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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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Two suggestions:

Fern Hound (or Mordrem Wolf) reskin for Jackal

  • Its already been mentioned, but wanted to reiterate how perfectly this fits. I can already imagine my Sylvari Necro teleporting across the landscape, releasing little poofs of leaves with every blink.

Tequatl reskin for Griffon

  • I know the shape isn't quite the same, but I think it would work with a little tweaking. As mentioned, I have a Sylvari Necro, and and she'd look amazing riding around on an undead dragon. If you don't think this would work, stand up where ever you are and make undead-dragon-ish noises as loud as you can. I'm sure people are now looking at you with a certain sense of fear. Imagine what kind of attention you'd have if you were really riding around on an undead dragon. And since we can't do that in real life, our characters doing it in-game will have to suffice.

Thank you <3

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I made this suggestion a long time ago in the old forums. I think there should be a Anniversary Mini or something else called the Mini Doppleganger. When the mini is taken out, it will take on the look and appearance of the person who took it out, including armor, weapons, ect. This would be a homage to the Doppleganger back in GW1.

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You know what i would really love.

An item or unlock that lets you customize the color of your profession visual effects and hud skills. all in one it could be something cool and under the dye feature with a limited number of selections to pick from. Most profession effects use 2-3 colors at most.

Mesmers with red shatters or blue shatters/phantoms instead of pinkNecromancers with red/black locustswarm or shroud instead of black/greenGuardians with gold flames instead of blue etc.

I know an idea like this is a stretch maybe it would make some problems though with visually being able to see what certain attacks are or with professions like elementalist :U gahhh i wish it was a thing but still it was a nice idea at the moment i had it.

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Let me ponder...Mini Tiger Spirit skin as a mount that would represent the JackalGW1 Factions Temple Guardian skin as a mount that would represent the JackalSand Lion skin as a mount that would represent the JackalCheetah skin as a mount that would represent the Jackal

Alternative dances for our characters.

Alternative "aura" colors for each class: For example...Mesmer energy or aura is purple/pink. Their attacks are "purple/pink".Why not blue or green?(same exact animations, just a different color) I think the GW2 universe is too complicated and layered to have pink = mesmer, green = necro etc; as a locked rule. Let the player decide what each color represents for themselves. "Red can be seen as "evil" or it can be seen as "bold".

Sunglasses, ear muffs, and Mini Llamas do not quite "blend" into the GW2 story plot however it is a welcome and enjoyed aesthetic. A mesmer with a "blue-beamed-butterfly" spatial surge attack wont damage the integrity of the class lol. This would also change the skill icon colors.

Alternative Cursor "skins"? I may not be describing this in the best way.

"Walking/running" auras or animations that can be toggled for use in and outside of combat. Leaving the player to decide the implementation.-Lighting walking/Running-Ice "Crystally" walking/Running-Fire of course-Shadow energy etc etc

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Came up with this last night: Molten Jet-pack Glider. A slight rework of the Decorative Molten Jet-Pack from way back in season one with animated effects used as a glider. Sold in a bundle with the backpack, or alone for those who already have said backpack. I get this is selling an old prestige reward, but I think it will be okay because A; basically nobody uses it or cares anymore, and B; it is YEARS old now.

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Been waiting for the return of the Silver fed salvage-o-matic item for months. Now I see it finally return only to be locked behind a bundle with the copper version with 0 discount for players who already own the copper version. Why would you not offer the silver fed one alone? This is a bit of a slap in the face to players who already spent money on the copper item. Please add the silver fed to the store by itself or at least offer a discount for players who already have purchased the copper version but subtracting it from the cost

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