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So... Why is Warrior the only class never allowed to have a meta build for more than one patch?

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Everyone constantly complains about warrior when it finally gets a single useful build.

Warrior is objectively the worst class in the game and the most ignored/hated by Anet.

Meanwhile willbender, necromancer, etc. are disgustingly broken and nobody complains.

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Cause warr is a noob stomper class. Every time its meta it stomps everywhere in higher and lower Divisions xp. And the "noobs" can't Play right against it so everyone is crying hard when its meta (or even near it)

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Posted (edited)

btw warrior is the only class that's meta for 1-2 month and completely disappear for the next 2-3 years every time since 2012

and was meta for a maximum of 8 months total for 12 years of GW2 and every time, it's a side noder.

it was meta like 1 time as a role that's not a side noder(healer) for like 1 months a few years ago and that's it, it's just pure statistic btw.

and like Myror said, many times warrior gets more complains when being "almost" meta than all the meta mAT builds and get nerfed faster for it without being played in mAT.

somehow classes like rev and many others get complains 2-3 months after being meta, while warrior starts to get complains the moment it just starts to get close to meta.

also i can count the number of meta warrior builds with one hand. gs/dagger spellbreaker was played for straight up 5 years before EoD, thief had more diversity of meta builds in 1 year than warrior had since release.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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warrior being the best sidenoder since the defense rework except for a short period of time when druid beat it (and everything else, because druid was overtuned)

still not enough, the perpetual victim class players are still stuck in the late-PoF years

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1 hour ago, Lighter.5631 said:


somehow classes like rev and many others get complains 2-3 months after being meta, while warrior starts to get complains the moment it just starts to get close to meta.


We also hold the record for one of the faster nerfs. Vindi dodge when it went from 1 to 2, in less then 1 hour it got nerfed after that patch 😅

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

We also hold the record for one of the faster nerfs. Vindi dodge when it went from 1 to 2, in less then 1 hour it got nerfed after that patch 😅

and? many classes got unintended OP gimmick after patch, like that deadey bundle 15k+ one shot from stealth, or the pet that does 20k ,the list go on, that got hot fixed.

i'm just talking in general, funnily enough, warrior never got any unintended OP gimmick from any changes that deserve a hot fix ever.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

warrior being the best sidenoder since the defense rework except for a short period of time when druid beat it (and everything else, because druid was overtuned)

still not enough, the perpetual victim class players are still stuck in the late-PoF years

of course its easy for rev to say, when they are in 85% of all meta with more diverse builds and roles than warrior even with the least customization possible.

(inb4 all my highest pvp achievements are done on rev and thief, because they do have it easy, it's easy to compete when you are perma meta)

it's fine in actual competitive matches like AT, but it's worse in ranked, where is dominated by roamers, when side node rely heavily on having actual teammate being stuck on side node only is not a boon, that's why all the top duoq runs DPS.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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3 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

of course its easy for rev to say, when they are in 85% of all meta with more diverse builds and roles than warrior even with the least customization possible.

i literally finished the season before the zerk rework in the top 50 as condi zerk, when it was considered one of the worst specs in the game
it ain't been bad since then

and in what world is it easy for someone who only plays renegade to say? how long has it been an actual good spec over this game's lifetime? it's certainly much less time than czerk, bsw, or spellbreaker had.

you wanna talk about how it doesn't get to play other roles, that's great, they SHOULD have reworked zerk to be a teamfighting spec instead of another sidenoder
but to pretend like warrior's only been meta for 8 months, that it hasn't been a meta sidenoder for most of the time since oct 2022 is absolutely delusional

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

i literally finished the season before the zerk rework in the top 50 as condi zerk, when it was considered one of the worst specs in the game

i got top50 with a naked rev before.



7 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

and in what world is it easy for someone who only plays renegade to say?

also elite specialization only main doesn't deserve to have opinion on anything..thnn i'm 5 signet warrior only main, i'm off hand mace main. i'm rifle/long bow main, that's truly challenging, it might blow your mind compare to renegade

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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

'm just talking in general, funnily enough, warrior never got any unintended OP gimmick from any changes that deserve a hot fix ever.

well... you are not exactly wrong... according to anet, this is right.

but in my books, the "akeem relic <->skullgrinder" interaction should have been hotfix nerfed the second it went live.

Warrior turning into a mirror with Aegis, also comes to mind.  

But yeah..... absolutely no gimmicks for warrior...../s

Edited by Sahne.6950
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8 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

also elite specialization only main doesn't deserve to have opinion on anything..thnn i'm 5 signet warrior only main, i'm off hand mace main. i'm rifle/long bow main, that's truly challenging, it might blow your mind compare to renegade

Yeah, they are actually bad. Rifle's been bad for a long time. Nobody denies that.
Take the best possible build an elite spec can run, warrior's have been preeeeetty dang good for quite a while. Even now after a billion nerfs, Czerk isn't awful.

Warrior isn't keeping the OP, you, or anyone else from accomplishing the rating they want and hasn't for years. Heck if anything it's given a lot of people rating they didn't deserve multiple times since EoD.

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12 minutes ago, Lighter.5631 said:

i got top50 with a naked rev before.


Like in no amulet, runes, sigils and weapons even?

You must have been extremely lucky/carried by a good duo partner to accomplish that lol. Even with the best in outrotating under these conditions it is still a 4v5 for the team bc of that.

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1 minute ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Just saying, rev doesn't holds it long either 

like i said, unintended OP gimmick hotfixes is not the same as regular balancing, regular meta build revs build will start to get complain after 3-4 months of meta and get nerfed out of meta after 5 months-1 year, that's the regular pattern, but before that, a new meta build will be born. which is not the case for warrior, generally speaking warrior has a meta down time of 2 years+ at a time and a meta up time of 1-2 months.

have to admit recently warrior meta up time has been the highest for the first time in 12 years, but still lacks in diversity in terms of build/role compared to every class else.

it is almost the first time in 4 years, warrior get to have 2 playable good build (even being non-meta) the last year it happened was 2020, having spb side node and spb healer and that lasted 1 month.

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3 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

It's not meta.

Its the closes thing to a meta build that Warrior has, the fact that its the only viable power build in PvP isnt shocking considering its essentially core warrior but better in all aspects. 
It has built in defences that warrior as a profession desperately needs in PvP.

Just now, Sahne.6950 said:

well... you are not exactly wrong... according to anet, this is right.

but in my books, the "akeem relic <->skullgrinder" interaction should have been hotfix nerfed the second it went live.

The major issue for warriors (Not exclusivley a warrior issue btw) more then anything else is that viable builds constantly get non viable builds nerfed by core mechanics getting gutted.

The condi zerker build (which is boring as kitten to play) people were abusing could have been easily fixed by removing one stack of confusion from the Skullgrinder primal in PvP, would have made the Akeem spam much less viable.
Instead they nerfed survivability traits in the Zerker line which indirectly made power zerker much less viable. Its constantly a "death from a thousand cuts" kind of situation from a crossfire of nerfs going on.

The warrior community is under the assumption, not without merit, that the devs generally dont care about warrior as a profession. This is because the solution would have been obvious to any normal player but ANET goes out of their way to buff and nerf things that leaves the entire community scratching their heads, wondering if anyone in the balance team even touches the profession for more then 10 minutes before the patch is announced.

Its why we are so vocal about this.

6 minutes ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Just saying, rev doesn't holds it long either 

What is ANET even trying to do with Revs at this point, ya'll get a rework every patch and its getting difficult to keep up.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

get non viable builds nerfed by core mechanics

may i introduce you to what Catalyst did to elementalist as a whole?

Every profession suffers from this.  This is by no means warrior exclusive....  This is ANET.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

well... you are not exactly wrong... according to anet, this is right.

but in my books, the "akeem relic <->skullgrinder" interaction should have been hotfix nerfed the second it went live.

Warrior turning into a mirror with Aegis, also comes to mind.  

But yeah..... absolutely no gimmicks for warrior...../s

unintended op gimmick that requires hot fix, unless you are saying akeem is equal to vindic dodge on release or 15k stealth bundle one shot or 20k pet one shot.

there's literally many gimmick for literally every class, i'm saying the gimmicks that require hot fix or the game will be destroyed,

clearly, akeem is not and is still in the game and is not even meta, nor aegis reflect. and none of these are played in the last warrior meta build, so you are so wrong.

so is blink/teleport, stealth, instant casts. biggest gimmicks of all. if you really want to start to talk about every gimmick that ever existed.

clearly, unintended op gimmick due to changes is not the same as the usual gimmicks

now you broad it up, what's funny is that the warrior "gimmick" you listed only started to manifest recently, while teleport/stealth/instant casts/blind spam/pets existed since the beginning of time.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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8 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

may i introduce you to what Catalyst did to elementalist as a whole? 😄

Every profession suffers from this.

"(Not exclusivley a warrior issue btw) "

21 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Yeah, they are actually bad. Rifle's been bad for a long time. Nobody denies that.

This fact hurts me spiritually considering its my favorite weapon in PvP. The full signet build is the last bastion of fun I have with blowing people up with a double Gunflame nuke.
I get a cold sweat every patch waiting for its nerf, even if it is the only good ability that rifle still has im sure they only need one balance dev getting nuked one too many times. Im still convinced its what happened to Arc Divider and I'll stand by that until im irrefutably proven to be wrong.

That Gunflame got nerfed in WvW still makes me salty.

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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:


Warrior isn't keeping the OP, you, or anyone else from accomplishing the rating they want and hasn't for years. Heck if anything it's given a lot of people rating they didn't deserve multiple times since EoD.

Half true, depends on your rating. it did give a lot of free rating if your rating is low, as the class is noob stomper, basically free wins against anything that's worse than bot aka below gold 3

then after certain rating, it will start cutting, there's a reason why 0 duoq uses warrior to get to top10, or even top20, the last one happened like 4 years ago and only because the dude had a top roamer. many classes can/have get to top 25+ solo, but that does not happen with warrior.

just like how you said warrior give free rating to people(who are low rating), why it can't be said the same when clearly other classes are easier to abuse and steam roll noobs when played on a higher level. so why those ratings can not be called to be given as well?

Edited by Lighter.5631
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53 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:



What is ANET even trying to do with Revs at this point, ya'll get a rework every patch and its getting difficult to keep up.

"Trying" to make renegade work 😅.

Meanwhile scepter on rev is a mess mechanicall wise how it works and coefficent number wise too. Some other weapons like staff and so on need to get a look in too.

And so on them not targeting what needs looked in that it works better 😅 (not talking about "eyyy buff this number wise up that it is good").

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

We also hold the record for one of the faster nerfs. Vindi dodge when it went from 1 to 2, in less then 1 hour it got nerfed after that patch 😅

Going from 1 dodge to 2 and not having the traits divided by 2 was a bug which is why it was a bugfix (as noted in the patchnote) and not a patch…

The fastest was after the 2020 patch(February 25). The dev said "We know there are a lot of changes, we will monitor them. Please do not panic because we will wait a few weeks to see how it goes". The next day (and for months) the forums are on fire about hybrid builds like tempest and firebrand.

Meanwhile anet after 3 weeks makes a patch only nerfing 1 profession. Soulbeast. Even with the more frequent patches we have now this would be an anomaly but at the time when it was every 3months it was mind boggling (even more just for 1 profession nobody was concerned about if you read the forums at the time). 

Edited by aymnad.9023
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