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Feedback: Don't release GW3 in future | Slow down with Expansion release and...

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1 hour ago, Magmi.6723 said:

you believe gw2 does the best open world of mmorpgs, yet think it’s so bad it requires the entire devs resources to improve, it’s such a lopsided view that it can rly only be. Seething bias. 

I think last two expansions have been bad, the lack of staff and resources showing. 
Not only the entire dev resources are needed to improve it, you missing the point entirely. Open World content is the only thing that Guild Wars 2 offers that is distinct from the rest of the titles in the genre.

No one is dropping XIV or WoW raids for Guild Wars 2 raids.
No one is dropping games with actual hardcore PvP, WoW included, for Guild Wars 2 PvP.

Dungeons? Fractals? Strikes? They are nothing compared to any other game in the genre is offering in terms of instanced content, specially the last 2 fractals/strikes, you really cannot diferentiate them anymore.


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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

So living is infact pay to lose then?

Since you get older have more troubles/inconveinences to do stuff in general let alone in games.

Great view of life mate I hope I never start to view it like that.

If you recluse yourself in your little bubble, yeah, you won't.
Might be a little surprised when reality checks on you tho, eventually. 

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39 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

I think last two expansions have been bad, the lack of staff and resources showing. 
Not only the entire dev resources are needed to improve it, you missing the point entirely. Open World content is the only thing that Guild Wars 2 offers that is distinct from the rest of the titles in the genre.

No one is dropping XIV or WoW raids for Guild Wars 2 raids.
No one is dropping games with actual hardcore PvP, WoW included, for Guild Wars 2 PvP.

Dungeons? Fractals? Strikes? They are nothing compared to any other game in the genre is offering in terms of instanced content, specially the last 2 fractals/strikes, you really cannot diferentiate them anymore.


Stop trying to blame something specifically. 

no ones dropping xiv or WoW for anything in gw2 that is the blatant truth lol, ironically I know WoW players who exclusively play open world content yet wouldn’t even consider this game. 

the game is perceived as dead by the vast majority, and most casual players look towards collections and more, something this game doesn’t have due to its cash model. 

Open worlds distinct, it’s 90% players who afk near the event leaching rewards while not playing, and 10% trying to carry those players to get your event done. It isn’t distinct lol

and you missed one other huge distinction that a lot of people bring up.

its combat system. Which by the way plays hand in hand with competitive game modes raids and fractals. 

Open world content is simply made so simple and easy, it lacks the ability to challenge that. And if it was made the only game mode in the game, the game would die tomorrow lol. You want to boil the game down to a afk simulator for free rewards. I could leave gw2 running in the background and do that.

your trying to remove game modes which cost 0 resources, for the sake of it. The idea you think PvP raids or fractals are ripping any meaningful resources from open world is absurd. 

PvP hasn’t taken any development time in a decade… lol, raids haven’t taken any development time in 5 years.. 

you lack understanding and can’t see this. These game modes aren’t taking away development time from open world content, and open world content isn’t “bad” because of them. 

the reason your seeing expansions become “worse” is simply because the game is making less and less money, so the games budget is shrinking further and further. Open world content can’t carry a mmorpg. There aren’t enough people in the genre who play mmorpgs for story to float the game.

the games design physically off puts the same audience in you proclaim people play the game for. Go look at WoW or ffxiv look at what casual players who do open world content do.

they farm mounts

they farm gold

they farm aesthetical collections. 

all the things GW2 doesn’t offer, all mounts and aesthetics are BOUGHT there’s nothing in this game for a open world player to farm lol.

gw2s true success, is its combat mechanics which can only thrive if content exists to challenge it. But everything’s gonna suffer if gw2 can’t generate the income to support it. lol,

the reason they’ve moved to 1 year expansions is to double the income they make annually your paying double the box price every 2 years now. They’re trying to increase the income generation of the game. While you actively wanna narrow the player base that engages with it 

the games peak era, was the era it was solely focused on PvP content, core game was far more popular then any of its expansions achieved. So the idea you think these game modes can’t be successful is wild

Edited by Magmi.6723
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59 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Stop trying to blame something specifically. 

no ones dropping xiv or WoW for anything in gw2 that is the blatant truth lol, ironically I know WoW players who exclusively play open world content yet wouldn’t even consider this game. 

the game is perceived as dead by the vast majority, and most casual players look towards collections and more, something this game doesn’t have due to its cash model. 

Open worlds distinct, it’s 90% players who afk near the event leaching rewards while not playing, and 10% trying to carry those players to get your event done. It isn’t distinct lol

and you missed one other huge distinction that a lot of people bring up.

its combat system. Which by the way plays hand in hand with competitive game modes raids and fractals. 

Open world content is simply made so simple and easy, it lacks the ability to challenge that. And if it was made the only game mode in the game, the game would die tomorrow lol. You want to boil the game down to a afk simulator for free rewards. I could leave gw2 running in the background and do that.

your trying to remove game modes which cost 0 resources, for the sake of it. The idea you think PvP raids or fractals are ripping any meaningful resources from open world is absurd. 

PvP hasn’t taken any development time in a decade… lol, raids haven’t taken any development time in 5 years.. 

you lack understanding and can’t see this. These game modes aren’t taking away development time from open world content, and open world content isn’t “bad” because of them. 

the reason your seeing expansions become “worse” is simply because the game is making less and less money, so the games budget is shrinking further and further. Open world content can’t carry a mmorpg. There aren’t enough people in the genre who play mmorpgs for story to float the game.

the games design physically off puts the same audience in you proclaim people play the game for. Go look at WoW or ffxiv look at what casual players who do open world content do.

they farm mounts

they farm gold

they farm aesthetical collections. 

all the things GW2 doesn’t offer, all mounts and aesthetics are BOUGHT there’s nothing in this game for a open world player to farm lol.

gw2s true success, is its combat mechanics which can only thrive if content exists to challenge it. But everything’s gonna suffer if gw2 can’t generate the income to support it. lol,

the reason they’ve moved to 1 year expansions is to double the income they make annually your paying double the box price every 2 years now. They’re trying to increase the income generation of the game. While you actively wanna narrow the player base that engages with it 

the games peak era, was the era it was solely focused on PvP content, core game was far more popular then any of its expansions achieved. So the idea you think these game modes can’t be successful is wild

You had me until the very last line the game almost die due to their sole focus on spvp mate.

There is a reason it get so little attention after the huge wad of cash they blew to try and make it into an esports.

It was the peak because alot of people bought and tried it to never login again.

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13 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

No, is an objective fact that is pay to win.
You can pay for tons of convinence, progress, performance.

Thats not on my mind, not on my terms, thats the reality of the issue and the business model on which NCSoft runs.

You might want to belive it is otherwise.
But if i can purchase a booster to level 80 or inventory space or a set of fashion or a legendary weapon, the game is objectively pay 2 win. Independetly that YOU don't consider that winning, but thats your own tale and imagination at work, is okay if you like Pay 2 Win games too, just say it out loud... After all there is nothing wrong with it yes? 

Defining paying for fashion or convenience items as pay2win is really, really stretching the definition of that term and I've never seen that loose of a definition used by anyone else in an MMO. Most games I would label P2W directy give better weapons/armor with better stats solely available through cash payments only. GW2 does not do this, which is a big part of its appeal. I've paid only for the expacs in GW2 and have never felt that it is pay 2 win in any sense. Unless your goal is to speedrun through the content as fast as possible and collect every possible skin faster than everyone else for some reason (Mine definitely isn't and I doubt many players' is), there actually isn't that much you can't obtain in GW2 (other than the expacs) without just using gold obtained by playing the game normally.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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2 hours ago, Poormany.4507 said:

Defining paying for fashion or convenience items as pay2win is really, really stretching the definition of that term and I've never seen that strict of a definition used by anyone else in an MMO. Most games I would label P2W directy give better weapons/armor with better stats solely available through cash payments only

All that is false.

P2W is just having anything be purchasable that means an advantage in anykind of way or form over a non-payer player. If you can get something easier, faster, stronger than a non-payer, is P2W.

What you are doing is just blurrying the meaning of P2W so you can say the game is not, because deepdown you know is objectively, morally and ethically wrong for it to be pay2win, so you come up with euphemism like "pay 2 progress" or "pay for convinience". Those are just smoke and mirrors, Guild Wars 2 is a Pay 2 Win game and NCSoft wouldn't have it otherwise.


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1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

All that is false.

P2W is just having anything be purchasable that means an advantage in anykind of way or form over a non-payer player. If you can get something easier, faster, stronger than a non-payer, is P2W.

What you are doing is just blurrying the meaning of P2W so you can say the game is not, because deepdown you know is objectively, morally and ethically wrong for it to be pay2win, so you come up with euphemism like "pay 2 progress" or "pay for convinience". Those are just smoke and mirrors, Guild Wars 2 is a Pay 2 Win game and NCSoft wouldn't have it otherwise.


Your definition of p2w is so broad that it have lost its meaning mate.

What in the gemstore do you need to play and win the game?

Not want or good to have.

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17 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Your definition of p2w is so broad that it have lost its meaning mate.

My definition is as strict and clear cut as it possible gets. Yours is the one that is blurry, broad, and can mean anything you want.
As i've said multiple times, P2W is a yes/no answer.

Can this purchase give me any kind of advantage? Yes, is pay to win. No, is not pay to win.
Can gems give me any kind of advantage in Guild Wars 2? Yes, is pay to win then.

Nothing broad about it. 

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27 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

My definition is as strict and clear cut as it possible gets. Yours is the one that is blurry, broad, and can mean anything you want.
As i've said multiple times, P2W is a yes/no answer.

Can this purchase give me any kind of advantage? Yes, is pay to win. No, is not pay to win.
Can gems give me any kind of advantage in Guild Wars 2? Yes, is pay to win then.

Nothing broad about it. 

That's a valid definition for one personally, and absolutely useless for any type of discussion or valuation.

It's the same as saying: every game you pay for is pay to win.

It's a generalisation which leaves no room for interpretation or discussion.

GW2 has quite a few pay for convenience elements in it. Is it as pay to win as a game which forces a player to spend money to improve their gear and on convenience? According to your personal definition: yes.

That's why I said your black and white view is useless on this matter since declaring everything pay to win makes your opinion essentially worthless, it's all pay to win so it can't be an issue. 

That's exactly the reason your opinions have no constructive value on issues because most issues are far more complex than 0 and 1.

The same applies to developing content. Yes, the content quality has dropped. For all we know the diversification of content has brought in more reveneue to compensate (and thus keep the game alive). The solution thus would be to improve content quality, not quantity while still offering diverse content.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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6 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

You had me until the very last line the game almost die due to their sole focus on spvp mate.

There is a reason it get so little attention after the huge wad of cash they blew to try and make it into an esports.

It was the peak because alot of people bought and tried it to never login again.

The esport money came from the advertisement budget, so it didn't impact PvE in the slightest. Unfortunately it also didn't do much for PvP since it wasn't spent on development. For the record last year Colin said that they actually saw good returns on the esport push.

The real problem with PvP is how they botched it around HoT era. They held their biggest tournament ever in a meta so bad it was literally unwatchable. They made GW2 F2P at the time when elite specs first launched and core builds were completely useless against them. One could call that P2W even. The new gamemode Stronghold flopped and they did nothing to save it, Desert bl in WvW was also hated.

Then when most of the problems got fixed and we had a solid ranked system in place they scaled back PvP development because the old CEO took over as game director and he hated everything competitive.

GW2 esports wasn't pulling LoL numbers but it did roughly half of WoW tournaments. That's not bad. It had potential, wish Anet spent the advertisement budget on it again. Better than the ads they've been doing since..

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On 6/13/2024 at 9:26 PM, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Revenue means absolutely nothing for the health of a game

Do you think that a game can be healthy without being able to pay for it's servers, electricity, developer salaries, etc?

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1 hour ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

But thats not true.
There are many, many games that are not P2W.

Guild Wars 2 just isn't one of them.

By your earlier definition, any paid game with f2p option, or any game with any kind of cash shop (or paid expansions) would be p2w. The only ones that would not be would be the ones that are completely f2p, or single purchase (equal for everyone) only. And neither of those models would work for MMORPGs of decent size and quality.

Edit: after a thought, subscription model with no additional expansion/dlc purchases and no cashshop would qualify as well (and actually could work, unlike two previous cases). Haven't heard of any MMORPG like that though. So, basically, you're still comparing GW2 with pure theoretical games that do not exist.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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On 6/10/2024 at 6:16 PM, Panda.1967 said:

The current pacing of GW2 actually encourages people to go back to older zones. If you restructure it to force everyone into progressing the story chronologically then everyone will inevitably gravitate towards the newest zone only leaving past Expansion endgame content abandoned and making some parts of the story almost impossible for new players to complete. As it is now new players can choose which expansion they want to start and end their endgame journey in, and as a result they tend to remain longer in the zones they chose to end at. This level freedom distributes the playerbase out across multiple endgame maps and keeps the world alive and active.

I can't disagree with you XD

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On 6/11/2024 at 4:22 PM, Thornwolf.9721 said:

I've never had a single person tell me "I like this" infact most tell me "what is this trash?" 

Well it's people you brought in 🤣. But here is a question, how much % of those players still play the game and what do they think of the game's story.

Also, it's a very expected reaction they had, i wouldn't expect someone to like a story or end game contents by totally skipping everything the game wants you to learn. I will be honest, most players don't even know how to truly enjoy the MMOrpg-games, Most treat MMOrpg as a usal RPG game that needs to be cleared as fast as possible & level as fast as possible. Can't blame kids who play games like spiderman games and directly jump into MMO genre 😅

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On 6/14/2024 at 8:17 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

I am always astounded that some 'players' continue to play, or at least post on the forums repeatedly about, a game they have so little regard for.   If I thought the game was PaytoWin, a cash-grab, or had little to no redeeming qualities, I would play another game and frequent its forum.  Of course, that's just me. 

couldn't agree more. We do see you here 🙂 

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On 6/14/2024 at 5:40 PM, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Not all.
But GW2, yes, definitely.

"More convinient" is just an euphemism the industry came up with to not say Pay 2 win.

Do you even know what pay-to-win actually means? Gw2 pw2? 🤣

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14 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Can this purchase give me any kind of advantage? Yes, is pay to win. No, is not pay to win.
Can gems give me any kind of advantage in Guild Wars 2? Yes, is pay to win then.

May I ask what kind of advantage you can buy with gems? Revive orbs? 👀 Or perhaps the Musical Lute? It is indeed op I must admit. 

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9 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

May I ask what kind of advantage you can buy with gems? Revive orbs? 👀 Or perhaps the Musical Lute? It is indeed op I must admit. 

Any of those, yes. 
You can buy plenty of convinience items over other players, thats the very definition of paying to win.

26 minutes ago, August.5934 said:

Do you even know what pay-to-win actually means? Gw2 pw2? 🤣

Is a yes / no question.

Can you buy advantages over other players? Yes? Then is P2W.

If you wanna argue if its agressively P2W, passively P2W, barely P2W, those are just you moving the line one way or another. But the line of being P2W was crossed the moment the game had a cash shop. 


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20 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Any of those, yes. 
You can buy plenty of convinience items over other players, thats the very definition of paying to win.

noun [ U or C ]
UK   /kənˈviːniəns/
the fact of something being easy to do, get to, etc., or something that is useful and helpful: 

Convenience and comfort are both major factors in consumer choice.

the convenience of online shopping

We offer large parkinglots for customers' convenience.

These links are provided as a convenience and we accept no responsibility for their content.


UK   /ədˈvɑːn.tɪdʒ

a condition giving a greater chance of success: 

The advantage of booking tickets in advance is that you get better seats.

Despite the advantages of wealth and beauty, she did not have a happy life.

(abbreviation P2W)

in computer games, involving or relating to the practice of paying to get weapons, abilities, etc. that give you an advantage over players who do not spend money: 

The pay-to-win model has ruined videogames for me.

Advantage≠convenience so I ask again: What advantage can you buy with gems? 

Edited by Freya.9075
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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

The answer to gw2 pay to win is a no then.

Since you cant even list a single one.

The answer is a yes.
I said the whole cash shop. 

If you people like cash shop, microtransactions and P2W models, is okay, just say it, there is nothing wrong with it... Right?

Edited by Inssengrimm.7924
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3 minutes ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

The answer is a yes.
I said the whole cash shop. 

If you people like cash shop, microtransactions and P2W models, is okay, just say it, there is nothing wrong with it... Right?

What advantage is in the cash shop you have to pay for?

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