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Rifle Mesmers Direct Allies to the Nearest Emergency Exit

Rubi Bayer.8493

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4 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

Can the Shield trigger the Relic of the Midnight King twice? Once on the way out and once on the way back?

My quick golem testing shows that it does. Works on all hitbox sizes too. Also works on each pulse of Gravity Well.

That, plus the upcoming healing/boon output mainly coming from Shattering, might mean that Scepter/Shield are still the better weapons on a heal build.

Edited by ZephidelGRS.9520
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14 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

Well the 2 skills shown so far aren't CC skills unless exploding the Beacon also Dazes.


The remaining skills are the clone, phantasm, and auto attack.

I don't really expect any of those to be CC skills.


The CC is normally on the other skills.

I did some research and not a single clone ability or phantasm does any CC. Only the F3 Diversion CCs with a brief Daze.

And we know the autoattack won't CC, obviously. I'm actually not even expecting it to condition. Just straight strike damage, but that's just my assumption.

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3 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I did some research and not a single clone ability or phantasm does any CC.

Sword clones under infinite horizon do, for their Mirage thrust (unlike dagger clones); Phantasmal mages too. While the mage won't fit a support context, a mirage tank could make use of it though at the tremendous cost of all chrono utilities - something affordable only if the group's formation covers it in the tank's stead. The shield's still there to assist though!

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16 minutes ago, Mevelios.4809 said:

Sword clones under infinite horizon do, for their Mirage thrust (unlike dagger clones); Phantasmal mages too. While the mage won't fit a support context, a mirage tank could make use of it though at the tremendous cost of all chrono utilities - something affordable only if the group's formation covers it in the tank's stead. The shield's still there to assist though!

I didn't look at the ambushes, though maybe I should have. As for Phantasmal Mages, no they don- Oh, well, look at that. And I main a staff! How did I not know this? Never actually saw it stop anything before....

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15 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I didn't look at the ambushes, though maybe I should have. As for Phantasmal Mages, no they don- Oh, well, look at that. And I main a staff! How did I not know this? Never actually saw it stop anything before....

Tricky to time well (0.75s cast for mesmer, +1.25s cast from phantasm), the one reliable thing it works against are defiance bars... if you cast it early enough, that is. 😋

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9 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I didn't look at the ambushes, though maybe I should have. As for Phantasmal Mages, no they don- Oh, well, look at that. And I main a staff! How did I not know this? Never actually saw it stop anything before....

Well if you're using a staff then you get Phantasmal Warlocks and not Phantasmal Mage.

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1 hour ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

I am curious about this one. This may be my first support in the game I might play because it is a rifle, and I can make a Shione or Anya cosplay with it. But I heard it might also be power too? I don't remember reading anywhere about that though.

It doesn't sound like the rifle will be viable for using on a DPS build.


They've announced 2 out of the 5 skills. One doesn't seem to do damage and the other only causes damage on a second press of the button.

They have talked it up it as a Support weapon and the skills teased don't give confidence as a hybrid DPS/Support weapon...


But every Mainhand weapon will do some sort of damage even if it's only 1k DPS. It's just uncertain if the skills will have base damage only controlled by Power or if it'll have conditions boosted by Condition Damage.

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On 11/26/2023 at 2:58 AM, Mevelios.4809 said:

Sword clones under infinite horizon do, for their Mirage thrust (unlike dagger clones); Phantasmal mages too. While the mage won't fit a support context, a mirage tank could make use of it though at the tremendous cost of all chrono utilities - something affordable only if the group's formation covers it in the tank's stead. The shield's still there to assist though!

There are people who apparently make healmirage work, so sword clones triggering Midnight King might apply there... but any alacmirage is probably going to want to stick to staff.

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13 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

There are people who apparently make healmirage work, so sword clones triggering Midnight King might apply there... but any alacmirage is probably going to want to stick to staff.

Definitely - it's putting up an ambush providing might & fury through a relic effect against another ambush providing might, fury and alacrity without the help of any relic. Only my opinion, but I wouldn't think twice on it unless again, the group's fine with covering it!

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On 11/14/2023 at 10:04 AM, Alpha.1308 said:

tell me what effectively uses scepter and isn't basically a meme

torch is underwhelming at best 

and those two are essentially bad in all 3 modes


Torch is amazing on a Full Condi Duration Virt, look forward to the cooldown change as it was the only reason I even would bother taking the trait line. 

I run a Scepter Virt build in instanced PvP, 2 sec TTK single target. Great for defensive builds in general. 

That being said they pale in comparison to what most specs get, but thats basically what Mesmer is at this point. The class that gets a lot of random crap thrown together for no rhyme or reason and every class can do it more effectively.

Compare our signets, mantras, elites, weapon skills and we're always left in the dust. Yet somehow we always manage to remain competitive in spite of bad design decisions like the upcoming chaos nerf or now getting another weapon that will be subpar.

Anything useful would be welcome,

instead we get the meme portal gun & they nerf a traitline for it. 

Edited by Voyant.1327
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6 minutes ago, Voyant.1327 said:

Anything useful would be welcome,

instead we get the meme portal gun & they nerf a traitline for it. 

Well, having both support traits AND most condi damage altogether in a single spec definitely is excessive, isn't it? There's definitely a loss, that I won't deny. The new Malicious sorcery may compensate part of it, and the torch is getting a nice buff!

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17 minutes ago, Mevelios.4809 said:

Well, having both support traits AND most condi damage altogether in a single spec definitely is excessive, isn't it? There's definitely a loss, that I won't deny. The new Malicious sorcery may compensate part of it, and the torch is getting a nice buff!

Maybe a confusion + torment focused condi dps spec can do viable dps after patch tomorrow.

Something like chaos + illusion + mirage. Staff + scepter/torch. You will lose bleed but gain torment from shatter and increased confusion duration from the new Malicious Sorcery trait

Gear wise, you can opt for torment duration if the new malicious sorcery provides enough confusion duration.

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Immediate thoughts:

Journey - hate hate hate the ground targeting on a low cooldown clone generator. Can't express how much I hate this, if I could turn on snap ground target to enemy for this skill only I would do it. 3 and 5 are fine.

Everything else is ok. Ambush, meh it is the spraying ectoplasmic healing goo, but fine it looks flashy at least. Skill 5 I imagine most of the time the flip over won't be used outside of coordinated content in pvp, instanced pve and eg wvw roaming group. The cooldown incentive to not use I don't think is enough to justify the current function, so we'll see what happens.

Phantasm is bloody amazing. Single best thing on this.

But anyway, if things remain as they are most likely just going to mess around as a novelty and then straight in the bin, simply because of skill 2 being ground targeted...

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I like the fact you can actually shoot people in the face to heal them. Your clones included. A bit dissapointed that you can't let your clones target an ally and have a flip over shatters with funky effects but I was imagining too much with this anyways. I'm excited to try it tomorrow. 

I am dissapointed at the lack of attention to actually giving them icons. So far this is the weakest beta. The whole point of the drip feeding is to have time to work on things and the first thing they release has a placeholder effects and icons... but still new toys... 

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I love almost everything about the weapon.

Woulda been cool if you could have clones "attacking" allies honestly but eh it's fine either way.

The only skill i'm a little disappointed with is the phantasm. I wish it was something diff that was  supportive. 
Sure CC is always nice to have but CC is generally something you want to come out FAST. Whether it's for breakbar damage or to interrupt something an enemy is doing.
But the phantasm stun just looks VERY slow to me. First you need to cast it and then it takes another sec for the shot to happen. 

Otherwise i love it.

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After the stream i am not as excited for  rifle. They put fury on the improved ambush because Chronomancer might not hit 100% without it. (Joke comment?)

Hope they reconsider it and add quickness or alac to it. Alac would be better so pro gamers don't run staff/rifle with 100% bd so they only need 1 boon provider or something of the sort.

Also would have liked it more as a condi/heal weapon and not power/heal but meh.

Right now the weapon seems more of a Chrono weapon rather than a mesmer one.

Edited by Geronmy.3298
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Well I was right the main mechanic is the useless portal while other weapons got something actually useful

Nowhere near enough illusion generation to synergize with the new chaos or inspiration lines.

Spamable ground targeting skills never feel nice to use.

Apparently Mirage Mantle adds fury to the ambush but I didn't catch that in the stream. If so...why? Staff ambush already provides more then enough fury, how about giving it alacrity so it can actually be used on heal mirage.

Barrier on 20 sec cd is a joke but we are Mesmers so we can't expect to have access to what other classes do.

Clones healing on auto is nice, at least. Hopefully the numbers are good since you won't have many up for long due to low clone output for a weapon used on builds that are being encouraged to spam shatters.

Edited by Levetty.1279
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Hm... I don't know about the Rifle.

It looks really cool with a few nifty tweaks to the mechanics...

It looks like it would be fun as a healing weapon for any other class.

But I don't know how well it will work with how they have designed the Mesmer support abilities.

The Clones seem like you will not want to Shatter them to keep the healing shots going out and it seems that it'll have trouble generating clones to fuel shatters. So with a 20s cooldown single Phantasm how will a Chronomancer maintain Quickness or Alacrity with the rifle?

This does seem like it may be a good healing weapon. But it just doesn't seem to be designed to mesh with the mesmer.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

This does seem like it may be a good healing weapon.

This is not a good anything weapon. I just got done watching it and my knee-jerk thought is Congratulations, you made a swiss army knife. It does EVERYTHING! It's got a knife, a screwdriver, a corkscrew, a compass, it's got the works! And it does all of them to a borderline worthless degree. Does it damage? Yeah, but nto as much as a strike or condi weapon. Does it heal? Yeah, but not as much as their heal, or even a utility heal. Does it buff? Yeah, but not as much as as a utility buff. Does it mobility? Yeah, but only with a portal, and only one person that's not you. This is....a mess. It's like they tried to throw every mechanic into one gun and now you'd really be better off just picking what you wanted to do and taking literally anything else that does it better.

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24 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

This is not a good anything weapon. I just got done watching it and my knee-jerk thought is Congratulations, you made a swiss army knife. It does EVERYTHING! It's got a knife, a screwdriver, a corkscrew, a compass, it's got the works! And it does all of them to a borderline worthless degree. Does it damage? Yeah, but nto as much as a strike or condi weapon. Does it heal? Yeah, but not as much as their heal, or even a utility heal. Does it buff? Yeah, but not as much as as a utility buff. Does it mobility? Yeah, but only with a portal, and only one person that's not you. This is....a mess. It's like they tried to throw every mechanic into one gun and now you'd really be better off just picking what you wanted to do and taking literally anything else that does it better.

Sums it up well and again...

The phantasm is a worse version of pistol 5...AND WITH A LONG AS "CHARGE ANIMATION " ON TOP OF THE INITAL CAST TIME????????????????

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Pretty much what others have already said. This weapon is looking like a joke. The phantasm is incredibly slow and the stun seems like an outlier on a weapon where everything is boons, healing, and barrier. I get the idea in trying to provide cc but this is terrible. A knockback AoE wouldve been better. And hey! It could also throw boons around and healing. Win-win.

The portal on rifle skill 5 is useless to the caster. It is also useless when mid-air or if outside the range. Why??? I mean I get why... so it cant be gamed. But why couldn't it just work like a regular portal where both the entrance and exits have to be laid down except that this particular one-way portal allows you to throw the entrance rather than walk over.  This would keep the original idea, make the location fixed and less janky (and as you say cant be used to troll), and still give the casting mesmer some mobility to... well... you know... keep supporting. Can be used to create distance, exit fights, or juke in competitive. It can help allies in PvE keep up with mechanics if their build just dont have good panic utilities. The possibilities are endless! But this? This is just plain dumb.

One additional thing. Props to wanting to give mesmer a support healing weapon. Thank you and it has been asked for a long time. Problem is we have no other weapons that can heal, so whenever theres a swap away from rifle healing would drop substantially. Please rework staff and/or one main hand weapon to provide healing in order to make the dream come true 😄

Edited by Cpt Crunch.7058
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5 minutes ago, Varis.5467 said:

Sums it up well and again...

The phantasm is a worse version of pistol 5...AND WITH A LONG AS "CHARGE ANIMATION " ON TOP OF THE INITAL CAST TIME????????????????

Without actually playing it I cant tell but it feels like phantasm shouldnt have a cast time with such a charge up animation. Give it 2 charges and we actually have a pretty cool weapon. 

The singularity probably needs longer duration - 3 second of it lingering and 5 seconds of portal is a bit meh. Give it 5 and 10 maybe and it will be super cool. If the main mechanic of the rifle is to create a portal at leat make it more usable not every 30 seconds...

journey seems alright for burst healing and clone generation I guess, but 2 charges on that would be cool too. but ye overall alright weapon will have to try it


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33 minutes ago, Gesbo.6420 said:

Without actually playing it I cant tell but it feels like phantasm shouldnt have a cast time with such a charge up animation. Give it 2 charges and we actually have a pretty cool weapon.


The sole purpose of this phantasm is to apply stun for break bar (in pve, and hopfully as quickly as possibile) or lock down (in wvw/pvp). 

At its current state offering a single target stun and nothing more (not even as little as applying  additional boons at a minimum capacity), I am better off firing off my pistol 5 that has a better timing and potential for a bigger impact in the fight. 

Sure all phantasms have a "charge animation" before finally executing an somewhat impactful attack; the rifle phantasm just does not seem significant for the longest charge time amongst the rest. 


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