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anet i beg you to follow known afkers in pvp


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4 hours ago, trouble.3562 said:

why do you even have your report system?

See how much they try to hide it. Once you leave a match, the option to report for AFK or match manipulation goes away, just like anet themselves wish the reports would just go away 😭

You're smart not to mention anyone by name though, because that's a definite ban. We can't have the feelings of AFKers being hurt so the other 4 players are just going to have to suck it up and play 2 more games to make up for that 1 loss due to AFK while hopefully not running into them a second time. The preservation of the delicate sensibilities of feckless indolents is the top priority. The utmost concern. Thank you for understanding and keeping it civil :classic_smile:

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2 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

See how much they try to hide it. Once you leave a match, the option to report for AFK or match manipulation goes away, just like anet themselves wish the reports would just go away 😭

You're smart not to mention anyone by name though, because that's a definite ban. We can't have the feelings of AFKers being hurt so the other 4 players are just going to have to suck it up and play 2 more games to make up for that 1 loss due to AFK while hopefully not running into them a second time. The preservation of the delicate sensibilities of feckless indolents is the top priority. The utmost concern. Thank you for understanding and keeping it civil :classic_smile:

Realistically what do you expect them to do though? Anet rarely takes action against paying customers. People who haven't purchased expansions maybe, but not paying customers.

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2 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Realistically what do you expect them to do though? Anet rarely takes action against paying customers. People who haven't purchased expansions maybe, but not paying customers.

Temp ban or dishonour to discourage it, perma ban or perma dishonour to repeat offenders

I don't buy the paying customer excuse personally. When I still played, I had every expansion up until EoD and spent more money in the gemstore than I'm comfortable with admitting 👀💦

And I was banned and would have stayed banned for calling another player a liar under the bogus claim that it was "hate speech/bigotry"

If an offense that small and made up is enough to ban a paying customer, then people repeatedly ruining pvp matches for others is defo enough to warrant some kind of punishment, even its exclusive to pvp like dishonour. If they aren't going to play pvp then they shouldn't be there, I think that's reasonable.

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13 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Realistically what do you expect them to do though? Anet rarely takes action against paying customers. People who haven't purchased expansions maybe, but not paying customers.

Being a paying customer shouldn't be immunity from action. 

I know from a hard fact it isn't, so these "players" need to be actioned just the same.

Afkers actually take away money from Anet when they drive away players from the game.

I'd wager most afkers don't actually buy anything except an expansion from a game key website

Their expansion is probably from stolen credit cards.

Edited by Last Crab.6054
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12 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Temp ban or dishonour to discourage it, perma ban or perma dishonour to repeat offenders

I don't buy the paying customer excuse personally. When I still played, I had every expansion up until EoD and spent more money in the gemstore than I'm comfortable with admitting 👀💦

And I was banned and would have stayed banned for calling another player a liar under the bogus claim that it was "hate speech/bigotry"

If an offense that small and made up is enough to ban a paying customer, then people repeatedly ruining pvp matches for others is defo enough to warrant some kind of punishment, even its exclusive to pvp like dishonour. If they aren't going to play pvp then they shouldn't be there, I think that's reasonable.

Anet definitely cares more about what people say than afk'ers in pvp, here and in game.

I think the main problem is that afk is so rampant if they were to take action, the pvp community would be even smaller. I guess I'd be ok with that though because at least there'd be 5 people on your team moving around even if some act like bots.

Also be careful discussing punitive actions made by Anet gm's, that's against their ToS.

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18 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

See how much they try to hide it. Once you leave a match, the option to report for AFK or match manipulation goes away, just like anet themselves wish the reports would just go away 😭

You're smart not to mention anyone by name though, because that's a definite ban. We can't have the feelings of AFKers being hurt so the other 4 players are just going to have to suck it up and play 2 more games to make up for that 1 loss due to AFK while hopefully not running into them a second time. The preservation of the delicate sensibilities of feckless indolents is the top priority. The utmost concern. Thank you for understanding and keeping it civil :classic_smile:

I don't care if I get a forum ban, his name is game Libronix.  His account name is LibroniX.4197 if you want to report him on the actual website instead of using the useless report function in game. He's a menace and I don't care about the delicate sensibilities of AFKers.

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1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Anet definitely cares more about what people say than afk'ers in pvp, here and in game.

I think the main problem is that afk is so rampant if they were to take action, the pvp community would be even smaller. I guess I'd be ok with that though because at least there'd be 5 people on your team moving around even if some act like bots.

They could be dumb as a dodo, so long as they do something; anything, then they're worthy of respect. I'd go out on a limb and say that most people who decide to AFK do it when they feel a match is already lost, or when they get angry and both knowing anet gms aren't going to do anything about it. When faced with pvp suspensions, they'll be less likely to do it or other players might be lucky enough to catch them in the middle of a suspension and be able to avoid them rather than running into them multiple times a day or in the same week.

1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Also be careful discussing punitive actions made by Anet gm's, that's against their ToS.

true, appreciate the heads up. I think this is safe overall because the ban was lifted with the understanding by the gm I spoke with that everything about it was entirely made up, but I cannot recommend anyone else do the same because these are the kind of offenses anet bans for. AFK and match manipulation, nuh-uh. Trivial red-tape bull, yes prepare to be ban

1 hour ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Why are you still active on the forums if you don't play the game?

would love to come back had 11k hours and I know a bunch of people who still play. Waiting, hoping for some kind of meaningful change and this is the best place to stay updated, the true PvP endgame. I can't go 2 the reddit either because I was banned for my wintrader exposed video 😭🙏 glad for that though tbh

46 minutes ago, Okhu.7948 said:

I don't care if I get a forum ban... if you want to report him on the actual website instead of using the useless report function in game. He's a menace and I don't care about the delicate sensibilities of AFKers.

Respect, kin. I'll do it. For best chances; should try to record them in game, or if they're the vocal kind of AFKer take screens of them admitting it and I'll join in on the mass report discord multicolorhipster if you need to share files. It sounds like this afker well-known and does this to a lot of people.

He sees your valor and we will be martyrs.

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3 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

would love to come back had 11k hours and I know a bunch of people who still play. Waiting, hoping for some kind of meaningful change and this is the best place to stay updated, the true PvP endgame. I can't go 2 the reddit either because I was banned for my wintrader exposed video 😭🙏 glad for that though tbh

I was playing several matches a night for a long while, but finally decided the anger and stress of it all isn't worth it. Now I just get on and do my daily for the astral, or a few matches a night until the weekly is done. Unless of course there's season reset, but I think I'll still take that easier instead of trying to grind it all out asap. I feel like I win more when I play less too.

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The current PvP meta and mechanics in this game is the worst I've seen in any MMO. Even a pay to win game like Black Desert Online isn't as bad when it comes to PvP. I don't blame the guy for afking unless he afk'd for no reason. Going against Willbenders, Bladesworn and Condizerkers that will 1 shot you is just not fun. Then there's Scrappers with 10 seconds of stun without any counters. I recently subscribed to WoW just to PvP and the difference between GW2 is day and night. It's so much fun to PvP in WoW. GW2 is just good for its PvE content and nothing else.

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10 hours ago, Kera.3982 said:

The current PvP meta and mechanics in this game is the worst I've seen in any MMO. Even a pay to win game like Black Desert Online isn't as bad when it comes to PvP. I don't blame the guy for afking unless he afk'd for no reason. Going against Willbenders, Bladesworn and Condizerkers that will 1 shot you is just not fun. Then there's Scrappers with 10 seconds of stun without any counters. I recently subscribed to WoW just to PvP and the difference between GW2 is day and night. It's so much fun to PvP in WoW. GW2 is just good for its PvE content and nothing else.

what do you play in wow for pvp?

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On 11/24/2023 at 3:56 PM, trouble.3562 said:

I'm too old for this. 

Anet, theres a guy ... starts with "L". his guard.

He afks every game, keeps ruining 9 player's game every single day.

Honestly, he even "writes about how hes going to afk on us".

Can you please attend this?  why do you even have your report system?


If you screenshot and use the websites reporting system, it's much more reliable than the ingame one. 

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14 hours ago, Kera.3982 said:

The current PvP meta and mechanics in this game is the worst I've seen in any MMO. Even a pay to win game like Black Desert Online isn't as bad when it comes to PvP. I don't blame the guy for afking unless he afk'd for no reason. Going against Willbenders, Bladesworn and Condizerkers that will 1 shot you is just not fun. Then there's Scrappers with 10 seconds of stun without any counters. I recently subscribed to WoW just to PvP and the difference between GW2 is day and night. It's so much fun to PvP in WoW. GW2 is just good for its PvE content and nothing else.

Even running total glass I don't get one shot by those classes.   
Since I run an engineer, and I suspect you are talking about scrapper.  The meta scrapper that does the most "stun/daze"  has one stunbreak and can't remove condi effectively.   Play a class that survives his burst and then CC wreck him.  

Surviving the stun can be done through high health (say condi reaper), port capability, or access to invuln (warrior, virt, good access to stability (elementalist), or CC lock him down (druid / ranger + pet, ele).  Oh and a slippery DE or daredevil can be a nightmare for a scrapper if they don't take a reveal trait (which then makes them slow).

Your typical Gold2 tier scrapper relies on the big burst and doesn't really have any options if that doesn't work out.

The band wagon jumping burst meme scrappers out there will just fall over at that point.

With the decreased population and the increase of Plats getting matched against folks ranging down to like silver, it's definitely going to feel like some of those classes can one shot you, so I sympathise.   

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On 11/25/2023 at 6:07 PM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

I was playing several matches a night for a long while, but finally decided the anger and stress of it all isn't worth it. Now I just get on and do my daily for the astral, or a few matches a night until the weekly is done. Unless of course there's season reset, but I think I'll still take that easier instead of trying to grind it all out asap. I feel like I win more when I play less too.

That's the way to do it

Is like gambling, but if you play right you can keep your moral integrity 😇🙏

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9 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

Even running total glass I don't get one shot by those classes.   
Since I run an engineer, and I suspect you are talking about scrapper.  The meta scrapper that does the most "stun/daze"  has one stunbreak and can't remove condi effectively.   Play a class that survives his burst and then CC wreck him.  

Surviving the stun can be done through high health (say condi reaper), port capability, or access to invuln (warrior, virt, good access to stability (elementalist), or CC lock him down (druid / ranger + pet, ele).  Oh and a slippery DE or daredevil can be a nightmare for a scrapper if they don't take a reveal trait (which then makes them slow).

Your typical Gold2 tier scrapper relies on the big burst and doesn't really have any options if that doesn't work out.

The band wagon jumping burst meme scrappers out there will just fall over at that point.

With the decreased population and the increase of Plats getting matched against folks ranging down to like silver, it's definitely going to feel like some of those classes can one shot you, so I sympathise.   

Engineer's have decent armor. Try playing a Staff Core Mesmer without any Toughness or Vitality build, a true glasscannon. It's a high risk, high reward gameplay compared to the current GS Chronoshatter Meta which is just too easy to play.

I don't think you understand GW2 had a really good and well balanced PvP system during its core gameplay where stuns are 'optional' and not even Engineers had it in the past. It was all about dodging combo's and timing your skills perfectly. Today, we have a PvP system where you just spam CC's until your enemy gets annoyed and afk's. I used to run Core GS Guardian and still do today because its the most unique class in an MMO. It was unfortunately replaced by Willbender that's typically thief but a little more tanky.

Btw, I don't play ranked anymore because there's no point in sweating in a game that doesn't care about good PvP gameplay. I can get more rewards afking in WvW or just playing Meta Events.

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11 hours ago, Kera.3982 said:

Engineer's have decent armor. Try playing a Staff Core Mesmer without any Toughness or Vitality build, a true glasscannon. It's a high risk, high reward gameplay compared to the current GS Chronoshatter Meta which is just too easy to play.

I don't think you understand GW2 had a really good and well balanced PvP system during its core gameplay where stuns are 'optional' and not even Engineers had it in the past. It was all about dodging combo's and timing your skills perfectly. Today, we have a PvP system where you just spam CC's until your enemy gets annoyed and afk's. I used to run Core GS Guardian and still do today because its the most unique class in an MMO. It was unfortunately replaced by Willbender that's typically thief but a little more tanky.

Btw, I don't play ranked anymore because there's no point in sweating in a game that doesn't care about good PvP gameplay. I can get more rewards afking in WvW or just playing Meta Events.

I've played since GW1 and I've never considered the PvP particularly well balanced.  I do find when people claim a certain time that it was really well balanced tends to be when the class they main was very poorly balanced and over performing 🙂

Engi always had CC if I recall, we had rifle which would both shoot a net and do the knock yourself down attack.   So the immob and knockdown weren't really very optional.  Flame thrower was  a staple cause you'd run three kit engi and so that had the gust of wind thing... for another knock down.  Anyway point is there was plenty of CC available to the core engi.  

In general there's too much mobility creep now.  (People can move too fast making zerging viable).  Too many blocks and invulns, Too many unblockable attacks, Too much access to chaining CC form a single class.  Too much visual noise and not intuitive enough tells for skills to demonstrate their properties.    

For Engi, given the fact that your running at maybe 18k health for builds which maximize DPS, I get two CC's and one of them is a giant red circle that counts down for 8 seconds. both on a 20 second cooldown.   I'm pretty much forced into bulwark to survive the projectile and CC spam so that removes the third CC I'd have access too. 

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1 hour ago, shion.2084 said:

I've played since GW1 and I've never considered the PvP particularly well balanced.  I do find when people claim a certain time that it was really well balanced tends to be when the class they main was very poorly balanced and over performing 🙂

Engi always had CC if I recall, we had rifle which would both shoot a net and do the knock yourself down attack.   So the immob and knockdown weren't really very optional.  Flame thrower was  a staple cause you'd run three kit engi and so that had the gust of wind thing... for another knock down.  Anyway point is there was plenty of CC available to the core engi.  

In general there's too much mobility creep now.  (People can move too fast making zerging viable).  Too many blocks and invulns, Too many unblockable attacks, Too much access to chaining CC form a single class.  Too much visual noise and not intuitive enough tells for skills to demonstrate their properties.    

For Engi, given the fact that your running at maybe 18k health for builds which maximize DPS, I get two CC's and one of them is a giant red circle that counts down for 8 seconds. both on a 20 second cooldown.   I'm pretty much forced into bulwark to survive the projectile and CC spam so that removes the third CC I'd have access too. 

I disagree.  Just like the story writing, core gameplay was at its peak. And I'm not sure who mains classes in GW2. If you've played this game long enough, you should know it does a good job at making its players try different classes. I personally do not have a main. I've already stated I loved GS Core Guardian and till today I'm still playing Staff Mirage Mesmer which very rarely people do play compared to GS Chronoshatter.

Core Engi had CC's but they were not as powerful compared to today's Holosmith and Scrapper Meta which both have AoE CC knockdowns.

I find mobility to be in the favor of both Daredevil and Willbender. Both of these classes are just unstoppable. I've even saw a Daredevil teleporting towards me and just hitting me once and I'm down. When he got chased, he'd teleport over 2km. The thing is, you don't get that in WoW. You don't get that broken gameplay where Rogues can abuse their stealth. My Paladin can inflict a DoT on a Rogue and they won't be able to enter stealth again.

But this is not just about Daredevils, the whole GW2 PvP mechanic is completely broken and not fun. So back to topic, if the guy afk'd because he was getting tired of the broken PvP mechanics, I'd say he had the right to do so. But afking in the next match with a different team against different opponents would be wrong.

Edited by Kera.3982
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On 11/25/2023 at 3:31 PM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I have been up to crimes*

Nice. You gotta do crimes subtly enough to not get axed though.


 most people who decide to AFK do it when they feel a match is already lost, or when they get angry and both knowing anet gms aren't going to do anything about it

Correct. The ToS considers that match manipulation though, so action on these characters if properly documented should be expected.

  1. While participating in Player-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay in the Services, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other users’ experiences in the Services by not actively participating in good faith (e.g., “griefing” or “leeching”).

All I can say is OP is right, but if you are seeing this person often enough that you can recall their name and pin it to behavior, you should be recording the matches in their entirety where this person is present and make sure their handle, their nonparticipation, and the impact they had on the game is visible, especially if theyre bragging about doing it. The aim is to now make it so obvious these people are ruining match quality that inaction against them becomes a reference point. Don't just expect Anet to do forensics, most people aren't paid for that on QA. dump the evidence into their lap with annotations.

We only need a few people with fat accounts to lose them and start crying for this behavior to die off.


Btw, I don't play ranked anymore because there's no point in sweating in a game that doesn't care about good PvP gameplay.

Mood. it's 24/7 bunker bullkitten, and when it's not bunker bullkitten the forums are full of pining wishing it was bunker bullkitten. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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