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[WvW] - Powercreep has ruined this gamemode.


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Anet has ruined WvW with constant power creep which has made it impossible to play Holosmith/Engineer in general in WvW with all the meta specs being either so tank that you cannot deal any damage to them(e.g. DM Harbingers, Condi Druid, Hammer Catalyst, any Bladesworn, Salvation Vindicators, Celestial Willbenders, and Condition Untamed) or deal so much that you instantly get deleted. (Power Willbender, Deadeye, Shatter Chrono, Power Vindicator).

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the difference with power chrono compared to everything else there is that the power chrono who just csgo onetapped you probably skipped the birth of his own child so he could stay at home and practice mirror blade combos while his wife was alone in the hospital, and honestly when you're that dedicated to pwr mes then you absolutely deserve to be bursting most players into the next borderland over

just get good, be the ball, et cetera. most of the EoD spec and cele builds you've listed here are 100% broken and corny af (not a single person who plays druid in this game had siblings growing up and it shows) but the one singular eternal fact of guild wars 2 is that everybody who plays this stuff is almost universally terrible at the game and you can win on that factor alone

Edited by Lana Del Bae.7156
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8 hours ago, Lana Del Bae.7156 said:

the difference with power chrono compared to everything else there is that the power chrono who just csgo onetapped you probably skipped the birth of his own child so he could stay at home and practice mirror blade combos while his wife was alone in the hospital, and honestly when you're that dedicated to pwr mes then you absolutely deserve to be bursting most players into the next borderland over

just get good, be the ball, et cetera. most of the EoD spec and cele builds you've listed here are 100% broken and corny af (not a single person who plays druid in this game had siblings growing up and it shows) but the one singular eternal fact of guild wars 2 is that everybody who plays this stuff is almost universally terrible at the game and you can win on that factor alone

Lol...chrono shatter is like the easiest glass build in GW2...by a mile, anything hard in GW2 does not get used....so get down from your high horse non-sense.....distortion into stealth into block into teleport into mantra of distraction into distortion into stealth...oHHHHHH me me burst omegalol...into block into distortion...and things get hard....blink/stealth and gtfo....moa form for the laziest kitten or well variant for the macro lovers.

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32 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Lol...chrono shatter is like the easiest glass build in GW2...by a mile, anything hard in GW2 does not get used....so get down from your high horse non-sense.....distortion into stealth into block into teleport into mantra of distraction into distortion into stealth...oHHHHHH me me burst omegalol...into block into distortion...and things get hard....blink/stealth and gtfo....moa form for the laziest kitten or well variant for the macro lovers.

If a mesmer just did all of those skills you just mentioned in sequence to an opponent then how much damage do you think he'd have done to them


The actual easiest burst in the game would be something more in the realm of a soulbeast using longbow 2, which is balanced by the fact that no amount of player skill can make the arrows go any faster than they do with quickness because they're not individual keypresses. The best soulbeast in the world can't make his smoke assault go any faster than anybody else's either, because these skills are designed with a strict limit on their potential for lethality by virtue of their ease-of-use and accessibility 

Edited by Lana Del Bae.7156
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34 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Lol...chrono shatter is like the easiest glass build in GW2...by a mile, anything hard in GW2 does not get used....so get down from your high horse non-sense.....distortion into stealth into block into teleport into mantra of distraction into distortion into stealth...oHHHHHH me me burst omegalol...into block into distortion...and things get hard....blink/stealth and gtfo....moa form for the laziest kitten or well variant for the macro lovers.

I beg to differ. Mesmer, any mesmer has the highest learning curve. Just jump on one and see. Kudos to whoever gets good on it!

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4 hours ago, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

I beg to differ. Mesmer, any mesmer has the highest learning curve. Just jump on one and see. Kudos to whoever gets good on it!

Seriously? We forget about the part where distortion is like a mistform..but mesmers can attack while it's up. There are dozen and dozen of mesmers in wvw for a reason. Did you take a look at player stats lately? Go and see them, then come back and keep claiming that mesmer "it's hard to learn".

I could have said that with core mesmer, even mirage power at some point, where they were not using infinite horizon..but since almost every mesmer started playing condi mirage with IH and staff for easy faceroll....it all went downhill since then.

Chronomancer...it's like easy mode mesmer and virtuoso it's easy mode X 2

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1 hour ago, Lana Del Bae.7156 said:

if u wanna argue for a class being easy to be effective on its best not to link a video from someone who has played said class for over half a decade


it has nothing to do with who played said clase or other wise. You made a claim and i proved it wrong

(by the way, i mained Mesmer Profession as well and it still will be proven wrong)

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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39 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

So now we whine about some second or two damage immunity while other specs 1 vs 10. 😄

Mesmer is like one of the few professions after guardian, thief and necro..that gets defences even before equipping any weapon or uses any trait, gear combination. That's what makes them far easier to play that you lot would like to admit

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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


it has nothing to do with who played said clase or other wise. You made a claim and i proved it wrong

what did i claim? my original claim is that power chrono has a high skill ceiling and its this skill ceiling that permits its most loyal adherents to surf over many of the people they come across. I dont think mesmer is a hard class intrinsically. I don't think any class is hard intrinsically. Even on the same elite specs you can play a super easy build or a really hard one.

I hate to break it to you but the reason you hate power chrono is because its players are genuinely extremely well practiced at what they do. If you die to one then 9 times out of 10 it means the guy you're up against probably just has a dedication to the game that supersedes yours to the point that he probably mirrorblades in his own dreams and can accurately predict what your blood type and home address is just by reading your gameplay alone. There are literally no easy routes to beating someone like that. You have to actually meet them where they are and be better than them if you want to win

If thou wishes to beat sweat, thou must perspirate all the same

Edited by Lana Del Bae.7156
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1 hour ago, Lana Del Bae.7156 said:

what did i claim? my original claim is that power chrono has a high skill ceiling and its this skill ceiling that permits its most loyal adherents to surf over many of the people they come across. I dont think mesmer is a hard class intrinsically. I don't think any class is hard intrinsically. Even on the same elite specs you can play a super easy build or a really hard one.

I hate to break it to you but the reason you hate power chrono is because its players are genuinely extremely well practiced at what they do. If you die to one then 9 times out of 10 it means the guy you're up against probably just has a dedication to the game that supersedes yours to the point that he probably mirrorblades in his own dreams and can accurately predict what your blood type and home address is just by reading your gameplay alone. There are literally no easy routes to beating someone like that. You have to actually meet them where they are and be better than them if you want to win

If thou wishes to beat sweat, thou must perspirate all the same

There are specs/builds that are like that but it is not power crono 😄

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On 10/29/2023 at 6:25 AM, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Anet has ruined WvW with constant power creep which has made it impossible to play Holosmith/Engineer in general in WvW with all the meta specs being either so tank that you cannot deal any damage to them(e.g. DM Harbingers, Condi Druid, Hammer Catalyst, any Bladesworn, Salvation Vindicators, Celestial Willbenders, and Condition Untamed) or deal so much that you instantly get deleted. (Power Willbender, Deadeye, Shatter Chrono, Power Vindicator).

I think you playing the wrong build OP.

I seen core engis that pull, moa, nade barrage and knockback and rifle/nades the crap out of you.

I seen scrappers hammer 5 > hammer 3 and nade barrage (1 shot you)

I seen cele holos that never die cos AED on such a low cooldown. 

And you are here complaining about other classes.

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2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

I seen cele holos that never die cos AED on such a low cooldown.

Anyone can make a bunker build, but that doesn't mean it's a strong build. The obvious problem with my listed examples is that they will never die and have high damage output.

2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

I seen scrappers hammer 5 > hammer 3 and nade barrage (1 shot you)

The only people getting 1 shot by a Scrapper are noobs on bad builds.

2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

I seen core engis that pull, moa, nade barrage and knockback and rifle/nades the crap out of you.

Are you high bro? Do you really think core engi can take on any of those builds I listed? This is next-level delusion. 1 guy with 1 meme build owning you 1 time does not mean Engineer is op.


1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Listed burst and tank specs... forgets engineer can do both too... complaint checks out...

I didn't forget anything. Yes Engineer has both burst and tank builds, however, they operate at about 60-80% effectiveness compared to where the current meta operates at. There's a reason Engineer isn't a popular class.

Edited by SleepyBat.9034
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2 hours ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Anyone can make a bunker build, but that doesn't mean it's a strong build. The obvious problem with my listed examples is that they will never die and have high damage output.

The only people getting 1 shot by a Scrapper are noobs on bad builds.

Are you high bro? Do you really think core engi can take on any of those builds I listed? This is next-level delusion. 1 guy with 1 meme build owning you 1 time does not mean Engineer is op.


I didn't forget anything. Yes Engineer has both burst and tank builds, however, they operate at about 60-80% effectiveness compared to where the current meta operates at. There's a reason Engineer isn't a popular class.

But it is, your class has the most advantage by running away one way and throwing nades or mortar in the opposite directions.

That right there is the most broken kitten ever.

It's really sad that your class is allowed to do this while my class mesmer, mantras got nerfed and now we need to be facing the enemy to use it.

I'd say you should stick to Mech, it's much easier.

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2 hours ago, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

But it is, your class has the most advantage by running away one way and throwing nades or mortar in the opposite directions.

That right there is the most broken kitten ever.

It's really sad that your class is allowed to do this while my class mesmer, mantras got nerfed and now we need to be facing the enemy to use it.

The grass is always greener on the other side buddy. Sorry, I upset you by criticizing your main but I'm not going to argue with you about which spec has the most broken mechanics because we would be here all week as there is more than enough broken stuff on Mesmer. I came here to post about Powercreep and you took it personally but couldn't come up with any legitimate arguments because what I said is true so you settled on saying I'm on the wrong build which is a weird thing to say, obviously I play the strongest Engineer builds I can because I like winning fights. If changing builds or getting good could solve the problem I wouldn't be here.

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