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Condi Druid Overperforming in PvP

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Condition-based druid has been overperforming in PvP



Condition-based druid has been overperforming in PvP, and we've brought down some of its defensive tools with the goal of making it a bit easier to take down. We're keeping an eye on the strength of Evasive Purity, but we want to see how the reductions to Healing Spring and Glyph of the Stars impact the build's susceptibility to conditions before making further adjustments. We've also made a few improvements to the wilderness survival specialization to make it a more appealing defensive option for power-based builds as well as condition-based builds.

  • Wild Swing: Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.5 in PvE and from 0.8 to 1.1 in WvW and PvP.
  • Overbearing Smash: Reduced the casting time of the second hit by 0.2 seconds.
  • Unleashed Overbearing Smash: Reduced the casting time of the second hit by 0.2 seconds.
  • Savage Shock Wave: Increased the power coefficient per hit from 0.2 to 0.45 in WvW and PvP.
  • Thump: Increased the radius from 180 to 240.
  • Unleashed Thump: Increased the radius from 180 to 240. The first enemy struck by this skill will grant a greater number of boons.
  • Healing Spring: Reduced the duration from 10 seconds to 5 seconds and reduced the pulse interval from 2 seconds to 1 second. Reduced the number of conditions cleansed per pulse from 2 to 1 in WvW and PvP.
  • Refined Toxins: This trait has been removed and replaced with Survival Instincts. Gain increased outgoing strike damage and reduced incoming strike damage. Increased outgoing strike damage when above 50% health and increased incoming strike reduction when below 50%
  • Empathic Bond: This trait has moved to the master tier, replacing Shared Anguish. This trait now cleanses conditions when swapping pets instead of when using a Beast skill.
  • Carnivore: This trait has been added to the grandmaster tier slot previously held by Empathic Bond. Steal health from enemies when you or your pet disable them.


  • Grace of the Land: This trait now applies might instead of alacrity in WvW and PvP.
  • Natural Balance: This trait no longer reduces incoming strike damage. This trait now grants boon duration.
  • Glyph of the Stars: Increased the cooldown of this skill from 48 seconds to 60 seconds in WvW and PvP. Reduced the number of conditions cleansed per pulse from 2 to 1 in WvW and PvP. Reduced the revival percentage from 12% to 8% in WvW only.


  • Unleashed Ambush skills will no longer be automatically used when autoattack is enabled.
  • Unnatural Traversal: This skill now grants quickness instead of might. Increased the vulnerability stacks applied from 2 to 10.



Where? Who? How?
This is complete Horse 💩



Edited by EnderzShadow.2506
Because I can
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Its common to read in a profession forum the sentiment of "Anet never lets us have anything good." 

Well folks, here's proof. Who else got nerfed? How is Druid overperforming?  

I wish this was a joke. It's not. CMC you shouldn't have a job. 

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Posted (edited)

When weapons are bad, none of these small kitten buffs will make a difference.

I couldnt give two shits about any of this. Increase all the power efficiency you want.  These weapons suck a bag of dicks.

  • Wild Swing: Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.5 in PvE and from 0.8 to 1.1 in WvW and PvP.
  • Overbearing Smash: Reduced the casting time of the second hit by 0.2 seconds.
  • Unleashed Overbearing Smash: Reduced the casting time of the second hit by 0.2 seconds.
  • Savage Shock Wave: Increased the power coefficient per hit from 0.2 to 0.45 in WvW and PvP.
  • Thump: Increased the radius from 180 to 240.
  • Unleashed Thump: Increased the radius from 180 to 240. The first enemy struck by this skill will grant a greater number of boons.
Edited by EnderzShadow.2506
Anet is heavy left leaning company out of Seattle Washington where CMC, one of the worst devs to step into the balance role has taken it upon himself to fk rangers and Buff Elementalists
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The fun part here is they always pass condi druid off as nothing, then nerf it anyway; like every stream you will see CMC or now new guy talk about the 'weird condi build that's running around' but no explanation as to what it is.  

They also nerf off the legit weird and not really functional ones, like the current condi build on meta-battle.  Like it uses Iboga (which will die immediately regardless of how careful you are with it), D/D (that has no CC or kiting ability) and Sw/Wh (which is power), then takes Nature Magic (to make sure you are super slow compared to Skirm) and some other weird choices (like Natural Balance over Celestial Shadow when the build has zero stab outside CA #5 and next to no barrier gen outside of Protect Me...). 

Someone legit copy/pasted the WvW roaming version to PvP (without the cele that would make that work).  Wouldn't even take it in WvW as just asking to get roflblasted by random WB and not be able to drop target cause...Natural Balance.  

And yes, all that's super weird, and yes, they are nerfing condi Druid on that.  Thankfully at this time it won't change too much on the actual good condi Druid builds out there outside of shared anguish removal hurting a lot.  

The rest of it they are swinging in the dark despite having a recent AT with a Druid in it.  Pretty sure said Druid didn't use a thing they are nerfing and instead they are literally nerfing strictly off the aforementioned metabattle build.  Like they may have used Glyph of Stars but they aren't even nerfing the rez in PvP which is...special?

Carnivore and somewhat re-buffed UT will be the kickers here--I'm not sure they are actually the healthiest things but will be fun until they get hotfixed.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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13 hours ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

Wild Swing: Increased the power coefficient from 1.0 to 1.5 in PvE and from 0.8 to 1.1 in WvW and PvP.

I love hammer, and I wreck people with it. Would you like  me to show you the way of the hammer? I promise you you wont regret it.

Edited by Oahkahmewolf.6210
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On 3/1/2024 at 6:54 PM, EnderzShadow.2506 said:



Where? Who? How?
This is complete Horse 💩



Keep in mind they dont balance around low level play, as thats likely why you are confused

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On 3/2/2024 at 7:53 AM, Oahkahmewolf.6210 said:

I love hammer, and I wreck people with it. Would you like  me to show you the way of the hammer? I promise you you wont regret it.

yeah, sure message me in game.


I'm always up to try something new.

You're using in pvp or wvw?

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We all know anet devs do not play with the class as a whole aside from open world roleplaying or farming. 
They may have knowledge on how the skill writes on paper unfortunately that is not how it translates in game: you need to play with it to see how it fits on the flow of an encounter.

They may see in their consolidated data: “well this skill has been used in pvp a lot that means it’s good so let’s nerf it to keep the builds fresh and also so players has to spend gold on re-stat their builds”  not having in mind those builds are used by bots and new players because it’s the build publicly available in some website not because it is any good. 

at the end I feel like I repeat myself a lot, what we need as player base  it to have an actual main ranger doing the fixes.
Ranger weapons suck and that’s because they only test them for 40 seconds on the golems arena.
One skill/trait may be overpopular because there is no alternative and not because “it’s op”. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

We have essentially a month of Druid being super OP in PvP for it to fall off probably with some Mace nerfs too. 

I think I kind of had a knee jerk reaction. Of course I'm not happy about a nerf. Who ever is? This isn't stopping me from being very strong. I think anet is very Guard Biased. Guard has 3 specs all rated Top Meta atm. Where is the guard nerf?

I've seen many classes stay meta and dominant so long another class becomes meta just to counter them.

Edited by EnderzShadow.2506
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On 3/3/2024 at 7:48 PM, Mell.4873 said:

We have essentially a month of Druid being super OP in PvP for it to fall off probably with some Mace nerfs too. 


On 3/3/2024 at 7:52 PM, Mell.4873 said:

Most of Druid Mace and CA can be very easily dodged or avoided, Starve them essentially. 


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5 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Ohhh..... Well I tried maybe if people learned how to counter Mace Druid we would not have to be nerfed. 

It's easier for ppl to complain than actually learn, we have a lot of proof for that in the forums overall.

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12 hours ago, Vyseman.2947 said:

Condi Druid is so rare in PvP.. i have a higher Chance to win in a Casino. 

For good reason, it tops out at g3 if you get very, very lucky (or had started there from a prior season).  Too many things can outsustain it now, like spellbreaker for instance was tough before but winnable, but now with staff can just stall point indefinitely.  Same with Reaper, bunker Druid (the D/D ones on metabattle), of course Core guard, etc.

Only thing you can do with condi druid now is try to sidenode and hope there are thieves, mesmers, or non-bunker rangers on other team that you can duel.  Then rest of time is just rotating around map trying to help CC, but so many classes also have tons of stab now so even that's hard.  Basically even if the fight is winnable, if it takes half a minute to win on a neutral or enemy color node--then you've essentially put yourself way behind.  

This is why for anyone who has played ranger at a high level, mace nerfs make no sense.  Mace would be the only thing keeping Druid around in PvP at this point--either a bunker or power variant of some type.  It won't be even all that strong compared to literally anything else--as even on glass power soulbeast, maces are super tough to run if there is anything with ground pressure (scourge, DH, etc.).  

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i think since the Rune Changes and no more Invisibillity and Superspeed after placing a Trap,  Condi Druid died in PvP.   Condi Untamed with Dagger and Staff is doing even after the Nerfs much better than Druid.  And ofc Power Soulbeast with Sword+Warhorn

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46 minutes ago, Vyseman.2947 said:

i think since the Rune Changes and no more Invisibillity and Superspeed after placing a Trap,  Condi Druid died in PvP.   Condi Untamed with Dagger and Staff is doing even after the Nerfs much better than Druid.  And ofc Power Soulbeast with Sword+Warhorn

The meta druid build on meta battle is extremely strong. No idea what you're talking about that druid died in pvp.

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4 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

The meta druid build on meta battle is extremely strong. No idea what you're talking about that druid died in pvp.

I'd classify that more as bunker than condi, even though it uses a condi weapon set.

Not having Celestial Shadow means no disengage, which is also why I classify it as a bunker as you are meant to stay on points and hold rather than roam.    

It hard carried by healing spring and warhorn regen, with glyph of stars in there too--two of three that are about to get nerfed on the 19th. 

Not saying a mace version won't pop up, because as is--it definitely will, but all power (mace/mace + sw/Wh); condi roamer Druid will still pretty much be dead outside the 3 of us playing it for years on end.  

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I'd classify that more as bunker than condi, even though it uses a condi weapon set.

Not having Celestial Shadow means no disengage, which is also why I classify it as a bunker as you are meant to stay on points and hold rather than roam.    

It hard carried by healing spring and warhorn regen, with glyph of stars in there too--two of three that are about to get nerfed on the 19th. 

Not saying a mace version won't pop up, because as is--it definitely will, but all power (mace/mace + sw/Wh); condi roamer Druid will still pretty much be dead outside the 3 of us playing it for years on end.  


condi druid exists because of what they did to eclipse and druidic clarity, which allowed druid to take the traitline wilderness survival(when combined with demon queen relic) and the trait quickdraw.

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2 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:


condi druid exists because of what they did to eclipse and druidic clarity, which allowed druid to take the traitline wilderness survival(when combined with demon queen relic) and the trait quickdraw.

Maybe your zoomer condi Druid uses Demon Queen and Quick Draw.  

OG Condi Druid exists because of Ancient Seeds--it always took WS and Skirms.  Removing Ancient Seed (and replacing with Eclipse) and nerfing Druidic Clarity from 13 to 3 definitely did nothing for condi Druid except harm it.  

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39 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Maybe your zoomer condi Druid uses Demon Queen and Quick Draw.  

OG Condi Druid exists because of Ancient Seeds--it always took WS and Skirms.  Removing Ancient Seed (and replacing with Eclipse) and nerfing Druidic Clarity from 13 to 3 definitely did nothing for condi Druid except harm it.  

Get with the times ancient seeds is gone and is replaced with something better.

Number 2: my mistake on the druidic clarity, I was meant to say primal echoes as the good trait.

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10 hours ago, BumboJumbo.1308 said:

Get with the times ancient seeds is gone and is replaced with something better.

Number 2: my mistake on the druidic clarity, I was meant to say primal echoes as the good trait.

Speaking of getting with the times...have you played the game since 2022?

You were actually wrong on both counts lol.

Eclipse is a straight downgrade from Ancient Seeds; but the part you were wrong about is condi Druid came about because of Eclipse--it didn't.

Primal Echoes is also gone, it's Blood Moon now.  Straight downgrade there from losing all staff CDs, and the 1 bleed doesn't begin to make up for what Ancient Seeds was producing.  

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