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WvW World Restructuring Beta Feedback and Future

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revert this bring back servers make alliances a yearly event and give it decent rewards sure only the sweat lords will win it but at least dev time wont be wasted.

u can say the server system was bad but at least as a pug i had more options instead of just either join a guild or quit until the next gacha roll comes around.


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i entered wvw after 1 month bcs simply i didnt like previous matches and go play pve. matches are totaly clown fiesta always outnumber by someone. there are toxic guilds everywhere, roamer classes with support chronos spawn camping garrisons. its pathetic. algorithm simply doesnt work and it increases toxicity. anet simply killed wvw. even pvp is in better situation now.

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You need a new system for joining wvw on reset nights or any night really. So tired of prepping getting on early making sure i'm ready to go and then sit at the portal and spam or not spam or w/e and hope i get in randomly and then not and waiting in a super long queue that doesn't move as others in discord says their queue is moving and they had a higher number then me to start.

I'd rather when i log into have a request if i'm joining wvw reset night and get a queue number at that point. Could have a max time limit that you could join this queue before (yes i know) but I don't like this randomness, which seems like more often then not i get left on the outside rather then making it in. This isn't anything new it's been like this for years.

From my experience of other games this doesn't happen (ESO, WoW, Archage.)

ESO has a queue system but you queue up when you log in (not spam a portal) and the numbers move, not sit at the same point until you get in.

It's only been 30mins (so if is a true queue its going to take an hour or more) but the queue has not moved (for me and its not the q1 bug or rather my number is higher then 1) which makes me question where in line I really am. Not knowing your true position in the queue is really frustrating.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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6 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

Maybe the matches should start off peak time more?

I agree if NA servers are for mainly NA people which i know EU'ers play on NA too but imo why not set reset times at 3AM when most NA'ers are asleep? It shouldn't matter what the Devs time zone is.

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Also while we aren't devs and cant see numbers or locations of players in game on Bl maps, it seems odd when there are mega blobs of enemies and you don't see the same numbers of allies on your BL and there is a big map queue. Where are the other allied players on a seemingly empty map.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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6 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

We should make sure that WVW points have an extremely higher value in prime time. This will surely help you with the queue and the best distribution of players and content.😉

its not even that though. People who log on late tend to get in before me. this sucks. If it were a ticket queue I should get in first. This benefits people who are always late or don't prepare. It's random so there's always a chance and you want your tags to get in not be last in line but overall it feels unbalanced. OR if somehow people with newer machines have a better chance of getting in. I don't know what causes it.


I just know the last 3 reset nights when i hit F while standing at the wvw portal nothing happens and it used to work. I have the wvw panel open and have to click on the BL then again to confirm and by then i'm in a long queue (only about 2-3 seconds difference btw) where other people have the exact same Q number as me (which imo should not be the case). Some have a higher queue number and theirs moves lower then mine faster. This system seems flawed or does not show the true position of players in queue.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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played on and off since launch, with wvw being a big part of my play. and I'm out. I just cant take this clownfest anymore. Bring back servers and I'll be back. but until then. I'm done.

If i need wvw for something (GoB etc) then I'll afk camp capture to get it. but otherwise I just cant understand why Anet did this to WvW, its just awful.

You killed the game mode for more casual players and ripped apart communities that developed over the better part of a decade or more, for this? I cant think of a more damaging decision in MMO's since wildstar devs decided to only cater to the "elites" (and this is pretty much the same issue here, you are only catering to the most extreme groups of players).

Edited by Cameirus.8407
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You really did it, you took out all the fun, we are constantly outnumbered because we get linked with other guilds that do nothing during the day and or are too small to do much in general, while we do morning and evening squads.
BUT, during evenings and afternoons we can hardly get anything done as we are way undermanned compared to the other servers.
I used to love wvw, I fought for my rank like everyone else, I loved the content, but now it is just a pain and struggle to get through the week, you sucked out all the fun.
Keeping up participation is really hard, when you get run over by huge groups all the time.
We thought you would balance things, but this is so far away from balanced, but doing wvw now is just so frustrating that is is no fun anymore.

Edited by Theya Dark.7358
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I hope you are looking at your data, Anet, but also listening to ALL the players' sentiments, not just the few commanders who have your ear and are constantly touting their version of how WvW should be.

If you're not in a 500-person alliance, you're having a bad time.

If you're not living in North America, you're having a bad time.

WvW used to be my favourite and now I don't even want to log on anymore. ☹️



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I notice there are a lot of players on alt accounts.

Not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure. They have ranks like "Invader" and "Bronze Champion", but they fight like they've been playing the game for half a decade, at least. You would see this occasionally back in the old system, but I see it very very often now. Probably 50% of the low-rank players I come across when roaming play like they are much more experienced.

This probably throws a wrench in any attempt to do population balance

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Looks like its time to fire roy and the whole wvw dev team, or move them to janitorial duty as they're work is grade A trash and hire people that know what they're doing. but judging from the thieves glitching into towers bug never being fixed much less addressed not sure anyone there knows how to code anymore

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Compare how many active players there were in WvW before the start of the beta and now, and you'll understand whether your experiment is successful or not. Personally, I think it's not. I have 3 different accounts and everywhere it's the same - there are fewer people playing WvW.

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On 8/2/2024 at 9:00 PM, coro.3176 said:

I notice there are a lot of players on alt accounts.

Not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure. They have ranks like "Invader" and "Bronze Champion", but they fight like they've been playing the game for half a decade, at least. You would see this occasionally back in the old system, but I see it very very often now. Probably 50% of the low-rank players I come across when roaming play like they are much more experienced.

This probably throws a wrench in any attempt to do population balance

pffft Im one of those!  If someone runs with two groups on two accounts regularly, their time played will still be split fairly between the two groups balance wise as they'd be adhering to raid schedules of each of those groups.  I've yet to see entire guilds of alt accounts using them to switch teams yet, but im sure that will come down the road with a specific group

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I can't understate how glad I am that the concept of defense has been completely eliminated from wvw over the last few years. we went from repairing walls not giving participation to defending an objective becoming mathematically improbable in just a few patches because no one is around to actually defend anything 🤡

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10 hours ago, neven.7528 said:

pffft Im one of those!  If someone runs with two groups on two accounts regularly, their time played will still be split fairly between the two groups balance wise as they'd be adhering to raid schedules of each of those groups.  I've yet to see entire guilds of alt accounts using them to switch teams yet, but im sure that will come down the road with a specific group

Yeah, I know it's always been a thing. I've just seen it *a lot more* since the change, especially on red (Mosswood) in our current matchup.

It went from being like, maybe 1/5 low-ranked players was an obvious alt to now being 4/5 are obvious alts. I'd be very curious to see the actual play-hours statistics for the week vs the theoretical team balance.

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Please go back to Servers instead of this.

The servers were a community,  I have 50-60 friends I wanna play WvW with, and they are spread out on like 20+ guilds.

I'v set my Casual/social/mostly PvE guild since we do WvW nights once every 1-2 weeks that I find fun, meanwhile I play a lot more WvW but always new people,  never get to know anyone.

+  I have to wait a combined 2 months to play with my IRL friend.

We just started playing Gw2 more again,  a few days after new team creations, we'v never been in same guild, just same server.
So we spent 1 month not beeing able to play together,  set same guild as WvW, the guild disbanded and everyone kicked prior to reset when we were away for a week (because work) came back and still not linked becausess of it.

I really dislike this system.

Edited by Ramjam.4507
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This isn't balanced. https://imgur.com/a/6o4ZaS8
KDR for red team is 1.66 to 1.69 the entire time.
Green 0.81 to 0.83 and blue 0.93 to 0.95. 

As I said before, if you're in a 500-person stacked alliance guild with a commander that has Anet's ear, you're having fun and this everything is working great!

The rest of us, not so much. 😞

In other news, I'm getting a lot of PvE achievements done and making good gold in the Crown Pavilion. Yey.

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The match length was reduced to one month because all the old servers (They were completely unbalanced and there was no way to change them also because the guilds were constantly traveling. Now that they can't travel anymore the circumstances have changed) got tired of seeing each other already in the second month. But this has led to a certain feeling of disdain for the match/server. If we can now (I'm sure Anet will figure it out eventually, it just takes time) finally find a more or less normal balance between the servers. Then you could consider increasing the match length back to 2 months. Maybe you could test for a longer period of time, for example 3-4 months?
. This would bring back the temp server/community feel that many here miss. And would give players more time to get to know the guilds to make the best choice of who to join.

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