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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

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23 minutes ago, Padra.1678 said:

The boon spam is just ridiculous and i think its  one of the biggest problems in wvw that makes the game so NOT fun. Even if you play a dedicated boon strip build you cannot possibly remove all the boons from these boon spamming healing bunker builds that still somehow do crazy damage. Just as there needs to be a way for players to counter play against stealth there needs to be some sort of counter play to the boon spamming nonsense.  

Well the target cap becomes the problem once you get to a certain number of players. Strips still work fine on smaller groups, which can still make the 10-30 sized fights enjoyable, it's when you get the massive 40-50 blobs that easily stomp over 5 cap aoes that it becomes a problem and increased requirement to run an army of strips, doesn't help they get nerfed every patch though. Not to mention with increased numbers comes increase support, and much more and faster manual or skill ressing.

Feel like at this point they should do away with 5 cap and add number of hit counters to aoes instead. 

This mechanic already exists with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trail_of_Anguish and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sanctuary should be expanded to every aoe, so it scales in a way to larger numbers by the number of maximum hits.

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The amount of absolute kitten players can do to avoid combat, avoid damage needs to be tuned down 90%.

Would this kitten on Thiefs and to an extent mesmers? Yes. Do they deserve any sympathy for their toxic, game killing playstyle? No. Are they OP and do I worry about them when I go into WvW? No. But that doesn't make them any less annoying.



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I deleted this awful game from my SSD a while ago but here is my top 5 concerns and problems before I quit.

1. The skill balance of this game is PvE. This is a reaction from the first Guild Wars' balance of PvP. There is not more to say except GW1 has more PvP focus game modes(GvG, Random Arena, Codex, Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry, and Alliance Battle) and players expected all of them to be balanced. Guild Wars 2 has way more PvE game modes(Dungeons, Raids, Strikes, open world metas as well as all the other open world events) and who cares if they are balanced as long as they are able to be completed.

2. The exclusion of game balancing skills. This includes but not limited to Anet's removal of enchantment removal skills that was present in the first Guild Wars. This has led to an imbalanced WvW game mode. In the first Guild Wars all skills and builds eventually had a counter. In GW2's WvW that is not true. Not even remotely true.

3. The main objective of WvW today is to be a sandbox. I liken this to the Tragedy of the Commons. When there is no clear objective for a game mode then that game mode value is dubious at best. Until Anet refocuses the main objective then there is no reason to redownload this game and play WvW.

4. Many Guilds play this MMO game mode like it is a Co-Op game with their guild exclusively. Private tags are the worst offenders as they view their non-guild teammates with contempt while they live in their Discord bubble. The only time these private tag guilds will talk in map/team chat is to either ask where is the content or tell randoms and roamers to get off the map. At least single player roamer and scouts will relay enemy position in chat every once in a while.

5. Many players in the WvW community think that this game mode is competitive. Due to skill imbalance, exclusion of skills, sandbox objective, and a community that reinforces all of the above make this far from competitive. Seriously, Fort Aspenwood PvP mission from Guild War Factions feels way more competitive than WvW.

My only suggestion to fix all of this is for Anet to sunset this broken game mode. Seeing how much updates this game mode has received over the years compared to the other PvE game modes I feel that Anet has the same sentiment.

There are too many good games out there to worry about one game and one game company.


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7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

I deleted this awful game from my SSD a while ago but here is my top 5 concerns and problems before I quit.

I have left a number of posts alone since this is an opinion post, but I think you might grant more insight into issues if you are willing. So if you deleted but still feel like posting, are you looking for changes to bring you back? If yes, what is of interest to bring you back?

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

1. The skill balance of this game is PvE. This is a reaction from the first Guild Wars' balance of PvP. There is not more to say except GW1 has more PvP focus game modes(GvG, Random Arena, Codex, Fort Aspenwood, Jade Quarry, and Alliance Battle) and players expected all of them to be balanced. Guild Wars 2 has way more PvE game modes(Dungeons, Raids, Strikes, open world metas as well as all the other open world events) and who cares if they are balanced as long as they are able to be completed.

To be fair these are now more separated. Right or wrong? More of a note.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

2. The exclusion of game balancing skills. This includes but not limited to Anet's removal of enchantment removal skills that was present in the first Guild Wars. This has led to an imbalanced WvW game mode. In the first Guild Wars all skills and builds eventually had a counter. In GW2's WvW that is not true. Not even remotely true.

This is more a GW1 vs GW2, so are you coming at this as differences in GW1 & Gw2?

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

3. The main objective of WvW today is to be a sandbox. I liken this to the Tragedy of the Commons. When there is no clear objective for a game mode then that game mode value is dubious at best. Until Anet refocuses the main objective then there is no reason to redownload this game and play WvW.

GW2 WvW is closer to Warhammers RvR so I am not sure what you mean here. Mind expanding?

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

Private tags are the worst offenders as they view their non-guild teammates with contempt while they live in their Discord bubble.

Personally asked for Guild tags and private, but not for the reasons stated. Being a Havoc in the tourney days meant not running with a tag else distracting the main tags and confusing your side of what tag to follow. Also lead to tag on tag issues as Anet left players to name main tags versus Havocs. Agree some tags now use that now as get on voice or be booted, but prefer that over groups asking others to leave and distracting players from joining the main group versus a Havoc trying to show where they are going to support the main tag.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

The only time these private tag guilds will talk in map/team chat is to either ask where is the content or tell randoms and roamers to get off the map.

Agree. Any invis tag that asks players to leave, you need to GTFO map. As being one that asked for invis tags, this wasn't part of the requests so if you are using in that way, sorry that wasn't part of the conversation at the time. And its a no go.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

5. Many players in the WvW community think that this game mode is competitive.

Not sure I agree here since a lot of posters have faced 1 v xs.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

sandbox objective

This is what keep a lot of us interested and engaged. We don't know what the next fight look like.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

and a community that reinforces all of the above make this far from competitive.

I think you generalize too much here. What I have seen is different servers see things differently. A server may group think but I have seen them also adjust when mixed with other servers and see things differently. It's been an interesting journey over time.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

Seriously, Fort Aspenwood PvP mission from Guild War Factions feels way more competitive than WvW.

Can't speak to this. GW1 lost me to Warhammer where the fights were bigger. 

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

My only suggestion to fix all of this is for Anet to sunset this broken game mode.

Where exactly would you see these WvW players fit into other game modes? Are you asking for PvE to be transformed so that WvW players can invade PvE zones? Could be interesting to see a World Boss event become a fight among servers and the WB. But I don't think that is what you mean.

7 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

Seeing how much updates this game mode has received over the years compared to the other PvE game modes I feel that Anet has the same sentiment.

There are too many good games out there to worry about one game and one game company.


This never removes the point for players to ask for changes. I agree they will lose WvW players once other RvR games land so they should not assume populations and make changes sooner versus assume all is good. It's really not.

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1. Too little content for different kinds of players. You join a map run from point A to B (usually to a tag) and join whatever activities they are doing. Ideally when you run from point a to b there should be a lot of opportunities and different events/activities you can join in on. Different activities for different players, nowadays you just zerge and that’s it.

2. Overtuned builds/play styles that are borderline unbeatable 1v1 if they know how what they are doing. Perma disengage, stealth, blocks etc. They fight you on their terms and if somehow they are losing they just disengage heal up fully and come back. Stealth is the number 1 contender

3. Same as point 1 not enough objectives. Make more interesting solo/small group activities. Make it so that huge zerks can’t come and gank you, perhaps make it kind of semi instance based? Add some world events, world bosses etc. Anything that mix pve with pvp is welcome in WvW.

4. Better rewards, but not just from UI’s or chests with ticks. Maybe add some legendary nodes that are rare and dangerous to pursue. These nodes can be rare and drop ectos, amberlings etc. Players will have to fight and be smart in how to pursue these nodes.

5. Stale maps. Adding new maps is not a solution, the player base which is already small will be spread too thin and the new map will probably be in a permanent queue. Instead old maps can be updated and modernized, look at Fortnite which constantly updates it’s map in interesting ways. Anything new, something new would be great.

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2 hours ago, Mukizo.1269 said:

5. Stale maps. Adding new maps is not a solution, the player base which is already small will be spread too thin and the new map will probably be in a permanent queue. Instead old maps can be updated and modernized, look at Fortnite which constantly updates it’s map in interesting ways. Anything new, something new would be great.

This is an interesting take that I have not seen come up. Add a level below ground with various surface access points to ABL. Maybe path ways that open on a clock for limited time across above the ground, a cloud level, picture some influence from SotO. Could make the map more interesting.

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2 hours ago, Mukizo.1269 said:

1. Too little content for different kinds of players. You join a map run from point A to B (usually to a tag) and join whatever activities they are doing. Ideally when you run from point a to b there should be a lot of opportunities and different events/activities you can join in on. Different activities for different players, nowadays you just zerge and that’s it.

2. Overtuned builds/play styles that are borderline unbeatable 1v1 if they know how what they are doing. Perma disengage, stealth, blocks etc. They fight you on their terms and if somehow they are losing they just disengage heal up fully and come back. Stealth is the number 1 contender

3. Same as point 1 not enough objectives. Make more interesting solo/small group activities. Make it so that huge zerks can’t come and gank you, perhaps make it kind of semi instance based? Add some world events, world bosses etc. Anything that mix pve with pvp is welcome in WvW.

4. Better rewards, but not just from UI’s or chests with ticks. Maybe add some legendary nodes that are rare and dangerous to pursue. These nodes can be rare and drop ectos, amberlings etc. Players will have to fight and be smart in how to pursue these nodes.

5. Stale maps. Adding new maps is not a solution, the player base which is already small will be spread too thin and the new map will probably be in a permanent queue. Instead old maps can be updated and modernized, look at Fortnite which constantly updates it’s map in interesting ways. Anything new, something new would be great.

2. If you're trying to get 1 v 1 duels you can set up parameters with people. In WvW, there are some aspects of some builds or just some gimmick that's hot for a patch or two but for the most part, a lot of the builds you're probably conflating with real outliers are just tuned. You'd have to be severely overtuned to answer all of the rate of fire and actions going on in WvW. 

Of course they're going to try to fight you on their terms and duck out when they need to. First day? You do the same and acting like you don't is disingenuous. If you don't then do you side a favor and jump maps maybe. 

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14 minutes ago, kash.9213 said:

2. If you're trying to get 1 v 1 duels you can set up parameters with people. In WvW, there are some aspects of some builds or just some gimmick that's hot for a patch or two but for the most part, a lot of the builds you're probably conflating with real outliers are just tuned. You'd have to be severely overtuned to answer all of the rate of fire and actions going on in WvW. 

Of course they're going to try to fight you on their terms and duck out when they need to. First day? You do the same and acting like you don't is disingenuous. If you don't then do you side a favor and jump maps maybe. 

I understand that might be a play style you enjoy but most people that play against it do not.

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12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So if you deleted but still feel like posting, are you looking for changes to bring you back?

No, I am not dumb enough to think that anything anybody post here will change the minds of the Anet Devs. I still play GW1 between my other games that I play. Players current and past should be allowed to post on these forums. Especially since there is no official GW1 forums.

I also think WvW can never be fixed without a complete time consuming skill overhaul as stated in my first post. My easy fix is to remove WvW as a game mode. It should have been removed a decade ago.

12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This is more a GW1 vs GW2, so are you coming at this as differences in GW1 & Gw2?

Yes. In one example, the necro skill 'Well of the Profane' works differently in GW1 than it does in GW2 (and is a monster only skill). For my sanity I did not look at all of the enchantment removal skills that were present in GW1 that either have never been implemented or have been changed. Anet has all the tools to balance the game for WvW/PvP and said "nah, we are good".

12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

GW2 WvW is closer to Warhammers RvR so I am not sure what you mean here. Mind expanding?

All the multiplayer online game I have played have a set of rule and objective designed by the game developer and agreed upon by the community. Do you agree that the objectives designed by Anet is the same as what the community currently agrees with when they play WvW? I liken WvW to the Tragedy Of The Commons because just like the piece of land was destroyed by different objectives on how that land should be used so is WvW by not having a clearly define objective that the community agrees upon.

12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Personally asked for Guild tags and private, but not for the reasons stated.

No offense but I really do not care the reasons for playing a MMO game mode like it is a Co-Op or single player game. If those players are not contributing to the objective of the team then they are worthless. The objective of the team varies from sandbox to sandbox of course. 😎

12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Not sure I agree here since a lot of posters have faced 1 v xs.

Many commanders require you to be in discord and used their builds. I would say those commanders and players think WvW is a competitive game mode. Would you not?

I would give a GW1 comparison but it seems you have not played that game. For the people who have played, I was only required to do that in GvG and HA. The rest of the PvP game modes only require you to know how to play your build effectively.

12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Are you asking for PvE to be transformed so that WvW players can invade PvE zones?

PvE zones are instanced. WvW is not. The servers will be fine with the massive influx of WvW players.

12 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Could be interesting to see a World Boss event become a fight among servers and the WB.

PvE is a megaserver and has been for a while.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, misfired.8403 said:

My easy fix is to remove WvW as a game mode. It should have been removed a decade ago.

No, the easy fix is to remove yourself. While there are a lot of us who may not like the current balance, or how wvw ended up after 11 years, there are those that will still find enjoyment in it despite the problems, there are also people who are fine with the way everything is at the moment. This is the same issue with desert bl, there are many who don't like it, there are some who do, so there's no point asking to delete the map, if you don't like it then play on the other 3 maps available. If you don't like wvw anymore then stop playing it and move on.

Don't ask to remove an entire game mode when you've already deleted the game, some of us still would like the mode to improve despite the team in charge and no hope of it happening. 😒

P.S Wvw is still one of my favorite game modes of all time in any game, despite the terribad balance, the shortcomings of it's point system, it's lack of development over the decade compared to it's counterparts, it's still one of the most fun game modes around for me.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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25 minutes ago, misfired.8403 said:

Many commanders require you to be in discord and used their builds. I would say those commanders and players think WvW is a competitive game mode. Would you not?

I would give a GW1 comparison but it seems you have not played that game. For the people who have played, I was only required to do that in GvG and HA. The rest of the PvP game modes only require you to know how to play your build effectively.

I think it has to do with the fact that it's not 2005 anymore, and VOIP is so easily accessible these days that it has become a important part of gaming in a group context.

Regardless of competitiveness, comms are a more efficient way of coordinating things.

Also I've never seen a commander ever demand I run their builds; most of them don't even share them. And even if they did, there's no inspect function so it can't even be enforced. Unless you're talking about running builds unsuited to be in a group, but in that case a squad isn't necessary or even helpful in most cases.

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20 minutes ago, misfired.8403 said:

No, I am not dumb enough to think that anything anybody post here will change the minds of the Anet Devs. I still play GW1 between my other games that I play. Players current and past should be allowed to post on these forums. Especially since there is no official GW1 forums.

I also think WvW can never be fixed without a complete time consuming skill overhaul as stated in my first post. My easy fix is to remove WvW as a game mode. It should have been removed a decade ago.

Yes. In one example, the necro skill 'Well of the Profane' works differently in GW1 than it does in GW2 (and is a monster only skill). For my sanity I did not look at all of the enchantment removal skills that were present in GW1 that either have never been implemented or have been changed. Anet has all the tools to balance the game for WvW/PvP and said "nah, we are good".

All the multiplayer online game I have played have a set of rule and objective designed by the game developer and agreed upon by the community. Do you agree that the objectives designed by Anet is the same as what the community currently agrees with when they play WvW? I liken WvW to the Tragedy Of The Commons because just like the piece of land was destroyed by different objectives on how that land should be used so is WvW by not having a clearly define objective that the community agrees upon.

No offense but I really do not care the reasons for playing a MMO game mode like it is a Co-Op or single player game. If those players are not contributing to the objective of the team then they are worthless. The objective of the team varies from sandbox to sandbox of course. 😎

Many commanders require you to be in discord and used their builds. I would say those commanders and players think WvW is a competitive game mode. Would you not?

I would give a GW1 comparison but it seems you have not played that game. For the people who have played, I was only required to do that in GvG and HA. The rest of the PvP game modes only require you to know how to play your build effectively.

PvE zones are instanced. WvW is not. The servers will be fine with the massive influx of WvW players.

PvE is a megaserver and has been for a while.

What would you put in place of WvW? I've given my own take a few times that involves scrapping most of WvW, so I'm curious what your idea is. There needs to be something there for large scale fights, even if WvW is kind of shabby. I would definitely quit without some kind of similar game mode.

I get what you're saying about clear objectives, but if there are too many rigid objectives then we're moving closer to a large scale Spvp match. I'd probably quit at this point also. I've quit other games when it was clear I'd be stuck doing endless routine matches. 

I don't mind those commanders and squads doing their own thing. I think this game mode should be closer to an open world game mode connected to the core world but even with what we have now, we're not getting everyone on the same beat unless the game mode is shrunk and more time limited and constrained instead of 24/7. At that point, again, it would be too much like Spvp.

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1 minute ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Also I've never seen a commander ever demand I run their builds; most of them don't even share them. And even if they did, there's no inspect function so it can't even be enforced. Unless you're talking about running builds unsuited to be in a group, but in that case a squad isn't necessary or even helpful in most cases.

I think they meant that in the sense of requiring meta class/spec/builds, not their own personal builds that they or their guild runs, which a lot of commanders do call for. Not that we can fault them for that with the way combat has evolved, pug groups vs anything organized get demolished most of the time, and everyone needs firebrands in every group. 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

I think they meant that in the sense of requiring meta class/spec/builds, not their own personal builds that they or their guild runs, which a lot of commanders do call for. Not that we can fault them for that with the way combat has evolved, pug groups vs anything organized get demolished most of the time, and everyone needs firebrands in every group. 🤷‍♂️

Ah, I suppose. I just find it impossible to relate to these kinds of things, since I barely even run builds my own guild tells me to, much less some random one. 😆 And I actually want to auto block squad invites because I find a lot of them annoying.

I do honestly think that people should run group oriented builds, if they care about working as a team, and if they don't, that's fine too-- but they don't have that much to stand on for kittening at squads for having restrictive requirements-- which is also filtering people out for not working as a team. I mean sometimes I will stick on my roaming build too and even try to join squads at it but I never get kitten because they refuse me. And often they don't, because I can outplay random pugs too.

Like sometimes I just get on my specter and pocket the commander because I'm bored. I've never seen anyone think that was a bad thing. I also don't need 4 supports surrounding me to do my job so being in squad is entirely optional. If they think I'm useless, that's fine. I think they're pretty useless without that 20000 barrier either.

Now, would I be better on a FIrebrand or even a Willbender in a group? Definitely and I wouldn't argue otherwise. And I have to accept these consequences if I go against it.

The hard truth is these requirements are not a Gw2 thing but a multiplayer game thing. And in reality it's more or less to prove that someone isn't braindead and capable of following instructions. Which is very hard in this game, it would seem, and that doesn't apply to just WvW.

Like I hate to say this, but if someone keeps getting thrown out of squads, there's a good reason why.

I mean there are many bad invisible groups mind you. The ones that actively cause detriment to the team by monopolizing queue space and not communicating at all are pretty bad and are too common for my liking. But I can't fault people for having standards. Even in small scale, I don't think anyone likes players bringing in zerg builds with no cleanse/stunbreaks and are nothing but liabilities. You wouldn't want to fight alongside them either would you? I certainly don't.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Ah, I suppose. I just find it impossible to relate to these kinds of things, since I barely even run builds my own guild tells me to, much less some random one. 😆 And I actually want to auto block squad invites because I find a lot of them annoying.

I do honestly think that people should run group oriented builds, if they care about working as a team, and if they don't, that's fine too-- but they don't have that much to stand on for kittening at squads for having restrictive requirements-- which is also filtering people out for not working as a team. I mean sometimes I will stick on my roaming build too and even try to join squads at it but I never get kitten because they refuse me. And often they don't, because I can outplay random pugs too.

Like sometimes I just get on my specter and pocket the commander because I'm bored. I've never seen anyone think that was a bad thing. I also don't need 4 supports surrounding me to do my job so being in squad is entirely optional.

Now, would I be better on a FIrebrand or even a Willbender in a group? Definitely and I wouldn't argue otherwise. And I have to accept these consequences if I go against it.

The hard truth is these requirements are not a Gw2 thing but a multiplayer game thing. And in reality it's more or less to prove that someone isn't braindead and capable of following instructions. Which is very hard in this game, it would seem, and that doesn't apply to just WvW.

I mean there are many bad invisible groups mind you. The ones that actively cause detriment to the team by monopolizing queue space and not communicating at all are pretty bad and are too common for my liking. But I can't fault people for having standards. Even in small scale, I don't think anyone likes players bringing in zerg builds with no cleanse/stunbreaks and are nothing but liabilities. You wouldn't want to fight alongside them either would you? I certainly don't.

That's why I run as private squad, so I stop getting random invites. 🤭 I tend to do stuff that doesn't always align with a squad so there's no point in me joining one, and I can just as well drop gravity wells on a group without needing to be in the squad.

We got templates so people should have at least one roam and one group spec worked up. If you're gonna run long term in a squad might as well have meta build for your class ready. But yeah I don't see why people should get so offended over that, anet forced us to rely on certain specs, it is what it is.

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23 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

That's why I run as private squad, so I stop getting random invites

Yea I noticed that; can never invite you or Grimm. 🤣

I also do that sometimes

23 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

We got templates so people should have at least one roam and one group spec worked up. If you're gonna run long term in a squad might as well have meta build for your class ready. But yeah I don't see why people should get so offended over that, anet forced us to rely on certain specs, it is what it is.

Well that's my joke about being unable to inspect. Only people with too much time on their hands are going to recognize you're running a meta build by scrutinizing dps logs or something. The trick is to run things in the meta.

Classes like guardian (any besides maybe DH), tempest, chrono, vindi, scourge/reaper, berserker/spb have so much built in uses for large scale that you pretty much have to be actively griefing to avoid giving said utility to teammates. And with damage engi builds being a real part of the meta, a lot of holos and scrappers can sneak in.

Yea I know thieves and non-druid rangers get gatekept more, but well, you know, those are also classes that do fine outside of a squad and wouldn't want to stack anyways.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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3 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

No, the easy fix is to remove yourself.

You wound me. To think I agreed with most of your posts. Oh well. This will be my last post about this broken game mode if it upsets you that much.


3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Regardless of competitiveness, comms are a more efficient way of coordinating things.

Coordination is a very important part of a competitive team. Do you really think those commanders who demand you to be in their discord think that WvW is a not competitive game mode? If that is correct then I respectfully disagree. I think those commander treat this broken game mode as a competitive PvP game mode.


3 hours ago, kash.9213 said:

What would you put in place of WvW?

I an not an Anet employee but if I was I would first balance WvW. Since they are incapable of doing that removal of this game mode is the next best thing. Since this is Anet I expect a 100-man open world raid, strike, or whatever they are calling it now to replace WvW.


Remember folks, there are too many good games out there to worry about one game and one game company.

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1 hour ago, misfired.8403 said:

Coordination is a very important part of a competitive team. Do you really think those commanders who demand you to be in their discord think that WvW is a not competitive game mode? If that is correct then I respectfully disagree. I think those commander treat this broken game mode as a competitive PvP game mode.

Coordination is important in general, when it comes to doing anything as a team. Many pve raiders prefer comms, and that is true of like most group endgame content in MMOs. It's not specific to just competitive activities. It's useful in any activity where there's a common goal.

I can't really say anything about commanders that "demand" you join their comms. Those seem to be in the minority, since there are no real consequences for ignoring such demands.


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4 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

You wound me. To think I agreed with most of your posts. Oh well. This will be my last post about this broken game mode if it upsets you that much.

It's not like I disagreed with your points, it's just that last one. I just don't see a reason to delete the entire game mode, which affects thousands of other players. 🤷‍♂️


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6 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:


Since they are incapable of doing that removal of this game mode is the next best thing. Since this is Anet I expect a 100-man open world raid, strike, or whatever they are calling it now to replace WvW..

But they already made drizzlewood, you’re lagging behind.

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11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

No, I am not dumb enough to think that anything anybody post here will change the minds of the Anet Devs. I still play GW1 between my other games that I play. Players current and past should be allowed to post on these forums. Especially since there is no official GW1 forums.

Agree on posting, which is why I asked. I have seen posts here that ended up showing in game personally. 

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

I also think WvW can never be fixed without a complete time consuming skill overhaul as stated in my first post. My easy fix is to remove WvW as a game mode. It should have been removed a decade ago.

This we can disagree on since its my primary game mode and couldn't quite support that. But was trying to understand your why here.

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

Yes. In one example, the necro skill 'Well of the Profane' works differently in GW1 than it does in GW2 (and is a monster only skill). For my sanity I did not look at all of the enchantment removal skills that were present in GW1 that either have never been implemented or have been changed. Anet has all the tools to balance the game for WvW/PvP and said "nah, we are good".

I think you will find a lot of players that question skills. I tend to suggest posters to that to the profession subforums since here it is amplified by currents matches as well.

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

All the multiplayer online game I have played have a set of rule and objective designed by the game developer and agreed upon by the community. Do you agree that the objectives designed by Anet is the same as what the community currently agrees with when they play WvW?

No, but for a different reason.  A lot of players go for what pays and is easy which is the design. So in that case that matches. Rule #2, attack the side that holds SMC. So, my answer is no since I have seen too many times players attacking a weaker side versus attacking the side that is on top. Which is why I bring up reasons to win. We don't want 1&2 fighting 3, we want 2&3 fighting 1 so it is more fights and more back and fourth in fights so all want to win versus just make bags.

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

I liken WvW to the Tragedy Of The Commons because just like the piece of land was destroyed by different objectives on how that land should be used so is WvW by not having a clearly define objective that the community agrees upon.

This is when players are not looking to win. Which today means nothing but still some of us still try while there is nothing to win. But that does mean we don't while playing. So again for those with no reason to win, we game, can accept those that don't, and ask for reasons to do so to bring in more who do want reasons to win.

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

No offense but I really do not care the reasons for playing a MMO game mode like it is a Co-Op or single player game. If those players are not contributing to the objective of the team then they are worthless. The objective of the team varies from sandbox to sandbox of course. 😎

lol, this is a game scale of play issue. Have seen zergs ask small scale to leave and then lose, have seen small scale drive large scale off maps. Have seen roamers chase zergs back to spawns. Mile age varies here personally. Personally the most efficient is all three. Main force, some Havocs and some Roamers. 

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

Many commanders require you to be in discord and used their builds. I would say those commanders and players think WvW is a competitive game mode. Would you not?

No. Since they assume the roles and goals that the players have brought match their ideas which means they assumed. And you know what is implied in assumptions. They thought their view was the only one. I have also seen good tags that figured out what they had and asked and then applied those forces based on what they had. Best I have seen is a tag take all 3 keeps on ABL, both SWT and SET, SC, SEC and SWC all at the same time on entering the map. But we have grow slack since then and have less pugmanders that know how to do that without voice.

11 hours ago, misfired.8403 said:

I would give a GW1 comparison but it seems you have not played that game.

I played some GW1 and had some expansions but it was more of a single player game IMO. So no had limited attention personally. 


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15 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Many pve raiders prefer comms

They should use voice comms. Strikes and Raids are a competitive PvE game mode that is mostly balanced with a clear and concise objective. Remember I reference commanders demanding the use of Discord as an indicator that the WvW community thinks this is a competitive environment and does everything to reinforce it. Even if they do not think WvW is a competitive game mode they are buying into the notion. Casuals typically do not use voice comms.


12 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

I just don't see a reason to delete the entire game mode, which affects thousands of other players. 🤷‍♂️

Anet will not remove WvW because some loser who no longer who no longer plays it wants it remove. They will most likely automate all aspects of WvW with WR and move on to the next game. It is what they did with GW1 and will be what they will do with GW2. Eventually it will be some guy with a laptop maintaining GW2 like they currently do with GW1.

On a side note, I do recommend you avoid Live Service games like GW1 or GW2 in the future. Those eventually get shut down. In fact, if Anet's next game is a live service game then I will avoid it.


TheGrimm.5624  I am sorry to be rude but most of you post reads like a coping mechanism for playing this game mode for a while. No, I am not going to spam profession subforums asking why individual enchantment removal skills were not added to GW2 from GW1 for a game I no longer play. I also will not change my mind that this is a broken game mode without any clear and concise objectives that many treat as a cooperative competitive environment.


At this point I feel like my opinion has been voiced even if the broad WvW community and Anet does not agree with it.  Have a nice day!😎

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