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Ranger in wvw


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On 11/11/2023 at 8:50 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Have you ever set foot in wvw at all? Or are you being sarcastic?...mate 99% of wvw is condi burst...even thieves play condi scepter and cele meta is here to stay....the warrior zerk gs busr skill for zerg gameplay it's just a drop in the ocean....WvW is like Condi wars 2

That was probably a Zergling where they may be carried by their support. 

I find interesting Druid is the go to talking about support, what happened to firebrand and scrapper? What is the role of the Druid if they still cannot provide stab or cleanse consistently? 
Genuinely asking as I haven kept with the patches as all looked pretty meh regarding the ranger. 

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14 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I find interesting Druid is the go to talking about support, what happened to firebrand and scrapper? What is the role of the Druid if they still cannot provide stab or cleanse consistently? 

Druid stab (or ranger as a whole) is still low to nonexistent, but condi cleanse is pretty high if needed.
Tbh, nobody is beating FB in case of stab.

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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I find interesting Druid is the go to talking about support, what happened to firebrand and scrapper? What is the role of the Druid if they still cannot provide stab or cleanse consistently? 
Genuinely asking as I haven kept with the patches as all looked pretty meh regarding the ranger. 

FB is still first support because of stab but druid is the best secondary support. It provides the best healing and cleanses in zergs.

Scrapped was heavily nerfed and fell off. We might see a slight comeback after the next patch

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On 11/11/2023 at 8:50 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Have you ever set foot in wvw at all? Or are you being sarcastic?...mate 99% of wvw is condi burst...even thieves play condi scepter and cele meta is here to stay....the warrior zerk gs busr skill for zerg gameplay it's just a drop in the ocean....WvW is like Condi wars 2

Have you...

I mean if I'm playing Thief and I get Condition bombed I cleanse and run away.
I mean if you are dueling, I could see Conditions being good but Damage over time sucks if you are solo roaming.

Edited by Mell.4873
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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

Have you...

I mean if I'm playing Thief and I get Condition bombed I cleanse and run away.
I mean if you are dueling, I could see Conditions being good but Damage over time sucks if you are solo roaming.

I don't know if I'm roaming against bad player but generally speaking I slap really hard as a melee ranger and its most of its burst is condition, that my physical damage is decent because conditions generally enable it to do higher damage. I have Will bender try to 100-0 me but unsuccessful and could be the fact I am also removing majority of their boons or could be that they're unaware with untamed mechanic? Regardless Condition to hit hard solely rely on variety of conditions not a single type, its why some classes like Elementist and Necro can do so well with conditions build. More type of conditions, more consistant DPS more damage you throw out.  I envy Harbinger ability to throw potion that gives them all the boons and throws all the conditions on someone and just go Ham with harbinger shroud.


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On 11/6/2023 at 2:02 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger is literally "trash" in WvW due to the complete lack of viable condi specs, the only ones capable of dealing with cele trolls and perma stealth BS....yeah I know already...the usual carebears will come here with the usual "b--b--but...Sic'em"..yeah killing the worst noob who massively screw up once in a blue moon surely makes it worth...sarcasm off/.

Cele tanks and massive boon spam make power builds on ranger completely obsolete, you need hybrid dmg to get through the layers of toughness, dmg reduction while dealing with the aftermath of damage nerfs...oh...and let's not forget the worst class mechanic: pets.....utter garbage joke outside 1-2 honourable mentions

The end result is ....crap in my opinion, and please now..go on with your sad faces spam...that will surely change the fact that I literally farm rangers without even looking at the screen now...unless it's some boon-centered try-hard who can't even bother me, let alone kill meon his own.

The main problem is :  Cele is meta and it's here to stay  and cele ranger builds suck...no access to burning, torment, confusion is any capable manner...without these condis..your condi build suck...no enough dmg..no quickly enough.

  • The sustain is average at best
  • Low access to stability
  • Pets suck big time...worst class mechanic in the game
  • No Cleave/AoE ranged attack 
  • Projectile based...when everything these days is block/reflect.
  • etc etc etc etc

End result: no worth it

Noob ranger take detected holy... or maybe trolling, I cannot tell.

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3 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

Druid stab (or ranger as a whole) is still low to nonexistent, but condi cleanse is pretty high if needed.

I have to push back here. I would say, in terms of stability, Ranger has "good" Stability access which is better than some. Core: "Strength of the Pack", Shared Anguish, Relic of the Centaur. Soulbeast: Dolyak Stance. Druid: Natural Convergence, Glyph of the Stars. Untamed: Enhancing Impact, Forest's Fortification.

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On 10/27/2023 at 5:20 PM, psizone.8437 said:

Our condi options in WvW are god awful compared to most other classes, so this being addressed would be nice.

Oh come on, it's not that bad. Anything looks bad compared to Harbinger but Ranger hardly lacks conditions. Shortbow/Staff Druid has a pretty large condition spread if you build right Soulbeast has Deadly pets which make for some good bursts. You don't need a massive spread of conditions anyway, you can win a fight just by spamming poison from Refined Toxins/Doom Sigils if you have some other damage, never underestimate the 33% reduced healing.

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12 minutes ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

I have to push back here. I would say, in terms of stability, Ranger has "good" Stability access which is better than some. Core: "Strength of the Pack", Shared Anguish, Relic of the Centaur. Soulbeast: Dolyak Stance. Druid: Natural Convergence, Glyph of the Stars. Untamed: Enhancing Impact, Forest's Fortification.

I'm talking about team stab.

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8 minutes ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

I have to push back here. I would say, in terms of stability, Ranger has "good" Stability access which is better than some. Core: "Strength of the Pack", Shared Anguish, Relic of the Centaur. Soulbeast: Dolyak Stance. Druid: Natural Convergence, Glyph of the Stars. Untamed: Enhancing Impact, Forest's Fortification.

I think Stability access as for core ranger on normal utilities is extremely lacking compared to other classes.  Sotp is great but universally its a meh elite, its not bad but not reliable, compared to something like Forest fortification feels like an upgraded version of strength of the pack, 50% dmg reduction is amazing. The only non elite stab utility thats reliable is DOlyak stance, that being a stun breaker and non damaging condition remover trumps the reason if stacking or using strength of the pack. 

Ranger  as a core need some reliable stab production like the classes, swapping pet isn't as favorable to use and isn't reliable, you dont have nessesary true control over that stab production, now if you gain stab through pressing F2 I'd be okay with that but it aint that.  Enhancing impact is like shared angiuished, it isnt true control and majority of ranger builds don't have or barely have any form of CC. only good CC you have is possible Daze from horn and greatsword, axe 4 is just bad to use and hammer requires you to actually land the abilities which gets horribly kited and ruined by terrain and positioning. You can litterally stafe back and forth to dodge hammer 5 and its really sad.

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7 minutes ago, Oahkahmewolf.6210 said:

I think Stability access as for core ranger on normal utilities is extremely lacking compared to other classes.  Sotp is great but universally its a meh elite, its not bad but not reliable, compared to something like Forest fortification feels like an upgraded version of strength of the pack, 50% dmg reduction is amazing. The only non elite stab utility thats reliable is DOlyak stance, that being a stun breaker and non damaging condition remover trumps the reason if stacking or using strength of the pack. 

Ranger  as a core need some reliable stab production like the classes, swapping pet isn't as favorable to use and isn't reliable, you dont have nessesary true control over that stab production, now if you gain stab through pressing F2 I'd be okay with that but it aint that.  Enhancing impact is like shared angiuished, it isnt true control and majority of ranger builds don't have or barely have any form of CC. only good CC you have is possible Daze from horn and greatsword, axe 4 is just bad to use and hammer requires you to actually land the abilities which gets horribly kited and ruined by terrain and positioning. You can litterally stafe back and forth to dodge hammer 5 and its really sad.

Well I guess you can't have everything.

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1 minute ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Well I guess you can't have everything.

You're right but I prefer to have more reliable boon distribution vs half made/shotty design.
There's alot of things wrong with ranger as a core you don't see them compare to something like guardian and that saying alot.

I still like the class and I enjoy it many unique builds with the spec, but its is obviously lacking a good rhythm, a good flow of design. Lot of ability or trait have some sort of interaction with the pet, and as much as I like pet, the pet UI,AI and even abilities that interact with it. THe interactions can mostly be ether buggy

- (Hammer is the only main weapon that does not have any interaction with your pet compare to something like the bows and even sword)

There alot I can say they could change or redesign but like I said in previous forum I would have to recollect these idea and make a proper discussion about it.

Ranger as a whole is a lovely mess and I like it in some way.

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On 10/27/2023 at 3:45 PM, PrinceValentine.9320 said:

Healer Druid is meta when it comes to large scale fights in WvW. If there's one class that needs a buff in WvW, it's thief. that's the only class that is not viable for zerging. 

Please tell me youre joking? Thiefs are literally the bane of my existence in WvW. They are the most annoying class to deal with if you can even deal with them. 

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On 11/7/2023 at 7:02 AM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Ranger is literally "trash" in WvW due to the complete lack of viable condi specs, the only ones capable of dealing with cele trolls and perma stealth BS....yeah I know already...the usual carebears will come here with the usual "b--b--but...Sic'em"..yeah killing the worst noob who massively screw up once in a blue moon surely makes it worth...sarcasm off/.


I just wonder what these condi perma immob for days Druids are doing in WvW if they don't have a viable condi build.


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