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Arenanet is failing the PvP community. This thread is about AFKers.


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I just don't understand how I'm able to join a match where somebody can go idle within 30 seconds of the match beginning.

No wait, it gets better.

TWO other people on my team recognized this player for being notorious for going afk.

What is being done? Does reporting help? How can we be sure that reports are working? What is going on?

You know how I know that reports do nothing? The report window says "Abuse of the report feature may lead to the termination of your account". A friend of mine has abused this feature countless times. No termination, ever. The point that I'm making is who the hell is even reading these reports and doing something about it? Get AI on the job at least and then a human to filter it out, if resources are the issue. This is ridiculous.

Let's see another social media post or stream where the people working on this game are so enthusiastic and claim to love it. Yeah? Well then tell somebody on your team that they need to do better at their kitten job.

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On 12/7/2023 at 6:49 PM, Jelzouki.4128 said:

You know how I know that reports do nothing? The report window says "Abuse of the report feature may lead to the termination of your account". A friend of mine has abused this feature countless times. No termination, ever. The point that I'm making is who the hell is even reading these reports and doing something about it? Get AI on the job at least and then a human to filter it out, if resources are the issue. This is ridiculous.

This whole thing made me lmao 🤣

On 12/7/2023 at 6:49 PM, Jelzouki.4128 said:

The point that I'm making is who the hell is even reading these reports and doing something about it? Get AI on the job at least and then a human to filter it out, if resources are the issue. This is ridiculous.

Especially this part lol. So true man.

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Here is one of the most underrated thread that I believe is 'the magic bullet' against Afk.

I vigorously urge Anet to take it into consideration and to hope to here a response from them 

I encourage The Community to  stand behind Captcha as One Community 



Edited by Burnfall.9573
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9 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Here is one of the most underrated thread that I believe is 'the magic bullet' against Afk.

I vigorously urge Anet to take it into consideration and to hope to here a response from them 

I encourage The Community to  stand behind Captcha as One Community 



Seeing your comment on these forums is like finding a bill in the pant pocket. I'm just excited to see what it is.

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14 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Here is one of the most underrated thread that I believe is 'the magic bullet' against Afk.

I vigorously urge Anet to take it into consideration and to hope to here a response from them 

I encourage The Community to  stand behind Captcha as One Community 




Imagine you want to queue i a game, and you first have to click on all the squares with Trafficlights in them.     Heck no.

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6 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


It is very easy to do

I am not scared that i wont be able to identify the trafficlights xD      -> ITS ANNOYING.<-  Thats my point.

i would much rather have a working report button, than some captcha.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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15 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Here is one of the most underrated thread that I believe is 'the magic bullet' against Afk.

I vigorously urge Anet to take it into consideration and to hope to here a response from them 

I encourage The Community to  stand behind Captcha as One Community 



Seeing the progression of that post talking about AI solving captchas in 2021 up to a few months ago gives me the existential dreadies.

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On 12/15/2023 at 11:55 AM, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Anet won’t do anything about afk’ers. No real reason to keep talking about it

This is exactly why we need to keep talking about it. We all recognize it's an issue, and need to keep letting them know that it's a problem. If we stop talking about it, there is a 100% chance nothing will be done.

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2 hours ago, Jelzouki.4128 said:

This is exactly why we need to keep talking about it. We all recognize it's an issue, and need to keep letting them know that it's a problem. If we stop talking about it, there is a 100% chance nothing will be done.

how about 11 years+ of nothing being done? As I typing this, were are watching a live twich PvP match with 4 afk players. 

Throughout the years including present, whenver I ask Afk players, why do they afk; do you know what answer I always get??

"PvP is a game mode that rewards cheating, exploits, botting and wintrading. Whether we Afk or not, what make us any different? We all get the same reward with no effort"


"Stop putting effort into those who show no effort towards you. There's only so much you can do before you're wasting your energy and time"

Many of those Afk players once cared about PvP. Throughout the years, they have put so much time and effort, voicing their concerns on the forum, via Social Media outlets, via sending vast amount of endless Evidence and Proof of Game Breaking Toxic Game Design Features including Exploits, Cheats, Wintrading and Toxic Bad Design Professions.....to see it all being ignored...wasted away/

I do not agree with Afk but there comes a time; as human being with having a heart, soul, caring and empathy being pushed to its limits...when we know when our Concerns, Efforts, Feelings, Time, Appreciated, Trust and Loyalty, are Constantly and Continually being Ignored, Wasted and being Taken For Granted. 

"Whatever Is Taken for Granted Will Eventually Be Taken Away"


"All the time you’ve wasted on them, you could’ve spent with someone who wants you right now, instead of allowing someone to save you for later like a piece of chocolate cake... People that want you right now, will make the changes right now! They won’t make excuses, they won’t stay stuck in their ways, they won’t say, ”I am the way I am,” etc. They will make moves expeditiously because they don’t want to lose you. Know your worth and move accordingly."

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 12/14/2023 at 1:03 PM, Burnfall.9573 said:

Here is one of the most underrated thread that I believe is 'the magic bullet' against Afk.

I vigorously urge Anet to take it into consideration and to hope to here a response from them 

I encourage The Community to  stand behind Captcha as One Community 



if i remember correctly the solving rates for captchas are something like 70% for humans on average and nearly 100% for bots. they haven't worked in years due to language models (what most people know as ai now), essentially being immune to every variant of captcha once trained on them.


i also don't understand how this is in any way related to someone going afk early in the game, due to being insufferable.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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45 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

if i remember correctly the solving rates for captchas are something like 70% for humans on average and nearly 100% for bots. they haven't worked in years due to language models (what most people know as ai now), essentially being immune to every variant of captcha once trained on them.


i also don't understand how this is in any way related to someone going afk early in the game, due to being insufferable.


It is simple strategy; everyone will vote to kick the Afk player. The Afk player will be giving Captcha to re-enter. If failed, then swift actions will be taken against the player

A solution would be, give Afk a temporary suspension via a timer. '

example; 1+ hour temporary supspension to severe consequences from playing PvP


I also want to add; there are multitiude Captcha Block Detectors with a more advance version Re-Captcha

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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15 hours ago, Jelzouki.4128 said:

If we stop talking about it, there is a 100% chance nothing will be done.

If we keep talking about it, there is a 100% chance nothing will be done.

Even when the game was on its prime, they didnt care.   


Nowadays PvP is a afterthought... at best.

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