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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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4 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

but you don't unlock your Third Specialization slot until level 71, so even if you could spend points into an Elite spec, you can't use it until you're almost max level

has soon has the first line is unlocked you can put points into any you like except the specializations. all i am saying is has long has one toon has a specialization on your account that you like. that one can have points put in like the others has soon has the first line is unlocked

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1 minute ago, trunks.5249 said:

has soon has the first line is unlocked you can put points into any you like except the specializations. all i am saying is has long has one toon has a specialization on your account that you like. that one can have points put in like the others has soon has the first line is unlocked

Elite Specializations can only be equiped into the 3rd slot(which unlocks at 71), so whats the points of spending points into them at level 31

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so what you really want is to not have to farm hero points.

just as an FYI, there are 587 hero points available in the Core game(398 from Level ups, and 189 for Hero challenges) thats enough points to unlock all your core specializations with enough left over to unlock 1 Elite spec.

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12 minutes ago, Parasite.5389 said:

so what you really want is to not have to farm hero points.

just as an FYI, there are 587 hero points available in the Core game(398 from Level ups, and 189 for Hero challenges) thats enough points to unlock all your core specializations with enough left over to unlock 1 Elite spec.

. no lets say i want a druid i would have to do all the work all over again before i could unlock druid at 30 on a different toon. not like we didn't put the work in consider it a reward. nothing to do with farming hero points just the ability to unlock and use it early.

Edited by trunks.5249
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In fact you have to spec all core specializations before you are allowed to spec any elite. The hero points you get from leveling to 80 are exactly the ones needed to do so.

All points from map Hero challenges (1214 points in total) are for elite (3 times 250 you can spend).

  • Central Tyria — 189 points
  • Maguuma Wastes — 11 points
  • Heart of Maguuma (Heart of Thorns) — 400 points
  • Crystal Desert (Path of Fire) — 290 points
  • Cantha (End of Dragons) — 310 points
  • Krait Obelisk Shard — 1 point
  • World versus World — 13 points

The challenges in HoT, Pof and Eod are worth 10 points each.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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3 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

In fact you have to spec all core specializations before you are allowed to spec any elite. The hero points you get from leveling to 80 are exactly the ones needed to do so.

All points from map Hero challenges (1214 points in total) are for elite (3 times 250 you can spend).

  • Central Tyria — 189 points
  • Maguuma Wastes — 11 points
  • Heart of Maguuma (Heart of Thorns) — 400 points
  • Crystal Desert (Path of Fire) — 290 points
  • Cantha (End of Dragons) — 310 points
  • Krait Obelisk Shard — 1 point
  • World versus World — 13 points

The challenges in HoT, Pof and Eod are worth 10 points each.

its clear nobody understands what i am talking about. once done on one toon all other toons would not need to do that anymore

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You want to make HPs account bound?

Map completion (and HP's belong to it) is char bound and needs to be that way, you would only be able to build 2 gen1, 1 gen2 and 1 gen3 legendary per account otherwise.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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5 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

You want to make HPs account bound?

Map completion (and HP's belong to it) is char bound and needs to be that way, you would only be able to build 2 gen1, 1 gen2 and 1 gen3 legendary per account otherwise.

no no nothing like that. lets say you have a druid unlocked on one toon well on your other toons druid would be treated  has core ones. lets say i decided to unlock untamed. i would have to unlock all the core and druid. has well before i unlocked untamed

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2 minutes ago, trunks.5249 said:

no no nothing like that. lets say you have a druid unlocked on one toon well on your other toons druid would be treated  has core ones. lets say i decided to unlock untamed. i would have to unlock all the core and druid. has well before i unlocked untamed

Just out of curioisty because your post seems to sugegst otherwise, you do realise you can unlock any elite in any order right? Once core is done, you can unlock untamed before druid

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Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

Just out of curioisty because your post seems to sugegst otherwise, you do realise you can unlock any elite in any order right? Once core is done, you can unlock untamed before druid

not sure why everyone is finding this so confuseing. yes i under stand that. however i am just talking about them being unlocked from the get go  has long has you have a toon that already has them unlocked

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5 minutes ago, trunks.5249 said:

unlocked from the get go  has long has you have a toon that already has them unlocked

So when I have all elites of all 9 classes unlocked on 9 chars (I do 🙂), every char that I create afterwards doesn't need any HP anymore? that's very close to make HP's account bound

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Just now, trunks.5249 said:

not sure why everyone is finding this so confuseing. yes i under stand that. however i am just talking about them being unlocked from the get go  has long has you have a toon that already has them unlocked

That I understand, it's just not what you wrote in the last post at all.

I'm not fundamentally against the idea and it kinda makes sense, however it is likely a colossal amount of work to change the system and to make it work different for alts than how it does for mains once something is unlocked. There's a lot to be affected - as many have mentioned here. Plus redesigning which trait gets elite is probably non-trivial

So yeah, it sounds like aa nice QoL feature which I have no objection to in theory. I'm not convinced it is something they would undertake considering the lack of gain.

Havig said all that, there is however a major revamp coming. Some have speculated that elites might be able to mix or weapons can mix. Maybe wait until that is unveiled later in the year and see if it surprises us

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Just now, Dayra.7405 said:

So when I have all elites of all 9 classes on 9 chars, every char that I create afterwards doesn't need any HP anymore? that's very close to make HP's accont bound

no you still have to put hero points in. you just dont have to wait tell you have all the core unlocked. if i want to start the druid line at 30 i can, has long has that elite has been unlocked on another toon on your account

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Just now, trunks.5249 said:

if i want to start the druid line at 30 i can

Core Tyria is to easy for core-classes, it is far to trivial for elite-specs. Keep the strength boost of the elite for the expansions, where it is needed, no one learns to play, if you make leveling to easy.

And: As soon as you play a while, you don't level anymore, you will have enough birthday scrolls and tomes of knowledge in your bank to jump from 2 to 80 immediately. 😉

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1 minute ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Core Tyria is to easy for core-classes, it is far to trivial for elite-specs. Keep the strength boost of the elite for the expansions, where it is needed, no one learns to play, if you make leveling to easy.

And: As soon as you play a while, you don't level anymore, you will have enough birthday scrolls and tomes of knowledge in your bank to jump from 2 to 80 immediately. 😉

if you have everything unlocked on one toon you clearly know how to play.

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29 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

Hm, not sure that I understand you (has -> as?). All my 21 toons have all elites 🙂 not really a problem to do so, there are HP trains and there is WvW (I have several tousand HPs in form of  Heroc Notaries in my wallet)

i know its not a problem. i just think being able to goof off and have fun with elites that you have already unlocked on another toon early is quality of life.

Edited by trunks.5249
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