artifact weapons, class order halls, covenants, torghast, garrison, island expeditions, adding and removing stats, mission table, tournament grounds, caverns of time, and a half dozen other things they abandon after one expansion usually. Such a waste of content.

A lot of MMO devs do it… its this mistaken belief that they have to innovate some grand new idea with every expansion and that if a vocal minority dislikes the new innovation that it isn't worth expanding on… quite frankly it’s annoying. MMOs are supposed to be growing. Ever expanding worlds… new features shouldn’t be one and done things they should always be expanded on… if they don’t work in the first iteration, then look at why it was disliked and improve on it for the next iteration… build up and expand… don’t just start and abandon a million ideas… each expansion doesn’t need some grand new innovation even… improving upon last expansion’s innovations is perfectly valid and often desirable.

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12 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

The difference is that when Relics were announced we were all lead to believe that ALL existing runes 6 piece effect would become Relics…

No, we were not. If that's what you think then you were not paying attention.

12 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

what we received was a small selection of them and most of that small selection got nerfed…

I don't see a huge problem with some of the effects getting nerfed considering some runes got more stats than they had before and we can easier 'min max' by mixing rune stats with relic effects. That was not the case before the change.

12 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

When things are removed in balance passes we are actually TOLD it is being removed…

So you would be ok with the current state if they told you the effects won't be the same on relics as they are on runes? Or what point exactly are you trying to make with this?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So you would be ok with the current state if they told you the effects won't be the same on relics as they are on runes? Or what point exactly are you trying to make with this?

As I said in my multiple replies to Linkin about this… it wouldn’t be as big of an issue if they would have actually been upfront about what is really going to happen. All they told us was we’re getting 40 to start and more will come later. The initial announcement specifically said more core relics will be added over time, but all subsequent announcements have only said more expansion relics are coming. They have still said absolutely nothing about if some effects are being removed permanently or not leaving us guessing about what is going on.

They blind sided us with the actual changes that happened to rune effects. Everything in the announcements made it seem like it would be a simple 1 to 1 transition from rune effect to relic effect. Instead most of the initial 40 core relics are nerfed versions of their original rune effects. So of course those of us who are waiting on rune effects that don’t have relics yet are concerned. We have had radio silence on the issue, we don’t even know anymore if they are even going to add them like they initial announcement said due to the follow ups only saying expansion relics, and we have no idea how much they are going to alter them if they even do add them.

Would I be happy with an answer of “its being removed permanently”? No… but I’d still rather have that answer than to be left in the dark without an answer forever.

Edited by Panda.1967
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1 hour ago, Panda.1967 said:

As I said in my multiple replies to Linkin about this… it wouldn’t be as big of an issue if they would have actually been upfront about what is really going to happen.


They blind sided us with the actual changes that happened to rune effects. Everything in the announcements made it seem like it would be a simple 1 to 1 transition from rune effect to relic effect. Instead most of the initial 40 core relics are nerfed versions of their original rune effects.

So as I already said after you claimed "The difference is that when Relics were announced we were all lead to believe that ALL existing runes 6 piece effect would become Relics", apparently you were not paying attention to what they said.


This also allows us to design relics that focus on player interactivity rather than mostly passive bonuses, and this direction is more aligned with our goal for those special effects.


Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure will release with forty core relics and twelve expansion relics. Core relics, which have effects inspired by many of the current rune sets, will be available to all players regardless of expansion ownership. Additional core relics will be added over time as part of our ongoing commitment to improving our core game features; our overarching goal is to offer more viable choices despite fewer overall options.


1 hour ago, Panda.1967 said:

They have still said absolutely nothing about if some effects are being removed permanently or not leaving us guessing about what is going on.

You don't need to keep guessing about anything. You have options that are available in the game. If you are somehow unable to play now due to whatever relic or 6th past rune bonus effect (although I'm not sure why that would be the case), any information you get will not change it.
And based on the quotes above, you can simply consider them gone, because you were not told -or led to believe- that it will be some "1 to 1 transition".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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51 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So as I already said after you claimed "The difference is that when Relics were announced we were all lead to believe that ALL existing runes 6 piece effect would become Relics", apparently you were not paying attention to what they said.

You're misreading that statement.  It says the attribute affects will all be there.  It doesn't mention the bonus affect.

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9 minutes ago, DarcShriek.5829 said:

You're misreading that statement.  It says the attribute affects will all be there.  It doesn't mention the bonus affect.

Do you somehow think I said anything about "all the bonus effects being there"? When?
I'm literally saying the opposite of that. I'm pointing out that we've been told it will not be a "1 to 1 copy" (while Panda keeps wrongfully claiming we've been somehow led to believe it will be some kind of direct transfer of effects).

So yes, I know they won't all be there, that's literally the point of the provided link/quotes, all of which say exactly that.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Do you somehow think I said anything about "all the bonus effects being there"? When?
I'm literally saying the opposite of that. I'm pointing out that we've been told it will not be a "1 to 1 copy" (while Panda keeps wrongfully claiming we've been somehow led to believe it will be some kind of direct transfer of effects).

So yes, I know they won't all be there, that's literally the point of the provided link/quotes, all of which say exactly that.

Looks like some posters just need to brush up on their corpo speech comprehension mate.

And if we keep this up we will be banned for harassing them.

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