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why so many support weapons?


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Most of the players run solo or just follow a commander while doing damage. The content that requires support is next to impossible to break into and is too time consuming for your ordinary player. The people saying that I am wrong are the loud minority believe me, you have the data.

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3 minutes ago, Ordin.9047 said:

Most of the players run solo or just follow a commander while doing damage. The content that requires support is next to impossible to break into and is too time consuming for your ordinary player. The people saying that I am wrong are the loud minority believe me, you have the data.

and yet still, the developers disagree with you. 🤷‍♀️

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In the grand scheme of things you want to have all professions to access to heal build, dps build and boondps build. I will go even further and write that all professions should be able provide all boons dependant on build like you could be qheal or aheal or adps or qdps or dps on any profession.



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22 minutes ago, Ordin.9047 said:

Most of the players run solo or just follow a commander while doing damage. The content that requires support is next to impossible to break into and is too time consuming for your ordinary player. The people saying that I am wrong are the loud minority believe me, you have the data.

How is something that mostly lasts around 10 mins time consuming? 

Besides support weapons can be very handy in solo play as a secondary option.

13 minutes ago, loonatic.1689 said:

I think gw2 has done support roles exceptionally well, criticisms of the boon system itself aside. 

I agree. I never liked the classical healer roles. I really like how gw2 implemented healing supports. You're actually engaged with the boss all the time and not just a heal bot.

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6 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

How is something that mostly lasts around 10 mins time consuming? 

Besides support weapons can be very handy in solo play as a secondary option.

I agree. I never liked the classical healer roles. I really like how gw2 implemented healing supports. You're actually engaged with the boss all the time and not just a heal bot.

I feel like Im a heal bot ._.

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4 hours ago, Ordin.9047 said:

Most of the players run solo or just follow a commander while doing damage. The content that requires support is next to impossible to break into and is too time consuming for your ordinary player. The people saying that I am wrong are the loud minority believe me, you have the data.

Imagine your weapons as a toolbox. 

If you already have a screwdriver in red, why add another one in blue when your toolbox is missing a saw. 

Sure, you dont use the saw ever, but this doesn't mean others won't. 


Most classes are missing a proper support weapon. We get them now. Simple as. 

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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2 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Strikes are pretty easy to, "break into," requiring not much more than a willingness to try. Build is largely irrelevant.

No offense, but if five to 15 minutes is too great of a time investment for someone then MMOs may not be a good fit for them. 

Do the easy strikes even need a healer?

Edited by Yaki.9563
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1 minute ago, Yaki.9563 said:

Do the easy strikes even need a healer?

Kind of depends on the group.

I used to run my support FB to lead strikes for newbies. Started off with KO just to help people get their turtle then expanded to other strikes for those who enjoyed the KO run enough to express interest in trying more. Ultimately some of them did very much need a healer, and I wanted to ensure as smooth and painless a run (no deaths) as possible so that their first experiences were positive.

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3 hours ago, Yaki.9563 said:

Do the easy strikes even need a healer?

Depends if you run all welcome groups or run with experienced people. 

The former can totally wipe on freanir. 

The later has so much dps, you won't see the boss long enough for healing to matter. But you still run healers for the boons. Also the Exp groups run full clears and no healer on boneskinner is ☠️

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3 hours ago, Yaki.9563 said:

Do the easy strikes even need a healer?

in this game healers benefit from extreme role compression, and the boons they give increase the party's damage far beyond what the healer would provide on a damage build. boon supports aren't sufficient to provide the same boons, as they have to run very tight boon duration windows to provide just that one boon (alacrity or quickness), and maybe fill in some of the missing parts of some other boons like might and fury, but its not their primary role.


on top of this they're very bad at providing utility like stability or reflects (usually; there are exceptions) and have to chop up their damage to do so.


the healer is usually running 100% boon duration and is capable of providing most boons and utility permanently, and its their role that allows this sacrifice, even in encounters that don't require much healing such as shiverpeaks pass; an equivalent boon support would need alot of diviner's and would do too little damage. the moral of the story is you really only want your boon supports to do something other than dps and provide the one boon if they absolutely have to.


for the most part, its just not worth it to not run a healer unless you're min/max'ing a speedrun or something. i've run groups that have done even fractal challenge motes and strikes like boneskinner without a healer, and while it works it only offers a slightly faster clear.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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1 hour ago, evilcat.6817 said:

Numbers! Do you have them? We need statistic by class and weapon.

It is possible that classes already have power set. and condi set, and stun set... and now they are missing support stick. Since they already got condi, power.

They are adding support to classes that already have support setups.

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37 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

They are adding support to classes that already have support setups.

what do you mean? if you count engineer, then yes, but there's no viable healing builds for mesmer and warrior in the entire game. some variations have existed in the past, especially in pvp, but even the og chronomancer wasn't taken for healing but for boon extension and utility in pve.


also something like half of the weapons being added are entirely damage-focused with no utility.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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21 hours ago, Ordin.9047 said:

Most of the players run solo or just follow a commander while doing damage.

Those players already have plenty of options, the point was opening other options for other players instead of adding more what you specifically want.

21 hours ago, Ordin.9047 said:

The content that requires support is next to impossible to break into and is too time consuming for your ordinary player

Nah, false.


21 hours ago, Neferpitouh.4356 said:

You can use support weapons on openworld. I use guardian staff all the time despite being purely support weapon.

Yah, true.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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