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New Fractal 100 Lonely Tower - NM Easy? - CM Too Hard? - Fat Discussion & Guide For Completing The CM

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54 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i'm sorry but if a group who normally runs cm96-98 (old cm's) daily has trouble clearing it on normal mode, maybe its a bit overtuned? yes, you can do it by class swapping, i think that a bit much since currently class swapping is optional even for 98 and 99, and just makes it faster.


having a fractal where you're required to play certain classes and builds to clear it doesn't seem like a good idea.


we finally found a strategy that works, which means basically not doing the mechanics at all. we bring healscourge and then all the ranged dps just stack in one spot while the healer collects all the orbs, and the damage-dealing players just push some buttons in a loop from maximum range. 😞

I don't disagree with your assessment.  But the fractal just came out.  People said the same things about Silent Surf and for most CM groups now there's no issue with that fractal other than it being kinda boring and repetitive.  Maybe with some practice and familiarity, developing better strategies, etc. this one will go the same way? 

Or maybe it's just terrible and encourages stacking ranged builds.  This game really has a tough time coming up with ideas that don't involve making everything more annoying on a melee build.

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Posted (edited)

The fractal just came out guys , a lot of ppl were complaining the game add pratically no difficult encounters and now there is too many ... guess we as players are never happy is a true statement.

it's a good thing they add huge hp bosses (maybe a bit too much for a normal t4) , i don't want a skorvald who can't even finish his speech before getting ripped in 5 secondes from 100% life to 66%.

What is sad it seems again focused on a range dps output with mobility , thus imply virtuoso once again , but as the nice guy who try to give you an explanation (and you all literally puke on his face ....) the fight is straightforward no deadly mechanics , the grab can easily be outhealed or superspeed it out , with mobility skills you can grab orbs pretty easily , shockwave  easy to avoid with a frontal dodge (a bit kitten as animation i think , as i needed to dodge way before the animation hits me) the arrows with a healscourge is easy to heal , but yeah you have to stack not run like a dead chicken everywhere , did it the first attempt with hscg and herald and one virtuoso , didn't remind what we had as other dpses , but yeah as many others we went down a lot , but hscg make it trivial, at least there seem to have no bugs like kannaxai had ..... for once a fight who do not favor hfb in fractals with aegis and stab overload.

yeah, bring the confused emotes ! i couldn't care less if those don't come with an explanation ! just to add more salt to the kittiness i will say "git gud !"


Edited by zeyeti.8347
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Posted (edited)

I want all those who criticized ANet or OP while ignoring what OP said here come back to this thread a couple of months from now, when most groups will clear this fractal with ease.

They will review their false statement of "my group is good but we couldn't kill. That's somehow the proof Anet did it wrong. It's not me, it's the game that needs to change" and realize their poor skills and their huge ego that prevents them from improving or learning new things.

Edited by Furball.1236
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6 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

The fractal just came out guys , a lot of ppl were complaining the game add pratically no difficult encounters and now there is too many ... guess we as players are never happy is a true statement.

it's a good thing they add huge hp bosses (maybe a bit too much for a normal t4) , i don't want a skorvald who can't even finish his speech before getting ripped in 5 secondes from 100% life to 66%.

What is sad it seems again focused on a range dps output with mobility , thus imply virtuoso once again , but as the nice guy who try to give you an explanation (and you all literally puke on his face ....) the fight is straightforward no deadly mechanics , the grab can easily be outhealed or superspeed it out , with mobility skills you can grab orbs pretty easily , shockwave  easy to avoid with a frontal dodge (a bit kitten as animation i think , as i needed to dodge way before the animation hits me) the arrows with a healscourge is easy to heal , but yeah you have to stack not run like a dead chicken everywhere , did it the first attempt with hscg and herald and one virtuoso , didn't remind what we had as other dpses , but yeah as many others we went down a lot , but hscg make it trivial, at least there seem to have no bugs like kannaxai had ..... for once a fight who do not favor hfb in fractals with aegis and stab overload.

yeah, bring the confused emotes ! i couldn't care less if those don't come with an explanation ! just to add more salt to the kittiness i will say "git gud !"


I mean, Sunqua CM doesnt require ANY stability either, but ppl on average like it far more than SS for multiple reasons.

SS CM is just incredibly boring in comparison, especially since skill expression was nerfed out of the numbers mechanic, I prefer boss does ACTUAL basic atk dmg but have Numbers be dodgable like on release, anyone who dodges badly SHOULD suffer dmg.
Aside from the Bundle Skill 1 Complaints being kinda skill issue, most of the other bug/design complaints are still valid to this day, like Tethers being wonky, the Add mechanics encouraging IGNORING it, high amount of spreads especially on 33-% CM being afk fests, the list goes on.

The new Fractal criticisms that dont discuss difficulty are valid as well, its not hard conceptually, just kinda yikes from other angles like lore and design, stuff like how the horn bros dont even talk when they machine gun fire dialogue in their own respective instances, no new dialogue acknowledging they are brothers, so much melee-hate, etc.

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Remember bleeding fire instability in sirens reef? The last time we needed an additonal healer to clear a fractal, it got nerfed. Rightfully so.

I don't even mind there being some mechanics you can pretty much ignore on normal mode, but this fight is just a stupid damage sponge.
It's so against what the older fractals did well: Reward better players with faster clears, especially in the lower tiers. Instead you once again get forced to do/ignore weird mechanics that artifically lengthen the encounter. Feels sluggish, feels frustrating.


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15 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:



I love Mukluk's "Get to the point" videos. But seeing that the GttP for the new fractal is almost 2 minutes longer than the longest raid GttP (7:30 vs 5:37) might be an indicator for... well, I don't know, not so great fractal design?  😬

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3 hours ago, Nash.2681 said:

I love Mukluk's "Get to the point" videos. But seeing that the GttP for the new fractal is almost 2 minutes longer than the longest raid GttP (7:30 vs 5:37) might be an indicator for... well, I don't know, not so great fractal design?  😬

Not new , kannaxai was coded like a strike , so does maybe this fractale too , eparch has maybe a bit too much health , but it get on my nerves when people complain about something being difficult after 2-3 days , let it cook dammit ! where is the fun if everything who is supposed to be difficult could be done in 1-2 trys , and with my guildies we made it in 4 trys day one an we are not super pros , so with some perseverance everyone could do it , but no pi ss babys wants everything immediately. 

i am shocked there is no rant about Umbriel the cm convergence bossfight , did the fight once and failed at 12% , but it's ok , the fight is lot of fun and actually challenging for a 50man organised squad , lots of things happening , very fun , gj anet on this one , make me eat my own words when i thought convergence would stay boring , a kannaxai on hormones who can trash a whole 50 ppl squad, love it ! this last patch had more endgame content i could think of , keep the track anet !

10 hours ago, Xainou.1502 said:

Remember bleeding fire instability in sirens reef? The last time we needed an additonal healer to clear a fractal, it got nerfed. Rightfully so.

I don't even mind there being some mechanics you can pretty much ignore on normal mode, but this fight is just a stupid damage sponge.
It's so against what the older fractals did well: Reward better players with faster clears, especially in the lower tiers. Instead you once again get forced to do/ignore weird mechanics that artifically lengthen the encounter. Feels sluggish, feels frustrating.


bring reflection and projectile destroyer , ez peasy ... every problem has his solution , i remind just the pigeons instability being straight nightmare , but bleed fire was ok , with 1-2 wall this instability get denied easily and i regret the "chill ground" making your char. going like a soap if you got too fast , that was funny as hell , dying from fall damage when no enemies around made us look pretty ridiculous , but i would laugh my *** out.

18 hours ago, Furball.1236 said:

I want all those who criticized ANet or OP while ignoring what OP said here come back to this thread a couple of months from now, when most groups will clear this fractal with ease.

They will review their false statement of "my group is good but we couldn't kill. That's somehow the proof Anet did it wrong. It's not me, it's the game that needs to change" and realize their poor skills and their huge ego that prevents them from improving or learning new things.

This s how it will end , kannaxai is pretty easily cleared now , but was full of bugs on release , this new 100 has no bugs to my knowledge, people just don't have any patience anymore.

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Posted (edited)

i think players aren't upset about it being too difficult, they're mostly upset about it (once again) not being a fractal, but a strike mission. there are massive, unresolvable differences between nightmare, shattered observatory and sunqua peak, compared to silent surf and lonely tower.


the fact that the lonely tower re-uses an entire premade map but players only do a few fights in like 10% of it is the main example of this.


i'll try to be quite clear about this, so its easy to understand: fractals are dungeons. just like with how raids were replaced with watered-down strike missions, they're doing the same thing with fractals except they aren't calling it something different like they did with raids. it's starting to feel really cheap that they can't seem to afford a basic story, the puzzles and mechanics are kind of haphazard, and they don't even use a significant part of a map that was already made.


i love fractals, and i've been running them at max tier for years on a daily basis (i'm a fractal goddess), but.. this isn't it. i'm sorry.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Not all difficulty is made equal.
This fractal - which is more of a strike mission than a fractal - is that bad kind of difficulty. The unrewarding, unmotivating, unimaginative kind of difficulty. This instance is difficult for all the wrong reasons: annoying visual clutter, annoying reused ad nauseum mechanics. While lasting way too much compared to what a Fractal is supposed to be. Then again this is more of a Strike Mission than a Fractal and thats where the problem radicates.

Easily the worse designed fractal right after Silent Surf. 
Hopefully they get the hint and stop going in this direction of making every boss overstay it's welcome. 

Is like you can smell the desperation of Anet to say they are "adding new content" to the game at every chance they get, nothing about this Strike Mission is "new content". 

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Posted (edited)

Let's be real. This fractal boss requires serious tuning to realistic damage that players can put out during intense encounters with plenty of mechs. I mean 10 million HP on 50(Tier 2) is unrealistic, unreasonable expectation from newbies, hell even more experienced players have difficulties in this place. Devs should seriously stop putting insane CC bars and insane HP on bosses mixed with HUGE amount of harming DPS to the players and expect us to have fun. Players barely making 2-6k due to the insane mechanics and the constant moving and dodging. I am not having fun when I am faced with that and a huge amount of the players are not happy either. Lets keep challenging content to the proper tiers and let's keep normal modes to casual play as it should be for all content. 


And you devs and level designers should sit and think more on what content you want to push out here because latest content is based on videos and builds with insane damage and veteran players over casual players with proper challenges.  Normal damage scale which casual players put out is between 10k and up to 18k not 40k, and definitely not 60k. During actual combat. And then there are those skilled players who put out between 20k and 27k usually. Again, not a 60k damage output or 40k. Actually, I have seen only one player so far who puts out nearly 40k almost all the time and I am playing all modes in game: metas, fractals (Normal and CMs), strikes (normal and CMs), raids (normal mostly), world bosses and others. 40k (Berserkers, Holosmiths usually), Mesmers reach the upper twenties together with Scourges, and a few others. 


Don't get my comment wrong though, challenge should be there but make it realistic and not so infuriating. 



Edited by The Ghost.3087
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"its not hard" proceed to post vid with 2 healers comp. 😂

it has same problem that silent surf, it is too long, boss isnt interesting in any way, he just nonstop spamming skills... its just boring.

anet needs to look back on older fractals and realize what made them fun, and it wasn't  40 000 000 hp.

fractal should be FAST 4-8 mins run and for some reason anet keep reinventing wheel and adds "interesting mechanics" like  "look away from the boss for 20 sec" or dont stand in 90% surface of the arena while boss have 4 mechanics.

from what i have seen in 100 CM this is insta skip for pug runs, it takes so insanely long and you must do WHOLE fractal for some reason with all trash mobs and consoles. (fact that this fractal have AFFICTED as bonus to those 50000 condi which you gona get thx to bad hitboxes is another proof that this is untested in any way and its gona be probably fixed/nerfed in comming months)

until that you gonna see ALOT of -100  in lfg

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Posted (edited)

I imagine the biggest reason why some feel the Eparch fight is like strike is due to its HP pool. However, I don't think Eparch's HP is too high, especially considering the DPS buffs we get from the orbs. It's been so long all the encounters end before the boss can even finish their dialog. For once, this is not the case.

Besides, while most  previous encounters had checks on heals, ccs, and mechanics, but very few had any DPS check. That's why the DPS role is usually mocked as a monkey role because they can semi-AFK and still get the minimum required job done. In this fight, DPS need to know how to deal good DPS. That's really it.--Same goes for the CM fight. Saying based on an experience as we killed it with the title.

All that said, I can imagine the fight can feel a bit repetitive after clearing it daily for weeks. I hope the encounter had more variety of combat mechanics as Ai, which was a wonderful example of a great fractal encounter. Still, the Eparch fight is a fun fractal fight which requires you to deal with multiple mechanics simultaneously and failing them is a quick death, which is very fractal-like and I think is fine.

Edited by Furball.1236
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Posted (edited)

Another untested, unfun, garbo release. Have you learned nothing from the clusterkitten that was silent surf?

It almost feels like you are fully intending to drive people away from the game at this stage,  by releasing kitten like this (both in NM and CM btw).

Here’s a novel idea: next time, let someone who has actually played through a single fractal design encounters.


Instant skip for the foreseeable future, from someone who’s has been leading a daily CM static for close to 5 years.

Edited by Xentera.4560
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21 minutes ago, Furball.1236 said:

I imagine the biggest reason why some feel the Eparch fight is like strike is due to its HP pool. However, I don't think Eparch's HP is too high, especially considering the DPS buffs we get from the orbs. It's been so long all the encounters end before the boss can even finish their dialog. For once, this is not the case.

Besides, while most  previous encounters had checks on heals, ccs, and mechanics, but very few had any DPS check. That's why the DPS role is usually mocked as a monkey role because they can semi-AFK and still get the minimum required job done. In this fight, DPS need to know how to deal good DPS. That's really it.--Same goes for the CM fight. Saying based on an experience as we killed it with the title.

All that said, I can imagine the fight can feel a bit repetitive after clearing it daily for weeks. I hope the encounter had more variety of combat mechanics as Ai, which was a wonderful example of a great fractal encounter. Still, the Eparch fight is a fun fractal fight which requires you to deal with multiple mechanics simultaneously and failing them is a quick death, which is very fractal-like and I think is fine.

If you killed without exploiting gluttony stacks to attack the Rifts directly and thus skipping the champions in between phases, a log, pov or description of the strat would definitely help people perceive the fractal differently. Also there is no dps race in CM either, and the overlapping cross with envy drops into vacuum spin attack is the strongest heal check we ever had by far in any fractal - the best groups don't even play healer in their old CMs+T4s routine.

The fight is also ridden with bugs at worst and oversights at best such as mobs remaining if you wipe during phase 66/33 and Eparch putting up CC bar to collect orbs before their spawning animation even finishes. The current state of the fight is undefendable and it's surprising someone with the title and therefore knowledge of the most prominent bugs would find it fun, or even claim failing the mechanics leads to a quick death - one issue in fact is how you can drag the fight to the bitter end  for 10+ mins with zero stacks only to lose at 66/33 due to capping Eparch's stacks (again, no group so far has shown quick phasing without the champion skip that we don't know whether is intended).

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8 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

If you killed without exploiting gluttony stacks to attack the Rifts directly and thus skipping the champions in between phases, a log, pov or description of the strat would definitely help people perceive the fractal differently. Also there is no dps race in CM either, and the overlapping cross with envy drops into vacuum spin attack is the strongest heal check we ever had by far in any fractal - the best groups don't even play healer in their old CMs+T4s routine.

The fight is also ridden with bugs at worst and oversights at best such as mobs remaining if you wipe during phase 66/33 and Eparch putting up CC bar to collect orbs before their spawning animation even finishes. The current state of the fight is undefendable and it's surprising someone with the title and therefore knowledge of the most prominent bugs would find it fun, or even claim failing the mechanics leads to a quick death - one issue in fact is how you can drag the fight to the bitter end  for 10+ mins with zero stacks only to lose at 66/33 due to capping Eparch's stacks (again, no group so far has shown quick phasing without the champion skip that we don't know whether is intended).

The glut orb mechanic on the rifts is only for the CM, so as far as for NM, I would still keep the same opinion.

Whether the glut orb's effect on rifts is a bug is debatable though. I don't see why it has to be a bug to intentionally collect glut orbs to deal with the rifts and that way is certainly more fun than just mindlessly attack the mobs. If ANet says this is a bug, then I would 100% agree with you that the HP of champs is way too high. We will see. As far as the HP pool I wrote above, I only talked about Eparch's HP (as I specified there).

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4 hours ago, Furball.1236 said:

Besides, while most  previous encounters had checks on heals, ccs, and mechanics, but very few had any DPS check.

clearly you have not done any fractals, let alone cm's in past year. heal checks? cc checks? what?

all 4 cm's (96-99) can be run by semi-competent group without any healer. for nightmare you only need some cc for last boss and stabi for first. healing is non issue unless you face-tank all dmg. shattered is easier in that regard as it requires even less healing, shorv/art cc-bars can be ignored and for Arkk you get SAK. Sunqua has little cc check on sorrows, but you can also pierce/aoe sorrows. Kanaxai is only place that requires some cleanse or else 20-30+torment will eat anyone.

also each of these fractals have soft-dps checks, you dont have enough dmg, face another mechanic (second round of meteors on AI, doom on Art, doom on Arkk, skorv running away - aoe from edge, dark Ai another round of sorrows etc.)

eparch on the other hand is complete opposite. there is 0 dps checks, fight is exactly the same from beggining to end, no enrage timer whatsoever. people were literally double healing it and you say it has dps check, lol...  eparch is the only fight with sort of "heal check" - he just throws so many aoe, its impossible to avoid it all.

4 hours ago, Furball.1236 said:

I imagine the biggest reason why some feel the Eparch fight is like strike is due to its HP pool. However, I don't think Eparch's HP is too high, especially considering the DPS buffs we get from the orbs.

also noone really complained about his hp, but all the silly mechanics, aoe's, boon-corrupt thats everywhere etc.    and essences doesnt provide you with much dps buff either, its negligible. not letting him eat envy is a lot more important.

so yeah, thats sums up your knowledge about cms

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

OP now has the CM point of view and I really want to see them defend this one 😞

Nah, I was defending normal 100. This thread was written before the CM release. The normal 100 really isn't a big deal guys. I've already gone over it as to why that is and made a simple video to show how to cheese 100 normal mode with a few simple swaps from usual meta. My opinion hasn't changed on normal 100.

100 CM on the other hand, is extremely difficult. Maybe a bit too difficult. I just got done training with a group of very experienced players with anywhere from 30k to 40k+ APs who are fractal gods & NA titles all that. We trained for like 4 hours tonight and we couldn't pull a clear. This is because if ONE thing goes wrong and he starts getting orbs at all, he becomes a nuclear powered Godzilla like beast that just destroys you and no amount of support can prevent it from happening.

The problem we were having, was solidly preventing him from absorbing orbs. We tried many methods of assigning certain colors to certain people who were running certain roles, and ultimately we found it to be kind of unrealistic to do. Because you just don't know where he's going to toss those orbs, and sometimes it's a bad idea to run all the way across the platform to get your color when you know it's going to force you into a lot of damage and away from your support, or if you are a support, it's putting you far away from the party so you can't support them. In this event other people have to pick up the colors when it's just convenient for them to do, and this presents many problems.

The orb mechanics seem to have a sloppy design. There just is no clean way of "figuring out how to run orb mechanics properly", At Arkk, we know to stand on different sides of the platform and only hit orbs clockwise, as example. All other fractal bosses have how to say... reliable mechanics, to where we can figure them out and they generally work the same way every time. But in 100 CM, these orbs are completely randomly spawned, and due to what I already explained, it makes dealing with orb mechanics feel as luck based as it is skill based. I do not feel that this is a good design.

The reason why fractals have been successful is due to the idea that "the content can be mastered". People can get very good and play with other good players, to reliably run the content for their daily pve fix + some good gold gain. The entire formula of previous fractal content that has allowed this to happen, is due to reliable mechanics, that can be mastered and ran smoothly. Even with something like original Siax release, which presented arguably the most difficult DPS check we've ever had in the game, it wasn't random at all. It was completely a skill/gear/build based check. Even though it was extremely difficult in those days, it wasn't random at all. Content added that begins to incorporate "dice throw mechanics" will completely screw up the formula here.

I think it's a really cool idea to make an end-game boss have dice throw mechanics. Let's say Balthazar was given some dice throw mechanics, to make sure the player has to fail a few times before completing the game's end story. This makes even the most elite players, feel like they had "a real end-game fight". But dice throw mechanics are only cool in that specific type of situation. When we are talking something like fractals, where people want to enjoy incorporating new content into their daily run, they want it to be practical for clear times. They like new difficult content! Don't get me wrong! But they want content that can be figured out and eventually mastered, so it can be incorporated into smooth daily clears. The way these Eparch Orb mechanics work now, it's too much dice throwing due to how much pressure is coming off that boss, and even people who get that title, will avoid this fractal completely because it will be impractical for the amount of time invested vs. the rewards involved. I want to state again, these kinds of mechanics are great for a stand alone one time challenge content, like let's say the Crown Pavilion cage fights. If this was something like Liadri where you're looking to do it once for an achievement and then move on, that'd be awesome. But for a fractal... it's not going to fit into the formula of daily reset runs and the content will be ignored if it stays as is.

I'll tell you what we were running and why:

  1. aheal scourge - obvious reasons
  2. heal druid - you swap ancestral grace to lingering light so you heal more, let your scourge deal with alac - then you also swap normal traits to druidic clarity and celestial shadow - this is because the extra aoe condi clear is more important in this encounter than the usual heal, and come to find out, when you stealth vs. eparch's pull, it magically allows you to walk out of it with no resistance - so the druid CS aoe stealth allows the party extremely easy escape from the pull and a boost of super speed to boot, which allows them a moment to quickly scatter and grab orbs
  3. qdps chrono - brings blink
  4.  we tried having a guy run scourge dps who was trying to use the method explained in this video -> Eparch Literally Deletes himself in Fractal 100 | GW2 Guide 2024 - YouTube He was also bringing sandwell for a port.
  5. and of course we were pumping the condi virt + blink

Even with a group of experienced players running a comp like this ^ and after 4 hours of training, we still couldn't pull a clear. I'm not even going to point fingers and say who's fault it was, because honestly, it's the randomness of the orb spawns that makes this encounter extremely difficult. Also with that randomness comes these overlapping phases. He'll start his orb absorb phase before the orbs are even done spawning and there simply isn't enough time to grab the orbs before he does or CC him before he grabs orbs. It's like uuuuh how to say... feels like a cheap gut punch or something. The orbs should always finish spawning before he goes into that phase. It's just a low blow to design the mechanics like this.

Oh also, I don't know if it's intended or a bug, but you can essentially skip the split phase with rifts by stacking orange and for some reason it allows you to destroy rifts directly. If you don't use this method, I'm not sure it's possible to survive Eparch when he reappears. If you don't use this method, Eparch reappears with like 20+ stacks every color and immediately GGs you. So again, whether it's intended or a bug, pretty sure you have to stack orange to do this.

AND we noticed that he likes to always target consumed vs. the person with the highest armor. So maybe there is a way to utilize that.

Regardless, I'm sure I'll find a group where we will pull a deathless complete and get our titles, probably within the next couple of days. But it's going to be a big dice throw, and I guarantee not a single person involved will want to go back and do it again. It's just too dice throwish and doesn't fit into the successful fractal formula. The extreme majority of even elite players will view this fractal CM, maybe even the normal mode, as an unnecessary gamble of time that isn't worth the reward.

6 hours ago, Xentera.4560 said:

Another untested, unfun, garbo release. Have you learned nothing from the clusterkitten that was silent surf?

If you ran nightly CMs you'd realize that Silent Surf is actually the 2nd easiest CM to complete, Nightmare being the 1st.

Once players get very experienced and run together, you'll notice that these groups easily complete Silent Surf without any hiccups. But they'll see downstates & even deaths against something like MAMA if they move wrong, or other various CM bosses. It's true.

6 hours ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

The fight is also ridden with bugs at worst and oversights at best such as mobs remaining if you wipe during phase 66/33 and Eparch putting up CC bar to collect orbs before their spawning animation even finishes. The current state of the fight is undefendable and it's surprising someone with the title and therefore knowledge of the most prominent bugs would find it fun, or even claim failing the mechanics leads to a quick death - one issue in fact is how you can drag the fight to the bitter end  for 10+ mins with zero stacks only to lose at 66/33 due to capping Eparch's stacks (again, no group so far has shown quick phasing without the champion skip that we don't know whether is intended).

Completely agree ^

I'm actually not sure it's even possible to deal with Eparch if you don't stack orange for direct rift kills.

5 hours ago, Furball.1236 said:

The glut orb mechanic on the rifts is only for the CM, so as far as for NM, I would still keep the same opinion.

Whether the glut orb's effect on rifts is a bug is debatable though. I don't see why it has to be a bug to intentionally collect glut orbs to deal with the rifts and that way is certainly more fun than just mindlessly attack the mobs. If ANet says this is a bug, then I would 100% agree with you that the HP of champs is way too high. We will see. As far as the HP pool I wrote above, I only talked about Eparch's HP (as I specified there).

The HP of the champs isn't the problem. It's that if you have to fight the champs, for some reason Eparch comes back after them with like 20+ stacks of everything and it's way way way too much pressure. Feels like if you tried to load into a lv 80 arah explorable path as a level 20 wearing masterwork gear or something. People just start immediately dropping when he comes back with all those stacks.


All in all I can say that I love a good challenge. And HONESTLY I've been having a lot of fun figuring out how to beat 100 CM. I'm not even mad. HOWEVER, once I get the title from it, I'll never go in there again, that's for kitten sure.

This ^ is what Arenanet needs to consider, that like 99% of the player base is going to feel that way about this fractal CM for sure.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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 @Trevor Boyer.6524 you said that the 'dice roll' element is problematic/not good design the way it's implemented in 100CM. It's the exact same in nm 100.
Lonely Tower is not "good". The boss encounter is a mess of a design, and poorly put together for 5man fractal content. Similar to Silent Surf in that regard.
I agree it's not that hard on normal, but I don't think the difficulty is what makes people not want to do it. It's simply not fun once the fun of figuring it out has worn off. 


once I get the title from it, I'll never go in there again

Pretty sure many people feel this way about normal 100 or even in t1-3. Once they got the achievements, they would rather skip than slog through it for the same rewards

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9 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

clearly you have not done any fractals, let alone cm's in past year. heal checks? cc checks? what?

all 4 cm's (96-99) can be run by semi-competent group without any healer. for nightmare you only need some cc for last boss and stabi for first. healing is non issue unless you face-tank all dmg. shattered is easier in that regard as it requires even less healing, shorv/art cc-bars can be ignored and for Arkk you get SAK. Sunqua has little cc check on sorrows, but you can also pierce/aoe sorrows. Kanaxai is only place that requires some cleanse or else 20-30+torment will eat anyone.

also each of these fractals have soft-dps checks, you dont have enough dmg, face another mechanic (second round of meteors on AI, doom on Art, doom on Arkk, skorv running away - aoe from edge, dark Ai another round of sorrows etc.)

eparch on the other hand is complete opposite. there is 0 dps checks, fight is exactly the same from beggining to end, no enrage timer whatsoever. people were literally double healing it and you say it has dps check, lol...  eparch is the only fight with sort of "heal check" - he just throws so many aoe, its impossible to avoid it all.

also noone really complained about his hp, but all the silly mechanics, aoe's, boon-corrupt thats everywhere etc.    and essences doesnt provide you with much dps buff either, its negligible. not letting him eat envy is a lot more important.

so yeah, thats sums up your knowledge about cms

idc what you call the issue you have because you're a bad DPS. Since it makes the encounter unplayable for you, I call it a failed DPS check for you. ofc there's need for cc and heals in 96-99. Cool you play with no healer. You don't need 2 heals for 100 either. I'm surprised you still couldn't figure it out.

Sorry you can't accept the fact someone who cleared the new cm didn't find the same problem as you are

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9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

If you ran nightly CMs you'd realize that Silent Surf is actually the 2nd easiest CM to complete, Nightmare being the 1st.

Once players get very experienced and run together, you'll notice that these groups easily complete Silent Surf without any hiccups. But they'll see downstates & even deaths against something like MAMA if they move wrong, or other various CM bosses. It's true.


Ah, I see you have created a delightful strawman! It is always fun debating things I never actually said.

Show me where in my post did I mention anything about Silent Surf being difficult. If you were around when Silent Surf CM was released,  you would understand that I was actually alluding to the buggy mess it was on release. And how poorly received it was at that time.

It is refreshing to see your creativity at work, even if it means avoiding my actual argument.



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1 hour ago, Xentera.4560 said:

Ah, I see you have created a delightful strawman! It is always fun debating things I never actually said.

Show me where in my post did I mention anything about Silent Surf being difficult. If you were around when Silent Surf CM was released,  you would understand that I was actually alluding to the buggy mess it was on release. And how poorly received it was at that time.

It is refreshing to see your creativity at work, even if it means avoiding my actual argument.



What happened here is you misunderstood the nature of my response, and in your completely aggressive/defensive forum stature, you assumed I must be attacking you with some kind of Joker/Riddler like scheme to twist up your words and use every logical fallacy possible to make you look dumb because I care that much to devote all my focus to a single random person's small response.

Look man, all I did was point out that Silent Surf CM ended up being easy in the end. This was to give you the social queue that:

  1. It's not worth complaining about because it's so easy. It's the 2nd easiest next to nightmare being the 1st easiest.
  2. And it is in no way comparable to 100 CM, neither mechanically and certainly not in sheer difficulty.

Chill out dude.


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  • Trevor Boyer.6524 changed the title to New Fractal 100 Lonely Tower - NM Easy? - CM Too Hard? - Fat Discussion
52 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

What happened here is you misunderstood the nature of my response, and in your completely aggressive/defensive forum stature, you assumed I must be attacking you with some kind of Joker/Riddler like scheme to twist up your words and use every logical fallacy possible to make you look dumb because I care that much to devote all my focus to a single random person's small response.

Look man, all I did was point out that Silent Surf CM ended up being easy in the end. This was to give you the social queue that:

  1. It's not worth complaining about because it's so easy. It's the 2nd easiest next to nightmare being the 1st easiest.
  2. And it is in no way comparable to 100 CM, neither mechanically and certainly not in sheer difficulty.

Chill out dude.


Ok try again, in English this time, and go ahead and show me where I actually said Silent Surf was hard.

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