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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

ofc i do, and in 10 years i've never felt the need to abandon my team and had quite a few games destroyed by this behaviour (and it has nothing to do with 'eating faeces' as you nastily put it)  You may not like the word selfish, but that's what it is


(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for other people; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

I mean, you can keep calling it selfish, keep refusing to admit plats in the same game as novice players has something to do with it, and keep on eating Anets choice of feces; To appease the top streamers, who selfishly lock sPVP into unfair MMR for views "look at ma duo off peak title gained from farming bronzes"


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Posted (edited)

i would like to get a stream with CMC showing us how a player report is actually worked down.

"hey guys today we streaming from our external callcenter who work the reports and support tickets. Im here with Mark Roy who works here for many years and Mark now shows you how he handles a report for inactivity in spvp".

"Hey guys its Mark, here you see my software tool, this is how i open the case and how I check what happened....   .... as you see we could find out this player went inactive after the first encounter and now I ban him for 3 month." 


i want to see how the cases are handled. because i beleive nothing happens at all. twice a year some anet admin closes all reports. thats it.

in a healthy ban system the same players wouldnt do the same kitten everyday several times.

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Posted (edited)


5 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

i would like to get a stream with CMC showing us how a player report is actually worked down.

"hey guys today we streaming from our external callcenter who work the reports and support tickets. Im here with Mark Roy who works here for many years and Mark now shows you how he handles a report for inactivity in spvp".

"Hey guys its Mark, here you see my software tool, this is how i open the case and how I check what happened....   .... as you see we could find out this player went inactive after the first encounter and now I ban him for 3 month." 


i want to see how the cases are handled.

or you write a bit of code that tracks your  inactivity at the player base and flags it, then removes the flag with a level of activity.  The main reason PVP struggles is bad behaviour that is that not punished, that results in a lower player base which any system including MMR cannot deal with.

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4 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:


or you write a bit of code that tracks your  inactivity at the player base and flags it, then removes the flag with a level of activity.  The main reason PVP struggles is bad behaviour that is that not punished, that results in a lower player base which any system including MMR cannot deal with.

yeah agree. but I want to see how they do it at the moment. I mean for what is the report function? who gets the report, how is the case checked and how is it dealt with.

I want to see it. I think they dont do anythig just close the cases every now and then. The report function is there so people believe something is done while its not.

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:


or you write a bit of code that tracks your  inactivity at the player base and flags it, then removes the flag with a level of activity.  The main reason PVP struggles is bad behaviour that is that not punished, that results in a lower player base which any system including MMR cannot deal with.

You got it so backwards man.. AFK is the end product of bad game design. Players who are enjoying a game don't fking afk.. use your brain.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

You got it so backwards man.. AFK is the end product of bad game design. Players who are enjoying a game don't fking afk.. use your brain.

EXACTLY.  Players not having fun should support their team then take a break (therefore not acting selfishly)  Also if losing makes you so  unhappy don't play PVP as you will lose 50% of games.  Read the definition of selfish, its not an insult its a behaviour.  

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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

EXACTLY.  Players not having fun should support their team then take a break (therefore not acting selfishly)  Also if losing makes you so  unhappy don't play PVP as you will lose 50% of games.  Read the definition of selfish, its not an insult its a behaviour.  

Youre a special case man. How do you support your team when the enemey have 3 players twise your skill level on fotm builds?  You say youve played the game 10 year was it? Was the game always this way? Or, has the MMR widened, has the game got power/sustain/mobility crept? etc..


15 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

Also if losing makes you so  unhappy don't play PVP as you will lose 50% of games.

Once again, if you are playing mostly for fun like you said, then winning does not matter, therefor afkers do not matter. You wan't to win.. and you see afkers as what is holding you back. Instead of asking why afk is so high (being farmed by players with twise their skill), you just call them all selfish and want them removed from the game. So pretty much, kill off the playerbase even more, rather than dealing with the MMR and giving people fairer games.


Again, youre a special case.

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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Youre a special case man. How do you support your team when the enemey have 3 players twise your skill level on fotm builds?  You say youve played the game 10 year was it? Was the game always this way? Or, has the MMR widened, has the game got power/sustain/mobility crept? etc..


Once again, if you are playing mostly for fun like you said, then winning does not matter, therefor afkers do not matter. You wan't to win.. and you see afkers as what is holding you back. Instead of asking why afk is so high (being farmed by players with twise their skill), you just call them all selfish and want them removed from the game. So pretty much, kill off the playerbase even more, rather than dealing with the MMR and giving people fairer games.


Again, youre a special case.

here is the scenario im taking about that im sure you have seen too.  Your in a fight, your team is quite a bit behind but you are not giving up and fighting to get back into the fight.. then 1 player goes afk because in their head they cant see the point of fighting. That player ruined the game for 4 other people right there as they now made it a 4v5 so now the team gets overwhelmed.  I'm also not a 'special case'  Because most people don't afk.


Question, you are in a team that's is well behind on points but thinks they could recover or at least make a fight of it, then a player AFK's, what do you think of the afk person that just ruined your teams opportunity to fight on?  

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

here is the scenario im taking about that im sure you have seen too.  Your in a fight, your team is quite a bit behind but you are not giving up and fighting to get back into the fight.. then 1 player goes afk because in their head they cant see the point of fighting. That player ruined the game for 4 other people right there as they now made it a 4v5 so now the team gets overwhelmed.  I'm also not a 'special case'  Because most people don't afk.


Question, you are in a team that's is well behind on points but thinks they could recover or at least make a fight of it, then a player AFK's, what do you think of the afk person that just ruined your teams opportunity to fight on?  

You seem unable to put yourself in the shoes of a player who just got destroyed 3 times in a row by a plat/high gold side noder.. or gets destroyed in seconds every time they step on mid by the likes of a gold3+ DH, even though they were blocking (you forget the complexity of this game for novice/average players). Gold3+ thieves also farm the fk out of lower skilled players, completely risk free, and so on.


If I see a player go afk on my team, or the enemys, I instantly say "fu Anet, your kitten poor MMR just ruined another game". The exact same thing I think when nobody goes afk, yet it is a land slide "fu Anet, another completely uncompetitive game". You got no idea how many times Ive went AFK on the winning team.. because slaughtering players with half my skill is NOT FUN AT ALL.


Does that not strike you as odd? I go afk often on winning side of a landslide, and my team still wins 4v5, slaughtering the enemy outside their spawn. You still wanne act like this skill gap has nothing to do with it?? It is the dominant reason for AFK.


The only AFK outside of that are deliberate throws, which are just not common at all onpeak. I play off peak also, where those bs type of tactics tend to happen, but I rarely see it. I can count on one hand in over 5000 games where ive seen obvious AFK throws. The more common thing are those morons who pick weak specs, then swap out to fotm.. which is a horrible tactic that will feed into all of the above points im making.

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52 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

You seem unable to put yourself in the shoes of a player who just got destroyed 3 times in a row by a plat/high gold side noder.. or gets destroyed in seconds every time they step on mid by the likes of a gold3+ DH, even though they were blocking (you forget the complexity of this game for novice/average players). Gold3+ thieves also farm the fk out of lower skilled players, completely risk free, and so on.


If I see a player go afk on my team, or the enemys, I instantly say "fu Anet, your kitten poor MMR just ruined another game". The exact same thing I think when nobody goes afk, yet it is a land slide "fu Anet, another completely uncompetitive game". You got no idea how many times Ive went AFK on the winning team.. because slaughtering players with half my skill is NOT FUN AT ALL.


Does that not strike you as odd? I go afk often on winning side of a landslide, and my team still wins 4v5, slaughtering the enemy outside their spawn. You still wanne act like this skill gap has nothing to do with it?? It is the dominant reason for AFK.


The only AFK outside of that are deliberate throws, which are just not common at all onpeak. I play off peak also, where those bs type of tactics tend to happen, but I rarely see it. I can count on one hand in over 5000 games where ive seen obvious AFK throws. The more common thing are those morons who pick weak specs, then swap out to fotm.. which is a horrible tactic that will feed into all of the above points im making.

lol try and unpack that outpouring of hate and elitism.  Lets agree to disagree, I think afkers should be punished, you don't, fair enough.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

lol try and unpack that outpouring of hate and elitism.  Lets agree to disagree, I think afkers should be punished, you don't, fair enough.

You are the one advocating punishments for people;  Hate

You are the one saying anybody who doesn't abide by YOUR moral perception of gaming are selfish; Elitism

You are accusing me of those things, when I am the one advocating fairer MMR which would reduce AFK withought penalising the mass playerbase, which means; You are also the one who is gaslighting


It seems you would rather have afkers banned, reducing the pop even more, widening the range, and ensuring bronze in plats games is a regular thing, snowballing yet more AFKs, more bans, dead game. Thats what will happen if you base the AFK fix on punishment, rather than encouragement.





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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

''You are the one advocating punishments for people;  Hate''



Dude, there is a system in every country called the law. You don't want the time, don't do the crime. Simple. 






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A poor attempt to cure a symptom, not the problem.

Sure, let's punish discouraged players even harder.

They'll either find a work around if they're determined enough, or just see the mode for the cesspit it is and leave altogether. And while I'm sure most of you will see the latter as a victory, PvP seems to have a problem retaining players, at least from what I've read around here.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Nilkemia.8507 said:

A poor attempt to cure a symptom, not the problem.

Sure, let's punish discouraged players even harder.

This is correct.  Instead of punishing people harder for not  wanting to play a lost game, a path to reward individuals on the team for their efforts should be devised.  The afkers do what they do in part because it affects their team (whether that is a spiteful reason or otherwise.) If you gave individuals a way to mitigate their teammate not pulling their weight, it would probably go farther to address the afking, because their rating loss would be largely due to their own input.

I'm still a fan of top stats mitigating rating loss.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Let's take the legendary Amulet as an example. (back when it was the only one) 

Takes 100 Season ranked game wins to get. 

I needed exactly 200 games. Perfect 50% win rate. 

This means 100 games were a waste of time. 

Let's say 15min per game with Q time. 

Thats 25 hours of wasted time. Time I didn't get anything. Just losing games. 

Ofcourse people do everything they can to shorten the time wasted. 

If it was something like 150 games played. That would be far better design. 

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Posted (edited)

Dang, i never expected to see Stalingrad's battle mentioned in a post about GW2 PvP, sadly, this is GW2, most of people just plays and keeps feeding without any change on tactics or paying any attention to targets.

If a comeback is rare to see, in GW2 PvP is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery rare.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Sure are a lot of people trying to justify why it's okay for them to afk while also decrying everyone else ruining the game

it certainly ain't altruistic.   I do like the idea suggested that Anet use Top stats linked to rank point gain as an incentive as a better positive approach.  Perhaps accumulating your score across all top stat categories then reward bonus points based on relative position (reward per team and reward across both teams) , in that way you don't have to 'win' at a top stats, you just need to contribute well.  That would actually hammer the AFKers, while giving motivation for others to continue.  

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

it certainly ain't altruistic.   I do like the idea suggested that Anet use Top stats linked to rank point gain as an incentive as a better positive approach.  Perhaps accumulating your score across all top stat categories then reward bonus points based on relative position (reward per team and reward across both teams) , in that way you don't have to 'win' at a top stats, you just need to contribute well.  That would actually hammer the AFKers, while giving motivation for others to continue.  

I can't help it sorry 😜 


Its very alturistic when the team with a plat duo take turns teabagging the enemy at spawn. I altrusitically stay in spawn so that my team mates who enjoy being teabagged, can test out multiple positions.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/2/2024 at 12:12 PM, Daenxi.4530 said:

everybody rushes out of the gates like its the 100M Olympic Dash to mid, you consider your chances to be pretty good and you engage if the enemy with confidence and ferocity. 

Indeed, like every pro necro i also use my spectral walk to be first in mid just to get insta jumped by 3-4 ppl and die without a stunbreak left. Then i stay afk in spawn flaming my team, that it did not back me up.  

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I can't help it sorry 😜 


Its very alturistic when the team with a plat duo take turns teabagging the enemy at spawn. I altrusitically stay in spawn so that my team mates who enjoy being teabagged, can test out multiple positions.

 This also tends to happen when 1 selfish player afks, meaning the team quickly gets ganked 4v5 with no hope of any fun fights, which ofc the AFKer delights in, they want a quick closure irrespective of what the other 4 players in the team want.

From a different perspective, do you think the AFKer should get the same rewards as the other players who did not give up? 

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

 This tends to happen when 1 selfish player afks, meaning the team quickly gets ganked 4v5 with no hope of any fun fights, which ofc the AFKer delights in, they want a quick closure irrespective of what the other 4 players in the team want.

From a different perspective, do you think the AFKer should get the same rewards as the other players who did not give up? 

And again, in my experiance players give up when their team gets destroyed 3x in a row during group fights. I have never seen people give up after losing the first group fight, ever. When players on the enemy team have gave up, I can very often see why.

The worse I ever seen was a guy on my team who refused to leave spawn from the start, becuase we had two thieves.


Ill answer your question with another, do you think plat players should be rewarded with titles for deliberately que didging and off-peak farming people with half their skill? I'd sooner ban those players than afkers.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

And again, in my experiance players give up when their team gets destroyed 3x in a row during group fights. I have never seen people give up after losing the first group fight, ever. When players on the enemy team have gave up, I can very often see why.

The worse I ever seen was a guy on my team who refused to leave spawn from the start, becuase we had two thieves.


Ill answer your question with my own, do you think plat players should be rewarded with titles for deliberately que didging and off-peak farming people with half their skill? I'd sooner ban those players than afkers.

Ofc not and again you are are conflating issues.  AFKing is clearly an issue in the game, and not the rose tinted view you have on AFKing, it happens every day for trivial reasons, all the time.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Bladestrom.6425 said:

Ofc not and again you are are conflating issues.  AFKing is clearly an issue in the game, and not the rose tinted view you have on AFKing, it happens every day for trivial reasons, all the time.

I told you before, I avg around 300 games per season (maybe more), I play on and off peak, and typically sit at around g3, where you consistantly see the widest MMR range in the same game, especially off peak. I'm not conflating anything, seing AFKers for no good reason is nowhere near as common as you are making out. When it happens it is clearly when that team has been destroyed mutliple times. There are people in my games that I have killed just auto attacking, and im only g3, wtf do you think a try hard plat is doing to such players?

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