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LFG does not work


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2 hours ago, Phread.7506 said:

Yea tried the Dungeon Merchant's the Gift is not listed.  AS I said I join a group and then nothing. Don't know how to get from joining a group to the instance.

Did you look under 'Exotic Weapons'?   That's where you will find the 'Gift of Knowledge'.

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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1 hour ago, Phread.7506 said:

Yea tried the Dungeon Merchant's the Gift is not listed.  AS I said I join a group and then nothing. Don't know how to get from joining a group to the instance.

Well if your in the same map (usualy lions arch now days) and they are inside a dungeon you should get a pop up in the middle of screen similar to when you join a fractal group.

If noone is inside a dungeon, go speak to the dungeon npc to open any dungeon path just south of the ftactal portal gate.

Edited by Linken.6345
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Here's how it's supposed to work for instances like dungeons, Fractals, stikes etc.

  1. You go to the map where the entrance to the instance is - for example for dungeons or Fractals you go to Lion's Arch.
  2. Open LFG, find the right section, find a group you want to join and click 'join'. That will put you into the party or squad but won't do anything else.
  3. One person needs to go through the entrance, which for some things does involve navigating a menu to pick the right version.
  4. Once they're inside everyone else will get a pop-up in the middle of the screen inviting them to join, which includes a summary of what you're doing (including things like how many people are required) but they just need to click the button to join.
  5. Then you'll load into the instance.

So what might be happening is you joined a group but no one started the instance yet, meaning you didn't get the prompt to join. In that case you can either start it yourself, ask who is going to start it or just wait for someone to enter and the popup to appear.

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On 12/13/2023 at 8:33 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Isn't this comment from 30 September 2021 (UTC) , while the change to the currency was June 2022?

I know some people complained about the dungeon unlocks being buggy, so they did require those 5 completions of their respective dungeons and yet some people had them wrongfully locked or unlocked. Maybe you had them wrongfully unlocked. Or maybe they changed that requirement at one point.

edit: nope, completing the dungeon 5 times is still listed as a requirement at the ingame merchant.

4 hours ago, Phread.7506 said:

Yea tried the Dungeon Merchant's the Gift is not listed. 

It should still be listed, even if you can't buy it though.

4 hours ago, Phread.7506 said:

AS I said I join a group and then nothing. Don't know how to get from joining a group to the instance.

Teleport to lions arch -because that's where the dungeon hub is- and you should get a pop up to join your team. If there's no pop up, you'll need to go to the dungeon gate and pick your party's dungeon to join them.
For fractals, you need to be in Lion's Arch. 
For raids you need to be in LA aerodome to get the pop up.
For strikes you need to be in one of their respective hubs to get the pop up.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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20 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Here's how it's supposed to work for instances like dungeons, Fractals, stikes etc.

  1. You go to the map where the entrance to the instance is - for example for dungeons or Fractals you go to Lion's Arch.
  2. Open LFG, find the right section, find a group you want to join and click 'join'. That will put you into the party or squad but won't do anything else.
  3. One person needs to go through the entrance, which for some things does involve navigating a menu to pick the right version.
  4. Once they're inside everyone else will get a pop-up in the middle of the screen inviting them to join, which includes a summary of what you're doing (including things like how many people are required) but they just need to click the button to join.
  5. Then you'll load into the instance.

So what might be happening is you joined a group but no one started the instance yet, meaning you didn't get the prompt to join. In that case you can either start it yourself, ask who is going to start it or just wait for someone to enter and the popup to appear.

This is all correct. There are some exceptions. Dungeons, strikes and raids have 2 entrances. You will only get a prompt when youre on the same map (map, instance doesnt matter). While most players enter from hubs, sometimes someone will open instance from another map and you will not get a prompt. But you can always join them through portal.

I do agree the lfg / instance joining is clunky and could be updated to a more modern standard.

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I usually try to join fractals from Mistlock. Maybe that is my issue. I've  never tried from Lion's Arch. I'm on NA server. So Strikes need to be done from where the portal is.  Such as New Kaining.  Been too busy doing other things in game to retry.  Might open a ticket and see if the Dev's can help too. I'll give it another go this weekend after Christmas hollidays are over.  Thank you all for your help. I totally appreciate it.  I'll report back here with any results


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1 hour ago, Phread.7506 said:

I usually try to join fractals from Mistlock. Maybe that is my issue. I've  never tried from Lion's Arch. I'm on NA server. So Strikes need to be done from where the portal is.  Such as New Kaining.  Been too busy doing other things in game to retry.  Might open a ticket and see if the Dev's can help too. I'll give it another go this weekend after Christmas hollidays are over.  Thank you all for your help. I totally appreciate it.  I'll report back here with any results


You can do strikes from their respective map, but it is better and easier to do them from their hubs, esp as most have teleport scrolls straight to the hub. 

Fractals - Lions Arch

Icebrood Strikes - Eye of the North

SoTo Strikes - Wizard's Tower

EoTN Strikes - Arborstone

Raids - Lions Arch Aerodrome

And tickets should really be used for account problems, payment issues etc. For something like this, you will just clog up the queue and be sent back to the forums (you can't open a ticket to the dev team, only customer support)

Edited by Randulf.7614
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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

You can do strikes from their respective map, but it is better and easier to do them from their hubs, esp as most have teleport scrolls straight to the hub. 

Fractals - Lions Arch

Icebrood Strikes - Eye of the North

SoTo Strikes - Wizard's Tower

EoTN Strikes - Arborstone

Raids - Lions Arch Aerodrome

And tickets should really be used for account problems, payment issues etc. For something like this, you will just clog up the queue and be sent back to the forums (you can't open a ticket to the dev team, only customer support)

Only problem is if people enter from LA to old lions court you wont get a pop up in arborstone for the strike you have to go to portal and open it urself to get in.

Unsure if the same happens if people open dungeon in lets say plain of ashford for example and you then dont get a pop up in lions arch.

I know the first one happens  because that is what I need to do on my alt that dont own EoD to finish the season 1 strike.

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2 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

What happens if someone tries to join the old-school way (via going to the dungeon's actual entrance on the OW map) if the rest of the party enters via the LA hub?

Would that even matter, or would the game just read it as everyone joining the same dungeon so no issue? Just trying to figure out why this would be happening.

well if its the same as strikes they do not get pop up but instead need to go talk to npc in la to then be sure they enter the same dungeon by clicking said dungeon in his speach blurb.

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