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Unpopular Opinion

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So this is probably going to come off as "that old head just yapping off about tuff they dont understand", but I absolutely loathe pvp now and what's sad is I didn't used to. This is my second account for GW2 I got locked out of my other account because of 2 factor and a new phone and had to buy the dlc's again. So far at almost 500 hours in again I regret that decision. I came in before HoT and back then I stayed in Plat tier. Now days Im Gold T2 or T3. I came to GW strictly for pvp and nothing else at the time I was trying to find a replacement for WoW and now I'm starting to want to go home. The current meta shouldn;t exist and its absolutely skilless and unfun. 


I miss the days when every profession was valid, a fight was actually a fight and not button mashing, pvp was actually methodical in a way. The expacs should've stopped and stayed in HoT kitten PoF, kitten EoD, kitten SoTo it should've stopped there cause now we have this over the top power creep. There's far too much teleportation and invisibility to where certain professions are literally uncatchable, the game is ranged based so if you play melee youre more than likely kittened, and the damage is kittening obscene as well as the stuns. I said it back then and ill say it again everyone only needs 1 stun just like we have 1 heal there is absolutely no reason 1 person should be able to stun lock you after using your stun breaks. 


Like no bro this kitten is not fun at all. Those matches where everyone was just happy to be there win or lose are now a rarity you either the side getting slaughtered or doing the slaughtering. Warriors have too much going on and they're one of the stun crazy profs im talking about and its bad when each time I checked in team chat and everyone on the team agreed. Mesmers and thiefs have way too much invis and ports it says alot when most of your thiefs in ranked above silver are majority dead eye. seemingly infinite invisibility coupled with insane port range and almost literal one shot dmaage like wtf bro what was wrong with pistol/dagger thief? I dont know i havent been enjoying getting the equivalence of a backstab heartseeker jammed into a rifle a bursting me at 1200 range and if i have the time to react (you normally dont) they just go invis get enough distance outside your range and just proceed to spam rifle 3. Mesmers couple that kitten with either a burst so strong your health is gone in 3 hits and distortion makes fighting them back that much harder. Engis especially holos are just atrocious they have stuns, high damage, and damage reduction and depending on spec they have invis too.....yall serious...like you dead kitten...bro for kittening what they didnt need it. Dont even....get me started on kittening elementalist oh good god yall broke that kittening class into god hood. Anytime I see a cata on the other team I just turn on my music and prepare for a loss cause thats what it is. Unlimited stuns, projectile reflection, and enough damage to make dead eye blush the shits just atrocious. I actually like what yall did with guardian dh traps could be turned down a bit though in damage, but thats it just literally a %10 nerf will do its nice to see guard not get laughed out the match for once. Necros getting kitten on ofc harbinger takes health.....really....the new swords will too? Why, no other profession has such a kitten exchange, but necros I used to main it now I spend most time on my guard because for as strong as everyone tries to herald it its not. As ive said before wtf is all that damage if all anyone with half a brain has to do is kite you? thats not hard in this meta with all the invulns and teleports. Still a fun one to play, but when you play it now you don't get that feeling of being a bad kitten king of undead anymore unless the other team is stupid enough to let you free cast and most good ones aren't. Rangers actually in a good spot rn not too strong not too weak. 


The meta right now is who can teleport on who and who gets 1 shot first. We went from tokyo drifting to formula racing like bro how the hell did we get here and you nerfed all the core classes to the point where they cant compete solo against a good expac class. Core guard will lose to dh and willbender. Core necro will get put down by reaper and harbinger etc. Not saying core aint good, but they cant beat their counterparts without their counters being bad.. I shouldn't have to give up the kitten i find fun to compete just because of some broken kitten meta. Thats what made me leave wow I got tired of my DK being the mvp and only picking up my others when I just wanted to kitten off instead of me playing warlock or rogue like I used to and being equally effective.


No I dont wanna play kittening ele, no I dont wanna play only dead eye for thief, no I dont want to just infinitely stun someone until theyre dead on war, no coming out of invis after hiding behind clones just to practically 1 shot someone isnt fun, no i dont enjoy most of my strat being to stand on a trap, no i dont want to be god of pvp without actually earning it just cause i can button smash and throw all the elements at you, no I dont think downing you just by evading is fun...looking at you rev and staff thief...oh yeah thief dont stop being a problem at dead eye they can do the same kitten vindicator can do and both are equally annoying. A damage bonus for dodging? Cool I get that, but the kittening dodge itself being what kills me? No kitten you thats kitten. 


Someone could say that I'm just struggling to get with the times and that its a skill issue, but im not seeing how I was able to play spvp day and night back then non stop and love every second win or lose, but now after about my 3rd match of facing kitten I hang it up for the day. 


I dont want new weapons keep that kitten stored away somewhere, I dont want new specializations, I was the kittening game to actually go back to being balanced.  I want to actually enjoy fights again where its a battle of wits more than it is who's build hits harder. I dont even say gg or wf anymore, for what? What fight was there if I third party you or just straight 1-2 shot you before it even starts? Pvp isnt fun anymore and its honestly sad because this games combat design is bar none, the execution is whats kitten. This account has what a measly 500 hours logged? My og accounts probably around 5k. Thats how much I used to play. No one who plays mmos competitively will stay long here in this meta. I've already tried bringing people in they played one match and they all ask me how tf I still do it. They don't understand how they went down so fast or what they're doing wrong and its bad when I cant blame them because I have moments because I have times where I dont either, I can tell you who did it and what prof they were but breaking down how  they squeezed your entire health pool in 1 or two attacks nope and when they hear me complaining about the kitten (my  gf and her friends) and im debating on uninstalling they stay even further away because to them if I'm willing to leave a game I've invested so much in then why should they? I can't blame them and one thing I've always wanted was irl friends to play this game with. Now theres more than enough of us to make 2 parties and the games so kittened now its still just me and they look at like theyd be coming into the pits of hell with me.


Like dead kitten kitten adding more kittenery yall need to balance out yall game first idgaf what you call yourself adding. My last 3 matches are matches I wish I would've recorded because each one reinforced what I'm saying right now clearly. HoT was hands down the best expansion. I mean we thought the power creep was real then? Lmfao thats playground levels of energy compared to college frat boy levels of energy we have now. 


I really really really hate to have to slow down and eventually walk away from this game, but I cannot see myself dealing with this kitten for even another 3 months like nah bruh keep that kitten cause when i say it used to get booted up every day that was a fact. I've already started taking breaks to other kitten.



Lastly, its the least important thing, but seriously considered restructuring how your rated in ranked pvp. Not saying I'm gods gift or im just that great (cause im not) but ive had few too many games where I wasnt the reason we lost. I did what I was supposed to, I was able to fight the other team, do damage and take damage, but my team wasnt which aint no fault of their own, but kitten that dont mean I wanna take the loss for it. Theres been matches where I was the only one fighting on points, only one rotating, and the only one being able to stand toe to toe with the other team and make an impact and we kittening lose. I know that they were on my level, just not my teams level. Guess who loses their rating for it? Now the big question is why tf should I? 


Matches where both teams are evenly matched and it comes close the losing team shouldnt be penalized imo. If we end and we have 499 points and they have 501 or some kitten like that both teams should be elevated because the reality is the winner won by chance and it really couldve went either way. Just that someone has to lose and I thnk thats kitten. Rate people based on their overall performance as an individual and their understanding of the map and game mechanics, not some arbitrary kitten kitten thats wun or lose which idk if you idiots have noticed is being manipulated till this day. Names on the leader board dont change much seasons to season........strange




Im sure this post will probably not be too favorable, but this is just what I see that I feel is wrong. I ofc hope and pray theres a plan for reversion to make things better, but we shall see





TL:DR Metas too overpowered, broken, and unfun, class specific abilities shouldve stayed that way not everyone needs teleports and invis and invis dont always need to break los or targeting tbh it shouldnt at this point, diversity between professions is dead and some are clearly stronger than the rest, ranked pvp shouldnt still be based off of team wins and losses since 1 person can no longer truly carry an entire team

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I'm not a good player (best I can do is G3 with core guardian and daredevil, never stepped into platinum), so my opinion doesn't mean much, you are more skilled. But I also find that there is an excessive use of stuns nowadays, perma-stun that you can't even remove with a stun-break and combo that melt you in 2 seconds (and you have to check the combat log to understand how they could have done so much damage in such a short time). I remember a huge nerf we had several years ago, when they decided to split PvE and PvP skills because players died too fast in PvP. Unfortunately, after few years we are back to the same point, due to the power creep in PvE that also carries to the PvP.

About the core professions, I agree with you. I liked to play core guardian, and I also played core ele, until G1 (it's quite difficult to go beyond for me, but it was fun when people shouted at me for playing a meme build or asked via mail what build I was using because honestly surprised. I'm not venting, I'm a big noob with most of the professions, but sometimes I find nice builds to play, even if they are not meta. This was pre-SotO though). The idea to allow new players to jump straight to PvP, even at level 2, unlocking all the skills, traits, and using a standard gear, was probably meant to have fair matches also for new players. A couple of years ago ArenaNet changed their balancing philosophy and decided that it wasn't fair that elite specs had a trade-off compared to the core professions, so now if you play as core it's intended that you are weaker. Obviously this affects PvP as well. Bless the build diversity.

While I can see a solution for the power creep, perma-stun and whatnot, splitting even more the PvE and PvP skills or doing another round of big nerf in PvP (for all the professions), it's unlikely that ANet will change again their balancing philosophy. Not so early at least. Maybe with different developers, in the future. But your "until HoT" made me dream about a "classic GW2". That's another unpopular opinion...

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I mean yeah I agree with your take on that basically the skill is taken out of the game to a point where anyone can port up to you, stunlock and 1 hit

But I don't think the only problem with the game would be just the one shots, I mean yea, let's take two current one shot classes right now, since I only know gua and chrono I will make the examples with these, so, by far guardian is better at one shotting people than chrono is

First of all, yes chrono has stealth and can surprise you, but since nowdays you meet with so tanky classes one shotting someone isn't as easy as back in the times, when a chrono misses the one shot, he needs to run away since he basically burned all skills in that attempt and has nothing to do, not even talking about that cooldown are rather long for those skills, and also they work like kitten, meaning something like GS3 animation lock/GS2 (which is supposed to be multi hit) disappearing into aegis, GS2 bouncing between enemy and pet(ranger or mech), let's say an one shot combo looks like this: daze mantra => GS2 => GS3 => F1 => GS4, this should be enough to kill most specs, but the problem is that it will not kill most classes who are actually even aware of their dodge button, and after these fail, he just needs to run away since has nothing else to burn, and if switches to sword no burst for another 9 seconds, so how can a chrono run away? No how... Can blink and that's all

Now for the counterpart there is Gua with hammer, or just LB+GS DH, you literally don't even need to be close to the enemy because they can put down traps and you walk into them, and it's done, you are dead, but let's say we are talking about a DH going to side node and 1v1 someone, how would a burst look like in that scenario? F1 => LB5 => LB2 => maybe some traps => F1 and it's done, and even if this fails the boon generation/movement skills/and since all your skills hit for 6k<, it's much easier to win a 1v1 

The problem is not simply that there are classes that can one shot you, but the fact that how they one shot you...

Guardian capable of upkeeping a huge range of boons, because boons are built into offensive traits and it's utility skills are designed in that way, can move around better than a chrono, has more skills to make use of in a 1v1 and also has more sustain even if we not take the boons into consideration, see? The problem is not the one shot capability itself, but the way it can handle itself even after a failed attempt of one shot

The powercreep is too high, and even full glass classes have too much sustain, but this isn't really about guardian only, same can be said about ranger, or even reaper with the amount of chill and weakness it can apply, this isn't simply powercreep like it used to be in the past, this is just huge unbalance between what a class is capable of and how punishing it is

Could also go into how unfair condies are, the way they stack and the way they scale with condition damage, that bunker specs are easily can lock you down and put 6 condies on you that kill you with 2-3 ticks, not every class has all the condition cleanse in the world, or if they take it, they can't sustain the power damage/ or in chrono's case loses daze

Playing PvP nowdays is just a mess, there is no skills involved in most matchups, the visual clutter is annoying and makes it impossible to see some skills and act upon them, too much access to stealth on too low of a cooldown(druid CA, deadeye), and things like these

Like, most of these problems are growing with each "season" in meta classes that we see, going bunker was always a good choice since some years now, first weaver,spellbreaker,willbender with marauder and some weird rune with thoughness,bunker chrono,core ranger, cata, defense warrior now druid **and**  then people realized that if they change up the build a bit for more damage it will be an OP DPS, and there we are now

If you are expecting a balance patch to solve any of the issues, you are playing the wrong game, the PvP community is too small so most of the PvE changes are also going into PvP without any second doubt, (**not even**) changing the modifiers nowdays WvW is an exception since they tried to do something with WvW so now they kinda trying to take care of what is allowed in there and what is not, but this won't be like this for long

A good example would be that nowdays every class is capable of every role for the most part in PvE and because of that, the PvE changes to some degree are applied in PvP too, where you basically see high damage and high sustain

Honestly I would be more happy if PvE and PvP/WvW would be completely separated, and upcoming changes would first go to a proper PvP balance team for testing, who actually play the game, or atleast provide a beta testing server for the changes and actually listen to the feedbacks from there, but this will never happen


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Chat-GPT: Summarize the following text, and give me a list of the main grievances the author has with the current competitive environment:



The author expresses strong dissatisfaction with the current state of player versus player (PvP) combat in Guild Wars 2 (GW2). They outline several grievances:

  1. Loss of Enjoyment: The author used to enjoy PvP but now finds it unfulfilling and lacking in skill.
  2. Meta Issues: The current meta is criticized for being overly reliant on teleportation, invisibility, and one-shot mechanics, leading to unbalanced and unfun gameplay.
  3. Power Creep: The continual expansion of the game has led to power creep, making older professions obsolete compared to newer ones with more powerful abilities.
  4. Imbalance Between Professions: Some professions have become significantly stronger than others, leading to a lack of diversity in PvP matches.
  5. Unfair Matchmaking: The author feels penalized for losing matches due to factors beyond their control, such as teammates' performance.
  6. Desire for Reversion: The author calls for a reversion to a more balanced and enjoyable PvP experience, emphasizing the importance of individual skill and map knowledge in determining rankings.

In summary, the author believes that the current PvP environment in GW2 suffers from imbalance, lack of skill-based gameplay, and unfair matchmaking, and they call for significant changes to restore enjoyment and fairness to the game.

Summary is not unpopular at all, literally everyone (some exaggeration applied) thinks this. 

The only thing I disagree with is the asserted source of the lack of fun (teleportation, invisibility, oneshot/high damage). These things have constantly been toned down over the years, with high performers currently swatted with a relatively quick turnaround. However, that conclusion is a reasonable one to reach for someone who has played just long enough to experience the mechanics, but not long enough to know what and when to evade (or how to do so).

Back in the olden days of yore, these mechanics were largely the same. Hambow put you in the blender forever, Shatter mirage still blew you up, oneshot thief backstabbed you for 10k+, etc. Even though the mechanics are still frustrating now, they are not new, unmitigatable, or the result of some sort of obvious competitive decay that didnt exist back before expansions. I'd argue it was even worse back then because the cc also did damage, and the cooldowns for some of the alleged problematic skill types were shorter.

Partial agree.

Adjust some of the older skills that haven't kept up with the new combat standard. Leave the invisibility/oneshot/teleportation in, the people having issues with it have had just as long as the players that use it to adapt and figure out how the classes set up to do damage, when they will port, and what they might do from stealth (and from where). Even though some classes have high damage, it is not to the point that you cannot react to it at this point in time, and several classes exist that can shrug off just as much damage as others can deal. 



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Half of the stuff you talk about though existed in the "glorious pre-PoF" era. Warrior still stunned and the stuns did damage. Thieves spammed sword 2 or stealth bursts with D/P. Engi always had stealth and cc, maybe even more back when Bomb Kit was usable. Etc.

Yes the game is faster and yes more mechanics of arguable degeneracy were added. Stick to those, or just say you dislike power creep. Simple, without the wall of text.


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