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PSA For CM Goers: Stop GGing At MAMA - It Isn't Faster - It Only Slows Down Your Run

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

^ Thread title

Thank you for your cooperation.

/gg on mama is not just about speed, you gg to have consistent and clean pulls

  • precasting might, quick and alac guarantees solid uptime, and a bit of leeway during fight due to movement.  easily 100% boon uptime at the end of fight
  • cd reset lets you freely burst adds and still have all skill available for boss, no holding cd's before boss
  • some classes are very "mistlock dependant" like bladesworn who gets full flow bar to let him burst instantly
  • some classes want to swap something (gear/trait) just before picking mistlock/starting combat to have better performance, this ~15s of precast let you do that

on a top of that, no gg pulls are often very messy because stabi/cc is on cd, no burst at the beggining of fight, boon uptime at the end is horrible, 60% or so... result is people downstate, kill is very slow and you lose more time on messy kill than that 15s after /gg


Edited by Nimris.3781
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7 minutes ago, Vinceman.4572 said:


Troll thread. Can be closed. Thank you!

Not a troll thread. This was the best place I could post a trend of awareness to STOP GGing at MAMA.

Power creep is insanely high in 2024. You seriously do not need to GG at MAMA for CDs back. By the time you GG and get back down in there, if you hadn't GG'd, MAMA will be at 70% health. It's true. Go try it yourself.

5 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

/gg on mama is not just about speed, you gg to have consistent and clean pulls

Uh no. You pull MAMA the exact same way with or without GG. It just slows you down dude. Instead of arguing you guys need to go in and test this for yourselves. You'll see that GGing at MAMA is just slowing you down a good 20-30s for absolutely no reason. It's a redundant silly thing for groups to keep doing when it really does just slow you down.

7 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

precasting might, quick and alac guarantees solid uptime, and a bit of leeway during fight due to movement.  easily 100% boon uptime at the end of fight

Glad you brought some of this up while we're on the topic, which is why I started this thread.

Dude come on... in 2024 everything has 100% uptime of every boon, even in subpar 5 man parties. GGing at MAMA is NOT doing anything. When it spawns, your group is already perma generating quick/alac/fury/25 might. Come on guy. Back in 2014-2015 it was different. But now, groups seriously perma generate boons at all times when stacked together. There is no reason to GG at MAMA other than to slow yourself down. Even your party CDs are mostly regenerated by the time MAMA spawns. And even if they aren't, the GG reset seriously slows you down compared to just picking up your burst where the party left off.

Look I don't know how you're unable to see this. The boss encounter is a boss encounter like any other boss encounter. The thing or things in there have certain levels of health that you have to chew through to get past the boss the encounter. In any normal boss encounter, you go through CDs and wait for alac to bring it back and do it again when their ready. No one would GG in the middle of any other normal boss fight even if they could, to attempt to gain more DPS by regrouping and prebuffing and going back in, when that 20s on average that's used, is 20s they aren't maintaining constant DPS flow. In the case of GGing at MAMA, you're losing DPS flow completely. And if you've ever ran tests at a raid golem and paid attention, stopping DPSing for 20s 15s or even just 10s, is a massive dramatic drop in your Damage Per Second.

Look, a group who just auto 1'd MAMA the entire time immediately when it spawns, for the duration of time of takes for your group to GG and stand there and reset and go back in, by the time you get back in there with your GG group, the auto 1 group would have MAMA at like 80% health and already be maintaining their burst flows. GGing to go in with some initial one burst is NOT getting you ahead in Damage Per Second or speeding up your run.

Go try it yourself and when you see the truth to it, stop GGing at MAMA.

16 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

cd reset lets you freely burst adds and still have all skill available for boss, no holding cd's before boss

OK guy, the only reason people used to GG at MAMA in the first place, was to utilize mistlock reset for an initial boon stack. This was back when quick/alac/might/fury was difficult to maintain. In those days yes, it mattered. But now, you really really do not need mistlock stacking to instantly engage the combat and then maintain ALL boons 100% of the time. In fact, it's silly that anyone GGs before any boss at this point, at least in fractals. There just isn't a reason to do it. Boons begin generating & maintain themselves 100% of the time permanetly, very easily.

The only real reason to GG nowadays is to skip and catch up with where the party is, or if you didn't get the mistlock before engaging. But GGing to "get CDs reset and stack boons" is very seriously just slowing groups down and is a hooga booga superstition "too set in your ways" kind of habit, that is just slowing groups down.

Go test it yourself.

21 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

some classes are very "mistlock dependant" like bladesworn who gets full flow bar to let him burst instantly

Yeah, OR he could just keep hitting the targets that spawn back to back with no time in between, to maintain his flow while staying in combat so it doens't reset, like he would at any other boss engagement once it starts.

GGing at MAMA is an old habit for old vets, and some of them are just so set in their ways, that they don't pay attention anymore.

Dude, go try it yourself. If you just don't GG at MAMA, it's a lot faster completion speed vs. MAMA.

23 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

some classes want to swap something (gear/trait) just before picking mistlock/starting combat to have better performance, this ~15s of precast let you do that

MAMA isn't a complex raid boss. People just go in there with the same traits/utilities that they plan on using for the rest of the fractal. No one swaps anything for 97CM. It's easy in 2024 for obvious reasons. Come on now ^^

26 minutes ago, Nimris.3781 said:

on a top of that, no gg pulls are often very messy because stabi/cc is on cd, burst is slow, boon uptime at the end is horrible, 60% or so... result is people downstate, kill is very slow and you lose more time on messy kill than that 15s after /gg

I mean if we went back into time to 2016 under very old patching using very old builds, I'd agree with that statement. But what you said here is just so not true in 2024. Also:

  1. Its breakbar is paper under the level of CC we have in 2024 metas. Your party only needs like 1/4th of its CCs off CD to be able to break the first bar.
  2. You don't need stability at all vs MAMA until the final phase. You also don't need stability at all during the initial add phase. Your FB or yourself or whoever, will have their stab CDs when MAMA spawns "even though you won't need it" and will surely have those CDs when they do need it at final phase.
  3. The DPS is not slow. For some reason you're looking at things through this lens where you think the 15s complete drop off of DPS during the GG somehow isn't a 15s-20s complete drop off in DPS. Even if you do GG, you only get that first big no CD burst ONCE. And then you're right back into the same rotations as the group who didn't GG, but the group who didn't GG, has a 15s-20s lead on you, and will have MAMA at aroun 70%-80% health already by the time you get back in for your no-CD first burst. It's just true. Go try it. Go test it.

GGing at MAMA is literally "an unnecessarily redundant waste of time."

Go test it for yourself. Or maybe I should screen record it and post it for you. I just might.

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You seriously do not need to GG at MAMA for CDs back. By the time you GG and get back down in there, if you hadn't GG'd, MAMA will be at 70% health. It's true. Go try it yourself.

Not true with an average pug in a 0 UFE run. EVERY. FRICKING. DAY. (EU-Server) --> This 0 UFE counts for every further passage in this response!

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Uh no. You pull MAMA the exact same way with or without GG. It just slows you down dude. Instead of arguing you guys need to go in and test this for yourselves. You'll see that GGing at MAMA is just slowing you down a good 20-30s for absolutely no reason. It's a redundant silly thing for groups to keep doing when it really does just slow you down.

Nope. It would slow my group down if we don't gg.

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Even your party CDs are mostly regenerated by the time MAMA spawns. And even if they aren't, the GG reset seriously slows you down compared to just picking up your burst where the party left off.

Not in the slightest true. As a DH I don't have my elite skill up when using it before.

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Go try it yourself and when you see the truth to it, stop GGing at MAMA.

I see it every day when doing CM97 to get fractal god for the 2nd time on my twink account.

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

GGing at MAMA is an old habit for old vets, and some of them are just so set in their ways, that they don't pay attention anymore.

Dude, go try it yourself. If you just don't GG at MAMA, it's a lot faster completion speed vs. MAMA.

No, nope, still not true in an average pug. 

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


  1. Its breakbar is paper under the level of CC we have in 2024 metas. Your party only needs like 1/4th of its CCs off CD to be able to break the first bar.

Really? In almost all pugs I join on a daily routine MAMA isn't even insta cc'ed with cd reset after gg so that I have to use skills that lower my damage. But the cc is more important than losing a bit of my personal damage due to the fact that the cc phase will make the fight simpler and faster.
In other words: My group needs that cd reset due to gg. 

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. You don't need stability at all vs MAMA until the final phase. You also don't need stability at all during the initial add phase. Your FB or yourself or whoever, will have their stab CDs when MAMA spawns "even though you won't need it" and will surely have those CDs when they do need it at final phase.

Most 0 UFE pug hfbs don't even use stab so I need to share an aegis at or below 25%.

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. The DPS is not slow. For some reason you're looking at things through this lens where you think the 15s complete drop off of DPS during the GG somehow isn't a 15s-20s complete drop off in DPS. Even if you do GG, you only get that first big no CD burst ONCE. And then you're right back into the same rotations as the group who didn't GG, but the group who didn't GG, has a 15s-20s lead on you, and will have MAMA at aroun 70%-80% health already by the time you get back in for your no-CD first burst. It's just true. Go try it. Go test it.

No, because the facts listed above: MAMA won't be cc'ed therefore the group dps is lower and the probability of a mate going down due to boss mechanics is higher. 
Also, we don't lose 15-20s. The fight starts much faster after gg. 
Time eaters besides group finding are: Waiting for a player to change to the next fractal in the lobby and all pressing "Go" to advance. 

1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

GGing at MAMA is literally "an unnecessarily redundant waste of time."

Go test it for yourself. Or maybe I should screen record it and post it for you. I just might.

So, no. You were proven wrong. And even if you don't admit it I hope you are playing on NA and I will never meet you in my group. But even then: I will gg no matter what. If you want to fight as 4 people then without me. Keep going, Meanwhile I'll wait and grab a drink or some chocolate.

Edited by Vinceman.4572
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It is completely correct that a GG before Mama is a waste of time, as long as your group has spent a collective 30 minutes practicing their builds. When we get pugs like this -->

39 minutes ago, Vinceman.4572 said:

So, no. You were proven wrong. And even if you don't admit it I hope you are playing on NA and I will never meet you in my group. But even then: I will gg no matter what. If you want to fight as 4 people then without me. Keep going, Meanwhile I'll wait and grab a drink or some chocolate.

in my static, we let them grab their drink while we 4-man the fight (still faster than resetting the whole thing) then kick them because they couldn't read that they were told not to GG and clearly don't know their build well enough to do anything of consequence.

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Your log: https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/log/fbb9b-20240405-105059_mama_kill

total dps 46k

Kill time: 1m47s

Our log (and it wasn't even top end, just decent with mistakes): https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/log/4c6e1-20240329-210329_mama_kill

total dp: 73k

Kill time: 1m8s

Time saved between the first log and second log: 39s. Our "gg" before MAMA are faster than 39s, aka it is worth to gg for MAMA.

You are suffering from the "I think I am a top end player" syndrome even though you have mediocre dps at best because you've never actually played with decent dps players (and your running a HFB, which is no excuse since when I run HFB we get 65k group dps but w/e). We had 2 pugs, lost a player, had downstates and still beat your log by close to 40s.

But as Nimris stated: gg is there to ensure similar conditions mostly, and for experienced players it can result in very fast kills without having to over-stack on cc for example.


Want another decent log? Here: https://dps.report/TgYG-20240317-183759_mama

total dps: 88k

Kill time: 56s

and that's still far off from the 36s top end clear times on wingman atm.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

When it spawns, your group is already perma generating quick/alac/fury/25 might.

this fight is movement heavy, its very easy to get out of range/behind supports and not get full benefit of boons they cast. precasting at mistlock is literally to prevent that so even if you move out of range (or get knocked) you still keep 100% boons until end of fight.

4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Look I don't know how you're unable to see this. The boss encounter is a boss encounter like any other boss encounter. The thing or things in there have certain levels of health that you have to chew through to get past the boss the encounter.  In any normal boss encounter, you go through CDs and wait for alac to bring it back and do it again when their ready.

i have seen this many times. you either literally auto last add for 10s or use skills to kill it and have no burst on p1 boss which results in doom+dome mechanic that wastes time, either way it slows down your kill. you think you are smart with not /gg-ing but reality is the gain is marginal, but it brings more risks and less consistant pulls. "cherry on a top" is when ppl dont /gg and on the first spin MAMA knocks back 3-4 ppl. clearly a time save.

4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

And if you've ever ran tests at a raid golem and paid attention, stopping DPSing for 20s 15s or even just 10s, is a massive dramatic drop in your Damage Per Second.

this is not solely about dps uptime, higher burst in p1 lets you skip certain mechanics and save time if you burst properly. you think that fight goes on the same regardless of group performance which is wrong assumption.

5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

But now, you really really do not need mistlock stacking to instantly engage the combat and then maintain ALL boons 100% of the time. In fact, it's silly that anyone GGs before any boss at this point, at least in fractals.

swap to 100% boon duration gear -> blast your boons for easy 30s cap -> grab mistlock -> swap to normal gear (or even dedicated gear with less BD% than SC suggests for more dps)

precast class specific buffs that carry over to fight like flow for bladesworn, OWP for slb, poisons for thief slb etc. and most importantly reset cd's       plenty of reasons to /gg  and as a result do better in fight.

5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Boons begin generating & maintain themselves 100% of the time permanetly, very easily.

sorry to say it, but thats <1k ufe mentality. "go into fight and kill it eventually", 3m+ MAMA kill with 2 downstates, but hey at least, you didnt /gg at start to save 15s, right?

mistlock is powerfull tool that lets you bring into fight more than you normally would be able to, not using it is at the very least silly but to actually understand that you need to play on higher level

5 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Dude, go try it yourself. If you just don't GG at MAMA, it's a lot faster completion speed vs. MAMA.

you are very delusional at this point, something what Cyninja.2954 wrote. you have not seen proper use of mistlock or /gg, you just view it as single-use death prevention and dont even understand what you are missing on ( cd reset, boon precast, class specific buffs, mechanic skip, etc.) its hard to even go into details because you are missing on too many aspects of fight.


if you care so much about overall time completion, learn proper pdps (slb, bsw, dh) and cdps for 99-100 and eventually stop playing with hfb. complaing about total complition time before doing that is very silly.

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

This is in no way a logical or fair comparison.

Couple things here:

  1. The encounter with MAMA actually begins with the 2 adds that spawn before MAMA actually spawns. You have to begin a timer for completion from the start of the first add spawn to the end when MAMA goes down. You can't gauge a kill time on only MAMA because that defeats the purpose of what's being discussed, is that the 15s-20s downtime loss of DPS isn't worth a prebuff reset.
  2. Of course an elite group is going to out-pace a lesser group, even with a GG. The only way to get a fair comparison here is to test both methods with the SAME group. You use the same 5 players while GGing and the same 5 players when not GGing. 100% guarantee you, the method of non GGing is faster. I'll get around to recording/posting it myself when I get a chance. I'm tired tonight.

Oh and also, that comment about: "you are suffering from being bad syndrome" has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on here. Regardless of a good group that is faster or a bad group that is slower, if you were to run a fair comparison where you use the SAME group to test both methods, 100% guarantee you that both groups will be faster while not GGing.


Do you need me to break down the fight and explain to you which elements are not possible without the gg, or are you capable of watching a youtube video?

The 3 adds (it's not 2) which spawn are part of the encounter, correct. Hence why I said our gg doesn't take us 39s. I am implying that the time we lose AFTER those adds due to gging is less than the time we lose versus the slower run.

A group being better/faster is a centeal element to why gg is useful or not. If you need 2 minutes to clear a fight, skills and cooldowns will be available far differently than if you need 40s to clear a fight. The prestacking and reset of skills which were used on the adds is of far less value in the slower clear (besides the other benefit of more consistency for example when gging).  Getting a full 30s prestack will last most experienced groups nearly the entire fight or at least half of it for example.

Which is exactly what is happening here:

you are making assumptions based around performance and a fight which indeed makes almost no use of the gg feature based around a mid level player skill level.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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19 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Couple things here:

  1. ...
  2. Of course an elite group is going to out-pace a lesser group, even with a GG.

And that's why you also need to take in considerations that you have full CM groups with pugs (meaning from 97 to 99/100), full clear statics - both  of which consists of mostly 5k+ UFEs and many other groups that I'm joining for CM97 and/or 98 without UFEs or any other shenanigans where the GG is an absolute must. 

The first two groups may likely fall into the "non-gg" roster and I couldn't care less but the latter is the important one for me in my runs and if we don't gg it either leads to what Nimris.3781 wrote that people will hold their skills back while fighting the adds and only press 111111 resulting in longer clear time or and that is way more dangerous:
Not having their skills, dodges etc. ready for the first part of the fight. Nimris is totally right that in some groups MAMA will knock back all players that don't take care of themselves because your support doesn't have stability ready.
I've seen that all and as I said I play power DH and my aegis just before the spin has rescued lots of players so far. 

19 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Thank goodness someone else around here has common sense.

You realized that your support comes from a player with "our CM group" where it could make sense to not gg or - because they are a static - they just don't care at all. 

The problem is you write this into a forum where veterans either already have their plan so they don't need your advice because they know/play/just behave differently or some lesser experienced people will read that and will write in chat: "Don't gg. You don't do this anymore" but they don't realize that this counts for experienced CM groups.

I repeat myself: For the average 0 UFE group with an LFG like this: "CM97 - know mechanics" as it's often seen in the lfg and non-meta dps classes a gg after watchknights is the better method because you can throw everything at the knights, gg and then start from the go. 

Edited by Vinceman.4572
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Not everyone who gg at MAMA cares about killing it slightly faster.

At least for me, because I used all my CC and stab skills at the knights already, I'd like to gg to have them up right when MAMA appeared. Like most people, I care about the consistency of skill timing.

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"Hmmm...", I say as I think to myself: "what it meants to GG for MAMA?", but thanks to studying this thread and their posts very close by I have now an understanding of what it meants. However, I am not possibly understanding it all together too well to make a proper judgement on the situation but I will never the less try!

Having read the discussion above and below me I have gathered that it is in fact not worthwile to /GG for MAMA since it is very nuanced and easy fight to manage without having to waste time spending it "precasting" for boons. I am doing T4 and recs daily and I have never had issues with MAMA or SIAX or ENSOLYS for any matter and boons are always very comfortable covered by the healers in the group. I wouldn't say I am the best of players but I am in the top 1 % at the very least so my opinion is kind of correct.

Hoping to see you discuss further battle strategies,



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20 minutes ago, Janitsu.6284 said:

"Hmmm...", I say as I think to myself: "what it meants to GG for MAMA?", but thanks to studying this thread and their posts very close by I have now an understanding of what it meants. However, I am not possibly understanding it all together too well to make a proper judgement on the situation but I will never the less try!

Having read the discussion above and below me I have gathered that it is in fact not worthwile to /GG for MAMA since it is very nuanced and easy fight to manage without having to waste time spending it "precasting" for boons.

GGing at MAMA makes sense if the group plays on a high level or wants to be safe/consistent in regards to how the fight will play out.

The adds alone are 1,800 defiance bar, which either needs to get taken in form of additional cc skills or needs to reset cooldown wise. Either will lead to slower clear times.

That's not accounting for unique pre-stack abilities which are unrelated to boons.

As groups clear MAMA faster, the reset on boons becomes more valuable. If your fight takes 30-60 seconds, those boons are almost the entire or at least half the fights worth of boons. As the fight length moves closer to 1.5 or 2 minutes, that prestack is of less value obviously.


I am doing T4 and recs daily and I have never had issues with MAMA or SIAX or ENSOLYS for any matter and boons are always very comfortable covered by the healers in the group.

I'm going to assume you mean challenge mode since this thread is entirely focused on CM and not regular Nightmare. Regular Nightmare is not worth discussing.

High end groups do not run a healer on this fight. I provided multiple logs, some without healer.


I wouldn't say I am the best of players but I am in the top 1 % at the very least so my opinion is kind of correct.

and you are basing this assumption on what exactly? If you are running CMs with healers you are automatically not in the top 1%. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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36 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

GGing at MAMA makes sense if the group plays on a high level or wants to be safe/consistent in regards to how the fight will play out.

The adds alone are 1,800 defiance bar, which either needs to get taken in form of additional cc skills or needs to reset cooldown wise. Either will lead to slower clear times.

That's not accounting for unique pre-stack abilities which are unrelated to boons.

As groups clear MAMA faster, the reset on boons becomes more valuable. If your fight takes 30-60 seconds, those boons are almost the entire or at least half the fights worth of boons. As the fight length moves closer to 1.5 or 2 minutes, that prestack is of less value obviously.

Youre opinion against mine... but only one of us is making rude remark against one another... Think who is right in this matter 😏.

37 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I'm going to assume you mean challenge mode since this thread is entirely focused on CM and not regular Nightmare. Regular Nightmare is not worth discussing.

High end groups do not run a healer on this fight. I provided multiple logs, some without healer.

CM, normal, rec... literally doesn't change how fight plays out. It's like a league of legends game – destroy enemy nexus in all game modes.

37 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

and you are basing this assumption on what exactly? If you are running CMs with healers you are automatically not in the top 1%. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I have yet to meet a better player than I in fractals of the mists. At least objectively and subjectively... don't know if any other ctivelies exists.

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34 minutes ago, Janitsu.6284 said:

Youre opinion against mine... but only one of us is making rude remark against one another... Think who is right in this matter 😏.

CM, normal, rec... literally doesn't change how fight plays out. It's like a league of legends game – destroy enemy nexus in all game modes.

I have yet to meet a better player than I in fractals of the mists. At least objectively and subjectively... don't know if any other ctivelies exists.

Oooookay, sorry this is quite literally not worth my time. 

I've explained and given logs as to why or when gging at MAMA makes sense or not.

You, not sure what you are doing but you are free to your opinion and beliefs as much as you want. Learn or not, makes no difference to me.

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19 hours ago, Janitsu.6284 said:

Hoping to see you discuss further battle strategies,



Jani, why add fuel to the fire, you malicious creature... :<

your youtube channel says "retired from gw" so you might not be up to date with current balance and tactics 😉


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On 4/12/2024 at 5:51 PM, Nimris.3781 said:

Jani, why add fuel to the fire, you malicious creature... :<

your youtube channel says "retired from gw" so you might not be up to date with current balance and tactics 😉

You are of confusing me to someone else... I have never gone retirement in my playing time. I read metabattle, mukluk labs, snow crows news daily to keep up. Even reddit sometimes (even if I think personally they are all kinda bad) to keep up with the lower level players strategyes.

As Albert Camus ones said: "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."


Yours in Tyrian Diplomacy,



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i personally play condition core thief homebrew build in fractal CMs and my group is nice enough to /gg before mama so i can have double basi precast. we have a rule that if person hits mama into invuln, losing basi, they/them pay 1 gold to each other member for wasted cc. even our hfb and ham buffers agree on the matter, so OP is definitely overreacting.

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On 4/11/2024 at 9:46 PM, Janitsu.6284 said:

"Hmmm...", I say as I think to myself: "what it meants to GG for MAMA?", but thanks to studying this thread and their posts very close by I have now an understanding of what it meants. However, I am not possibly understanding it all together too well to make a proper judgement on the situation but I will never the less try!

Having read the discussion above and below me I have gathered that it is in fact not worthwile to /GG for MAMA since it is very nuanced and easy fight to manage without having to waste time spending it "precasting" for boons. I am doing T4 and recs daily and I have never had issues with MAMA or SIAX or ENSOLYS for any matter and boons are always very comfortable covered by the healers in the group. I wouldn't say I am the best of players but I am in the top 1 % at the very least so my opinion is kind of correct.

Hoping to see you discuss further battle strategies,



I would say that you are Top 9 Alac renegade EU at best because top 8 is taken by simsouls. Maybe we need to reevaluate the situation and get a 3rd party opinion.

realistically, people can use onkill food for mama, to get more damage out of it. noone ever does that though (foodswapping in casual runs) and people tent to just fullon burst for the preevent too. so there's that and others just want nice logs. 

Edited by Eglar.4027
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8 hours ago, Janitsu.6284 said:

You are of confusing me to someone else... I have never gone retirement in my playing time. I read metabattle, mukluk labs, snow crows news daily to keep up. Even reddit sometimes (even if I think personally they are all kinda bad) to keep up with the lower level players strategyes.

oh, no no no, there was definitely some Jani-mini-meow story i have heard of 😎

(ugh, reddit 😖)    well, nobody as myself has to resort to this low level strategies to mimic what some top players are doing and thanks to this i am able to kill boss in somewhat reasonable time! also my bladesworn would kill me if i didnt /gg...

hope you can now better understand the situation some of us are facing in groups/pugs!

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It has more become of a ritual than anything , remind me of Arkk encounter we where all full buffed near the singularity and we started the fight right away somebody gg'ed for no reason and he just said "sorry ... the habit ...".

but i agree on Amam it's more of a waste of time than anything yoru firebrand while amam is doing his contruction animation would have an aegis and stab already ready for the first flamethrower , while i do understand the bladesworn matters.

People just like to see big numbers on arcpds , especially with their name just near the biggest number.

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