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Maybe unpopulare opinion but ......


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Could we please get warriors self sustain nerfed in favor to Finaly get some dmg back? Now you might question me why i say this. Well here are my reasons:

1. The Meta Builds are see Play on full defence lines. This favors a realy too easy self sustain skills spamy Playstyle

2. The over the top self sustain is the reason why we are not allowed to Deal actually good amount sustained dmg pressure. (Cause you know both at same time would be too good)

3. This self sustained Playstyle let only this 2 specific Builds be somewhat variable while other builds that relies on having dmg are basicly useless now.

Now the way to do this would be obviously Nerf Berserker and Bladesworn in terms of their self healing and stuff. Then just buff the dmg of specific weapon skills. Just like shield bash (other wise this whole weapon is basicly useless) and burst skills and maybe also rework weapon skills Just like Rush or hundreth blades to be able to actually Hit them against moving targeds.


Edited by Myror.7521
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Personally, I think that the damage pressure issue mainly come from the low quality ranged option. Longbow is only really decent in PvE and rifle is mostly a meme weapon skillset. Many warrior chose to just go with 2 melee weapon sets due to that and it result in warrior easily losing damage pressure against their foes.

The poor quality of arms as an offensive traitline probably contribute to the issue as well.

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7 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Dadnir.5038 yea but very obviously the reason why the Players playing the class like they actually do is cause its the best way against the Meta. But also imo its the only way for Warrior to see Play overall cause of the lack of dmging pressure (or overall offensive pressure) to other classes.

Prior to Defense it was Tactics with Shout heals and Might Makes Right from Strength. Its why Bladesworn ran it, its why Shake It Off no longer has ammo charges in competitive modes and why Tactical Reload no longer refreshes ammo charges on anything other than Bladesworn skills.

Honestly Defense line isn't even that overbearing on sustain, it wasn't when it was initially reworked but that rework also came near around the time the Shout sustain was nerfed due to Bladesworn exploiting it so predominantly. Same thing is happening now with Defense being used on Bladesworn, also Condizerker.

I'll say it again like I've said elsewhere; they visibly need another layer of splits so that traits/skills are altered based on the Elite Spec equipped in any particular build because it is clear, and has been clear for some time, that issues arise when an Elite Spec enters the equation. Start nerfing Adrenal Health too aggressively (which I fully expect from ANet) and its going to hit Core and Spellbreaker pretty hard in the sustain department and it will all be at the fault of Bladesworn and Condizerker being added to the equation.

This is an inherent fault and flaw in the design of Elite Specializations that they likely did not foresee and has had pretty brutal impacts over the many balance patches in the game where a classes other builds get absolutely gutted simply because one is overperforming with the one single, in this case two, Elite Specs being used in conjunction with a Core one. Another example would be when Berserker became a lot rougher to use prior to PoF releasing all simply because they altered Cleansing Ire's function in preparation for Spellbreaker and its change to the Adrenal bar coming into the game. That lead to the many infamous Berserker reworks.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 idk how this was relevant to my answer but yea you are right with your said things xd

@Lan Deathrider.5910 nah Berserker's Power is a traitline.  What i do mean by saing "to Low dmg" is just weapons Base dmg is too low (or weapons skills) from most of warriors burst weapons ^^ or lets say their burst skill does not enough dmg for what you need to do to get it rdy and actually Hit something ^^

Edited by Myror.7521
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3 hours ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

I'd literally trade all sustain for out of the box warrior from 2012. No adrenaline decay and could hit like a truck. Blowing ppl up is way more fun than outlasting them.

Don't pine for "old" things, pine for them to actually iterate and improve things. Even if they made Adrenaline no longer decay that would not resolve the main issues where Warrior just straight up lacks tools to compensate for the losses in damage it has taken over the years. Its profession mechanic is still entirely predicated on hitting with the Burst skill which has left it feeling outdated and not comparable to the class mechanics of other classes which have much better withstood the test of time.

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7 minutes ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Don't pine for "old" things, pine for them to actually iterate and improve things. Even if they made Adrenaline no longer decay that would not resolve the main issues where Warrior just straight up lacks tools to compensate for the losses in damage it has taken over the years. Its profession mechanic is still entirely predicated on hitting with the Burst skill which has left it feeling outdated and not comparable to the class mechanics of other classes which have much better withstood the test of time.

It's the theme of the post of sustain vs damage.

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On 10/21/2023 at 11:26 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Make Berserker's Power activate on use rather than on hit and you'll see warriors doing more damage. /shrug


This. I would like to take the damage line for damage, not to have no traitline until I hit something and the opponent is ready to block the one thatll actually hurt.

Imagine your traitline being telegraphed. God, I hate it here.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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