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Easier Access for berserk mode

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I think there should be easier access for berserk mode.

Maybe rather than building up adrenaline to enter berserk, you can immediately enter berserk and adrenaline slowly drains and berserk utility helps slows down adrenaline drain, f1 ability does not consume adrenaline but instead just cool down.

Or a trait that allows you to do that.


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Just remove Adrenalin at this point. 

That would not even make Warrior overpowered. 

Even the ability to make Decapitated essentially an auto attack would not be Op. 

Given that 45k dps is the new norm. 

Warrior by itself is bad enough. 

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44 minutes ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

Headbutt, To the Limit! Signet of Fury - all give you 30 adrenaline.

Warrior: lowest playrate next to ele. Less then 3% total. For good reason. 

This is like telling the hungry child that there is a half eaten sandwich in the trash outside. 


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2 hours ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

Headbutt, To the Limit! Signet of Fury - all give you 30 adrenaline.

I know what you are saying, but at the same time adrenaline is the only resource mechanic that decays to nothing out of combat and warrior is the only profession unable to use their profession mechanic at the beginning of the fight.

They really could just remove adrenaline as a mechanic, make all burst their T3 version on an 8s CD and it would not result in an overpowered profession. They could remove adrenaline from all the traits and skills and open up design space for what to add there that is more meaningful.

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On 5/14/2024 at 11:44 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Warrior: lowest playrate next to ele. Less then 3% total. For good reason. 

This is like telling the hungry child that there is a half eaten sandwich in the trash outside. 


And where did you get that number from?
Because gw2efficiency's play rate stats as well as my own experience point to the contrary.
Warriors are played just like any other profession and according to that site are 4th most played profession which isn't dysmal by any standard.

As far as I'm concerned OP just has a learn 2 build/play issues.
Unless you use core burst for a good reason (like bigger cc on mace) a zerker just needs one good 30 adrenaline skill to enter Berserk.
Once there you only need 10 adrenaline for your primal bursts and it'll stay this way for majority of your combat time.

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23 minutes ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

And where did you get that number from?
Because gw2efficiency's play rate stats as well as my own experience point to the contrary.
Warriors are played just like any other profession and according to that site are 4th most played profession which isn't dysmal by any standard.

As far as I'm concerned OP just has a learn 2 build/play issues.
Unless you use core burst for a good reason (like bigger cc on mace) a zerker just needs one good 30 adrenaline skill to enter Berserk.
Once there you only need 10 adrenaline for your primal bursts and it'll stay this way for majority of your combat time.

GW2E is total hours played on each profession from the people that use it. Human Warrior is very popular for key running... Also, GW2E does not track current gameplay statistics, you have to grab the data at regular intervals on your own and calculate that by hand. Wingman however has play rates in raids, strikes, and FotM broken down by profession and elite spec including all time statistics since it began.  Wingman has all of Warrior at 5% for this patch in raids, about 3.5% in FotM, and 4.8% in strikes. It's somewhat of a three way tie for last place between Ele, Thief, and Warrior. If the professions were properly balanced relative to each other, each would have play rates of about 11% across all their specs combined.

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I don't have any adren issues personally. I'd just like to hit for upwards of 4.5k on glass amulets when i have to account for weakness, blind, aegis, and evasion before even pressing the button, when the balancing ambience seems to be allowing classes to hit for that amount if you're anywhere near them after they dodge.

Maybe getting more than a single stack of might for 5 seconds for my trouble would be a plus too. Not mandatory though, I know we're running a pretty lean power budget *clears throat*

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Posted (edited)

anything works at this point, gain 30 adrenaline and slowly drain, remove all primal burst adrenaline requirement


adrenaline system right now is a complete joke

they know this since spellbreaker, spellbreaker bypassed it best(among other warriors) by reducing adrenaline to only 10 and perma slotting discipline and loss aversion. but it's still perma locked into discipline.

while the new devs recently tried to bypass it for berserker by adding excessive amount of adrenaline into rage skills for pvp...but it's locking every build into rage skill.

as garbage as how they locked PVE berserker into rage skills by topping berserk duration into rage skills, but it's proven to be unfun and garbage, so they added it to a minor trait instead, and now pve berserker are back to perma signet...funny

i wonder why they refuse to give adrenaline trait to berserker, though not like it would be the best fix.


Edited by Lighter.5631
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Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 4:32 PM, StraightPath.3972 said:

And where did you get that number from?
Because gw2efficiency's play rate stats as well as my own experience point to the contrary.
Warriors are played just like any other profession and according to that site are 4th most played profession which isn't dysmal by any standard.

As far as I'm concerned OP just has a learn 2 build/play issues.
Unless you use core burst for a good reason (like bigger cc on mace) a zerker just needs one good 30 adrenaline skill to enter Berserk.
Once there you only need 10 adrenaline for your primal bursts and it'll stay this way for majority of your combat time.

just get in the game, or just go to gw2wingman which tho only tracks people who uploaded raid performance, warrior is still least played, (which is probably Lan based on, lower than ele by 3%, but that's raid runners only, the number would be even bigger in general plays)

in real every day scenario, warrior is even less played than that, just log in and count the time you see a warrior.

or just go to a wvw zerg party and count the number of warrior.

people on reddit have actually calculated recent playtime increase in a set time frame on GW2efficiency play time chart (multiple times), warrior is by far the least played class (everytime), that's why warrior got so many tweaks, but it really didn't matter at all, because it needs a fundamental rework.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Posted (edited)
On 5/15/2024 at 4:32 PM, StraightPath.3972 said:

And where did you get that number from?
Because gw2efficiency's play rate stats as well as my own experience point to the contrary.
Warriors are played just like any other profession and according to that site are 4th most played profession which isn't dysmal by any standard.

Lots of new players made warriors initially, but not many people stick with it recently for various reasons.

Lighter is correct. Gw2wingman reflects similar distributions per patch. We're fighting with ele for bottom spot currently (at least as far as raid viability goes). 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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40 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Lots of new players made warriors initially, but not many people stick with it recently for various reasons.

Lighter is correct. Gw2wingman reflects similar distributions per patch.

I know you play thief as well, but could you kindly take the dagger out of my heart and stop twisting it...

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I know you play thief as well, but could you kindly take the dagger out of my heart and stop twisting it...

my bad  😞 Just pointing out that the nice well presented bar on GW2 efficiency is tracking -all the playtime - across -all the professions (that chose to sign up for GW2efficiency)- for the life of the game, but not specifically how much people enjoy (or find usable enough to play) a certain class -right now-. That data set's different. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 5/15/2024 at 4:32 PM, StraightPath.3972 said:

And where did you get that number from?
Because gw2efficiency's play rate stats as well as my own experience point to the contrary.
Warriors are played just like any other profession and according to that site are 4th most played profession which isn't dysmal by any standard.

As far as I'm concerned OP just has a learn 2 build/play issues.
Unless you use core burst for a good reason (like bigger cc on mace) a zerker just needs one good 30 adrenaline skill to enter Berserk.
Once there you only need 10 adrenaline for your primal bursts and it'll stay this way for majority of your combat time.

Dev started the balance preview stream with "we are starting with warrior, which we are actually not deleting from the game"

even devs know, nobody plays this thing

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Buffing berserk access would be adressing a symtom of a different problem while also dumbing down the already easy to understand e-spec. The real problem is that certain warrior weapons (rifle and GS come to mind) have terrible adre generation on their own and if you're a casual player trying to make a build around such weapons, you'll have a bad time. Easy solution is improving these weapons and solve the issue at its core, since this really is a core warrior problem and not a berserker problem.

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