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Let's be honest: SOTO flops because of the drops.

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3 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Imagine that ... Anet creates something most of the player base wants and someone has the audacity to call it a flop. Cope harder. 

Did you actually read their post? They said they like Soto and their only complaint was about the loot.

Essences are useless for people who aren't making open world legendary armor, and even many of the people who seemingly wanted it are complaining about the grind involved. Some people enjoy rifts, but even the few people in my guild who are bothering to work on it have nothing but complaints about how it was implemented. 

Just because you personally may be enjoying yourself doesn't mean many people haven't already checked out of this expansion. It doesn't offer anything aside from a brief bit of story to people who have already earned their legendary armor from other sources in game. 

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11 hours ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

Did you actually read their post? They said they like Soto and their only complaint was about the loot.

Essences are useless for people who aren't making open world legendary armor, and even many of the people who seemingly wanted it are complaining about the grind involved.

Yup I did read their post. Essences are useless for people who don't need Leg armor? Good thing not alot of people have leg armor then. People complain about the grind to get OW leg armor? They are awfully ignorant then. They didn't think OW Leg armor would be a grind? I guess they aren't paying too much attention to how ALL the other endgame items are implemented in the game then. 

But here's the funny thing to me. The OP is basically saying:

Content is good but loot is bad for people that essentially already have full BIS endgame kit. 

Think about what that ACTUALLY means instead of concluding there is a problem with that. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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NGL I have so much random currency, leyline detection items etc. in my inventory I hardly pay attention to the loot any more.  Every time I log on and open my inventory I want to log off immediately.  I can either spend ages looking up in the wiki how useful everything is or risk vendoring something that's critical I'm going to regret.  

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On 11/20/2023 at 12:37 PM, Zok.4956 said:

AND: If you don't want the new legy armor you can now sell the parts/items that other players want/require for the legy armor and you can make a lot of gold.  It's like the same that happended with the A.S.S. in EoD after release.

Not really the same. Antique Summoning Stones can be sold directly, Essences cannot -- you have to invest other materials (like tons of Research Notes) in order to craft the tradeable items that can be sold.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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10 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Yup I did read their post. Essences are useless for people who don't need Leg armor? Good thing not alot of people have leg armor then. People complain about the grind to get OW leg armor? They are awfully ignorant then. They didn't think OW Leg armor would be a grind? I guess they aren't paying too much attention to how ALL the other endgame items are implemented in the game then. 

But here's the funny thing to me. The OP is basically saying:

Content is good but loot is bad for people that essentially already have full BIS endgame kit. 

Think about what that ACTUALLY means instead of concluding there is a problem with that. 

Well I wouldn't call people ignorant just for stating their opinion, regardless if I agree or disagree with it, but everything you are saying is dismissing the fact that the expansion didn't expand anything for many players. It didn't add anything for a lot of players, even if it did add a system for other players who felt one way or another they were locked out of apart of the game before, but even assuming that wasn't the case -- once those players get their legendary armor from open world they will be in the exact same position; full bis with nothing new to do.

One of the main benefits of GW2 is not having to worry about gear progression such as in other MMOs, but if they don't continue to add content alongside systems like this then ultimately the game reaches an end point for players with expansions like these adding nothing. 

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16 hours ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

Well I wouldn't call people ignorant just for stating their opinion, regardless if I agree or disagree with it, but everything you are saying is dismissing the fact that the expansion didn't expand anything for many players. It didn't add anything for a lot of players, even if it did add a system for other players who felt one way or another they were locked out of apart of the game before, but even assuming that wasn't the case -- once those players get their legendary armor from open world they will be in the exact same position; full bis with nothing new to do.

I'm not dismissing anything and maybe you wouldn't call people out for being ignorant; I don't have that hang up. I'm simply recognizing that the claim Soto doesn't 'expand' the game for many people, just because they don't think they get good loot from it or don't need leg armor is pure nonsense. The fact is that content Anet adds to the game is more than just the loot that drops from it, so to say things like 'didn't add anything for lots of players' ... makes NO sense. 

16 hours ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

One of the main benefits of GW2 is not having to worry about gear progression such as in other MMOs, but if they don't continue to add content alongside systems like this then ultimately the game reaches an end point for players with expansions like these adding nothing. 

Funny you mention that this is a benefit in the SAME post where you state the game didn't 'expand' anything for 'many' players because 'loot bad' and in the same sentence, pretend like no content was added in Soto. So you RECOGNIZE that not having a gear ladder is a benefit and at the SAME time, complain that everything Soto has to offer EXCEPT loot isn't 'adding' anything for 'lots' of players. That simply does not make sense.  

But you know here is the best part. People shouldn't buy things that don't 'expand' the game for them, especially if those 'many' people are simply going to turn a blind eye to EVERYTHING Soto has to offer and boil everything in the game down to simply 'getting loot' just so they can make contrived, empty claims it doesn't expand the game for them. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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SotO was very much NOT a flop for me but for a very different reason than most folks are talking about in this thread. The Wizard's Vault, a part of SotO, has seriously re-energized and re-invigorated my interest in the game. Currently I play one main account and four alt accounts. Before the Vault I used the alt accounts for mat farming and sometimes for doing the dailies, if they were quick and easy ones. What I didn't realize was how bored I was getting just doing the same mat farming over and over again. The new daily/weekly system introduced with the Vault and SotO changed all that. On my main account, the dailies and weeklies are set to WvW and I usually get them done without any extra effort at all. The alt accounts though are set to the PVE dailies and weeklies. It's doing them on those four accounts that have me playing the game again in ways I haven't in far too long. Now I'm running around all over Tyria to kill mechs, Awakened, the Forsaken, champs, vets, legendary foes, or whatever the target is in a given week. I'm doing metas and world bosses I haven't done in ages. And I'm not the only one doing all that. Joko invasions, a sure fire way to farm events, vets, and champs, as well as dodge rolls, combos, and breaking defiance bars, have gotten so busy that one really has to jump to get to the next invasion site in time. The same thing is true with world bosses, metas, and jps that come up in the dailies and weeklies. All that comes to us by way of the Vault, a part of SotO.

As for the SotO maps and the events/metas on those maps, they are okay for me. Not great but not terrible. I've done the story, which was a lot better than EoD in my book, and I play on the various SotO maps  with my main account, once I've gotten my dailies/weeklies done on all four alt accounts. The loot drops in SotO don't really concern me as the Vault is where I am making my gold these days and where I'm having a lot of fun making that gold.  😁

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With SOTO I make alot more gold than any expansion, mostly because Wizard's Vault but also the new Metas are decent income for me. But I cannot stop to see how Anet shoot itself in the foot with some choices, for example, I did some exotic weapon collections introduced with this SOTO using just usual mats and a new meta reward. Farming flax was equally important with doing new Metas. Using rift essences in any new recipe should be a must imho.

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