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Custom spells

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Sooo ESO will get scribing in patch 42 where you can create your custom spells etc and with it you can edit colors of it etc.


can we get something like that? I dunno… we could replace elite skill with our custom spell?


it can be based on point-buy system😃


signet 10 points out of 100

pulsing aoe 50 points

cast time: minus 10 points… etc until you reach 100 points

Edited by Pluton.7364
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Basicly the more is effect stronger it will be pricier


imagine you create signet that pulsing aoe quickness and allac but it cost 200 so you have to pick some drawbacks😅😅 like self blinding and rooting every 1 sec. Enjoy your self debilitating spell😅😅

Edited by Pluton.7364
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Wish granted. 

New Elite Signet added that can be used by all classes. 

- Name: Signet of Opines. 

- Pluses Group Quickness and Alacrity every second. 

- Pluses Blind and Immobilize on self every second. 


Thanks to the new skill added, the Quickness and Alacrity roles in PvE are no more. 

Replaced by the 2 new mandetory roles of Resistance and Superspeed providers. As these 2 effects remove the negative of the new signet. 


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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Wish granted. 

New Elite Signet added that can be used by all classes. 

- Name: Signet of Opines. 

- Pluses Group Quickness and Alacrity every second. 

- Pluses Blind and Immobilize on self every second. 


Thanks to the new skill added, the Quickness and Alacrity roles in PvE are no more. 

Replaced by the 2 new mandetory roles of Resistance and Superspeed providers. As these 2 effects remove the negative of the new signet. 


Jokes aside custom spells would be great tho

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9 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Can You create spell from Sanguine Oblivion  quest in ESO? You know, the one that made everyone naked? I could see a use for it in GW2. Especially in WvW enemy zergs. xD

3 zergs full of adrenalin filled, sweaty people piling up in smc goes from epic clash to epic smash with one simple trick. 

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Any skill customisation would have to be fairly restrictive to avoid exactly the problem illustrated in this thread - players will find and use the most over-powered options they can get (even if it's not as fun) and that not only leads to power creep but can prevent other builds being used. That doesn't mean it can't be done (we've already got a lot of customisation options in the game in the form of choosing professions, skills, traits, weapons etc.) but it would probably need to be very limited, especially if the plan is to add negative effects to balance OP ones, because as people have already pointed out all you need then is another skill or another person who can counter the negative effects.

I would like to be able to dye skill effects though. I know it could be a problem in PvP and WvW and sometimes in PvE because the colours can tell you what profession used the skill, but they could add an option to disable it on your end if you want to, like they have with unique item sounds, or add something like the team colours and standard model settings.

44 minutes ago, Biziut.3594 said:

Can You create spell from Sanguine Oblivion  quest in ESO? You know, the one that made everyone naked? I could see a use for it in GW2. Especially in WvW enemy zergs. xD

It seems unlikely. The new system will be in the next expansion so it's not even on the PTS yet but based on the announcement it sounds like a more extensive version of the skill morphing system - you can mix and match primary, secondary and tertiary effects for a skill, but only from a pre-determined selection. They've also said there will be colour variations for existing skills, but no options to change their effects.

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2 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Any skill customisation would have to be fairly restrictive to avoid exactly the problem illustrated in this thread - players will find and use the most over-powered options they can get (even if it's not as fun) and that not only leads to power creep but can prevent other builds being used. That doesn't mean it can't be done (we've already got a lot of customisation options in the game in the form of choosing professions, skills, traits, weapons etc.) but it would probably need to be very limited, especially if the plan is to add negative effects to balance OP ones, because as people have already pointed out all you need then is another skill or another person who can counter the negative effects.

I would like to be able to dye skill effects though. I know it could be a problem in PvP and WvW and sometimes in PvE because the colours can tell you what profession used the skill, but they could add an option to disable it on your end if you want to, like they have with unique item sounds, or add something like the team colours and standard model settings.

It seems unlikely. The new system will be in the next expansion so it's not even on the PTS yet but based on the announcement it sounds like a more extensive version of the skill morphing system - you can mix and match primary, secondary and tertiary effects for a skill, but only from a pre-determined selection. They've also said there will be colour variations for existing skills, but no options to change their effects.

Well considering 2 ppl can run around fully booned with every boon already… nothing will change in this master😃 but could open some new builds and counters😃


you could create something like for 5 Sec. Your target limit is removed and it would work wonders on this stale blob boon meta that can stand under 10acs and still be in full health

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I'm interested. But, how do you make it engaging and fun without:

  • Making an enclosed meta of "if you don't run this you're bad" (AKA "cookie cutter-ism")
  • Making it too underpowered (think racials -- cool concept, kitten-near useless in this game, purposely)
  • Making it fun in competitive -- these spells would have to be interesting, but counterable, afterall
    • As in, blowing up the opposition with no chance to fight back seems fun and all, but you need to be able to fight back, and there's nothing fun about "first move wins" every round
    • Omitting them from competitive could work, but now you have the most combat-focused part of the game unable to partake in this combat-altering gameplay
      • Disclaimer: I'm no competitive player, so maybe I'm missing something here that is super obvious to the more hardcore WvW/PvPer, be it a concern or counter to my above concerns

Other thoughts:

  • Are these for any skill slot or only elites, utility, etc.?
  • As a mesmer, can I make a spell that uses non-magenta effects, or am I still stuck with magenta spells? (Not a problem for me personally, I love the mesmer colour, but I get it if others see this as a problem.) In a similar vein, are these spells limited in any other way to profession, race, or other factors? As a sylvari of the Cycle of Night, I'd like to make something with a moon or stars visual theme to it, but I'd be sad to hear that that's a visual only for, say, rangers, or necromancers. Likewise, it'd be a bummer if a norn player wants to do something similar but can't use night themes because they're a norn, and are therefore stuck with Spirits themes.
  • Other than building these spells with a points-based system as suggested by OP, what other limitations should exist for this system? Limited custom skills allowed to be used? Is there any difficulty in making these spells (components unlocked via achievements, metas, crafting, etc.)? Are these limitations reasonable (or dare I say fun) or do they suck?
    • Personally I think exploring the world and finding something useful, like a spell component, is great! But I get it that not everyone agrees with me on this, especially if the components found are account-bound or soul-bound, and especially if this compontent is needed for a real cool spell, be it "meta" or just real neat-o and popular with the community for other reasons.
  • Are these custom skills character-specific or account-wide? How does storing them work? I'd imagine there'd be a limitation to how many can exist on a character or account at a time, like Equipment and Build Templates. How much of a PitA is it to change these around should I hit that limit? Meaningful player decisions is great and all, but if I have to rerun ___ content to regain whatever components again to make a spell I overwrote, that'd be annoying, even if it's something easy.
  • Are there any downsides to me opting not to use this system? Will I be gatekept from content?
    • I imagine this system would be implemented as an expansion-seller, so therefore "must own ___ (of) ___ expansion" to get access to them. Does this significantly hurt those who don't purchase?
    • Are there components for custom spells that require previous expansions? Is someone impacted negatively because they don't have, say, EoD or LWS3?

Oveall I think conceptually custom spells would fit well with GW2. Custom builds, loadouts, mix-and-matching, etc. has been a part of the series since day 1, so having something like this would make for a logical addition. Implementation is key though. Such a system would need a lot of balance work.

(Another disclaimer: I haven't looked into the ESO version here. I don't play ESO, so I'd lack a lot of context on things like "is this good" or "is this bad.")

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I've seen this implemented in a few single-player games, to great fun and effect... with the cost to create and cast increasing substantially with the power (range, duration,  etc) of the spell... But... this would seem to be an incredibly complex integration for GW2 at this advanced stage in its development... Seems like something that would need to be implemented as part of the base design process for the next game release (GW3, not the next GW2 expansion).  Could be interesting though.

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Hard to balance I think. Could be interesting if combined with unlocks and only 1 slot for 1 skill available per char at a time. (And would work well to have somethign new to sell for further expansions lol.) Though currently traits and relics (that trigger on certain skill types) ofer kind of a bit of customization.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Feeling happier and happier that I left ESO when I did because if this is their carrot for the next expansion that tells me all I need to know about how combat is going now, ugh.

For more context, consider that "balancing" in ESO impacts PvE and PvP simultaneously - there is no version of PvP only skills vs PvE only skills - only your choice of armour set bonuses and Champion Points are.  As such, you see the same cookie cutter builds over and over and over in both game modes, since obviously everyone opts for whatever meta is considered most effective.  Since the implementation and subsequent nerfing of the revised Champion Point system (CPs fully impact combat, unlike our Mastery System here) and even further homogenization of builds in the last two updates, this is Zenimax' compromise over promised spell crafting which dates back like 6 years ago and was never added.  It will likely just be another hot mess of a system just to give players something to waste time on and eventually spend countless hours whinging about at every turn. 

If we had anything even remotely close to skill crafting here, it would clearly have to be around boon system as applied to separate game modes, core classes, professions, and roles.  In other words, we have a far more complex combat system for Anet to even consider something like this as it would be a balancing nightmare.

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I would love just one thing. Dying the colours of the skills. Doesn't matter if everyone see them default(maybe a tick on a box at options) I just want to have a blood necro with every skill and UI red coloured. Or a paladin Guardian with golden/white skills and UI. 

I'm not fun of the custom spells but it would be great to customized just the colours of everything, maybe adding extra stuff like feathers, sparkles or else.

ofc mandatory disabled at pvp/wvw(except for yourself).

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