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PvP Discussion: Rewards

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@bluri.2653 said:On the topic itself, weapons awesome idea same goes with "upgrading" or fixing the look for the armor to make it look more prestigeous.

We're working on another version of the Glorious armor. I'm specifically aiming to have the tournament version look noticeably different than the League version. It will basically be a paint over/effect treatment on the current armor. Some work has been done, but it's still a ways out.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Vancho.8750 said:Can we get Mount skins on a reward collection like the Ascension, cause you know we pvp people are vane and like to show off our fancy stuff while waiting for the que to pop. Maybe something not overly flashy but more like armored versions of the base ones.

Mount skins are likely off the table for PvP rewards.

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It is maybe a very unpopular idea but do you have an idea if reducing the reward tracks available all time (like having a rotation, especially for Tyria Region, dungeons and LS3 tracks) but increasing their exclusive rewards would not create spikes of activity in PvP the way PVE map rewards are creating it in central Tyria maps?

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Can we get at least some PvP league tickets on repeat Byzantium chests. The time-gate for them is extremely harsh for example a single mini Lavish Llama requires at least 3 seasons and doesn't even include the precursor llamas. The tickets are useful for lots of other things as well like the legendary armor but it literally takes years to get them all because of the time-gates.

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Hey Ben,

Since you've already crossed out mount skins as rewards, I'll just chime in and say that end of season rewards, based on final Division (Plat 3 for example) would be appreciated. Not necessarily anything ridiculous, some gems, gold or such things maybe. I was thinking that players ending up in Legendary division could receive one unique piece of armor/part of a weapon per season in Legend, completing the set as seasons roll along. Wouldn't tie this to leaderboard position though, with current wintrading controversies.

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@Rym.1469 said:Hey Ben,

Since you've already crossed out mount skins as rewards, I'll just chime in and say that end of season rewards, based on final Division (Plat 3 for example) would be appreciated. Not necessarily anything ridiculous, some gems, gold or such things maybe. I was thinking that players ending up in Legendary division could receive one unique piece of armor/part of a weapon per season in Legend.

I completely forgot to add this to my post, end season rewards for finishing with X MMR.

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For the tournaments I would really like to see a progression system, maybe a way to spend extra qp on gizmos or tonics.

If you think about rarity of items, the pve item the chak egg sac which is not even listed on the trade post and has a buy order queue of 10,000 gold with 7-13 people and there is still many more of those ingame than the champions gizmos which are currently at 5 per server (so 15 unique gizmo items in the entire game) not to mention that the champions crown does not exist on NA due to shenanigans. I agree with only the best getting the champions gizmo but there should be some other way of obtaining a lesser tiered lesser graphically stimulating version of the item. (like maybe a contender's broken crown) These are the only gizmos usable in pvp matches but only 5 people on the whole server are allowed to obtain them per year? I have seen a person delete the monthly tournament rewards on stream, perhaps you should allow them to sell these items on the trade post if they are not wanted.

I have a pvp rank of 475 and the /rank emote has not gotten any cooler since I passed 80.

There should be a way to get the graphically appealing raid armor set through pvp, but it should be skill based rather than ranked farming based, perhaps reaching 1800 rating (legendary rating) would allow you to purchase 1 item per week necessary to complete 1 piece of the armor.

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I don't really sPvP too much. I got really into sPvP while I was working towards Ascension. It's not that I don't like sPvP, I just don't see the rewards there that I could otherwise get in PvE or WvW, and the fun factor isn't enough to push me over the top.

Have you thought about adding any new Legendaries to sPvP? I don't know if it's really feasible but maybe you could have a legendary shoulderpiece or something? Not a full armor set because that's a ton of effort but I think individual Legendary armor pieces would be a great incentive for long-term sPvP play.

Also a minor aside; it's nice to hear that we're getting new goodies for WvW. I know it's not your job but maybe have a chat with them and see if they can't have a bunch of threads similar to the ones you've done here. WvW community would really appreciate it.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@ArthurDent.9538 said:Can we get at least some PvP league tickets on repeat Byzantium chests. The time-gate for them is extremely harsh for example a single mini Lavish Llama requires at least 3 seasons and doesn't even include the precursor llamas. The tickets are useful for lots of other things as well like the legendary armor but it literally takes years to get them all because of the time-gates.

It's not off the table. But it would probably be a pretty low number. There aren't a lot of things to spend them on besides legendaries and Llamas and I want to avoid going the way of shards of glory where people have bucket loads.

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Note that I didn't play GW1, so I have no vested interest in seeing Obsidian armor like some other players might.

But I do wonder why its coming at all? What's the point of yet another armor from PvP/WvW when they already have their own sets? I like having more skins to choose from, and having armor to work towards. But what purpose does it serve? Functionally, why is it any different than glorious armor?

Also, any plans to update some reward tracks? Some of them are rather lacking compared to others.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Rym.1469 said:Hey Ben,

Since you've already crossed out mount skins as rewards, I'll just chime in and say that end of season rewards, based on final Division (Plat 3 for example) would be appreciated. Not necessarily anything ridiculous, some gems, gold or such things maybe. I was thinking that players ending up in Legendary division could receive one unique piece of armor/part of a weapon per season in Legend, completing the set as seasons roll along. Wouldn't tie this to leaderboard position though, with current wintrading controversies.

We've talked about adding more to the end of season rewards. It's actually a UI issue in addition to a rewards issue. The UI wasn't designed to display more than the title you get at the end. Which already makes it weird, since high leaderboard people now get passes to the VIP lobby, but that's not displayed anymore.

Not basing it on leaderboard position also makes this difficult. Theoretically, someone could play just a handful of games, get a high rating, and then never play again and wait for their end of season reward.

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First, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you devs! I don't talk a lot on the forums, but I've been an enthusiastic pvp'er for 3 years now. I joined GW2 for the pvp and I stayed because of it! So thanks for giving me all these hours!

When it comes to rewards I def think things are quite fine right now. The combination of league pips and reward tracks are good, and with every daily match (or more) I feel like I'm earning enough loot for me to justify doing them now that I'm making my first legendary (Astralaria!). The only thing I really, really missed with the release of PoF was the addition of the rank tracks we also got with HoT. (like I was hoarding all the pvp potions for them, and then we got only one reward track :( ). The main reasons: black lion keys and finishers.

I love finishers! I just read that they're much work, so I understand why you didn't went all the way to make 8 new ones. But still, as someone who still plays this game mostly for pvp (although a lot of more pve nowadays), finishers remain the most obvious kind of thing we can do to customize our character and pvp experience. And the more diverse finishers are, the more recognizable your own kill will be on the playing field :). (Also I'd love to see some old ones opened up in the Gem Store, so many cool ones I don't have access to!)

In general I would lobby for a more diverse and robust reward track system. The current UI is very clunky, and the more tracks get added, the more obnoxious it gets. Maybe start dividing them in tabs such as "HoT Ranks", "Dungeons", "Season 3", etc. I'm just recently completing the Domain of Istan reward track and I really love it! Especially the material crates are a delight to open! So do keep it up in that direction! (the Season 3 ones were really nice as well!)

Also: a little sink for spirit shards and league tickets?? I have no idea what I have to do with all these tickets & tomes of knowledge....

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Personally I think that some additions to the league rewards would be very helpfull to actually "lure" people into pvp, or at least make them give it a shot ...even if just a few stay it ll be good.

While the current rewards are fine and all, for the vast majority of people they are just another "farm", making pvp-ing itself an completely unenjoyable experience for teammates with a more "competitive" mindset. The rewards - imo - should aim to get people to genuinely give a kitten and making them want to become better.

I understand that making pvp-exclusive armor/weapons skins would need a good amount of resources, so asking for new skins every season (and maybe even every other) season is just wishful thinking. But even if its just an annual release, this could potentially be helpful to increase the palyerbase (which would help with a lot of things like better matchmaking and whatnot).Also....these rewards need to be catered to the lower- and midtier end of the pvp community. From what i heard and feel, legend players and the top 250 players hardly need any incentive to keep playing...prestigious titles and the likes are good enough for them.

Now to my actual suggestion/question:

So lets assume there is, for every year/4 seasons (similar to the legendary backpack), a prestigious set of pvp armor that costs X amount of NEW currency, you only receive at the of a season. Let each armor piece only cost 10 currency a piece (equal throughout all armor tiers).....so an entire set for one of the respective armor tiers (Light/medium/Heavy) costs 60 currency.

The gain of this new currency should be tied to the division a player FINISHED at, at the end of the season.Bronze: 15; Silver: 30; Gold: 45; Plat; 60, Legend: 75This would mean that even a player that finished bronze in all 4 seasons would be able to obtain at least one full set at the end of the cycle, while a silver player could get a full set for 2 of the 3 respective armor tiers...etc, etc.

There most likely is a better way to make this currency distribution more appealing for all the divisions but I cant be kittened to think of it atm^^.Obviously these armor sets should be very high quality and (as said) pvp-exclusive to give the proper initial incentive for people to get into the gamemode, but with an annual release, this should be manageable I think.


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Right, I'd like to express my humble opinion about this subject.

PvE Rewards are absolutely wrong in PvP. I'm playing PvP, why the heck shall I get rewards for different game modes? Also, why shall I get rewarded by losing? Takes away all the incentive/effort to push myself over my limits and trying to win the game.

Nice PvP rewards would be only Aesthetic Skins, doesen't matter if are armor skins or weapon skins (finishers as well). The main purpose should be that I get those rewards only if I win OR I climb the league (Example, I manage to get out from Silver and Reach gold, my effort should be rewarded, only once of course).

Let's have different TOP titles for different seasons, would incentivate even top players to compete between each other because AT LEAST they have something to fight for (Making a mount it's expensive, but a Title? C'mon guys :P)

And PLEASE, I beg you, don't make rewards grindable with tokens, we all know what it will bring...

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How come the ability to remove the PvP Badges' visibility was implemented in various content?

I do understand it helps with graphical limitations, but there are people that would probably like to show off their PvP badge that they earned across all the content.

Unless the badge tiers alone aren't meant to be prestigious enough to be shown off across all content...

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You need a reward structure that is catering to a MMO mentality in which time and effort = rewards.

I think its essential to offer awesomely unique rewards to top players and top performers to encourage a competitive scene in a MMO which is presently being done.

What is not being done is rewarding people to keep playing and trying their best to keep a large population with a good culture. Right now, the entire reward reason to play PvP is to win, nothing else matters in terms of reward. This causes the behavior and attitude that if you are losing, you are wasting your time and effort, why am I even playing this? This attitude also leads to unwanted behavior which we all know very well has been more present in recent years, because reward reason to play PvP was added. We went down this path, we have people in a already small population playing PvP not because they enjoy it, but because it offers unique rewards. This is an MMO after all. If you are going to have people lured in by rewards it should be done in a way that encourages behavior we want to see. While I know player behavior isn't a topic or something this team may be able to directly do something about, you can influence attitudes with rewards.

People need to be rewarded/rated based on team score win or loseBe it either done through pips or some alternative system. People need a reward reason to play through the match. Again, a loss if it be 50-500 in 5 mins or 499-500 in 10, the reward value of those matches is the same no matter how much effort was put in. This encourages some people to just quit if the match goes at all badly at the start, why prolong the inevitable if the result is still "I get nothing until I start the next game". If your rating loss is dependent on how hard you get your butt kicked, you bet people are going to at least try to minimize it.

Reward people for simply playing PvPMany players don't play PvP because any type of reward is highly dependent on winning. If your goal is to bring more playing bodies into the mode you need to give some kind of participation reward to bring it in line with playing other modes. What to reward is highly dependent on to balance and discussion. But, even something as small as AP could help. Be it adding more for participating in matches or flipping some of the general competitive achievements from win "x" matches as "X" class to play "X" matches with "X" class, could draw people in and minimize the impact on the economy.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@Metrix.5867 said:

@Metrix.5867 said:Is $$$ on the table?


Are LAN's on the table?

I'm not going to say never, but probably not? I occasionally toss out crazy ideas on how to have a world championship without the overhead of flying everyone to one place. The only idea I've thought of is do something like have a series of matches played in both regions. Example: Best of 5, where whoever is the higher seeded team has 3 matches played on in their region. As I said, probably a crazy idea that may not be possible to pull off well.

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