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World Restructuring Beta Event Feedback

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I never was in a guild to do WvW content (as most of my playtime is in the off hours and also very limited), and I was never in the dire need of it to have fun: I did just roam around and occasionally join some smaller zergs if they happen do be nearby that was enough for me, now as a solo I am hanging around with people I dont recognize and get switched around from world/server to world/server.

Since the last switch now I was put into an "World/server" (dont know how we should call it now tbh) that is almost always empty when I am online and dead last place due to this with a huge gap to second place, so no fun anymore, because doing all that solo roaming is only fun if you can get something out of it for your server,if i just wanted to to PvP there is a dedicated mode for it no need to walk around vast maps to do it.

Nowadays I am just doing it for the weekly quests, if there wont be some drastically changes this mode is not for me anymore, no connection no sense of achievement

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As a roamer I usually I don't give much about what's actually going on on the maps. But for the first time for ten years since I'm playing WvW I'm actually flirting with the idea to change my team for the very first time. Since I started with Guild Wars 2 I was always on Drakkar Lake. Always. With the Alliances I got transferred to Bava Nivos, which was okay, I guess. I can't really remember any of these people there. I think, I never ever played with them on Drakkar Lake. Now, I'm on Palawadan, and it seems my server gets demolished for the second week in a row by two different overpowered servers. There are so few players, it's not even funny. I don't even see any of the old guilds on Drakkar Lake. This system doesn't seem to work. And it saddens me. How many years to implement this? 5? 6? More? And for what? This? Sorry, but I think we had a better time with the old system. At least we had semi-full control over the people/allies we are playing with (only semi due to the linking system). And sorry for being "just another rat leaving the sinking ship". But I think the alliance system in the current state is a death spiral for servers. It's encourages people to abandon the sinking ships like never before. And for a justified reason. When you have the option/the freedom/the choice/the opportunity to flee from a sinking ship, why should you ignore that chance?

Edited by Maria Murtor.7253
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59 minutes ago, Maria Murtor.7253 said:

As a roamer I usually I don't give much about what's actually going on on the maps. But for the first time for ten years since I'm playing WvW I'm actually flirting with the idea to change my team for the very first time. Since I started with Guild Wars 2 I was always on Drakkar Lake. Always. With the Alliances I got transferred to Bava Nivos, which was okay, I guess. I can't really remember any of these people there. I think, I never ever played with them on Drakkar Lake. Now, I'm on Palawadan, and it seems my server gets demolished for the second week in a row by two different overpowered servers. There are so few players, it's not even funny. I don't even see any of the old guilds on Drakkar Lake. This system doesn't seem to work. And it saddens me. How many years to implement this? 5? 6? More? And for what? This? Sorry, but I think we had a better time with the old system. At least we had semi-full control over the people/allies we are playing with (only semi due to the linking system). And sorry for being "just another rat leaving the sinking ship". But I think the alliance system in the current state is a death spiral for servers. It's encourages people to abandon the sinking ships like never before. And for a justified reason. When you have the option/the freedom/the choice/the opportunity to flee from a sinking ship, why should you ignore that chance?

I think the more important question is why, in a team-based game, have you been solo this whole time if your teammates suddenly  matter? The new system is begging you to pay more attention if you need it. Some of the solo roamers I know don't rely so much on who their teammates are. Some others want at least a few others around whom they can rely on. At that point all joining a guild together becomes an option.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Simple answer: Because being spawn-camped prevents me from playing the game. What's here to attack? A T2 camp guarded by people without any sort of distraction around? Yeah, good luck trying that. Roamers like me are bold and opportunistic, proud of their abilities to survive and escape against overwhelming odds. But their's a limit to that. And it's useless to fight a war you can not win. 

Edited by Maria Murtor.7253
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Feedback on something that is becoming apparent after a few months of this:
Casuals are left out with little chance of getting into / playing with a good guild to help them improve. I'm happy with our guild/alliance. But it's getting big and alliance spots are precious. Guilds have paused recruiting. So this link, we're not picking up new people or pugs who want to keep playing with us. Which is a shame. This will likely cause some gatekeeping. The best way to improve in wvw is through guild play, but if the guilds now need to be mindful of their numbers, this becomes taxing for players who want to get into wvw, be they new or returning. The issue is the shifting sands model. With a proper server one can choose instead of a 500-guild-cap, players could focus more on the game than on organisation that is now necessary to keep the alliances going.

The myriad things that have messed up WvW since this ill-advised beta were already mentioned in the thread, this is just another emerging issue.

Edited by hedix.1986
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1 hour ago, hedix.1986 said:

Feedback on something that is becoming apparent after a few months of this:
Casuals are left out with little chance of getting into / playing with a good guild to help them improve. I'm happy with our guild/alliance. But it's getting big and alliance spots are precious. Guilds have paused recruiting. So this link, we're not picking up new people or pugs who want to keep playing with us. Which is a shame. This will likely cause some gatekeeping. The best way to improve in wvw is through guild play, but if the guilds now need to be mindful of their numbers, this becomes taxing for players who want to get into wvw, be they new or returning. The issue is the shifting sands model. With a proper server one can choose instead of a 500-guild-cap, players could focus more on the game than on organisation that is now necessary to keep the alliances going.

The myriad things that have messed up WvW since this ill-advised beta were already mentioned in the thread, this is just another emerging issue.

tl;dr version: I don't think that we are there yet.

Is it emerging though? Didn't we see the same things in the time when transfers were free? The point of the cap is that players will clump. I think that is why we saw so many threads questioning if the cap was too high at 500. Now going below meant that would impact all guilds versus alliance/community guilds. I see one of the boons of these 4 week links for now outside of them gathering their numbers is alliance/comm guilds to find their right sizes. A fast forward through time so they can figure out what makes sense and/or if it will work versus getting grouped and finding guild 'x' and guild 'y' really don't get along. 

We also saw the same thing with transfers among servers. Guilds would hop server to server to try and recruit and pull players  and then ask the server they were going to move to next to help them pay for the server transfers.

First objective is to stabilize the sorting logic, which was the point of the 4 weeks. Part of that is the players stabilizing the alliance/comm guilds and normal guilds since it is a moving target in the middle of the sorts themselves. Doing both at the same time meant that Anet added in additional variables to their calculations and added more to the analysis of is it working to create better matches. Add in queues and people adjusting play schedules for a myriad of reasons and it takes more analysis of, is the sorting working and what indicators translate to, are people having fun and are we increasing player counts and how many tiers make sense in balancing player counts during prime, reset and outside of those times.

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Please revert alliances back to servers. I miss my server. I miss my community. I miss having something to fight for and be proud of. I can barely force myself to get thru gold when I used to play thru repeatable diamond.

Right now it's like, "Who are we again??? Yolo Heaven? Who are we fighting? Oh that's -insert old server name-, isn't it?" 

The queues are still bad.

The lag is still bad.

Nothing has improved that I can see.

Maybe we can have someone from WvW team tell us if things are "working" on their end cuz it's been a while now.


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My god WvW is a mess, no balance at all, its as if Anet are trying to kill WvW it is so bad.

Always one team that has multiple blobs on all maps fighting against 10-15 - maybe, with one team just non-existent.

You have screwed this up royally.

Well done devs, and yes that is /sarc.

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On 9/7/2024 at 9:35 AM, Chaba.5410 said:

I think the more important question is why, in a team-based game, have you been solo this whole time if your teammates suddenly  matter? The new system is begging you to pay more attention if you need it. Some of the solo roamers I know don't rely so much on who their teammates are. Some others want at least a few others around whom they can rely on. At that point all joining a guild together becomes an option.

Let's put it on the other extreme then; I'm a roamer who ended up in a decent team this time, good teamwork, great communication aside from the occasional trolls in team/map chat. We could more or less rely on one another. But the problem on the winning team in this case are the losing ones quitting, not engaging and in general leaving WvW desolate which is why spawn camping happens, it's more or less what this World Restructuring system has transformed WvW into, a soulless gamemode where people don't care nor engage with the activities, with the exception of prime time hours where these guilds you and others with the same argument tell roamers to join, as if it's suddenly the new requirement to get a full fledged experience of this new system.


That's unfortunately not the case, the ones winning will rarely complain because at the end of the day, the majority are here for that one sole reason now; To walk away with loot and additional gold in our pockets, nothing more.

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WR did exactly what everyone thought it would do. Stacked all the guild based wvw mains on the same 3-4 servers then matched them with a bunch of casual guilds and players entirely at random for one-sides boring matchups. 

If you thought that the 500 player guild cap was a suitably granular way to match the player base of such a small game mode, you're fooling yourself. If they had created a system based around smaller groups, maybe it could've worked, but instead all the guilds just merged into "alliance" superguilds and created what you are seeing now.

Before people would still consider fighting if the matchup that week was a bit kitten, but now why bother? I don't know or care about any of the people in this link. Might as well do farm pomegranates in Janthir.

Edited by Ubik.8315
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Just a bad design in general. I left a guild because of the toxic WvW commander, now I cannot play with some friends. What is the logic of this design?

Also, the Defend events never trigger for Keeps, Towers, and SMC any more. How can we progress the WvW achievements?

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I also wish to add that this World Restructuring system has attracted a new breed of players who remain afk by running against walls/corners while pip farming as well nowadays, to the point queues end up being completely clogged around prime time and sometimes all the way into the late night with little to no players fighting/partaking in the actual WvW activities.

It once again brings back my point addressed in another thread that players do not care about WvW activites anymore thanks to this new system while loot/chests remain a sole priority, especially with this new WvW event attracting an even larger quantity of them. Whether it's been like that after my long break or not I cannot say and would really appreciate knowing about it, but it as said suggests the bad turn WvW has taken since WR was implemented, because this wasn't a common sight prior to it from what I recall.

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I like the idea so far, has brought life in wvw however needs to be more substance and guild benefits that make people want to stick with a single guild and something to make these "alliances" similar in sizes to other alliances. I think servers had flaws and the current auto grouping has some flaws, a combination of the two would be nice. Let the guild leaders chose their servers every x period, you still pick a guild to be your wvw guild and you're stuck with the guild's decision till next grouping period. Guilds then can migrate between servers freely and have loyalty, still keep track of their grade or times they are on and make an incentive for them to switch to a different server. 

Essentially continue to bring back the GUILD wars into wvw with more supporting mechanics specifically for guilds and group play. Promote both large group and roaming group guilds. 

Edited by Dashizaru.6405
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9 hours ago, Erathiel.9318 said:

players do not care about WvW activites anymore thanks to this new system while loot/chests remain a sole priority, especially with this new WvW event attracting an even larger quantity of them

This week's event brought me to the thought of the numbers of WVW players before and after WR. which we have basically seen that they have not changed much. We might even see them grow over time with this kind of ''candy'' it's evident that when things change you attract people's attention, you probably get more people, we can get wvw full of activities for gold and loot. We can get full WVW participation for large-scale competitive PvP play. The direction of where you want to take this game mode is solely up to the developers. See the EOTM experience.

A few months later, my feedback is still the lack of a common interest at the ''team/server'' level. This change calls into question and challenges the very game design, the very concept of ''team play'' which in my opinion needs to be refreshed and updated accordingly.

Edited by Mabi black.1824
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