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Please update the game graphics of older core contents & map merging


What do you guys think of this?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you guys think of this?

    • yes, i like the idea of map merging & Core game graphics should be updated.
    • Map merging idea is no for me but i agree with graphic update of core game.
    • No, i don't like the idea of map merging nor the graphic update. Core game looks fine the way it is.

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Just as titel says. I love the graphics in Path of fire & heart of thorn expension and those expension graphics & designs look gorgeous & very detailed. Core game & newer expensions like SOTO & EOD looks nearly the same graphics as core game graphics. The reason i am asking this is because every firend i invite leaves the game after thier 1st week of the game because they keep saying that game looks very dated and also saying they always need to go through a loading screen everytime to change zones. 

My personal feedback for maps is to just merge few maps on to each other so it looks & feels more bigger & open. eg: merging entire

  • silverpeaks into one map zone (Hoelbrak + Wayfarer foothills + snowden drifts + Lonar's Pass + Dredgegaunt Cliffs + Timberline falls + Frostgorge Sound)
  • Kryta into one map zone (Queensdale + kessex Hills + Gendarran fields > Harathi hinterlands)

... so on.

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Merging maps would only make performance worse and load screens even longer. I also don't know how much it would otherwise mess with game progression, etc. It would certainly affect map completion with having fewer maps but more tasks to complete each.

I'm all for a bit of a face-lift on the older zones to bring them up to the same visual standard as the expansions, but I'd much sooner have the overall performance of the game improved and better game balance first.

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Merging the maps would break prob everything associated with every region, story, achievements, events etc. it would be calamitous and cause untold performance issues. The game could not cope with it, no matter how cool it would be

Core gfx are fine. The later maps have a lot of detail sure, but are also a mess of extra bloom and other effects. They need leaving alone

Edited by Randulf.7614
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They don't have the time or resources to do this. Things got better because technology/graphics got better over time. Its easier for them to make new things than it is to go back and remake old stuff, especially considering the size difference between core and expansion maps. I feel like the graphics of this game have aged quite well. As the saying goes don't go fixing what ain't broken.

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1 hour ago, August.5934 said:

Just as titel says. I love the graphics in Path of fire & heart of thorn expension and those expension graphics & designs look gorgeous & very detailed. Core game & newer expensions like SOTO & EOD looks nearly the same graphics as core game graphics. The reason i am asking this is because every firend i invite leaves the game after thier 1st week of the game because they keep saying that game looks very dated and also saying they always need to go through a loading screen everytime to change zones. 

My personal feedback for maps is to just merge few maps on to each other so it looks & feels more bigger & open. eg: merging entire

  • silverpeaks into one map zone (Hoelbrak + Wayfarer foothills + snowden drifts + Lonar's Pass + Dredgegaunt Cliffs + Timberline falls + Frostgorge Sound)
  • Kryta into one map zone (Queensdale + kessex Hills + Gendarran fields > Harathi hinterlands)

... so on.

Please correct the typos so Godzilla doesn't have a stroke reading your post mate.

To respond to your suggestions, I'd much rather they sink their resources into actual content rather than eye candy, especially considering how big of an undertaking your suggestions would be.

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2 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Please correct the typos so Godzilla doesn't have a stroke reading your post mate.

To respond to your suggestions, I'd much rather they sink their resources into actual content rather than eye candy, especially considering how big of an undertaking your suggestions would be.

hahaha sorry mate, just habits & auto-corrects.

I will be very honest. Most people like eye candy more then real contents and it has been proven. Take Lost Ark & Black Desert online for example, 1000s of hours of grinding with no real contents but people still play it because of graphics & combat. I play BDO and got over 10k hrs on it and if i compare the amount of contents and other things outside of graphics & combats, GW2 is a clear win; but because people this days demands higher quality graphics & enviroment design to sink into it even if the content itself is trash.

I personally got no issue with GW2 graphics and i love it because of it's unique artistic designs, voice acted stories, clear path & easy understanding of systems, clean without any bs combat systems, events, group activity... and much more.

About map merging, i personally like it. It doesn't need to merge entire silverpeaks but maybe merging 2 - 3 maps into 1 wouldn't effect the game nor it's contents but that decision isn't for me to make and i want to see what other players here think. Unfortunately, I am not always right 😞 .

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2 hours ago, August.5934 said:

hahaha sorry mate, just habits & auto-corrects.

I will be very honest. Most people like eye candy more then real contents and it has been proven. Take Lost Ark & Black Desert online for example, 1000s of hours of grinding with no real contents but people still play it because of graphics & combat. I play BDO and got over 10k hrs on it and if i compare the amount of contents and other things outside of graphics & combats, GW2 is a clear win; but because people this days demands higher quality graphics & enviroment design to sink into it even if the content itself is trash.

I personally got no issue with GW2 graphics and i love it because of it's unique artistic designs, voice acted stories, clear path & easy understanding of systems, clean without any bs combat systems, events, group activity... and much more.

About map merging, i personally like it. It doesn't need to merge entire silverpeaks but maybe merging 2 - 3 maps into 1 wouldn't effect the game nor it's contents but that decision isn't for me to make and i want to see what other players here think. Unfortunately, I am not always right 😞 .

There is a reason maps are the size they are. They can only be so big. 2-3 into 1 is simply not possible

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6 minutes ago, August.5934 said:

I want GW2 to be more renowned then WOW & BDO 😞 

It’s never going to be more renowned than WoW and I’d argue it’s far more than BDO and always has been.

But you are asking for something that isn’t something the game is able to cope with. If you want it to be bigger and better, campaign for resources to be spent on bigger and better expacs and not special secret projects like it currently is.

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