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HoT: I am shocked ...

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On 1/28/2024 at 6:11 PM, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

Thanks, I will take my time or I come back later if it's leveld.

You can only level HoT-Mastery-XP in HoT (and S3) maps. And you only need (in general) HoT-Masteries in HoT (and S3) maps. 

You first have to master a few map challenges and get HoT mastery XP and then you can explore the maps better and better with more HoT masteries. This is the horizontal progression in the game that was introduced with HoT.

If you don't enjoy playing in HoT maps, then you don't need the HoT masteries.

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34 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

Except of course for the whole gliding mastery line.

You can unlock gliding (basic usage) in EoD and SotO, so you don't need HoT for gliding. And because of mounts you could use you usually don't need more than basic gliding in those expansions.

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13 hours ago, Tinker.6924 said:

Personally I recommend doing the HoT xpac last because the environment is so difficult to traverse without a fully upgraded skyscale.  Gliding is extremely useful and it’s almost mandatory for wvw and open world pve but you can get it from EoD “almost free”. You can now get the skyscale from soto content too. There are many guides on how to get the mount “fast” from soto (not really but faster than pof+lw4). 

The HoT story is very good and I got emotional over how it ended but  feel free to jump around from any content to any  other because none of the xpacs and LW’s are mandatory for doing later content.  It’s masteries for gliding and mushroom bouncing are useful in later content. The metas are still popular. 

if you need the hero points from any hot zone check group finder for  hero point trains and join one, most will only require that you need gliding and the raptor. You might need to use a teleport to friend to get to the group if you don’t have the waypoints in the zone. 

I wonder how the people who had hot for three years before the fully upgraded sky scale came out managed? 

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8 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I wonder how the people who had hot for three years before the fully upgraded sky scale came out managed?

I imagined most  struggled through it, like the OP and I did.  I also imagine that there’s a group who think it was the greatest thing ever, probably the same group who redo the jumping puzzle in ember bay for fun. Looking at what anet has done for map design since then and especially the mount additions it’s obvious they no longer think the environment should be an obstacle for players to overcome. There will still be jumping puzzles because that’s one of this games “things” but there won’t ever be another “jumping puzzle zone ”.

The OP is as frustrated as I was with HoT and I’m giving them the advice someone else gave me: skip hot for now, go get the tools that make navigating it easy and then go back.  You can always stick to the “natural story progress” on your second character.   


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5 minutes ago, Tinker.6924 said:

I imagined most  struggled through it, like the OP and I did.  I also imagine that there’s a group who think it was the greatest thing ever, probably the same group who redo the jumping puzzle in ember bay for fun. Looking at what anet has done for map design since then and especially the mount additions it’s obvious they no longer think the environment should be an obstacle for players to overcome. There will still be jumping puzzles because that’s one of this games “things” but there won’t ever be another “jumping puzzle zone ”.

The OP is as frustrated as I was with HoT and I’m giving them the advice someone else gave me: skip hot for now, go get the tools that make navigating it easy and then go back.  You can always stick to the “natural story progress” on your second character.   


Some struggled, some didn't. I loved it. My wife loved it. Other people in my guild had mixed reactions. But someone saying straight up, without knowing at all what the person they're responding to is like is doing them a serious disservice.  For one thing, with the current elite specs and power creep, everyone is more powerful to begin with. 

The truth is, struggling is part of what makes games good for some of us, because then when you accomplish something it means something.  HoT is considered by many to be the best of the Guild Wars 2 expansions. You don't see people raving about the others in nearly the same numbers. 

I'd be more happy with someone saying, HoT is challenging and if you like a challenge, by all means, give it a shot, rather than telling them I don't like a challenge and you should be more like me.  Not everyone is like you or the OP.

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33 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But someone saying straight up, without knowing at all what the person they're responding to is like is doing them a serious disservice.

If you insist that is the truth you must acknowledge that you, and everyone else in this thread, knows the OP as well as I do and your comments about doing them a disservice applies just as much to you and everyone else in this thread as it does to me.  I've given the OP advice that will help them if they choose to follow it.  It is a different path from the advice you and others have given them, which would also work.  Being aware of other options isn't a bad thing and whatever choice OP makes will hopefully feel like it "right for them".

The real difference here is that you chose to attack my advice with a sarcastic comment that added nothing of value to this thread.  I chose to reply to your sarcastic attack with more sincerity than it deserved, ultimately restating my advice and how it can benefit the OP.   Stop acting like you're a Knight in Shining Armor Mounted on Your High Horse.  The reality is you are at best, at the same level as me and everyone else, although your recent comments have put you closer to things hiding under bridges.


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I have 157 hours down and am now at Path of Fire and I'm so bored with the game 😕 It's a shame actually, I don't want to talk the game down, it's really a good game but it bores me.

I'll probably chew through the whole story and then that's it for me I think.

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25 minutes ago, Tinker.6924 said:

If you insist that is the truth you must acknowledge that you, and everyone else in this thread, knows the OP as well as I do and your comments about doing them a disservice applies just as much to you and everyone else in this thread as it does to me.  I've given the OP advice that will help them if they choose to follow it.  It is a different path from the advice you and others have given them, which would also work.  Being aware of other options isn't a bad thing and whatever choice OP makes will hopefully feel like it "right for them".

The real difference here is that you chose to attack my advice with a sarcastic comment that added nothing of value to this thread.  I chose to reply to your sarcastic attack with more sincerity than it deserved, ultimately restating my advice and how it can benefit the OP.   Stop acting like you're a Knight in Shining Armor Mounted on Your High Horse.  The reality is you are at best, at the same level as me and everyone else, although your recent comments have put you closer to things hiding under bridges.


I didn't make a definitive comment one way or another. I reacted to one. Follow the logic.

One person says: Personally I recommend doing the HoT xpac last because the environment is so difficult to traverse without a fully upgraded skyscale. 

Now that advice to is to the OP, and that's fine as far as the OP goes, but other people read these threads and anyone might take that advice, based on what they've seen.

I pointed out that some of us did HOT without it, and enjoyed it. I didn't say any one person should do one thing. I just pointed out that people got through HOT without the skyscale at all. 

Someone else says: Well, most people (without any evidence of that) probably feel like me and the OP. I don't think most people felt that way, but some people surely did.

I was offering an alternate version of advice to people more generally, not the OP, because obviously the OP is unhappy. 

Do you know what I didn't do? Give a one size fits all advice for everyone. 

Sorry if it offended you, I was trying to be funny, but at the same time point out that that advice isn't a once size fits all advice. It's specifically for people who are in your camp, and that's not everyone.

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3 hours ago, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:

I have 157 hours down and am now at Path of Fire and I'm so bored with the game 😕 It's a shame actually, I don't want to talk the game down, it's really a good game but it bores me.

I'll probably chew through the whole story and then that's it for me I think.

Are you more of a story solo player or a player that likes mmos for their group activities?

Because while story is ok, its still just a mmorpg story and cant really compare to good single player story driven games.

But gw2 also have good group activities, they are just not so accessible like in other games where youre usually just a click away. Fractals are great 5 man dungeons. Raids and strikes are ok 10 man modes. Wvw is unique large scale pvp mode you can just hop in and out and spvp is a decent pvp arena mode. What many players enjoy are large open world events and bosses for big groups, accessible for anyone, spawn on timer (type "/wiki et" in chat). Looking for group tool is your friend, one click away from killing a huge boss with 50 other players.

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9 hours ago, Tinker.6924 said:

I imagined most  struggled through it, like the OP and I did.  I also imagine that there’s a group who think it was the greatest thing ever, probably the same group who redo the jumping puzzle in ember bay for fun. Looking at what anet has done for map design since then and especially the mount additions it’s obvious they no longer think the environment should be an obstacle for players to overcome. There will still be jumping puzzles because that’s one of this games “things” but there won’t ever be another “jumping puzzle zone ”.

The OP is as frustrated as I was with HoT and I’m giving them the advice someone else gave me: skip hot for now, go get the tools that make navigating it easy and then go back.  You can always stick to the “natural story progress” on your second character.   


HoT has always been 50/50, although these days it;s skewed to being more popular with veterans. Back in the day, a ton of people loved it. But, plenty hated it too. It was divisive, but it was perfectly doable. It was really only Verdant Brink canopy and Tangled Depths which were the bottlenecks and they were largely due to needing later gliding, nuhoch wallows and handicapped by the terrible minimap. No expac since has felt as populated as HoT was and for as long. It usually comes out on top or second in the polls for "best expac" that occasionally appear on here.

That isn't to say people didn;t struggle. It was always going to be a design which split the playerbase and I do feel a little sorry for those who had the uphill battle with it. But it remains a favourite area in the game today for so many. Me included - it's one of my favourite expansions for open world maps  in any MMO

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On 1/28/2024 at 8:45 AM, DoNotAimAtMe.3510 said:


I have now arrived at HoT and am simply shocked at how complicated the level design is here 😕

I assume gliding and airflow while gliding is a must?
I've only unlocked gliding for now.

Will definitely be harder to finish the maps now 🙂

Beware the raptors, they're on the prowl.

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