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World Restructuring Beta Event Feedback

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?  NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?  A disfunctional one
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?  A different disfunctional one.
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?  Afternoons PST
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?  Less balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?  Yes, but that didn't seem to matter as I was placed on a different team regardless.
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?  Yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?  None that I recognized.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?  None of them.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?  When it ended on schedule.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?  The biggest problem I see with this whole restructuring effort is the lack of community. I am normally on a server with a strong identity. I play with the same people and leaders who know each others' tendencies and can predict what they're going to do in most any situation. We don't need Discord to communicate; we just all know what to do. Also crucially we all belong to different guilds or no guilds at all. Restructuring destroys all this. During beta, I didn't know anybody, and nobody reacted the way I'd normally expect my teammates to react. People rarely responded to call outs or came to help. WvW during beta was just a waste of time mostly.  And even if some sense of community could be formed in the short window we're together, by the next team reset, all that will be destroyed as we'll have to start over again. The bottom line for me personally is that this beta drained all the joy out of WvW for me. Maybe this beta was great for PvE boonballers who have to be told what to do every waking second of the day, but if this is the way WvW will be moving forward, I will avoid it entirely, and might even leave GW2 altogether.
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  • EU
  • Don't remember
  • Dragon's Claw
  • usually every day late afternoon or late evening
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? more balance et more organize
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? no, didn't need, whereas i need it on my server to find good players.
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? not applicable
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? YES. much better organization
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? 2nde
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? I appreciated all languages and meeting new people every week. despite it last only one week, i had time to understand the nice players to play with and had great time. Queue was also easier to get in for me
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? if I find a nice community to play wvw with, i would like to be able to stick with it when joining the guild.

Thank you Anet !

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?  NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? Phoenix Dawn
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Titans Staircase
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? PST early am and late afternoon 
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    inconsistent, leaning towards no. The game isn’t balanced though is it?
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Inconsistent / inadequate data
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? None, the game itself isn’t balanced and suffers from power creep and overwhelming burst play that makes it less enjoyable for players like myself.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? The return to normal 
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? All of it. Seriously who thinks this is a good idea? Too little too late now years behind schedule. It’s time to cut your losses and give players what they want: new maps, new races, an actual story arch. Thanks
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Do you play on NA or EU?


What team were you on during January 12-26?

    Titan's Staircase.

What team were you on during January 26-February 2?

     Dragon's Claw.

If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?

     Weekday mornings before noon CST.

Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?

     More balanced.

Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?

     Yes, but it was my personal guild with only me.

Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?


Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?


Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?

     Week 1.

What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?

     Nothing. There is nothing interesting about destroying what little server identity we have left. Links are already horrible in that it takes time for us to get used to a new link, and then we get a new link. "Restructuring" makes this issue even worse. Every new matchup throws us into a server with people we don't know and don't care about. Why would I waste my time scouting for tags that I don't know would actually act on my callouts? Why would I jump in to save someone from a gank squad if I don't know they are worth saving? WvW does not have good rewards for solo roamers, nor did it need to. We play because we enjoy the fights and the people. Take away the people, and all we have a bad fights with and against people we don't even know. Might as well be fighting npcs.

What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

     Making sure each matchup has good coverage for all time zones. The last few weeks of beta felt horrible. There were very few people playing during the day.

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    Dragons Claws and Thornwatch
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    Dragons Claw
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    All week
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    Not really
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    Just evening
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    2nd and 3rd
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    I do not like , too random players , no server spirit . The no reward system in WR it's much more worst than actual.
    I do not see benefits as of today in change.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?: NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?: Reaper's Corridor
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?: Seven Pines
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?: 8pm - 1am (ish) EST
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Very Balanced, Possibly moreso than usual. Altho we're usually stuck fighting MAG on SoS & the player numbers in general were possibly inflated b/c of the beta.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?: No.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?: Yes.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?: The first.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?: Most of it worked flawlessly this time around.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?: Communication of how it works so we can better choose which guild to use as our WvW Guild.'
  •  -- I lead / am part of a ~450-member PvX NA Guild. However this is not the Guild I used / told my members to use for the beta. The only information we've ever been shown/the community seems to be aware of is the one chart showing how, back when Alliances were going to be a thing, each "Alliance Team" would be made up by Total Guilds Numbers: Which would basically amount to a couple large Guilds + Smaller ones + assorted roamers.
  •  -- As only about 50/our 450 Members usually WvW with us we funneled these members to our smaller alt Guild for the beta. However, after talking with folks in our main Guild as well who forgot to switch+used that instead both our matchup teams seemed quite good.
  •  >> However it's still unclear as to how exactly the beta actually structures teams. From searching through Community notes / feedback it seems to work on an initially Opt-In vs Opt-Out system for a Guild Team. Which is good! This prevents the problem of being in a PvX Guild of 500 people for example only 50 of whom actually WvW but being treated as a full 500-WvW Stack for alliance' determination every matchup. However I worry about the 2nd part that seems to be Opt-Out once you select a team'. In that you could conceivably tell everyone that is in your Guild to "set it as your WvW Guild" but if those people don't play fo long stretches/if they go afk/new members are recruited to the Guild you may be stuck with an over-inflated Guild Tag for the purposes of determining your matchup. -- So maybe?* having to Opt-In and select' your Guild before every matchup rolls over might be better. Unless there's some magic going on behind the scenes to account for sfk members. | I understand that revealing too much on how the current system works may enable people to game-the-system and lead to a MAG1, MAG2, MAG3 situation. But, if possible, more Communication on how the system actually works now would be amazing for PvX Guild Leaders like myself. So we know better whether it would be better for everyone in our prospective matchups for us to use our larger Main Guild(s) or funnel our members into smaller, Alt Guilds. 😄  Thx for reading! Looking forward to what is to come!!
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  • Do you play on NA or EU? --> EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? --> Fortune's Vale
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? --> Skrittsbourgh
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? -->at least tuesday, thursday and Sunday 7:45 pm - 10:00 pm CET, usually more
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? -->consistently better on average
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? -->yes (a different guild for week 3)
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? --> yes (for both guilds)
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? --> yes
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? --> week 3 (after re-building), mostly due to the change of an alliance-guild inbetween (so most likely unrelated to the system)
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? -->uuuhh, nothing in particular, since it´s currently the most barebones system imagineable
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? --> lack of alliance-functionality (and thus the requirement of alliance-guilds), lack of a countdown-timer until the "deadline" for guild-selection, and the sorting-algorithm that didn´t even manage to even once sort everyone correctly
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Do you play on NA or EU?
What team were you on during January 12-26?
Dragon's Claw
What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
Dragon's Claw
If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
6:00-8:00PM Pacific with my guild, sometimes stay on until around Midnight Pacific solo.
Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
I remember one week feeling really well balanced, the other two not so much, the OCX on all weeks felt usually one sided.
Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
I normally play with my guild, but there were usually other commanders around at that time as well, late night tags were usually pug tags trying to take SMC in the middle of the night.
Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
Probably week 1, our team felt really stacked week one and two but week one felt more balanced, week three felt like there was less content.
What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
I know that there were some problems with team selection but I think that community response to problems and putting people on correct teams was well done.
What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
I think that matchmaking systems needs improvement, and I don't know if rebalancing teams frequently will be intended in the future, but I am concerned that if we rebalance teams as often as we relink it could potentially kill off small scale and roaming play as it wouldn't give those types of players time to find a community they want to continue to be a part of.

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  • Do you play on NA or EU? EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? Giant's Rise
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Griffonfall
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? weekdays, mornings and during primetime
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Less balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? Yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? No. Most commanders outside our guild spoke a different language
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?  None of them
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? Really struggling to think of something for this question
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? Team composition/balance, lag and the obvious getting people on the right teams to start with
Edited by Jennah.5102
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  • Do you play on NA or EU? = EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? = First Haven, I think, didn't pay much attention
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? = First Haven
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? = Most days, 18:00 - 20:00 UTC+2
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? = More balanced, population had great coverage on all teams from my point of view
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? = No
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? = No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? = There was usually a commander or 2
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? = All of the weeks were balanced, enjoyable however...? That depends on what I find enjoyable at a given time
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? = Population number balance
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? = On EU language balancing, if there's a way it would be plenty better to have people with language you can actually understand instead of mixing spanish, france, german and english.
  • On a more general feedback. I did find the beta more enjoyable now that it has actually ended and I'm back on the "chosen world" as I'm now seeing what was actually happening. Early morning PPT crew that cap absolutely everything and you are unable to do your dailies/weeklies, then the rest of the day it's empty on your side = population imbalance. There's plenty more of people afk at the spawn and not actually playing, making it extremely difficult to even flip a camp/tower since the enemies are roaming in numbers of +5. For whatever reasons I found the random people in the beta friendlier and more active in the small scale fights. Commanders are back with voice and discords and whatnots and only accept the meta builds with voice. Granted the big fights were very one-sided in the beta because of the boonball but that's hardly a problem from the beta but more of the short sightness of the devs and their choices. Overall... I've been more convinced that this change might be better for the current guildless randoms. For others it could be if there's a possibility to keep some sembalance of a community and not make it into random OFFENSIVE fights because the defense of objectives was horrible. Garrison was flipped multiple times because nobody came to defend even if it was asked in advance and multiple times. Even I started to feel that "why defend if nobody comes to help? Why have keeps/towers at all?" It was only and ONLY ppt. For those with a large guild and feeling of community and so on... this is probably a worse change. If this randomness actually goes through there HAS TO BE a voice support or something. Joining every few weeks into a new discord for voice chat is an arbitrary burden, especially since there's a big change you never play with those people again.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU? NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? Griffonfall
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? First Haven
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Afternoon EST
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Less
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? Yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Occasionally, however seldom large enough or organized enough to do much.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? Week 2
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? The population balance felt roughly equal most of the time.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? The biggest pitfalls seem to be discoverability and organization. Going into a match, we have no insight into what guilds/alliances that we're working with, what times they run and what if any roamers and scouts we have. There seems to be less adhoc play and more fragmentation as most groups seem to prefer working within their guild or alliance.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?  EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?  2-3
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Mogooloo I think
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Weekday evenings
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Less balanced. There were crazy queues in the evening and outnumbered status outside of primetime
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?  Yea, but mostly on closed runs
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? None
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? Adding people to their selected guild/team didnt work again.  Language was also an issue ,there were french, spanish and english speakers mixed so teamplay was hard due to communication issue. Server identies have been fostered over years. I think remembering that there are guilds in the game 11 years after release is too late. 
  • Maybe lay the emphasis on Guilds, GvG/WvW in Guildwars 3 and design it around them from the ground up.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?  NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?  Seven Pines
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?  Skrittsburg
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?  I play in the evenings PST and my WvW guild runs Wed 6, Fri reset and Sun 6 for a few hours.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?  The first match up seemed like it was pretty good but the second was really imbalanced.  The second had either huge groups that our small groups couldn't deal with or nothing at all.  Queues were pretty much terrible, like always.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?  yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?  yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?  yes
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?  the first
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?  I felt like the ability to switch teams if problems occurred happened quite nicely for those in our group who had problems.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?  Queues are nearly always an issue when I play.  You almost never can get into EBG without a long wait time.  
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  • Do you play on NA or EU? NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? First Haven
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Moogooloo
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? MRFSa 9-11:30pm EST generally
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Generally a little more balanced, but I think the broadly higher participation due to event buff helped too
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Had our usual guild commander but otherwise saw about the same number of public tags as pre-restructuring. It takes extra effort to be a good commander so I'm not a huge fan of this question/culture that implies someone else should be expected to do that heavy lifting for me
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? Week 2, lots of other good groups to fight against (I'm in more of a fight-oriented guild). Week 3 was especially quiet on that front (seemed to be vs. more objective-oriented groups)
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? The exposure to tons of new players/faces; hopefully we get restructuring full time asap so we can play with a bunch of them that joined our guild despite our server currently being full
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? Few bugs still lingering, notably the team mismatching for people that set our guild as their WvW guild (big thank you to everyone who helped manually fix this quickly!) and the queue reset bug that popped up a bunch (in queue -> popup to join map shows, click to enter map -> get message that map is full as if you were never in queue in the first place, sent to back of queue). I'm not sure how the matchmaking works exactly but it might also be nice to more heavily weigh things like player kills (maybe even k/d ratios?) to better match fight-oriented groups against each other
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?  -- NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?  -- I have two accounts. Skrittsburg and Phoenix Dawn
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?  Dragon's Claw and Griffonfall
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? -- I play with my guild Friday reset for 3 hours +, Saturday/Monday/Tuesday 8pm CST to 10pm CST. I play on my own a lot outside those hours, mostly evenings CST until after midnight.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? -- queues were HUGE at Friday reset, larger than normal. After midnight seemed really unbalanced.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? -- yes for both accounts
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? -- no
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? -- I run with a WvW guild on one account, so yes, always a tag for me. Other account, very few tags or tags running closed.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? -- neither?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? our guild didn't get split up this time, there wasn't a huge amount of DCs or updates at Friday reset.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? -- I don't want restructuring. I think ANet has underestimated server loyalty and pride. It's not just about your guild; it's about the other smaller guilds on your server, the roamers, the pugs, the scouts, the memes, the sense of being a team bigger than your guild. It's being the same server every matchup, not ... "oh, now I guess we're Skrittsburg". It doesn't inspire people to win. It promotes cliques. Also, we got paired with enemy guilds with active trollers who made our team match pretty awful.
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On 2/2/2024 at 2:07 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Do you play on NA or EU? -- NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? -- Don't remember sorry
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? -- Don't remember sorry
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Usually late at night, weekends more often than weekdays (would love weekly reset to happen Saturday night btw, not Sunday mid night)
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? -- more balance, and importantly: more fun!
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? -- Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? -- I don't know. I'm too casual to check those. I join a guild, I play during the time people are on.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? -- Yes
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? -- I like both weeks. We win some, we lose some. But overall it's more fun.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? -- The reward section
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? -- You need a GIANT notification a week ahead of the beta to tell people to select a guild

Also, just want to say good work ANet. I wouldn't mind if this "beta" happens every month or so. It seems close to ready (beside the initial team selection mess up for other people).

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1. NA

2. Dragon's Claw

3. Phoenix Dawn

4. Weekday's 5:30 PST to 8:00 PST

5. More balanced

6. Yes

7. Yes

8. Yes

9. 2nd 

10. Level of activity

11. Differences in activity in population across each matchup. Disparate queue times across different matchups.

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An important question in this survey should still be: Did your team win or lose in the week you liked better? This should have a decisive influence on the question of which week was better 😉
I have answered the questions, but in my language section of the forum. ^^

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  • NA
  • YES, 7-9:30pm AEDT
  • NO
  • PICKING TEAMS BASED OF WHEN PEOPLE NORMALLY PLAY ie 100 people play at XX:XX, lets make 50 of them A and 50 of them B, A VS B
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?


  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?

Can't remember honestly, new names are sort of forgettable. I think both times I was in the group of same 3, first time blue, then green. The group was one with Phoenix Dawn in it. Don't take it for granted though, my memory is really cloudy here

  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?

Played through most of the week in the evenings, roughly between 7PM and 1 AM CET, and on weekend afternoons (11 AM - 4 PM)

  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?

WAY more balanced and fun. There was more action everywhere, back-and-forth between teams, multiple commanders / zergs between different maps at most times, healthy roaming set up too. A lot of communication and chats

The moment beta ended, it was back to hardcore organized zergs sweeping half the map, gods of pvp on overpowered builds 1v5ing peepo roamers like me, usual good stuff. Beta was definitely an improvement.

  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?

Just checked, it seems I had a meme tag guild selected, where everyone else had left already. Oops!

  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?


  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?

Yes, usually multiple over several maps. At lease one or two at most times. Way better than regular sutiation on my server

  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?

Both were pretty good

  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?

Don't know what to tell. Everything was great for me as a solo / public tag player. Maybe the extra rewards event played a role here too, attracting more different players instead of hardcore wvw veterans

  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

I still don't quite get what should I do to play with people I want. For example, I have a couple of new / returning players who picked a random server on character creation, and I have a bunch of specific guilds I'm not sure they fit in. Or maybe I have a committed wvw friend who's in a hardcore-ish wvw guild that may not want me. While in the current system I see a solution in changing servers (paywalled but still there), with World restructuring, as much as I want it out as soon as possible, I am still a little lost.

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • NA Mostly, a little EU (answering here for NA)
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • NA: First Haven.
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • NA: Seven Pines
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • most days of the week usually around about 10 UTC - 12:30 UTC
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • first week felt more balanced; 2nd week felt far less balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • Yes, small friends guild
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • no.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • Week 1 yes; week 2 no.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • First week.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    •  Balancing in the first week.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    • Balancing across time zones.  I play mostly in oceanic timezone and did not feel that balanced, particularly in the 2nd week.
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On 2/2/2024 at 11:07 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
  • EU
  • Thornwatch
  • forgot it, sry ^^
  • Wednesday Evening
  • more balanced
  • WvW Guild selected, but it is a PvE guild where we just do WvW for fun once a week
  • no alliance
  • there was always at least one commander around + our hidden tag
  • both weeks were equally fun
  • most exciting for me was the variety of allies and enemies. The communication was also great, given most of us have rarely/never played together.
  • Make the events more frequently. Like every two months.
  • Like 1
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  • EU
  • Seven Pines
  • Pheonix Dawn
  • A bit random. I usually try and catch my guild's raids when I can, which are usually 19:00 GMT, but usually end up joining on Thursday evenings around 20:00. Occasionally I do solo roaming at random times, or join a random squad.
  • They felt more balanced. The fights felt more even, and when I was roaming there were more people and players darting about. I felt more likely to have an ally show up if I got caught in a scuffle. We had some really fun, organic fights as well. Were someone had a tag on, but voice wasn't needed because the numbers on both sides worked well.
  • Yes I did. I selected my normal WvW guild, but that scuppered me as my guild had made or joined a secondary guild just for the beta. I'm not sure what their logic was there.
  • Unsure.
  • Almost always.
  • The second week.
  • It felt very smooth, and I liked the incentive of bonus XP and reward track progress. Support were great with sorting me onto the right team. 
  • I had no idea it was coming. I play GW2 about every other day, and I check the Dev Tracker, the news posts, and the subreddit most days. So I don't know how I didn;t know it was happenign until partway through the first week. I wanted to take more advantage of the bonus WXP boots etc.
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On 2/2/2024 at 11:07 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    Seven pines
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    Titan staircase
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    Less balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    Selection of WvW guild
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    1 - Server assignment was bugged, a lot of people went outside the server they selected
    2 - Bug in the Queueing system at the moment of traveling, really really "annoying".
    3 - Bug in border selection during reset
    4 - Maps always queued, maybe the system it's not ready for big alliances.
    5 - generally terrible Lag and skill Lag during fights involving 2 or 3 zergs, if the alliance system must be adopted please solve this problem or it will be a mess.
    6 - players that didn't selected wvw guild or that don't have a wvw guild most of the time were assigned randomly to a server instead being able to select a server




Edited by NaramSin.2693
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1 - EU
2 - Silent Woods
3 - Stonefall
4 - Weekdays = late evening.  Weekends = Morning/Afternoon + Late evening.
5 - Not really noticed
6 - Yes - but I was initially put on a different server to my main Guild and had to request to be moved.
7 - Don't know
8 - Yes
9 - Both felt less enjoayable than before the Beta was enabled... apart from the additional bonus rewards.
10 - Only experience was worse than pre-Beta, apart from the support team who did a great job.
11 - I'm in 3 different WvW guilds.  All are EU but in different timezones and with people who work different hours.  I'm in the UK.

  • [RUM] play late evenings.
  • [BluB] play late afternoon / early evening at the weekend.
  • [LFG] tend to have more people in WvW late morning and early afternoon.

You can only represent 1 Guild in WvW and 'should' get put on the same server as that Guild's members.
All 3 of the Guilds I'm in ended up on different servers so, for the duration of the Beta I was unable to join in with 2 of the Guilds I would normally play with.  This was a major down-side and, should the Beta setup become permanent I would have to potentially leave 2 Guilds and find new ones on the same server as the third (annoying pain setting up Discord again and getting to know team structures and play-styles).  There is no LFG for Guilds geared towards which WvW server they reside on.  Being able to switch server only at weekly reset would be enough to probably push me away from WvW content, unless all the Guilds I play with end up on the same server...which is looking unlikely.  Main negative impact was on community in my opinion.

Finding it much better now the Beta has ended though but I would have to ask...  what is it Anet are trying to acheive with the changes?  If we know what you're aiming for we can give better feedback on whether you're going in the right direction.

Edited by Stygian Abyss.7203
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