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Petition for Specific Player/Community Content Patch Updates and Developer Tools

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This is slightly a important topic, however I'm trying to spread the word to possibly start a petition to push for specific updates and content patches.

I think there's a lot we could do.

For example, some ideas that I've been pushing for are custom design pet skins for Ranger and Mechanist, and the application of miniatures to necromancer and elementalist summons.
As well as, "Arcade Map Creator" similar to WC3 or DotA 2 where they have an "Arcade" feature allowing them to have custom made maps and objectives, ranging from fun and comical to monstrous and adventurous.

Also there's a lot of content that you can unlock via the Gem Store by collecting gold and purchasing contracts which can also be beneficial for your "Home Instance".

The "Home Instance" is a pretty large aspect of "End Game Content", because it allows you to consistently collect certain resources required for legendary crafting.

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Also, I think some of the spells could have different visual appearances, kind of like how we have Mail Carriers and Mount Skins but for certain spells, the example being, Untamed's "Enveloping Haze" which is normally a pungent Green color, to where I would like to match my main characters theme by changing the color to Red or Purple.

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I cannot see it likely that an 11 year old game not built for modular community customisation is going to add it, petition or no petition. Alternative skill co,ours has been a request for most of the game's life. I suspect if it could be done, the devs would do it. The monetisation for it would be pretty strong I would think. For example, we can't dye weapons because the game wasn't built to it and to change it would cause an immense amount of work and a "non trivial patch" (their words). Allowing changes to colours and styles to shrouds and effects would be run into the same impassable barrier and even if doable likely create more visual noise in a game plagued by it.

Improving the home instance is not something I have an issue with, but lets not call it a "pretty large aspect of End Game Content" bevause it isn't. It's a small bit of supplementary farming that fits in as part of a daily routine. It's importance is relatively minor at best.

The resources invested in the game appear to be running thinner and thinner each year. I don't have an issue with wanting it beyond it being an idea that could be quite messy in implementation, but I'd be realistic in expectations too


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This is far from being an "important topic"   

Zero interest in all the suggestions you have made here.     

I will also like to put in,  stop trying to change this game to be like other ones.. if you want the options those other games have.. go play them!   GW2 does fine with everything it offers and doesn't need to change to "be like those other games"

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Neverwinter had a big customization "campaign", where u can design everything from maps to dialogues,

It dont make it, the game had to put some incentives to make players play "campaign" designed by other players. 

Its was a freakland, lots of "lolz" and weird stuff.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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Yeah this isn't how this works.

The decisions don't rest with us, Anet can only react to feedback, whereas the upper management decides what happens. Also Anet aren't a triple A studio, and are strained for budget, which sadly of late you can kind of feel it because NCsoft's priorities are elsewhere right now and NCsoft only see us as "payers" not "players". 

I'm sure Anet would love to consider some of the suggestions people put out but it's not going to happen.


Edited by KindredPhoenyx.8976
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On 12/4/2023 at 12:02 PM, Randulf.7614 said:

I cannot see it likely that an 11 year old game not built for modular community customisation is going to add it, petition or no petition. Alternative skill co,ours has been a request for most of the game's life. I suspect if it could be done, the devs would do it. The monetisation for it would be pretty strong I would think. For example, we can't dye weapons because the game wasn't built to it and to change it would cause an immense amount of work and a "non trivial patch" (their words). Allowing changes to colours and styles to shrouds and effects would be run into the same impassable barrier and even if doable likely create more visual noise in a game plagued by it.

Improving the home instance is not something I have an issue with, but lets not call it a "pretty large aspect of End Game Content" bevause it isn't. It's a small bit of supplementary farming that fits in as part of a daily routine. It's importance is relatively minor at best.

The resources invested in the game appear to be running thinner and thinner each year. I don't have an issue with wanting it beyond it being an idea that could be quite messy in implementation, but I'd be realistic in expectations too


I use alternative sound functions. I have my master volume on 6% and then listen to Spotify, I don't think that'll change much. 

"Modular Community Customization" Heh. I like the sounds of that.

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On 12/4/2023 at 12:08 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Interesting suggestions.  You need to ask the big question though: what's in it for Anet?  If they can't make a significant profit or RoI on these ideas, then they will never get into the pipeline.

With 'my' approved "Modular Community Customization" update/expansion/patch *Anet* could very well claim the title of World's Best MMORPG.
Not to mention, if players are spending hours in game collecting gold and gems for their upgrades, might as well let them buy the stuff they want.
It's kind of like grocery shopping; get what you want, not what they tell you. 🥐😄🤗

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17 hours ago, MagicMix.9167 said:

With 'my' approved "Modular Community Customization" update/expansion/patch *Anet* could very well claim the title of World's Best MMORPG.
Not to mention, if players are spending hours in game collecting gold and gems for their upgrades, might as well let them buy the stuff they want.
It's kind of like grocery shopping; get what you want, not what they tell you. 🥐😄🤗

My apologies if this post is rather long, I really wanted to make sure that my thoughts and ideas were conveyed correctly. 🙂


So first, I want to say that I don't know if you saw any of the replies I made to your steam posts.  Regardless I will keep my responses here relevant to only what you have shared here on the GW2 forums. The only thing I will say, is I was hoping for a bit more from your original post here, rather than just an exact copy/paste of your other postings.

So, a response to the post above, Fame is great, however fame alone does not pay bills. by that, I mean that, while fame will bring in more customers, when working with a 'buy once, play forever' game like GW2, there is more to it then just getting new players.  With what I understand of the new content you are suggesting, these would be the things I can see needing to be taken into account when considering new content and how it's implemented. (My opinions on game development is based on the little bit I have learned in using smaller game making programs like RPGMaker as well as researching before posting, so I am not a professional game developer. As for my opinions on business matters, I have run businesses in the past, and have run my current business for the last 10+ years, so I do have a bit of working knowledge as well as research, but again, these are just my opinions.)

1. Figuring the cost of already exiting resources (this includes not just the games hardware resources, but things like utility increases, potential personal increases in both number and time needed, etc.)  needing to be increased due to increased player numbers (this is probably the first thing that is taken out of the initial purchase income)

2. The increase of resources that may be needed due to the additional content (remember this has to be estimated before release of the new content so that everything is ready when it is implemented.  Also remember, GW2 releases patches and updates live, the game is never really "down" for these,  only needing a restart of the client to get the patches needed.)

3 Personal increase costs that might be needed.  Does the new content itself require a increase of support personal, development personal or time?  Does the increase of new players from the new content and "fame" require an increase of personal and work time?

4. Is any of this new content free, or paid for? and if paid for, how, web store purchase, in-game currencies, etc.?   Basically, does the new content itself generate any income that can go towards covering increased resource costs?

5. You mention that if players are spending all that time in-game collecting gold and gems, let them buy what they want, not just what they tell you. well, what exactly do you mean by that? If it's in the store, you can buy it. any content that you can buy, would be because they say so, and players already work collecting gold and gems to get items in the store.  It is their game, they decide what content is available and what is not.  If you could, please describe exactly what you mean by "get what you want, not what they tell you".

6. Regarding the comment "With 'my' approved "Modular Community Customization" update/expansion/patch".  If you could please elaborate on this for me?  My assumption, based on the wording, is that you have either a completed working update/patch that you want them to look at and approve, or you have a thorough and complete outline and detailed description and presentation of the features and content that you wish implemented that you want them to approve for development.  Basically, that you, in some form or another, have a finished product for them to review.  From what I have read of all of your posts, here and other places, that is not the case, I'm sorry.  I see vague and general ideas, which are a fine starting point, but definitely not a finished product to be approved or really even looked at, at this point.  Now, you may have more details and such that you have not posted, or that you sent them in the email you mentioned on Steam, but since you have not said that, or given the impression of that here, I can't base my opinions on that, only what I see here.

So, regarding the original posting:

On 12/4/2023 at 10:49 AM, MagicMix.9167 said:

This is slightly a important topic, however I'm trying to spread the word to possibly start a petition to push for specific updates and content patches.

I think there's a lot we could do.

For example, some ideas that I've been pushing for are custom design pet skins for Ranger and Mechanist, and the application of miniatures to necromancer and elementalist summons.
As well as, "Arcade Map Creator" similar to WC3 or DotA 2 where they have an "Arcade" feature allowing them to have custom made maps and objectives, ranging from fun and comical to monstrous and adventurous.

Also there's a lot of content that you can unlock via the Gem Store by collecting gold and purchasing contracts which can also be beneficial for your "Home Instance".

The "Home Instance" is a pretty large aspect of "End Game Content", because it allows you to consistently collect certain resources required for legendary crafting.

First off, I mentioned to you on Steam(although your post here may have been made before my response on Steam) that the idea of doing a petition for this to be done is not just a bad idea, but a bad way to start potential interactions with the company. The reason for this being that petitions usually signify a "demand" and often a "forceful demand" for something to be done, not asking or suggesting. A better option would be creating a survey, or questionnaire that people could respond to with their approval or disapproval of ideas, or offer suggestions of their own.  For example, these forums are great for that, make a post listing all your ideas and proposals in as much detail as you can, and ask for people opinions or suggestions, make sure that everyone who wants to participate can.  The more attention from people you can get, the more likely the company is to take notice.  A petition gives the impression that you want to force the company to take notice and implement your ideas...and that will not happen, and may prevent them from taking notice of any future ideas or proposals you may have.

As for the Arcade ideas, custom skins, etc. I answered that Steam, so I won't go into details here, if people want to know, I'll share that post link.


As for the ideas for the Home Instances,  I'm not sure what you are suggesting, as the two statements you made, were just that, statements. I mean, yeah, you can buy stuff in the store for your home instance, and you can earn stuff through gameplay, and get some neat stuff from quests and some even depend on what choices you made during the story. You didn't really suggest any new ideas or changes, so I don't see the relevance of this to everything else.

The same goes for the comment about it being " A large part of end game content"  well, not really, or at least no more important than anything else. As for consistently gathering resources, if you are at "End Game, you can also just go to certain maps and areas and collect resources daily as well, the same ones from your home instance. Yes, it takes a little bit longer, but is just as easy, and can actually get you more resources that the home instance nodes can provide. So it's not really that important, just convenient, and fun for the player to do the stuff needed to collect certain things.  Again, not sure why this statement was made as it's already there, and you didn't really list any new ideas or changes etc. that would be made.

I will end with this, again, I appreciate the passion involved in wanting to make a game you love better.  My suggestion would be, to sit down, and make a list of everything you want added or changed about the game.  Then, take each of those, and check if it's already in the game in some form or another.  Then, take what ideas are left, and go into as much detail as you possibly can in describing not just the idea, but everything that would go along with implementing it, and what benefits it would have for the player and the company, and what, if any, issues there might be for the player or company in implementing it that would need to be looked at.  And finally, take that list and make a presentation of it.  Bullet point list your ideas, also give specific examples of each idea.  Lastly, make a survey or questionnaire, like those you can do on google docs, and let people mark there approval or disapproval of ideas, and leave comments with their suggestions.  Also, make sure to not take anything personally, people are going to like or not like ideas, they may like an idea but not how you described it, etc.  Discussion is just the way things work, and going back and forth with ideas is how improvements and better ideas are made.


I don't know if you, or anyone else will read all this, but I have to say, I do love the enthusiasm and love for this game, that I see all around, and the amazing community it has managed to develop and grow.  This is a special game series for me and I hope it continues for as long as possible.

I hope you all are having an amazing day, and if you see me in game anytime, say hi and give a wave. :)

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@MagicMix.9167  I'm sorry if my previous long post came off as a bit rough, that was not my intention.  what I basically wanted to say, was that Myself, and I am sure plenty of others, would be glad to hear your ideas, and help you organize and flesh them out through discussing and going back and forth on them.  Yes, this means sometimes people with disagree with you, but it's not personal, its just part of the process in working a basic idea into something that could be great.


ArenaNet has numerous times implemented not just items and events, but entire game wide changes like Quality of Life things based on what players and the community put forth.  So, having your ideas looked at here is the best way to go, and could actually work, if you are willing to work with the community to figure out if the ideas you have are viable or not.

I am asking this, as it seems you might have abandoned this forum post.  I hope not, as these forums are the only place the devs and ArenaNet people look for things.

Hope you respond soon, and am happy to help with sorting out your ideas, any way I can.


Update: The reason I have made this post is in an effort to make some peace with the author, as things got abit weird on Steam discussions.

I understand that english is not your first language, and that's ok. Please feel welcome to respond or post in your Native language if you are more comfortable with that.  All else, I just want to give you a fair chance to express yourself and your ideas.  

Edited by Grilnak.6275
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ANet resources are running so thin that the quality of the main contents they released over the past two years are embarrassing. And, they can't even give us a complete mini expansion 👉 SotO which has to be spread over a year, and you think they can still spare time and resources to give us more 'other' stuff especially QoL requests? 🤣

Edited by Sugar Min.5834
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